Attachment Transfer Application

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20121022-00282 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.



                             Jean L. Kiddoo
                             Brett P. Ferenchak

                             October 22, 2012

                             Via Electronic Filing

                             Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                             Federal Communications Commission
                             International Bureau Applications
                             P.O. Box 979093
                             St. Louis, MO 63197—9700

                             Re:       In the Matter of the Joint Application of First Communications, Inc.,
                                        Transferor, First Telecom Services, LLC, Licensee, and Zayo Group, LLC,
                                        Transferee, for Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the
                                        Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of
                                        the Commission‘s Rules to Complete a Transfer of Control of First Telecom
                                        Services, LLC to Zayo Group, LLC

                             Dear Ms. Dortch:

                             On behalf of First Communications, Inc., First Telecom Services, LLC ("FTS"), and
                             Zayo Group, LLC ("Zayo") attached please find an application for approval of the
                             transfer of control of FTS to Zayo.

                             Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission‘s rules, Applicants submit this filing as a
                             combined domestic section 214 transfer application and international section 214 transfer
                             applications ("Combined Application"). Applicants are simultaneously filing the
                             Combined Application with the Wireline Competition Bureau, in accordance with the
                             Commission‘s rules.
             Frankfurt       This filing and the applicable credit card payments in the amount of $1,050.00 which
             Hartford        satisfy the filing fees required for the applications under line 2.b of Section 1.1105 of the
           Hong Kong         Commission‘s rules, are being submitted electronically through the MyIBFS.
          Los Angeles    |
                             Please direct any questions regarding this filing to the undersigned.
             New York
       Orange County
        San Francisco        Respectfully submitted,

                             EukP Frombo—
        Santa Monica
        Silicon Valley
                             Jean L. Kiddoo
                             Brett P. Ferenchak

Bingham McCutchen LLP        Counsel for Applicants
      2020 K Street NW
       Washington, DC

    T +1.202.373.6000
    F +1,202.373.6001


                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                     ht Nt Ned Nes Ned Nes Ned Ne Nt Newe! Ned Nee Nee Nes Nt Nes Ned
In the Matter of the Joint Application of

First Communications, Inc., Transferor,
First Telecom Services, LLC, Licensee,
                                                                                                                        WC Docket No. 12—
                                                                                                                        IB File No. ITC—T/C—2012
Zayo Group, LLC, Transferee,

For Grant of Authority Pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934,
as amended, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the
Commission‘s Rules to Complete a Transfer of
Control of First Telecom Services, LLC to
Zayo Group, LLC

                                     JOINT APPLICATION

          First Communications, Inc. ("FCI" or "Transferor"), First Telecom Services, LLC

("FTS" or "Licensee"), and Zayo Group, LLC ("Zayo" or "Transferee") (collectively, "Appli—

cants"), pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the "Act"),

47 U.S.C. §214, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04

& 63.24, respectfully request Commission approval for a Transaction (as defined below) where—

by Zayo will acquire direct control of Licensee.

          Although the proposed Transaction will result in a change in the ownership and control of

Licensee, no assignment of authorizations, assets, or customers will occur as an immediate

consequence of the proposed Transaction. Upon completion of the Transaction, Licensee will

provide service to its existing customers under the same rates, terms and conditions. According—


ly, this Transaction will have no effect on the rates, terms and conditions of service of the

customers of Licensee.

          In support of this Application, Applicants provide the following information:


          A.     First Communications, Inc. and First Telecom Services, LLC.

          FCI is a Delaware corporation located at 3340 West Market Street, Akron, Ohio 44333.

FCI is a holding company that operates through two distinct subsidiary groups: (1) FTS, which

offers high capacity metro and long-haul fiber optic network facilities and services across the

Midwest and Mid-Atlantic states; and (2) a business services group of carriers comprised of First

Communications, LLC ("FirstComm"), Globalcom, Inc. ("Globalcom"), and Xtension Services,

Inc. ("Xtension"), that offers data and switched voices services in 49 states.        Only FTS is

affected by the instant Transaction.

          FTS is an Ohio limited liability company that provides telecommunications services over

its fiber-based network spanning 7,742 route miles, including 676 metro route miles and over

450,000 fiber miles. FTS offers a fiber infrastructure solution primarily to carriers and large

enterprises including both dark and interstate lit fiber.

