Livingston 214 Inter

SUPPLEMENT submitted by USConnect Holdings, Inc.



This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20130719-00191 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


David Nace

From:                       David Nace
Sent:                       Tuesday, July 30, 2013 7:56 AM
Co:                         ‘Sumita Mukhoty‘
Subject:                    Joint Domestic/International 214 application for a transfer of control of The Livingston
                            Telephone Company and Telcom Supply, Inc.
Attachments:                Livingston 214 Domestic supplement letter with attach 7—24—13.pdf

Dear Adrienne,

The attached document and information provided below are submitted in response to information requests by Sumita
Mukhoty of the International Bureau. | request your assistance to include it with the application filed July 19, 2013,
Submission ID 1B2013001588.

Direct and indirect ownership interests in USConnect Holdings, Inc. ("USConnect" or "Transferee") are identified in the
application and the attached supplement. Contact information for each entity with at least a 10% direct or indirect
interest in Transferee is provided here:

             (a) Brazoria Telephone Company:

                 John H. Greenberg, President and Manager
                 Brazoria Telephone Company
                 PO Box 2008
                 Brazoria, TX 77422—2008
                 Telephone: 979—798—2121

            (b) Dickey Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.

                 Robert Johnson, General Manager
                 Dickey Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
                 PO Box 69
                 Ellendale, ND 58436—0069
                 Telephone: 701—344—5000

            (c) FTC Management Group, Inc. and its parent company, Farmers Telephone Cooperative, Inc.

                 Brad Erwin, CEO
                 Farmers Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
                 PO Box 588
                 Kingstree, SC 29556—0588
                 Telephone: §43—382—2333

            (d) Golden West Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc.

                 Denny Law, General Manager
                 Golden West Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc.
                 PO Box 411
                 Wall, SD 57790—0411
                 Telephone: 605—279—2161

             (e) Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc.

                 Michael Hagg, CEO
                 Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
                 PO Box 1820
                 Conway, SC 29528—1820
                 Telephone: §43—365—2151

             (f) MLStar, LLC

                 Leo Staurulakis
                 Manny Staurulakis
                 7852 Walker Drive, Suite 200
                 Greenbelt, MD 20770
                 Telephone: 301 —459—7590

If any questions arise please contact me.

Thank you.


8300 Greensboro Drive
Suite 1200
McLean, Virginia 22102
direct dial 703.584.8661
fax line    703.584.8696

CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: The information contained in this communication is intended only for the use of addressee and
may be privileged, confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not
the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is
strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender and then
delete this communication including any attachments. Thank you.

Confirmation Page                                                                                    Page 1 of 1

                              Your submission has been accepted
                                 [ ECFS Filing Receipt — Confirmation number: 2013724823332 Ifi

                                  ’ Proceeding }
                                                      Name   Subject
                                                             Joint Transfer of Control from The
                                                             Livingston Telephone Company and
                                                             Telcom Supply to USConnect
                                                             Acquisitions I, Inc

                                  | Contact Info i
                                             Name of Filer:   The Livingston Telephone Company
                                           Email Address:
                                    Attorney/Author Name:     David L. Nace
                                   Lawfirm Name (required     Lukas, Nace, Gutierrez & Sachs, LLP
                                          if represented by

                                  I Address i
                                            Address For:      Law Firm
                                          Address Line 1:     8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1200
                                                    City:     McLean
                                                   State:     VIRGINIA
                                                     Zip:     22102

                                   Small Business Impact: NO
                                            Type of Filing: SUPPLEMENT

                                  File Name                                  Custom DescriptionSize
                                   Livingston 214 Domestic supplement letter Supplement         304
                                  with attach 7—24—13.pdf                       PP                  KB

                                  This confirmation verifies that ECFS has received and
                                  accepted your filing. However, your filing will be rejected
                                  by ECFS if it contains macros, passwords, redlining, read—
                                  only formatting, a virus, or automated links to other
                                  Filings are generally processed and made available for
                                  online viewing within one business day of receipt. You
                                  may use the link below to check on the status of your
                                  For any problems please contact the Help Desk at 202—
                                  418—0193. l1 ubdphwsrudec                           7/24/2013

8300 Greensboro Dr.        David L. Nace                                                         LU KAS
Suite 1200                 (703) 584—8661                                   LNGS                             ‘
Mclean, VA 22102                                                       N AC E M
                                                                                                 GUT[ ERREZ

