Attachment Exhibit 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20131206-00336 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.



                                      ATTACHMENT 1
                    Answers to Questions 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 20

         Lakefield Telecom, Inc. (“Transferor”) and Northeast Communications of Wisconsin,

Inc., d/b/a Nsight Teleservices (“Nsight” or “Transferee”) hereby request Commission

authorization for the transfer of control of the International Section 214 authorization for global

resale of switched services held by Transferor’s wholly-owned subsidiary Lakefield

Communications, Inc. (“LCI”) (File No. ITC-214-19961112-00570, granted December 31,


Answer to Question 10--Transferor Contact Information
The name, title, address, and telephone number of the officer or contact person for Transferor to
whom correspondence concerning the application is to be addressed is:

Philip Nass – General Manager
Lakefield Communications, Inc.
7520 English Lake Road
Manitowoc, WI 54220-9524
Telephone: 920-758-2211
Facsimile: 920-758-2997

With a copy to Counsel:
Gerard J. Duffy
Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP
2120 L Street, NW (Suite 300)
Washington, DC 20037
Telephone: (202) 659-0830
Facsimile: (202) 828-5568

Transferee Contact Information
The name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer or contact person for
Transferee to whom correspondence concerning the application is to be addressed is:

Mark M. Naze, CFO & Treasurer
Northeast Communications of Wisconsin, Inc., d/b/a Nsight Telservices
450 Security Boulevard
Green Bay, Wisconsin 54313
Telephone: 920-617-7000
Facsimile: 920-617-7329

Transfer of Control of LCI’s File No. ITC-214-19961112-00570


With a copy to Counsel:
Timothy E. Welch
Hill & Welch
1025 Connecticut Ave., NW #1000
Washington, DC 20036
Telephone: 202-857-1470
Facsimile: 301-622-2864

Prior Section 214 Authority

         Nsight controls an International Section 214 authorization for global resale of switched

services granted to its wholly-owned subsidiary NET LEC, LLC (File No. ITC-214-19970207-

00070, granted March 21, 1997).

         Under Transfer of Control File No. ITC-T/C-20071024-00436 Nsight obtained authority

to control the International Section 214 authorization for global resale of switched services

initially granted to Baynet, Inc. (File No. ITC-214-19970403-00193, granted May 23, 1997).

         Nsight is currently seeking authority to acquire control of Borderland Communications,

LLC’s International Section 214 authorization for global resale of switched services (File No.

ITC-214-19980715-00486, granted September 3, 1998) under File No. ITC-T/C-20131119-


Answer to Question 11
The names, addresses, citizenship and principal businesses of the entities that own at least ten
(10) percent of the equity of Transferee both prior to and subsequent to the proposed transaction

Name & Address              Equity %        Voting% Citizenship         Principal Business
Patrick D. Riordan           14.98%         16.00%    U.S.A.            Telecommunications
450 Security Blvd.
Green Bay, WI 54313

Robert H. Riordan            11.32%         12.10%             U.S.A.   Telecommunications
450 Security Blvd.
Green Bay, WI 54313

Tailwind Capital Partners 13.64%            14.57%             U.S.A      Private Equity
485 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10017
Transfer of Control of LCI’s File No. ITC-214-19961112-00570


        Family relationships: Patrick D. Riordan and Robert H. Riordan are siblings. The listed

shareholders are shown with the total ownership and voting interests attributable to themselves

and to their immediate families (spouses and/or children). With the exception of Patrick D.

Riordan, no single member of any of the families owns or votes a 10% or greater interest; Robert

H. Riordan owns less than 10% as an individual. The indicated voting interests are slightly

higher than the indicated equity interests because there is a small amount of non-voting stock

which dilutes the equity % relative to the voting %. No other individual or entity directly or

indirectly will own ten percent (10%) or more of the equity of Nsight prior to or subsequent to

the proposed transaction.

Answer to Question 13
        The proposed transaction will be accomplished by the merger of Lakefield Acquisition II,

Inc., a newly-formed Wisconsin corporation owned 100 percent by Nsight, with and into

Lakefield, with Lakefield continuing as the surviving corporation. The existing shares and rights

of Lakefield’s pre-merger shareholders will be canceled and extinguished, subject to various

provisions for the payment of the merger consideration to such pre-merger Lakefield

shareholders, and Transferee’s shares will be converted into shares of the surviving corporation.
At the completion of the merger all of the issued and outstanding common stock of Lakefield

will be owned by Nsight. Control of Lakefield will give Nsight control over the subject the

International Section 214 authorization for global resale of switched services held by

Transferor’s wholly-owned subsidiary LCI -- File No. ITC-214-19961112-00570, granted

December 31, 1996.

Answer to Questions 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18

        Neither Lakefield nor LCI nor Nsight: (a) is a foreign carrier; (b) controls, is controlled

by, or is under common control with a foreign carrier; (c) is affiliated with a foreign carrier; nor

Transfer of Control of LCI’s File No. ITC-214-19961112-00570


(d) will be affiliated with a foreign carrier upon consummation of the proposed transfer of


Answer to Question 20

        The Applicants qualify for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the

Commission's Rules because: (a) neither Lakefield nor LCI nor Nsight is affiliated with any

foreign carrier in any destination market; (b) neither Lakefield nor LCI nor Nsight is affiliated

with any dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private line services LCI seeks

authority to resell; (c) neither Lakefield nor LCI nor Nsight seeks authority to provide switched

basic services over private lines to any country and not to any country for which the Commission

has not previously authorized the provision of switched services over private lines; and (d)

neither Lakefield nor LCI nor Nsight has any reason to believe that the Commission will inform

it in writing that this application is not eligible for streamlined processing.

Transfer of Control of LCI’s File No. ITC-214-19961112-00570

Document Created: 2013-12-06 15:34:31
Document Modified: 2013-12-06 15:34:31

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