Attachment Transfer Application

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20130912-00243 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


   BIN G H A M

                         Jean Kiddoo
                         Danielle Burt

                         September 12, 2013

                         Via Electronic Filing

                         Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                         Federal Communications Commission
                         International Bureau Applications
                         P.O. Box 979093
                         St. Louis, MO 63197—9700

                         Re:        In the Matter of the Joint Application of Epsilon Global Communications Pte
                                    Ltd.   ("Transferee"),     Andreas Hipp        ("Transferor‘") and Epsilon
                                    Telecommunications (US) Pte Ltd. ("Licensee"), for Grant of Authority
                                    Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and
                                    Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission‘s Rules to Complete a Transfer of

                         Dear Ms. Dortch:

                         On behalf of Epsilon Global Communications Pte Ltd. ("Epsilon Global"), Andreas Hipp
                         and Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte Ltd. ("Epsilon"), enclosed for filing is an
                         application for authority of the transfer of control of Licensee to Epsilon Global.

                         This filing and the applicable credit card payment in the amount of $1,050.00 which
                         satisfy the filing fees required for the applications under line 2.b of Section 1.1105 of the
                         Commission‘s rules, are being submitted electronically through the MyIBFS.
                         Please direct any questions regarding this filing to the undersigned.
             Hartford    Respectfully submitted,
           Hong Kong
          Los Angeles
             New York
                         Jean Kiddoo
       Orange County
                         Danielle Burt
        San francisco
        Santa Monica
        Silicon Valley
                Tokyo    Counsel for Applicants

Bingham McCutchen LLP
      2020 K Street NW
       Washington, DC

    I +1.202.373.6000
    F +1.202.373.6001


                                    Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Joint Application of             )
Andreas Hipp                                          )
       Transferor,                                    )
Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd.             )
       Licensee,                                      )
                                                      )      File No. ITC-T/C-2013 - - -
and                                                   )
Epsilon Global Communications Pte. Ltd                )
       Transferee,                                    )
For Authority Pursuant to Section                     )
214 of the Communications Act of 1934,                )
as Amended, for the Transfer of                       )
Control of an Authorized U.S. International           )
Communications Common Carrier                         )


         Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd. ("Epsilon"), Andreas Hipp, and Epsilon

Global Communications Pte. Ltd. ("Epsilon Global") (collectively, the "Applicants"), through

their undersigned counsel and pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended, 4 7

U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.24(e) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e), hereby

respectfully request Commission approval for the transfer of control of Epsilon, a non-dominant

international service carrier holding Commission authorization, to Epsilon Global (the

"Transaction"). 1 Although the Transaction will result in a change in the ownership of Epsilon,

       Applicants are concurrently filing (i) an Application for a transfer of control of Epsilon to
Mr. Hipp, which occurred in May 2012, and (ii) a Request for Special Temporary Authority in
connection with that transfer in May 2012.


no assignment of authorizations, assets, or customers will occur as a consequence of the

proposed Transaction. 2 Immediately following the Transaction, Epsilon will continue to provide

service to its existing customers pursuant to its authorizations under the same rates, terms and

conditions. Accordingly, this Transaction will have no immediate effect on the rates, terms and

conditions of service of the customers of Epsilon.

          In support of the Application, Applicants state as follows:


         Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined processing

pursuant to Sections 63.12(a)-(b) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(a)-(b).           In

particular, none of the exclusionary criteria set forth in Section 63.12(c) applies as described

more fully in Section V below.           Accordingly, this Application qualifies for streamlined

processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission's Rules.


         A.      Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd. and Andreas Hipp

          Epsilon is a company formed in Singapore and located at 151 Lorong Chuan, #06-01A

New Tech Park, Singapore 556741.            Epsilon is authorized to provide telecommunications

services in Singapore and holds international Section 214 authority to operate in the United

States as a facilities-based and resale international carrier pursuant to File No. ITC-214-

20110316-00077 granted on April 29, 2011. Epsilon is currently owned by Andreas Hipp (70%),

an Austrian citizen, and Jerzy Szlosarek (30%), a United Kingdom citizen. Mr. Hipp and Mr.

Szlosarek may be contacted at 151 Lorong Chuan, #06-01A New Tech Park, Singapore 556741.

      Epsilon obtained international Section 214 authority pursuant to File No. ITC-214-
20110316-00077 granted on April29, 2011.


