Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20130719-00191 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


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                                                                                      Writer‘s Direct Dial
                                                                                          (703) 584—8661

July 19, 2013
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Attn:   Jodie May, Competition Policy Division
        Wireline Competition Bureau

                   Re:   Joint Application for Transfer of Control of Domestic and International
                         Section 214 Authorizations from The Livingston Telephone Company and
                         Telcom Supply, Inc. to USConnect Acquisitions I, Inc., and ultimately
                         USConnect Holdings, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Transmitted herewith is a Joint Application for the transfer of control of domestic and
international Section 214 authorizations pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act and
Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules. The application requests authorization for the
transfer of control of The Livingston Telephone Company and Telcom Supply, Inc. to
USConnect Acquisitions I, Inc. and ultimately USConnect Holdings, Inc. The applicants request
streamlined processing of this application. A fee transmittal form, FCC Form 159, is submitted
with the application showing payment of a filing fee of $1,050.00.

        This application is also being filed electronically in the IBFS filing system for processing
by the International Bureau. A separate FCC filing fee will be paid with the submission.

        If any questions arise please communicate with this office.

                                          Respectft}lly submitted,

                                          David L. Nace
                                          Robert S. Koppel

                                          Counsel to USConnect Holdings, Inc. and USConnect
                                          Acquisitions I, Inc.

                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

                                                        Neswr! Nn‘ Nune! Nce‘ Nowe! Ne Nes! No Neme! Sum! Neee! Numt! Neud! Nesr! New! Nuss! New! Nuse! Nex! Ne! Nt Nent! Neut! Nuw! New! Near! Nex! Nunt! Ne Nuw! Nur! Nen!
     (FRN 0003738739)

       And its subsidiary:

    (FRN 0004974598),
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               WC Docket No.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                               File No. ITC—
    (FRN 0022834212)

       And its subsidiary:

    (FRN 0022834246),

Joint Application for Transfer of Control of
Section 214 Authorizations for
Domestic and International
Telecommunications Authorizations

                                   JOINT APPLICATION

       The Livingston Telephone Company ("LTC"), on behalf of its shareholders, and LTC‘s

wholly owned subsidiary, Telcom Supply, Inc. ("TSI") (jointly, the "214 Holders" or

"Transferors"), and USConnect Holdings Inc. ("USConnect") and its subsidiary USConnect

Acquisitions I, Inc. ("USConnect Acquisitions") (jointly, the "Transferees"), hereby request

approval of the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission") pursuant to Section 214

of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §214, and Sections 1.763, 63.03,

63.04, 63.18, and 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §1.763, 63.03, 63.04, 63.18, and

63.24(e), to transfer control of the Section 214 authorizations from the Transferors to the

Transferees. All parties are collectively referred to herein as the "Applicants."

1.     Combined Application to Transfer Control of Domestic and International Section
       214 Authorizations

       Under Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules, the Applicants are filing a combined

domestic and international application for the transfer of control of the Section 214

authorizations of the Transferors to the Transferees.

       This application does not qualify for streamlined processing under applicable rules.

II.    Applicants

       A.      The Livingston Telephone Company

       LTC is a Texas corporation formed in 1903. Its headquarters address is 701 W. Church

Street, Livingston, TX 77351. LTC is authorized by the Public Utility Commission of Texas

("PUC") to provide local telephone service as the incumbent local exchange carrier in certain

exchanges in Polk County, Texas..

       LTC is held by 49 shareholders. The 10% or greater owners of LTC are:

                              Percentage                                     Principal
Name and Address              Ownership                 Citizenship          Business

Sidney & Edythe Smith
  Family Partnership,
       LTD 30%*                18.08%                   US                   Investment
701 W. Church Street
Livingston TX 77351

Mary Alice Wise**              11.15%                 US                      Investment
701 W. Church Street
Livingston TX 77351

*Fred Smith and Robert Smith, sons of Sidney & Edythe Smith, each own an additional 5.54%
in their individual capacity.

** Charles Wise and Mary K. Wise, children of Mary Alice Wise, each own an additional 2.45%
in their individual capacity, and each hold (and vote) an additional 6.19% in individual trusts.

       B.      Telcom Supply, Inc.

       TSI, a wholly—owned subsidiary of LTC, is a corporation organized under the laws of

Texas. Its headquarters address is 701 W. Church Street, Livingston, TX 77351. TSI has

authority from the Commission to provide interstate and international telecommunications

services.‘ TSI currently provides interstate and international telecommunications services and

markets its services in the state of Texas solely within the local exchange service areas of its

parent company, LTC.

