Attachment 20170803163559-140.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20131206-00330 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


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 Ansvrer to (Ciu :s io 1 10

 Asia Consult    in   y Gijup, LL(         M¥ CC") ard M . J                 Vre    eland,    colle h el <‘he "Applicants"),
 purst ant to    se   tion 214 f t         Cw mt niatior ; A                 am     ‘nded,    7 U.5.(. > i 14. and Sections
 63.0¢ and 6:    .2   }c¢f t ie Ce mn      ssic n‘ R ile     ;, 47 C.Ff      63     94, 63.   4, re sp ict‘ul y equest Special
 Temp orary /    ut   ioty (PST A")        o i llev AC       3 to cor        to     provide   seivie to ct st imers pending
 Commission      ip   rc a of tl e ;       rtie s‘ loi it    Applicatic      sor    sent to   he ti an ife — c .. ontrol of ACG.
 ("Transfer of    C   on rc| Apy lice      on‘). Esc          use AC(        rea    1y prov   dirg se vice: t) international
 customers, tl   e    Ap »li :ants res     act all on iq1    est t nat       imr iission ¢(raint chis © T¥ n quest as soon
 as possible.

 ACG is a holc er     of ar    inte nat    na 2     4     au horiz    atic   . V    eeland, a J.. ..     iti    :el   ,    ras the former
 50 percent c wr      ar of   ACG C         Ji ie    31   , : 012,    AC     em     d Mr. ‘‘reali nc     s      530   6    interest in the
 Company. Ate          the    ransi ctic   i Mr.    /re   elind h     is 2   jity    or votir g iat re   st     n     he    Company and
 Mr. Abdul Mc he      m er     Sahc bze    ah, a    J.    .. litize   , b    the     99 persert w        ie      0     A   ;G. As a result
 of the transa :ti    n, M    . Saheb:;    da i t   as    95 perc     ant     ar    1 votinc inc:erss      i1    t‘   e    Zompary. The
 parties have ile     1i n    ipplicatic    to ar   or    ve the 1    an     cor    trol of 2 CC fion     N     r.    /r   eland.

 Grant of this S A e uest will en e che p iblic inte          t v ill allow ACG tc p ov de uninterrupted
 telecommunicat or s : ervices (© iring t ae pendency c. _..— Tra isfer of Cent.ol Af plca.ion before the
 FCC, thereby avoiding the loss of vital communications services by its customers. Further, as
 described more fully in the assignment application, allowing ACG to continue operations until such
 time as the application is approved will promote competition in the domestic and international
 communications services marketplace. Finally, grant of the instant request will allow Appl|cants to
 come into compliance, thereby reducing the administrative burden on the Commission.

 The Applicants acknowledge that grant of this STA request will not prejudice any action the
 Commission might take on the Transfer of Control Application, and the STA may be revoked by the
 Commission on its own motion and without a hearing. Applicants further acknowledge that grant of
 this STA request and the Transfer of Control Application will not preclude enforcement action.

! File No. ITC—214—20070928——00393(granted
                                         October 19, 2007).

»olieietaiatatetetatatatetek —COMM . JOURNAL— soletataletetatatolatalolototototelok: DATE JAN—B2—201.4 stelstsiok TIME 14117 stolotololotolok

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Document Created: 2019-05-23 23:41:29
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 23:41:29

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