          FTS is a wholly owned direct subsidiary of FCI. Currently, the following persons or

entities hold a 10% or greater interest in FCI:

                 Name:                  Marbel Investments, LLC ("Marbel")
                 Address:               612 Market Ave., South
                                        Canton, OH 44 702
                 Citizenship:           u.s.
                 Interest Owned:        19.3%
                 Principal Business:    Investment

                         No person or entity holds a 10% or greater indirect ownership interest in
                         FCI through Marbel.


                 Name:                 FirstEnergy Corp. ("FirstEnergy")
                 Address:              76 S. Main Street, Suite 1600
                                       Akron, OR 44308
                 Citizenship:          U.S.
                 Percentage Owned:     27.4%
                 Principal Business:   Energy

                        FirstEnergy is a publicly traded company and no person or entity holds a
                        10% or greater indirect ownership interest in FCI through FirstEnergy.

           B.    Zayo Group, LLC

           Zayo is a Delaware limited liability company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Zayo

Group Holdings, Inc. ("Zayo Holdings"), a Delaware corporation that, in tum, is a wholly owned

direct subsidiary of Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC ("CII"), a Delaware

limited liability company.   en has no majority owner.
           Zayo (itself and through certain operating subsidiaries) is a provider of bandwidth

infrastructure and network neutral colocation and interconnection services over dense regional

and metropolitan fiber networks that enable customers to manage, operate, and scale their

telecommunications and data networks. Zayo's services are primarily used by wireless service

providers, national and regional carriers, and other communications service providers, media and

content companies, and bandwidth-intensive enterprises.       Zayo's fiber network spans over

68,500 route miles and serves approximately 9,000 buildings, including major data centers,

telecommunications hubs, enterprise buildings, and cellular towers.        Zayo, together with its

operating subsidiaries, operate in 45 states and in the District of Columbia in the U.S., and in 7

countries in North America and Europe.          Its extensive network enables Zayo to provide

bandwidth infrastructure services to customers over redundant fiber facilities between key

customer locations.

A/7522195 1.8


         Pursuant to the Membership Interest Purchase Agreement, dated as of October 12, 2012,

by and among FCI and Zayo (the "Agreement"), Zayo will acquire all of the outstanding

membership units in FTS from FCI (the "Transaction"). As a result, FTS will become a wholly-

owned direct subsidiary of Zayo. Diagrams depicting the pre- and post-Transaction corporate

organization structures are appended hereto as Exhibit A.

         Upon completion of the Transaction, Licensee will be directly owned by Zayo, but the

current customers of Licensee will remain customers of Licensee. Shortly after the Transaction

is completed, Licensee will no longer use "First Communications" on marketing or customer

materials and will adopt a "Zayo" brand name, but otherwise the Transaction will be virtually

transparent to customers, who will continue to enjoy the same rates, terms and conditions of

service as prior to closing.

         Zayo is managerially, technically, and financially qualified to complete the Transaction.

As noted above, Zayo and its subsidiaries are currently authorized to provide telecommunica-

tions services and/or dark fiber in the District of Columbia and in 48 states and, where required,

hold the necessary state regulatory certifications and registrations necessary to provide such

services. For additional detail on the financial and managerial qualifications of Zayo, please see Licensee will continue to have the managerial, technical and financial qualifi-

cations to provide high quality telecommunications services to consumers, as augmented and

supported by experienced Zayo management. Licensee will also be supported by the financial

resources of Zayo.



          Pursuant to Section 63.24(e)(2) of the Commission's Rules, the Applicants submit the

following information requested in Section 63.18 (a)-(d) and (h)-(p) in support of this Applica-


          (a)    Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:


                 First Communications, Inc.                 FRN: 0015806979
                 3340 West Market Street
                 Akron, Ohio 44333
                 (330) 835-2323


                 First Telecom Services, LLC                FRN: 0018651927
                 3340 West Market Street
                 Akron, Ohio 44333
                 (330) 835-2323


                 Zayo Group, LLC                            FRN: 0016555849
                 400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                 Louisville, CO 80027

          (b)    Jurisdiction of Organizations:

                 Transferor:   FirstComm is a corporation formed under the laws of Delaware.

                 Licensee:     FTS is a limited liability company formed under the laws of Ohio.