       C.      USConnect Holdings Inc.

       USConnect is a Delaware corporation formed on March 4, 2013. Its address is 1000 Elm

Street, Suite 1901, Manchester, NH 03101. USConnect was created to purchase and operate

rural local exchange carriers. The operations and management of the USConnect will be led by

experienced telecommunications executives. In addition, each of USConnect‘s major equity

shareholders is a company, or an affiliate of a company, which has extensive experience in the

telecommunications industry.

‘ TSI also holds Commission authority for the following: WQMC622 (3650 — 3700 band
operations); broadcast licenses for KETX—LP, KETX, and KETX—FM; and broadcast auxiliary
licenses KEH293 and KK2706. Applicants are simultaneously filing the appropriate FCC Forms
seeking approval for the transfer of control of these licenses.

        D.     USConnect Acquisitions I, Inc.

       USConnect Acquisitions is a corporation recently formed under Delaware law for the

purpose of acquiring the shares of LTC in the transaction described in Section III of this

application. Its address is 1000 Elm Street, Suite 1901, Manchester, NH 03101. USConnect

Acquisitions is a wholly—owned subsidiary of USConnect.

III.   Description of the Transaction

       LTC, USConnect and USConnect Acquisitions have entered into an Agreement and Plan

of Merger ("Agreement") whereby USConnect Acquisitions will be merged with and into LTC},

and LTC shall be the surviving corporation (the "Transaction"). Consummation of the

Transaction is contingent upon receipt of Commission approval.

       Following closing (1) LTC will continue to operate as an incumbent local exchange

carriers serving the same exchanges, and using in its operations the same assets, as it did prior to

the closing and (2) TSI will continue to operate as a provider of interexchange and resold

international services to the customers of LTC.

IV.    Public Interest Statement

       The Transaction furthers the public interest, convenience and necessity. LTC has served

residential and commercial customers in the Livingston area in Texas for over 100 years. TSI

has served these customers for 30 years. USConnect possesses the requisite financial and

managerial resources to maintain, and improve, the services provided by LTC and TSI.

       A.      Continued Provision of High—Quality Service is Ensured

       Following the Transaction, LTC will continue to provide local exchange service to its

customers, and TSI will continue to provide interexchange service to its customers. Further,

USConnect will bring greater financial resources to LTC and TSI.

        Customers will be notified of the transaction as required by the applicable state and

federal laws and regulations.

       B.      No Anti—Competitive Issues are Present

        The Transaction does not present any anti—competitive issues. TSI‘s total market share,

combined with that of equity owners of USConnect is less than ten percent (10%) of the

interstate interexchange and international telecommunications markets. There remain numerous

other interexchange carriers operating in the Texas areas where TSI will continue to market its


       In summary, the Transaction has no potential to harm the public interest and is expected

to preserve and increase competition in the domestic and international telecommunications


V.     Information Required by Section 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s Rules for a Transfer
       of Control Section 214 Authorizations

       In furtherance of this application the Applicants submit the specific information pursuant

to Section 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s rules. The following paragraphs refer to Sections (a)

through (d), and (h) through (p), of Section 63.18.

       (a) Name, address and telephone number of Applicants:

            214 Holders:
            The Livingston Telephone Company
            Telcom Supply Inc.

            701 West Church Street
            Livingston, TX 77351
            Attn: General Manager
            Tel: (936) 327—4309

            USConnect Holdings, Inc.
            US Connect Acquisitions I, Inc.

   1000 Elm Street, Suite 1901
   Manchester, NH 03101
   Attn: William E. King
   Tel: (603) 622—0379

(b) Each of the 214 Holders is a corporation organized under the laws of Texas.

   USConnect Holdings, Inc. is a corporation organized under the laws of Delaware.

   USConnect Acquisitions I, Inc. is a corporation organized under the laws of

(c) Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

   For the 214 Holders and Transferors:

   The Livingston Telephone Company
   701 West Church Street
   Livingston, TX 77351
   Attn: General Manager

   With copies to:

   Naman, Howell, Smith & Lee, PLLC
   8310 N. Capital of Texas Hwy. — Suite 490
   Austin, TX 78731
   Attn; Keith E. Gamel, Esq.
   Tel: (512) 479—0300

   Sylvia Lesse, Esq.
   Communications Advisory Counsel, LLC
   2154 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
   Washington, DC 20007
   Tel: (202) 333—5273
   E—mail: sylvia@independent—

   For the Transferees:

   USConnect Holdings, Inc.
   1000 Elm Street, Suite 1901
   Manchester, NH 03101
   Attn: William E. King
   Tel: (603) 622—0379

                 With copies to:

                 Shecehan Phinney Bass + Green PA
                1000 Elm Street
                Manchester, NH 03101
                Attn: Michael J. Drooff, Esq.
                Tel: (603) 627—8167

                David L. Nace, Esq.
                Lukas, Nace, Gutierrez & Sachs, LLP
                8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 1200
                McLean, VA 22102
                Tel: 703—584—8661

           (d) (i) TSI holds an international Section 214 authorization for global resale, File No.