           B.     Epsilon Global Communications Pte. Ltd.

           Epsilon Global is a holding company formed in Singapore with its principal offices at 1,

Kim Seng Promenade #07-02 Great World City Singapore 237994. Epsilon Global, through its

subsidiaries, offers voice and data connectivity solutions to carriers and service providers

including services such as co-location, system integration, installation, and maintenance. Its

subsidiaries that provide telecommunications services are:

      1. Epsilon Telecommunications (SP) Pte Ltd, which is incorporated in Singapore, holds a

           license to provide telecommunications services in Singapore.

     2. Epsilon Telecommunications Limited, which is incorporated in the United Kingdom,

           holds licenses to provide telecommunications services in Austria, Belgium, France,

           Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

     3. Epsilon Telecommunications (HK) Limited, which is incorporated in Hong Kong, holds a

           license to provide telecommunications services in Hong Kong.


           On September 5, 2013, Epsilon Global, Mr. Hipp, and Mr. Szlosarek entered into an

agreement for Epsilon Global to acquire all of the shares of Epsilon. As a result, Epsilon will

become a wholly owned subsidiary of Epsilon Global. For the Commission's convenience, a

diagram depicting the pre- and post-Transaction corporate structure of Epsilon is attached hereto as

Exhibit A.

           Epsilon Global is managerially, technically and financially well-qualified to become the

new owner of Epsilon. Epsilon Global, through its subsidiaries, has an extensive background in

managing telecommunications companies that offer voice and data connectivity solutions to

A/75642218 ,6

earners and service providers.      In addition, Epsilon Global has access to capital resources

through its shareholders and investment partners.


          Applicants submit that approval of the Transaction described herein serves the public

interest. The transfer of control of Epsilon to Epsilon Global will allow Epsilon to strengthen its

ability to compete and offer a greater variety of telecommunication services in the United States.

Following the Transaction, Epsilon will have the managerial and financial support of Epsilon

Global. In addition, after the Transaction is consummated, Epsilon will continue to provide the

same high-quality telecommunications as are currently offered. The Transaction will not result

in a change of carrier for any customer or assignment of any existing Commission authorizations.

Further, Epsilon's customers continue to receive the same services that they previously received

without any changes to the rates, terms and conditions as a result of the transaction. Accordingly,

the Transaction will be transparent to customers, and in no event will it result in the

discontinuance, reduction, loss, or impairment of service to customers.


         Pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of the Commission's Rules, the Applicants submit the

following information requested in Section 63.18 (a)-(d) and (h)-(p) in support of this


         (a)      Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:

               Andreas Hipp                                         FRN:0022830004
               151 Lorong Chuan, #06-0 1A
               New Tech Park
               Singapore 556741
               Tel: +65 3106 4020



                Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd.                FRN:0020519500
                151 Lorong Chuan, #06-01A
                New Tech Park
                Singapore 556741
                Tel: +65 3106 4020


                Epsilon Global Communications Pte. Ltd.                  FRN:0022830103
                151 Lorong Chuan, #06-01A
                New Tech Park
                Singapore 556741
                Tel: +65 3106 4020

          (b)       Jurisdiction of Applicants:

                    Transferor:           Andreas Hipp is an individual Austrian citizen.

                    Licensee:             Epsilon is a Singapore corporation.

                    Transferee:           Epsilon Global is a Singapore corporation.

          (c)       Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

              Jean L. Kiddoo                             Sundraj Naidu
              Danielle Burt                              Marianne Lee
              Bingham McCutchen LLP                      151 Lorong Chuan, #06-0 1A
              2020 K Street, N.W.                        New Tech Park
              Washington, DC 20006                       Singapore 556741
              Tel:    (202) 373-6000                     Tel: +65 3106 4020
              Fax: (202) 373-6001                        Fax: +65 6281 0470
              Email:             Email:
                      danielle. burt@ bingham. com    

          (d)       Section 214 Authorizations Held

                    Transferor:    Andreas Hipp does not hold any domestic or international Section
                                   214 authority.


                   Licensee:       Epsilon holds international Section 214 authority pursuant to File
                                   No. ITC-214-20110316-00077 granted on April 29, 2011. Epsilon
                                   does not hold any domestic Section 214 authority.

                   Transferee:     Epsilon Global does not hold any domestic or international Section
                                   214 authority.

