T3 Intermediate FCC

LETTER submitted by T3 North Intermediate Holdings, LLC



This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20131105-00295 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                        Before the
                            Federal Communications Commission
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                   )
NTS, Inc., Transferor                              )
                                                   )        File Nos. ITC-T/C-2013_______
and                                                )                  ITC-T/C-2013_______
T3 North Intermediate Holdings, LLC, Transferee )           WC Docket No. _______
Consolidated Application for Consent               )
to Transfer Control of NTS, Inc., and Subsidiaries )
Possessing Blanket Domestic and International      )
Section 214 Authority                              )

To:    International Bureau
       Wireline Competition Bureau

                          CONSOLIDATED APPLICATION

               Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 214 (the “Act”), and Section 63.03, 63.04 and 63.24(e) of the Commission’s Rules,

47 C.F.R. § 63.03, 63.04 and 63.24(e), NTS, Inc. (“NTS” or “Transferor”), and T3 North

Intermediate Holdings, LLC (“T3 Intermediate” or “Transferee” and, together with NTS, the

“Applicants”), hereby respectfully request the authority necessary to consummate a transaction

(the “Transaction”) whereby T3 Intermediate will acquire direct control of NTS and indirect

control of NTS’s subsidiaries. Two NTS subsidiaries — NTS Communications, Inc., and Xfone

USA, Inc. — hold international Section 214 authorizations, and these and other subsidiaries (the

“Subsidiary Licensees,” and collectively with NTS the “Licensees”) hold domestic Section 214

authorizations as set forth herein. NTS is a holding and managing company providing, through

its subsidiaries, integrated communications services, which include voice, video and data, over

its Fiber-To-The-Premises (“FTTP”) and other networks.

                                                                      Application for Transfer of Control
                                                                          of NTS, Inc., and Subsidiaries
                                                                                                   Page 2

               The Applicants respectfully request streamlined treatment of the Application

pursuant to Sections 63.03 and 63.12 of the Rules. This Application is eligible for streamlined

processing of domestic transfer of control applications pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(1) of the

Rules because Transferee is not a telecommunications provider. This Application also is eligible

for streamlined treatment pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2)(i) of the Rules because (1) following

consummation of the proposed Transaction, Transferee and its affiliates (as defined in Section

3(2) of the Act) will have less than a 10 percent share of the interstate, interexchange market and

will provide competitive telephone exchange services exclusively in areas served by a dominant

local carrier not a party to the Transaction; and (2) none of the Applicants or any of their

affiliates are regulated as dominant with respect to any service.

               This Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section

63.12(c) of the Rules because Transferee is not a foreign carrier itself and is not (and upon

consummation of the Transaction would not be) affiliated with any foreign carrier or any

dominant U.S. carrier.


               Applicants have entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (“Agreement”)

dated as of October 20, 2013, pursuant to which T3 Intermediate intends to acquire direct

ownership and control of NTS and indirect control of NTS’s subsidiaries. T3 Intermediate is a

Nevada limited liability company and a wholly owned subsidiary of T3 North Holdings, LLC

(“T3 Holdings”), a Delaware limited liability company. Tower Three Partners Fund II LP (“T3P

II”), a Delaware limited partnership, holds all of the direct ownership interests in, and exercises

voting control of, T3 Holdings. Prior to closing, T3 Holdings will be converted to a Delaware

                                                                       Application for Transfer of Control
                                                                           of NTS, Inc., and Subsidiaries
                                                                                                    Page 3

corporation wholly owned by T3P II, and T3 Intermediate will be converted to a Nevada

corporation wholly owned by T3 Holdings.

               The proposed Transaction will be accomplished by the merger of North Merger

Sub, Inc. (“Merger Sub”), a Nevada corporation wholly owned by T3 Intermediate, with and into

NTS, with NTS surviving the merger as a direct, wholly owned subsidiary of T3 Intermediate.

Immediately prior to the effective time of the merger, each share of NTS’s common stock

(excluding the Rollover Shares described below) will be cancelled, with the holders of such

shares being entitled to receive $2.00 per share. Guy Nissenson, NTS’s Chairman, President and

Chief Executive Officer, has entered into a separate rollover agreement whereby certain shares of

NTS common stock beneficially owned by Mr. Nissenson will be rolled over into shares of T3

Holdings. T3P II will continue to hold greater than 90 percent of the direct ownership and voting

interests in T3 Holdings; Mr. Nissenson’s interest in T3 Holdings will be well under 10 percent.

               The business and affairs of T3 Holdings will be managed by its board of directors,

which is expected to consist of William D. Forrest, Daniel Bellissimo, Michael Nold, and Guy

Nissenson. Mr. Forrest and Mr. Nold are U.S. citizens. Mr. Bellissimo is a Canadian citizen.

Mr. Nissenson is a British, Argentinian, and Israeli citizen. The business and affairs of T3

Intermediate is expected to be managed by its president, Mr. Forrest.

               Upon closing, it is likely that there will be outstanding warrants for the purchase

of 450,000 shares of NTS, Inc., common stock. These warrants may not be exercised later than

May 1, 2014. In the event that the warrants are exercised, T3 Intermediate will effect a short

form merger under Nevada law, whereby T3 Intermediate will merge with and into NTS, Inc.,

with NTS, Inc. then becoming a wholly owned direct subsidiary of T3 North Holdings, Inc.

Applicants certify that this post-closing reorganization, should it take place, will not result in any

Document Created: 2013-12-11 14:44:31
Document Modified: 2013-12-11 14:44:31

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