                ITC—214—20001026—00630, granted December 7, 2000. LTC and TSI hold blanket

                domestic Section 214 authority to provide domestic telecommunications services.

                (ii) Neither of the Transferees currently provides telecommunications services and

                neither holds any Section 214 authorization.

           (h) As described above, USConnect owns 100% of USConnect Acquisitions. The

                following entities and individuals will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater attributable

                interest in USConnect when the Transaction closes. The preferred stock shareholders

                of USConnect, as a group, will hold 90% of the voting power.

                           (i) Brazoria Telephone Company ("Brazoria") will own 19.2857% of the

                              preferred stock of USConnect and have a 17.357% voting interest in

                              USConnect." Brazoria is a corporation organized in the state of Texas,

> Brazoria contemplates holding its interest in USConnect through an affiliated company and/or
the Hendrix Family Trust. The beneficiaries of the Hendrix Family Trust are Kathryn Ann
Goolsby, John Hendrix Greenberg, Gail Marie Rodgers, Debra Lynn Rasco, Lisa Suzette
(continued on next page)

                       and its address is PO Box 2008, Brazoria, TX 77422—2008. Brazoria‘s

                       principal business is telecommunications.                       1.

                   (ii) Dickey Rural Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ("Dickey") will own 19.2857%

                       of the preferred stock of USConnect and have a 17.357% voting interest in

                       USConnect. Dickey is a corporation organized in the state of North

                       Dakota, and its address is Box 69, Ellendale, ND 58436—0069. Dickey‘s

                       principal business is telecommunications.

                   (iii) FTC Management Group, Inc. ("FTC") will own 19.2857% of the

                       preferred stock of USConnect and have a 17.357% voting interest in

                       USConnect. FTC is a corporation organized in the state of South

                       Carolina, and its address is PO Box 588, Kingstree, SC 29556—0588.

                       FTC‘s principal business is communications.

                   (iv) Golden West Telecommunications Cooperative, Inc. ("Golden West")

                       will own 19.2857% of the preferred stock of USConnect and have a

                       17.357% voting interest in USConnect. Golden West is a corporation

                       organized in the state of South Dakota, and its address is PO Box 411,

                       Wall, SD 57790—0411. Golden West‘s principal business is


                   (v) Horry Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ("Horry") will own 19.2857% of the

                       preferred stock of USConnect and have a 17.357% voting interest in

Greenberg, Edith Pamela Chatagnier, and Robert Lewis Pewitt II. Each beneficiary holds a 1/7"
interest in the Hendrix Family Trust, and each beneficiary is a shareholder of Brazoria. In the
event that Brazoria does not directly hold its interest, this application will be amended to provide
details or, if this application is granted in the meantime, a notification of a pro forma transfer of
Brazoria‘s ownership interest will be submitted.

                  USConnect. Horry is a corporation organized in the state of South

                  Carolina, and its address is PO Box 1820, Conway, SC 29528—1820.

                  Horry‘s principal business is telecommunications.

      In addition to preferred stock issued by USConnect there will be common stock

      whose holders will have 10% of the voting power. While no common stockholder

      will hold as much as a 10% interest in USConnect, Leo Staurulakis and Manny

      Staurulakis, who are brothers principally engaged in the telecommunications

      consulting business, each own 1/3 of the common stock of USConnect, and jointly

      own MLStar, LLC, a limited liability company organized in Virginia, that will own

      3.6% of the preferred stock of USConnect. Both are United States citizens with the

      following business address: 7852 Walker Drive, Suite 200, Greenbelt, MD 20770.

      Section 63.18(h) also calls for disclosure of any interlocking directorates with a

      foreign carrier. Transferees and their affiliates have no interlocking directorates with

      a foreign carrier.

(i)    —Section 63.18(i) calls for a certification as to whether or not the applicant is, or is

affiliated with, a foreign carrier. Transferees hereby certify that neither is a foreign

carrier and neither is affiliated with a foreign carrier.