          (h)      Ownership of Epsilon

          Pre-Transaction Ownership of Epsilon

                The following individuals hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, direct or indirect,
                ownership interest in Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd.:

                   Name:                   Andreas Hipp
                   Address:                151 Lorong Chuan, #06-0 1A
                                           New Tech Park
                                           Singapore 556741
                   Citizenship:            Austrian
                   Percentage Owned:       70%
                   Principal Business:     Individual

                   Name:                   Jerzy Szlosarek
                   Address:                151 Lorong Chuan, #06-01A
                                           New Tech Park,
                                           Singapore 556741
                   Citizenship:            United Kingdom
                   Percentage Owned:       30%
                   Principal Business:     Individual

          Post-Transaction Ownership of Epsilon

                The following entity will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, direct or indirect,
                ownership interest in Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd.:

                   Name:                   Epsilon Global Communications Pte. Ltd.
                   Address:                151 Lorong Chuan, #06-01A
                                           New Tech Park
                                           Singapore 556741
                   Citizenship:            Singapore
                   Percentage Owned:       100% direct ownership in Epsilon
                   Principal Business:     Investment holding company

                The following entities and individual will hold a ten percent (1 0%) or greater, direct
                or indirect, ownership interest in Epsilon Global Communications Pte. Ltd.:

N756422l8 .6

                 Name:                  Fexos Limited
                 Address:               Palm Grove House,
                                        P.O. Box 438,
                                        Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
                 Citizenship:           British Virgin Islands
                 Percentage Owned:      37.55% (45.85% including indirect ownership interests)
                 Principal Business:    Investment holding

                 Name:                  Kerry Asset Management Limited
                 Address:               P.O. Box 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre,
                                        Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands
                 Citizenship:           British Virgin Islands
                 Percentage Owned:      18.77%
                 Principal Business:    Asset Management

                 Name:                  Michael John Christopher Stone
                 Address:               Ozleworth Park, Wotton Under Edge,
                                        GL12 7QA United Kingdom
                 Citizenship:           United Kingdom
                 Percentage Owned:      16.83%
                 Principal Business:    Individual

              The following entities and individual will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, direct
              or indirect, ownership interest in Fexos Limited:

                 Name:                  Kerry Holdings Limited
                 Address:               31/F., Kerry Centre,
                                        683 King's Road,
                                        Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
                 Citizenship:           Hong Kong
                 Percentage Owned:      100%
                 Principal Business:    Investment holding

              The following entities and individual will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, direct
              or indirect, ownership interest in Kerry Holdings Limited:

                 Name:                  Kerry Group Limited
                 Address:               The Offices ofHSBC Trustee (Cook Islands) Limited,
                                        Bermuda House, Tutakimoa Road,
                                        Rarotonga, Cook Islands
                 Citizenship:           Cook Islands
                 Percentage Owned:      100%
                 Principal Business:    Investment holding


                   No individual or entity holds 10% or more of Kerry Group Limited.

                Other than the entities and individuals described above, no other entity or individual
                will directly or indirectly own or control 10% or more of Epsilon
                Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd. following the Transaction.

                To the best of Epsilon Global's knowledge, the following director of Epsilon Global
                also serves as a director of a foreign carrier as defined in Section 63.09(d):

                   Andreas Hipp:
                   Epsilon Telecommunications Holdings Limited
                   Epsilon Telecommunications Limited
                   Epsilon Global Hubs Limited
                   Epsilon Telecommunications (HK) Limited
                   Epsilon Telecommunications (SP) Pte. Ltd.
                   Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd.

          (i)      Epsilon Global certifies it not a foreign carrier within the meaning of Section
                   63.09(d) ofthe Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.09(d). Epsilon Global further
                   certifies that it owns and controls foreign carrier subsidiaries that hold licenses
                   and operate as a telecommunications service provider in Austria, Belgium, France,
                   Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands Singapore, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

         (j)       Epsilon Global certifies that Epsilon seeks to provide international
                   telecommunications services to all global points, including Austria, Belgium,
                   France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands Singapore, Switzerland and United
                   Kingdom where Epsilon Global's foreign carrier subsidiaries operate. The only
                   exception is Epsilon is not seeking authority to provide service to any point on the
                   Commission's Exclusion List, which currently is only Cuba on a facilities basis.