                 Transferee:   Zayo is a limited liability company formed under the laws of Del-


           (c)    (Answer to Question 10) Correspondence concerning this Application should be

sent to:

For Applicants:
           Jean L. Kiddoo
           Brett P. Ferenchak
           Bingham McCutchen LLP
           2020 K Street, N. W., Suite 1100
           Washington, DC 20006-1806
           202-373-6000 (tel)
           202-373-6001 (fax)

  For Zayo:                                            For FirstComm and FTS:
           Jill Sandford                                   Sandi Murphy
           Associate General Counsel                       General Counsel
           Zayo Group, LLC                                 First Communications, Inc.
           360 Hamilton Road, 7th floor                    3340 West Market Street
           White Plains, NY                                Akron, OH 44333
           914-421-7585 (tel)                              330-835-2664 (tel)
           914-421-6793 (fax)                              330-835-2330 (fax)
           j ill.sandford@zayo .com              

           (d)    Section 214 Authorizations

           Transferor:   FCI does not hold international or domestic Section 214 authority. In ad-
                         dition to Licensee, FCI' s subsidiaries hold the following Section 214 au-

                                 FirstComm holds international Section 214 authority to provide fa-
                                 cilities-based service granted in File No. ITC-214-19951215-
                                 00030 (Old IB File ITC-95-622). 1 FirstComm is authorized to
                                 provide interstate service by virtue of blanket domestic Section
                                 214 authority. 47 C.P.R. § 63.01.

                                 Globalcom holds international Section 214 authority to provide in-
                                 dividual switched resale service granted in IB File No. ITC-214-
                                 19960718-00323 (old IB File No. ITC-96-406). Globalcom is au-
                                 thorized to provide interstate service by virtue of blanket domestic
                                 Section 214 authority. 47 C.P.R.§ 63.01.

        The international Section 214 authority was originally granted to BN1 Telecommunications, Inc.
and assigned to FirstComm in m File No. ITC-ASG-20011001-00509.


                              Xtension holds international Section 214 authority to provide glob-
                              al or limited global resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-
                              20010305-00116. Xtension is authorized to provide interstate ser-
                              vice by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 authority. 47
                              C.P.R.§ 63.01.

         Licensee:     FTS holds international Section 214 authority to provide global or limited
                       global facilities-based and resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-
                       20100827-00347. FTS is authorized to provide interstate service by virtue
                       ofblanket domestic Section 214 authority. 47 C.P.R. § 63.01.

         Transferee:   Zayo holds international Section 214 authority to provide global or limited
                       global facilities-based and resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-
                       20091106-00475. Zayo is authorized to provide interstate service by virtue
                       of blanket domestic Section 214 authority. 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

                       The following subsidiaries of Zayo also hold Section 214 authority:

                              360networks holdings (USA) inc. ("360-holdings' ) holds interna-
                              tional Section 214 authority to provide global or limited global fa-
                              cilities-based and resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-
                              20010117-00029.2 360-holdings does not hold blanket domestic
                              Section 214 authority.

                              360networks (USA) inc. ("360networks") is authorized to provide
                              interstate service by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 author-
                              ity. 47 C.P.R. § 63.01. 360networks provides international tele-
                              communications services, pursuant to Section 63.21 (h), under the
                              international Section 214 authority of its direct parent, 3 60-

                              AboveNet Communications, Inc. ("AboveNet") holds international
                              Section 214 authority to provide global or limited global facilities-
                              based and resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-
                              19990218-00 11 0. AboveNet is authorized to provide interstate
                              service by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 authority. 47
                              C.P.R. § 63.01.

                              Zayo Group EU Limited (f/k/a AboveNet Communications Europe
                              Limited) ("Zayo-EU") provides international telecommunications
                              services, pursuant to Section 63.21 (h), under the international Sec-

       The international Section 214 authority was originally granted to Dynegy Connect, L.P.
and assigned to 360networks Corporation, the parent company of 360-holdings, in IB File No.
File No. ITC-ASG-20041217-00510. The authority was then assigned to 360-holdings in IB File
No. ITC-ASG-20110923-00304.


                             tion 214 authority of its parent, AboveNet. Zayo-EU does not hold
                             blanket domestic Section 214 authority.

