Attachment 20170801134830-080.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20130606-00173 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                         Federal Communications Commission
                                              Washington, D.C. 20554

 International Bureau
                                                                                       (202) 418—1462
                                                                                       (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                       June 27, 2013
                                                                                       Ref: EB 2013—18

 Hillary Morgan            (301)   225—6113               Douglas May                  (202)   647—5835
 Shawn B. Cooley           (202)   282—8489               Christopher Hemmerlein       (202)   482—1885
 Edward T. Hand            (202)   514—2464             ~ Jonathan McHale              (202)   395—5656
 Richard Sofield           (202)   233—0702               Matthew Bernstein            (202)   324—5422
 Sean Desmond              (202)   456—6068

 Re:        Section 214 Applications and T/C of Cable License

            Comments Due: July 17, 2013

 Dear Sir or Madam:

          Please review the following applications and advise us whether youhave any national
 security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by Noon July 17, 2013, because we
 are prepared to take action onthese applications. KElectronic filed (e—file) applications are able
 to be viewed by accessing and searching by the file number.

 011Now Technologies, LLC‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and
 resale services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant
 is 50% owned by a citizen of Russia.

  ITC—T/C—20130612—00171 (e—file)
  Application for consent to the transfer of control of section 214 authorization (ITC—214—
  20070110—00021) held by Horizon Mobile Communications, Inc. from One Horizon
_ Group, Inc. to Broadband Satellite Services Ltd. (BSS), a UK limited company. BSS is
  equally owned by two UK citizens.

_ ITC—T/C—20130612—00172 (e—file)
  Application for consent to the transfer of control of section 214 authorization (ITC—214—
  20000803—00478) held by Satcom Global, Inc. from One Horizon Group, Inc. to
  Broadband Satellite Services Ltd. (BSS), a UK limited company. BSS is equally owned
  by two UK citizens.

  ITC.—T/C—20130606—00173 (e—file)
  Application for consent to the transfer of control of section 214 authorization (ITC—214—
  19981207—00852) held by Allstream Fiber US, Inc. from MTS Inc. to 8312168 Canada,
  Inc. (Transferee).

            Transferee is a company organized unde ‘the:                     in      _«   Canade and s          sa ilquarier   d in
            Canada. 8312168 Canada, Inc. is a who ly ov                      ie      :    b:idiary of A         lero Cay it:
            Investments Holdings, S.a.r.l. ("Acceler Cap                     ‘a    L      estments"), e         xembourg       litait d
            liability company. Accelero Capital Inv stme                     its   i      tun, is iv ho         ovmed sut      id .a1 :c
            Accelero Capital Holdings, S.a.r.l. ("Accelerc                   C;i   x1     1 Tolding: ")         0 :i Lux n     »0 1

            limited liability company.

            sCL,—T/C—20*30606 000904 (e—file)
            Applicatior f rcon:s at :o t1 traasfer oi cont ol of ie Ame iC an 1 atle licens .( °C
            _IC—199 830 .2 }—000!] ): eld" y Allstrean . Fibe ‘I nc. fro i1 [T ): c. to 83 12 6:

            Canada, Inc. Trinsf re ).          ‘ Istrsara Fil eris .1                     se: of t 2 San—1 cabl ,~ h :b

            s operatsd o amnmor— 0. im cairier basis bei ve                               he Unii—d it e ard Canad ..

            Fransferse s icom: n or,; aized unde the. in                                    Canad ai d s sadquarter d a
            canada. 821. 168 C az la, : :.i a wholly ov ie                              .: bsidiar o A :c lero Capit:
            investments l oldiag ,i .a1. (CaccelernmCap a iL estmer s", : L xembourg li it d
            iability :scrap anv. Z ce lero Capital Tiv »stme its i turn, is iv ho J1 owned sut ic an << _
            Accclerc Carp til Ho Ii1gs,! a.r.l. ("Ac elerc C; x1 1Hold ig") aa o a Luxen )c i
            im ed l arili y com ar y.

            [TC    —21« —201 30618     0: 7:5 (   dile)
            BiF    Tel USA Inc.‘s      iplica     on for a it       ority    o     m      ideres    le se: i    :s betweer     th
            Uni    ed Siates and 3e    m ssib)l    interna io       ial pc   nt    .      «pplica   tis 5 9     owned by       n
            [rel   in1cominy w.        .cl is6    % owned           y ac     iz    n      ofthe C   ceat l>ar   ain and 35     6 w ie
            yi     ciiz n o ‘Irdia      F irthe   , the appli       antis    3(    %      »wned 1   y its CE    ), a citizen   oxf [ndi;

            [TC    —214 20120( 20—     ‘0. 75(    file)
            Ro:    n Mob:litr USA       I1c.‘s    pplication ‘or author to pro: ide resa :+ services bet ‘een
            ‘he    Jniteliita es an    permis     ible intern tional poi s. Twe zitizens of Canada, e;i :h of
            wh:    m in litsct y ow    s40.69     and 10.19 of the ap; cantre pectivel .

           If v > do not h:a ‘fr¢ n you l y Noon Jt ly 17, 2011,.we will assume that you do n t have
~From: c Tommnro=smmes                    coaliseseninllldinn wdl   watianaand tha annlicationswi
                                                                                                                                  d        d
 Sent:                                Adrienne Downs
 To:                                  .TZursdg);; June 27, 2013 3:12 PM
                                      edward. and@usdoj gov‘;
                                      inb        —     gyov ‘chemmerleein@n
                                                                      i                         tia.d
                                                                                                  i‘: ‘                             5
                                      ?hnstopher.Slefken@ic.i‘'; 'Marilyn.Shaifer@uchJ;j'9:5'¥d
                             ‘: 'Brian.williams                        C@State'gov’
                                                                               @associates.d.hs gc')v"

                                                            «‘; ‘dale.barr@hq.d
                                  '(‘                                 «dhhs.
                                                                 ); TP—‘; ‘kri
                        ';                                       stin t.
                                                                   ‘tt-V\I/.g'@leo.goy'; 'ma*rk.mcc
                                  ’robert.s.qorman.civ@mai                                           onn
                                                                                                      ;" '
                                                                l. mil‘; ‘Hagar, Richard (ri
                                  Caroline (NSD)                                                  cha  rd.hagar@HQ.DHS.GOV)"
SC:                                                                                                                          ‘Brown
                                  George Li; el?aRvitfd Krech; Susan
subject:                                                             OConnell; Howard Gribof
                                                                                             f; James Ball
                                  Cover Lett         eterence EB 2013—183 (co
                                                                              mments due by July 17
‘rover Letter Reference
                        EB 201318 ( comments
                                             due by July 17, 2013)


Document Created: 2019-05-26 08:22:20
Document Modified: 2019-05-26 08:22:20

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