(J) Section 63.18(J) calls for a certification as to whether or not the applicant seeks to

provide international telecommunications services to any destination country for which

any of the following is true:

         (1) The applicant is a foreign carrier in that country. Transferees hereby certify

         that neither is a foreign carrier in any destination country.

          (2) The applicant controls a foreign carrier in that country. Transferees hereby

          certify that neither controls a foreign carrier in any destination country.

          (3) Any entity that owns more than 25 percent ofthe applicant, or that controls

          the applicant, controls a foreign carrier in that country. Transferees hereby

          certify that no entity that controls a foreign carrier in any destination country

          owns more than 25 percent of either of the Transferees.

          (4) Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that controlforeign carriers) own, in

          the aggregate, more than 25 percent ofthe applicant and are parties to, or the

          beneficiaries of, a contractual relation (e.g., a joint venture or market alliance)

          affecting the provision or marketing ofinternational basic telecommunications

          services in the United States. Transferees hereby certify that the foregoing

          statement is not true as relating to each Transferee.

(k) Section 63.18(k) calls for one of certain showings by the applicant for any destination

      country listed by the applicant in response to paragraph (J). Based upon Transferees‘

      certifications in response to Section 63.18(j), no showing is required of Transferees in

      response to Section 63.18(j).

(1)   In response to Section 63.18(1), Transferees do not propose to resell the international

      switched services of an unaffiliated U.S. carrier for the purpose of providing

      international telecommunications services to a country where it is a foreign carrier or

      is affiliated with a foreign carrier.

(m)Transferees hereby respond to Section 63.10(m) by confirming that neither is a

      foreign carrier, and neither is affiliated with a foreign carrier. Transferees satisfy the


         requirements of Section 63.10(a)(1) to be presumptively classified as "non—dominant"

         for the provision of international communications services.

      (n) Transferees certify that neither has agreed to accept special concessions directly or

         indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route where

         the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will

         not enter into such agreements in the future.

      (0) With reference to §§ 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the Commission‘s rules, Applicants

         certify that no party to the application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits

         pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. 853a.

      (p) Applicants request streamlined processing of this application pursuant to Section

         63.03(b)(2)(iii) of the Commission‘s Rules. Consummation of the proposed

         transaction would result in a market share in the interstate, interexchange market of

         less than 10% among Transferees and their affiliates. Similarly, the local exchange

         affiliates and subsidiaries Transfereees would have, collectively, fewer than 2% of the

         subscriber lines installed in the aggregate nationwide. Finally, the transaction would

         result in no new overlapping or adjacent local service areas

VI.      Additional Information Required by Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s Rules
         or Assignment/Transfer of Control

                 In response to requirements of Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules,

         the additional information required by Sections 63.04(a)(6) through 63.04(a)(12) is

         provided in Exhibit A to this application.

VIL      Conclusion

                 In view of the foregoing, Applicants respectfully submit that the public

         interest, convenience and necessity would be furthered by grant of this application.


Respectfully submitted,

                   on behalf of its shareholders

              Curtis Walzel, President

              Date:       7*/7*/3

              TELCOM SUPPJLY W
              By;                        /

              Curtis Walzel, President

              Date:          7 —// ? —/] 4


              Name & Title



              Name & Title



Respectifully submitted,

                    on behalf of its shareholders


               Curtis Walzel, President


               TELCOM SUPPLY INC.

               Curtis Walzel, President


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               Date:           «Juvey   19, ZLo. S

                     n/                      Cupem"

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               Date:              use v ’7, Zo : 3

                       Exhibit A

Information Required by Sections 63.04(a)(6) through 63.04(a)(12)

       Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules, Applicants provide the following

information in connection with the proposed transfer of control:

§63.04(a)(6) — Description of the Transaction

       The Transaction is summarized in Section III of the Application.

§63.04(a)(7) — Description of the Geographic Service Area and Services in Each Area

       Descriptions of the geographic service areas and the services provided in each area are

provided in Section II.A. and Section IL. B. of the Application.

§63.04(a)(8) — Presumption of Non—Dominance and Qualification for Streamlining

       Applicants request streamlined processing of this application. See Section V(p) above.

§63.04(a)(9) — Other Pending Commission Applications Concerning the Subject

       (1) In a separate application filed on the appropriate FCC Forms, Applicants request

           consent to transfer control of the licenses held by TSI, as described in footnote 2


§63.04(a)(10) — Special Considerations


§63.04(a)(11) — Waiver Requests


§63.04(a)(12) — Public Interest Statement

       The Transaction is in the public interest for the reasons stated in Section IV of the



Document Created: 2013-07-19 15:18:22
Document Modified: 2013-07-19 15:18:22

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