Attachment 20170727113834-653.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20130128-00032 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.



                                                         _ —trpmcsnounctnstinimies
                                                                                                ITC—STA—201301 28—0

                                                                          AccessLine Commun              %

                                                                                               20 30 128 2*D 39
     F isbury Winthrop   ia Pittman LLP                            O                              ;
     2 )0 NStreet, NW    W shington, DC 2 J37—111   | sli 2.0 3.8(00f|   fax 20..663.8007
                                                                                       —Granted _
                                                                                               1EB 172013
                                                                         date: ...
                                                                         %Etm5 In ernational—
                                                                         euthoriz      id 3,    TT ogx         mif
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     a uary 28, 20 3                                                 }

     {   Marlene H C ort :h
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     e eral Comm ni at ons Con mss or
     4 12°" Street, 33 /
     V shington, D !i )5 14

            Re:          e uestofTe n tio I zs A cessl ne Comm ni ai ons Corporation and
                         [C >— ‘ELA,I ( fo §ne a Tom orary Autl t y (or Approval of the
                         re as srof Co itnol. fi 1. w 10 iz 1 Internati ns a id Domestic Carrier

     )e ir Ms. Dortc i

           Access] in C ommun ca o1 1( or o atim "ACC"),T la ie x, Inc. ("Telanetix"),
     n HCP—TEL ,; L : (HCI M ,( ol se vely th "Applicar s" tl rough their
    undersigned co n sl and pur: ia tt {& c on 214 fthe Com iu ic itions Act, as
    amended, 47 U S. 5. §214, ar .& :o ons ( $.04 anc 63.24 oftl s Cor imission‘s Rules, 47
    C.ER. §§ 63.04, 63.24, respectfully request expedited Special Temporary Authority
    ("STA") for the approval of the indirect transfer of control of ACC to HCP—TELA, LLC
    (the "Transaction"). Applicants respectfully request that the Commission grant this STA
    request as soon as possible to permit continued domestic and international operations by

             On June 30, 2010, Telanetix, as detailed in the underlying application filed
    concurrently herewith and attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Application"),‘ entered into
    a securities purchase agreement (the "Purchase Agreement") with (1) EREF—TELA, LLC, a

    © Separately, the Parties will be seeking approval of a merger between Telanetix and a subsidiary of
    Intermedia Holdings, Inc. that will also result in an indirect transfer of control of the domestic and
    international 214 authorizations held by ACC,

seloicieieteioioiatatatetelek —COMM. TOURNAL— s#elctotetofetsteleletetelololetatelok: DATE FEB—1.1—201.3. seloteiok TIME: 131 93. solstolotetotck

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                               START=FEB—11 13:01                            END=FEB—11 13:03

             FILE NO.=50S5

   STN         COMM.             ONE—TOUCHZ/               STATION NAMEA/TEL NQ.                                                                    PAGES                 DURATION
   NO.                             ABBR NO.

   201            OK             A                         95138006                                                                                 P02002                P0:02:02

                                                                                                                 —IMTERMATIONAL                  BUREAU              =~

»elcistetetelelaioiatatotatetetelelotetatalolok tolatete elctatateteiek —INTL BUREAU                       — solotoloe —                     202 418 2824— solsiotetototojok

                                         TINVTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                                 Policy Division

                                                                 FAX SHEET
                                                          Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
        Thisfacsumile transimission is intendec onlyfor the addressex shown below. It moy cantain information thatis privileged, confidenrial ar atherwise protected
       Jrom disclasure. Any review, disgemin itian or use ofthis rranymizsian or Its contents bypersons other than the addresses is strictlyprobibited. Ifyou have
        regiuved this transinission im grror, ple 184 notify us immechotefy by ielephone and marl the original to us at the Fecieral Communi¢ations Commistion,
        Jnternational Bursau. 445 12 Street $ W., Room 7—4625, Washington. DC 20534.

                                            LIATE:                                           /?
           reuepronswomerr: 209 418. 166
                                                  To:          gg/&m                    &4 /Q’O‘éf’!fl/‘f F’q% 1
                           raxwnumusen:                         Zu2— &J3 . Pink °
         TELEPHONE NUMEBER:                                                          bCGZ —F2(&~
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Document Created: 2019-05-31 16:36:14
Document Modified: 2019-05-31 16:36:14

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