                             AboveNet International, Inc. ("ABN-Intl") holds international Sec-
                             tion 214 authority to provide global or limited global facilities-
                             based and resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-
                             19990923-00617. ABN-Intl does not hold blanket domestic Sec-
                             tion 214 authority.

                             Arialink Telecom, LLC ("Arialink") is authorized to provide inter-
                             state service by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 authority.
                             47 C.F.R. § 63.01. Arialink does not hold international Section
                             214 authority.

                             American Fiber Systems, Inc. ("AFS") holds international Section
                             214 authority to provide global facilities-based service and global
                             resale service granted in IB File No. ITC-214-20000929-00551.
                             AFS is authorized to provide interstate service by virtue of blanket
                             domestic Section 214 authority. 47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

                             USCarrier Telecom, LLC ("USC") holds international Section 214
                             authority to provide global resale services granted in IB File No.
                             ITC-214-19980224-00140. 3 USC is authorized to provide inter-
                             state service by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 authority.
                             47 C.F.R. § 63.01.

                      Through Zayo Holdings, Zayo is also affiliated with the following carriers
                      that hold Section 214 authority:

                             Onvoy, Inc. ("Onvoy") is authorized to provide interstate service
                             by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 authority. 47 C.F.R. §
                             63.01. Onvoy also holds international Section 214 authority (1) to
                             provide global resale services granted in IB File No. ITC-214-
                             19970722-00425 (old IB File No. ITC-97-452) and (2) to operate
                             as a facilities-based carrier by constructing and operating a fiber
                             optic telecommunications facility between the United States and
                             Canada granted in IB File No. ITC-214-19971205-00766 (old IB
                             File No. ITC-97-769). 4

                             Minnesota Independent Equal Access Corporation ("MIEAC")
                             holds Section 214 authority to lease transmission facilities to pro-

        USC's international Section 214 authority was originally granted under USC's prior
name, Georgia Independent Telco Group, L.L.C., in IB File No. ITC-98-170.
        The international Section 214 authorities were originally granted to Minnesota Independ-
ent Interexchange Corporation, which subsequently merged into its parent company Onvoy, Inc.
(f/k/a Minnesota Equal Access Network Services). See IB File No. ITC-ASG-20070913-00379.


                                 vide centralized equal access ("CEA") service to interexchange
                                 carriers. See File No. W-P-C6400 (August 22, 1990).

                                 Zayo Enterprise Networks, LLC ("ZEN") is authorized to provide
                                 interstate service by virtue of blanket domestic Section 214 author-
                                 ity. 47 C.P.R. § 63.01. ZEN also holds international Section 214
                                 authority to provide global or limited global resale service granted
                                 in IB File No. ITC-214-20091016-00444 (Nov. 27, 2009).

          (h)    (Answer to Questions 11 & 12) The following entities will hold, directly or

indirectly, a 10% or greater interest 5 in Applicants upon completion of the Transaction, as

calculated pursuant to the Commission's ownership attribution rules for wireline and

international telecommunications carriers:

Post-Transaction Ownership of Licensee:

          The following entities will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, direct or indirect, interest
          in First Telecom Services, LLC:

                 Name:                   Zayo Group, LLC
                 Address:                400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                                         Louisville, CO 80027
                 Citizenship:            U.S.
                 Principal Business:     Telecommunications
                 %Interest:              100%

Current and Post-Transaction Ownership of Zayo:

          The following entities hold a ten percent (1 0%) or greater, direct or indirect, interest in
          Zayo Group, LLC:

                 Name:                   Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.
                 Address:                400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                                         Louisville, CO 80027
                 Citizenship:            u.s.
                 Principal Business:     Holding Company
                 %Interest:              100% (directly in Zayo)

       Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity
and voting interests.


                Name:                  Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC
                Address:               400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                                       Louisville, CO 80027
                Citizenship:           U.S.
                Principal Business:    Holding Company
                %Interest:             100% (indirectly in Zayo as the 100% owner of Zayo Hold-

Current and Post-Transaction Ownership of CII:

         The following entities and individuals hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, direct or indi-
         rect, interest in Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC:

                Name:                  Oak Investment Partners XII, Limited Partnership ("Oak
                                       Investment XII")
                Address:               525 University Avenue, Suite 1300
                                       Palo Alto, CA 94301
                Citizenship:           u.s.
                Principal Business:    Investments
                %Interest:             15.06% (directly in CII)