                                                                                                 & SACHS, us

                                                July 24, 2013

Filed via ECFS

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

         Re:        WC Docket 13—186

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       The Joint Application for the transfer of control of The Livingston Telephone Company
("LTC") and its subsidiary, Telcom Supply, Inc., as holders of domestic and international
Section 214 authorizations, is supplemented to provide the following information:

             1. As indicated by the application, five preferred stockholders of USConnect Holdings,
                Inc. ("USConnect") are local exchange carriers or affiliated with a local exchange
                carrier. None of service territories of those five stockholders (or affiliates) adjoins or
                overlaps the local exchange service territory of LTC. Attached is a list of county areas
                served in full or in part by the five companies as well as their service area maps:

                (a) Brazoria Telephone Company

                (b) Dickey Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc.

                (c) Farmers Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (parent of FTC Management Group, Inc.)

                (d) Golden West Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc.

                (e) Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc.

                With reference to the companies named at item 1(a) through (e) above, all are
                corporations organized as cooperatives in which no stockholder owns or votes as
                much as a one percent interest. FTC Management Group, Inc. is a wholly owned
                subsidiary of Farmers Telephone Cooperative, Inc., a South Carolina corporation with
                the same address. There are no other ownership interests to be disclosed in order to
                comply with Section 63.04(a)(4) of the Commission‘s rules.

                Leo Stauruakis and Manny Staurulakis do not own any other telecommunications
                entities, either individually or jointly (except to the extent either may from time to

July 24, 2013
Page 2

           time hold small, non—controlling interests in public companies engaged in

       4. The application is corrected on page 2 to indicate that applicants request streamlined
          processing, consistent with the same request on page 11. As indicated in item 1 of this
          supplement, there are no adjacencies or overlaps in local exchange service territories
           of parties to the application.

         Should any questions arise with regard to this matter, please communicate directly with
this office.

                                             Very truly yours,

                                             4M (M—
                                             David L. Nace

Ce:    Jodie May (FCC, by email)
       Tracey Wilson Parker (FCC, by email)
       Sylvia Lesse (by email)

Telco                                        Counties Served   State   Coverage

Brazoria Telephone Company
                                             Brazoria          TX       Partial

Dickey Rural Telephone Cooperative
                                             Barnes            ND       Partial
                                             Cass              ND       Partial
                                             Dickey            ND       Partial
                                             LaMoure           ND       Partial
                                             Logan             ND       Partial
                                             Mcintosh          ND       Partial
                                             Ransom            ND       Partial
                                             Sargent           ND       Partial
                                             Stutsman          ND       Partial
                                             Brown             SD       Partial
                                             Marshall          SD       Partial
                                             McPherson         SD       Partial

Farmers Telecommunications Cooperative
                                             Lee               SC       Partial
                                             Sumter            SC       Partial
                                             Clarendon         SC       Partial
                                             Florence          SC       Partial
                                             Willamsburg       SC       Partial
                                             Georgetown        SC       Partial

Golden West Telecommunications Cooperative
                                             Boyd              NE       Partial
                                             Dawes             NE       Partial
                                             Keya Paha         NE       Partial
                                             Sheridan          NE       Partial
                                             Sioux             NE       Partial
                                             Aurora            SD       Partial
                                             Bennett           SD       Partial
                                             Bon Homme         SD       Partial
                                             Charles Mix       SD       Partial
                                             Custer            SD       Partial
                                             Douglas           SD       Partial
                                             Fall River        SD         Full
                                             Gregory           SD       Partial
                                             Haakon            SD         Full
                                             Hutchinson        SD         Full
                                             Jackson           SD         Full
                                             Jones             SD         Full
                                             lLyman            SD       Partial
                                             McCook            SD       Partial
                                             Meade             SD       Partial
                                             Mellette          SD         Full
                                             Minnehaha         SD       Partial
                                             Moody             SD       Partial
                                             Pennington        SD       Partial
                                             Perkins           SD       Partial
                                             Shannon           SD       Partial
                                             Stantey           SD       Partial
                                             Todd              SD       Partial
                                             Tripp             SD         Full
                                             Turner            SD       Partial
                                             Yankton           SD       Partial
                                             Niobrara          Wy       Partial

Horry Telephone Cooperative
                                             Georgetown        SC       Partial
                                             Horry             SC       Partial
                                             Marion            SC       Partial

Dickey Rural

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             Golden West



Document Created: 2013-07-31 13:58:01
Document Modified: 2013-07-31 13:58:01

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