         (k)       Austria, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands Singapore,
                   Switzerland and United Kingdom are Members of the World Trade Organization,
                   and Epsilon Global's foreign carrier subsidiaries lack market power in the relevant
                   services market of Austria, Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands
                   Singapore, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

         (I)       See response to item (m), below.

         (m)       Epsilon Global presumptively qualifies for non-dominant treatment to Austria,
                   Belgium, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands Singapore, Switzerland and
                   United Kingdom pursuant to Section 63.1 O(a)(3) of the Commission's Rules, 47
                   C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(3). Epsilon Global's foreign carrier subsidiaries do not have
                   more than a 50% market share in the relevant service markets, and Epsilon Global
                   is therefore presumptively considered to be a non-dominant service provider.

N75642218 6

           (n)   Epsilon Global certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions
                 directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier where the foreign carrier possesses
                 market power on the foreign end of the route and Epsilon Global will not enter
                 into such agreements in the future.

           (o)   Epsilon Global certifies, pursuant to Sections 1.200 1 through 1.2003 of the
                 Commission's Rules (implementing the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C.
                 § 862), that it is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section
                 5301 ofthe Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

           (p)   This application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of
                 the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12. Although Epsilon Global owns and
                 controls foreign carrier subsidiaries that operate in Austria, Belgium, France,
                 Hong Kong, Ireland, Netherlands Singapore, Switzerland and United Kingdom, it
                 qualifies for a presumption of non-dominance under Section 63.10(a)(3) because
                 its foreign carrier subsidiaries lack a 50% market share in the relevant service
                 markets on the foreign end of the route.


          For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application.

                                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                                  Jean Kiddoo
                                                  Danielle Burt
                                                  Bingham McCutchen LLP
                                                  2020 K Street, N.W.
                                                  Washington, DC 20006
                                                  Tel:       (202) 373-6000
                                                  Fax:       (202) 373-6001
                                                            danielle. burt@bingham. com

                                                   Counsel for Epsilon Telecommunications (US)
                                                      Pte. Ltd.
Dated: September 12,2013

N75642218 ,6

                                    Exhibit A

              Illustrative Pre- and Post-Transaction Corporate Charts


Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd.

Pre-transaction Corporate chart.

                 Andreas Hipp                     Jerzy Slzosarek      Roy Martin Bell

           40%                              30%                                      30%

                                                 (US) PTE. LTD.
                                            (Singapore Incorporated)

Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd.

Post-transaction Corporate chart.

                                        #Zheng Ge Ru Foundation


                                                                              Tangkakji Limited
                                                                       (Incorporated in Hong Ko ng)

                                               Kerry Group Limited
                                         (Incorporated in Cook Islands)


                                              Kerry Holdings Limited
                                               (Incorporated in HK)


                                                                                                                 Comprises individual
         Kerry Assets                            FEXOS LIMITED                              Michael John
                                                                                                              shareholders who hold less
     Management Limited                       (Incorporated in BVI)                       Christopher Stone
                                                                                                                 than 10% of shares


                                                EPSILON GLOBAL
                                        COMMUNICATIONS PTE. LTD.
                                            (Singapore Incorporated)

                                                 (US) PTE. LTD.
                                            (Singapore Incorporated)

 #Zheng Ge Ru Foundation is a company limited by guarantee and is a charitable organization.
 It is the only principal shareholder holding 10% or more of the ordinary shares of Kerry Group Limited.


            I, Andreas Hipp, state that I am Director of Epsilon Global Communications Pte. Ltd.; that

the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents are true

and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

            I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this _

day of September, 2013.

                                                              C#7]      / PC
                                                         Nameé: Ar;fl‘reas Hipp
                                                         Title: Director
                                                         Epsilon Global Communications Pte. Ltd

A/TSt422 18.$


            l, Jerzy Szlosarek, state lhat l am Director of Epsi lon Telecomm unications (US) Pte. Ltd.;

that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents are

true and correct to lhe best of my knowledge, ini'O rmation, and belief.

             f declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is lrue and correct. Executed this_]_

day of September, 20 I 3.

                                                          Name: Jerzy Szlosarek
                                                          Title: Director
                                                          Epsilon Telecommunications (US) Pte. Ltd.

IV7S(>•l22l8 S

Document Created: 2013-09-12 14:32:31
Document Modified: 2013-09-12 14:32:31

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