                        Name:                  Oak Associates XII, LLC ("Oak Associates")
                        Address:               525 University Avenue, Suite 1300
                                               Palo Alto, CA 94301
                        Citizenship:           u.s.
                        Principal Business:    Investments
                        %Interest:             15.06% (indirectly as general partner of Oak In-
                                               vestment XII)

                        The following individuals are the executive managing members of Oak
                        Associates, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through Oak Associ-

                                               Bandel L. Carano
                                               Edward F. Glassmeyer
                                               Ann H. Lamont
                                               Fredric W. Harman

                        To the Transferee's knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indi-
                        rectly, owns or controls a 10% or more interest in CII through Oak In-
                        vestments XII.


               Name:                 M/C Venture Partners VI, L.P. ("MCVP VI")
               Address:              75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                     Boston, MA 02109
               Citizenship:          u.s.
               Principal Business:   Investments
               %Interest:            13.24% (directly in CII)

                       Name:                 M/C VP VI, L.P.
                       Address:              75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                             Boston, MA 02109
                       Citizenship:          U.S.
                       Principal Business:   Investment Management
                       %Interest:            13.24% (indirectly as the general partner ofMCVP

                       Name:                 M/C Venture Partners, LLC
                       Address:              75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                             Boston, MA 02109
                       Citizenship:          U.S.
                       Principal Business:   Investment Management
                       %Interest:            13.24% (indirectly as the general partner ofM/C
                                             VP VI, L.P.)
                       The following individuals are the managing members of M/C Venture
                       Partners, LLC, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through M/C Ven-
                       ture Partners, LLC:

                                             James F. Wade
                                             David D. Croll
                                             Matthew J. Rubins
                                             John W. Watkins
                                             John Van Hooser

                       Mr. Wade and Mr. Croll are also two ofthe five managers ofM/C Venture
                       Investors, L.L.C., which has a 0.42% direct interest in CII.

                       To the Transferee's knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indi-
                       rectly, owns or controls a 10% or more interest in CIT through MVCP VI.

               Name:                  Columbia Capital Equity Partners IV (QP), L.P. ("Colum-
                                      bia Capital IV")
               Address:               201 N. Union Street, Suite 300
                                      Alexandria, VA 22314
               Citizenship:           u.s.
               Principal Business:    Investments
               %Interest:             12.07% (directly in CII)


                      Name:                 Columbia Capital IV, LLC
                      Address:              201 N. Union Street, Suite 300
                                            Alexandria, VA 22314
                      Citizenship:          u.s.
                      Principal Business:   Investment Management
                      %Interest:            13.65% (indirectly in CII as the general partner of
                                            (i) Columbia Capital Equity Partners IV, L.P. which
                                            is the general partner of both Columbia Capital IV
                                            and Columbia Capital Equity Partners IV (QPCO),
                                            L.P. (1.49% direct interest in CII) and (ii) of Co-
                                            lumbia Capital Employee Investors IV, L.P. (0.09%
                                            direct interest in CII))

                      The following individuals are the managing members of Columbia Capital
                      IV, LLC, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through Columbia Capi-
                      tal IV, LLC

                                            James B. Fleming, Jr.
                                            R. Philip Herget, III
                                            Harry F. Hopper III

                      These individuals also have indirect control of other entities that have, in
                      the aggregate, a 0.29% direct interest in CII.

                      To the Transferee's knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indi-
                      rectly, owns or controls a 10% or greater interest in CII through Columbia
                      Capital IV or Columbia Capital IV, LLC.

              Name:                  Charlesbank Equity Fund VI, Limited Partnership
                                     ("Charlesbank VI")
              Address:               200 Clarendon, 5th Floor
                                     Boston, MA 02116
              Citizenship:           U.S.
              Principal Business:    Investment Management
              %Interest:             11.22% (directly in CII)

                      Name:                 Charlesbank Equity Fund VI GP, Limited Partner-
                                            ship ("Charlesbank VI GP")
                      Address:              200 Clarendon, 5th Floor
                                            Boston, MA 02116
                      Citizenship:          U.S.
                      Principal Business:   Investment Management
                      %Interest:            13.06% (indirectly in CII as the general partner of
                                            the following funds that have direct ownership in-
                                            terests in CII (i) Charlesbank VI, (ii) CB Offshore
                                            Equity Fund VI, (iii) Charlesbank Equity Coin-


                                            vestment Fund VI, LP, and (iv) Charlesbank Equity
                                            Coinvestment Partners, LP)

                             Name:                  Charlesbank Capital Partners, LLC
                             Address:               200 Clarendon, 5th Floor
                                                    Boston, MA 02116
                             Citizenship:           U.S.
                             Principal Business:    Investment Management
                             %Interest:             13.06% (indirectly in en as the general
                                                    partner of Charlesbank VI GP)

                      Charlesbank Capital Partners, LLC is owned by its nine (9) managing
                      members who are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through
                      Charlesbank Capital Partners, LLC:

                                     Michael Eisenson
                                     Tim Palmer
                                     Kim Davis
                                     Mark Rosen
                                     Michael Choe
                                     Brandon White
                                     Jon Biotti
                                     Andrew J anower
                                     Michael Thonis

                      To the Transferee's knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or
                      indirectly, owns or controls a 10% or greater interest in en through
                      Charlesbank VI GP.

               Name:                 GTCR Fund X/ALP
               Address:              300 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 5600
                                     Chicago, IL 60654
               Citizenship:          U.S.
               Principal Business:   Investments
               %Interest:            11.08% (directly in Cn)

                      Name:                 GTCR Partners XI A&C LP
                      Address:              300 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 5600
                                            Chicago, IL 60654
                      Citizenship:          U.S.
                      Principal Business:   Investments
                      %Interest:            14.46% (indirectly in en as the general partner of
                                            (i) GTCR Fund X/ALP, and (ii) GTCRFund X/C
                                            LP (3.38% direct interest in Cn))


                         Name:                  GTCR Investment X LLC
                         Address:               300 N. LaSalle Street, Suite 5600
                                                Chicago, IL 60654
                         Citizenship:           U.S.
                         Principal Business:    Investments
                         %Interest:             14.56% (indirectly in en as the general partner of
                                                (i) GTCR Partners X/A&C LP, and (ii) GTCR Co-
                                                Invest X LP (0.10% direct interest in Cn))

                         The following individuals are members of the board of managers of
                         GTCR Investment X LLC, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached
                         through GTCR Investment X LLC:

                                        Mark M. Anderson
                                        Craig A. Bondy
                                        Philip A. Canfield
                                        David A. Donnini
                                        DavidS. Katz
                                        Constantine S. Mihas
                                        Collin E. Roche
                                        Sean L. Cunningham
                                        Aaron D. Cohen

                         To the Transferee's knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indi-
                         rectly, owns or controls a 10% or greater interest in en through GTCR
                         Fund X/ALP, GTCR Partners X/A&C LP or GTCR Investment X LLC.

          To the Transferee's knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly, owns or
          controls a 10% or greater interest in Zayo through en.

          Except for its following subsidiaries and affiliates, which have substantially the same of-

fleers and directors as Zayo, Zayo does not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign

carrier: Zayo-EU, AboveNet Canada Inc. ("ABN-Canada"), Zayo Group UK Limited (f/k/a

AboveNet Communications UK Limited) ("Zayo-UK"), MFN Japan KK ("ABN-Japan"),

360networks, 360networks Vancouver, Ltd. ("360-Vancouver"), Onvoy and ZEN.                    ABN-

Canada, 360networks, 360-Vancouver, Onvoy and ZEN are each a non-dominant foreign carrier

in Canada. Zayo-EU is a non-dominant foreign carrier in France, Germany and the Netherlands.

Zayo-UK is a non-dominant foreign carrier in Germany and the United Kingdom. ABN-Japan is

a non-dominant foreign carrier in Japan. In addition, Zayo also holds a Reseller Registration and


License for Basic International Telecommunications Services ("BITS") in Canada and thus is a

non-dominant foreign carrier.

           (i)         (Answer to Question 11) Transferee certifies that it is a non-dominant foreign car-

rier in Canada. Transferee is also currently affiliated within the meaning of Section 63.09(e) of

the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(e), with the following foreign carriers:

                Entitv                         Countn:                  T:me of Authoritv
                Zayo                           Canada                   Reseller Registration
                                                                        BITS License
                ABN-Canada                     Canada                   Reseller Registration
                                                                        BITS License
                Zayo-EU                        France                   Telecommunications Services
                                               Germany                  Telecommunications Services
                                               Netherlands              Public electronic communications
                Zayo-UK                        Germany                  Telecommunications Services
                                               United Kingdom           Code Powers for electronic com-
                                                                        munications networks and services
                ABN-Japan                      Japan                    Telecommunications Carrier
                360networks                    Canada                   Reseller Registration
                360-Vancouver                  Canada                   Reseller Registration
                                                                        BITS License
                ZEN                            Canada                   Reseller Registration
                                                                        BITS License
                Onvoy                          Canada                   Reseller Registration

           Upon completion of the Transactions, Zayo will also be affiliated with FTS, which is a

non-dominant foreign carrier in Canada by virtue of its Reseller Registration and BITS License.

           (j)         (Answer to Question 15) Transferee certifies that, through its acquisition of con-

trol of Licensee, Transferee does not seek to provide international telecommunications services

A/75221951 .8

to any destination country where two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign

carriers) own, in the aggregate more than 25 percent of Transferee and are parties to, or the

beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing or international basic

telecommunications services in the United States. However, Transferee certifies that it is a

foreign carrier and also is affiliated with 8 foreign carriers as described in (i) above. Upon

completion of the Transaction, Transferee and Licensee will be affiliated with multiple foreign

carriers, as described in (i) above.

         (k)    Transferee certifies that Canada, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands and the

United Kingdom are each a Member of the World Trade Organization ("WTO"). Zayo, ABN-

Canada, Zayo-EU, Zayo-UK, ABN-Japan, 360networks, 360-Vancouver, Onvoy, ZEN and FTS

are not on the Commission's List of Foreign Telecommunications Carriers that are presumed to

Possess Market Power in Foreign Telecommunications Markets, released on January 26, 2007.

In addition, each of these foreign carriers offers services in competition with dominant foreign

carriers and others.

         (I)    Transferee may resell international switched services ofunaffiliated U.S. carriers

in order to provide telecommunications services to countries where it has a foreign carrier

affiliation. As demonstrated above and because Zayo, ABN-Canada, Zayo-EU, Zayo-UK, ABN-

Japan, 360networks, 360-Vancouver, Onvoy, ZEN and FTS have less than 50 percent market

share in the international transport and the local access markets on the foreign end of the route,

Transferee should be presumptively found to be non-dominant pursuant to Section 63.10(a)(3) of

the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(3).

          (m)   Transferee qualifies for a presumption of non-dominance under Section

63.10(a)(l) and (3) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(l,3), because it is not a


foreign carrier and is affiliated with non-dominant foreign carriers in countries that are Members

ofthe WTO.

          (n)    Transferee and Licensee certify that they have not agreed to accept special con-

cessions directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international

route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will

not enter into such agreements in the future.

          (o)    Applicants certify that they are not subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to

Section 5301 ofthe Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1998. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a; see also 47 C.P.R.§§

1.2001-1 .2003.

          (p)    Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined

processing pursuant to Section 63.12(a)-(b) of the Commission's rules, 47 C.P.R. § 63.12(a)-(b).

Transferee qualifies for streamlined treatment under Section 63.12(c) because Transferee is not a

foreign carrier itself and otherwise qualifies for a presumption of non-dominance under Section

63.10(a)(3) for the reasons detailed in response to paragraphs (k), (l) and (m) above.


          Pursuant to Commission Rule 63.04(b), 47 C.P.R. § 63.04(b), Applicants submit the fol-

lowing information in support of their request for domestic Section 214 authority to transfer

control of PTS to Zayo in order to address the requirements set forth in Commission Ru1e


          (a)(6) A description of the proposed Transaction is set forth in Section III above.

          (a)(7) (i)     PTS does not provide intrastate telecommunications services in any state

and is currently seeking to surrender its authorization to provide intrastate telecommunications

services in New York. PTS provides dark fiber and/or interstate telecommunications services in


the District of Columbia and the following states: Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michi-

gan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia.

          The following subsidiaries of FTS do not provide intrastate or interstate telecommunica-

tions services in any state and are currently seeking to surrender their authorizations to provide

intrastate telecommunications services in Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia: First Commu-

nications Connect, Inc. (f/k/a Allegheny Communications Connect, Inc.) and ACC of Virginia,

Inc. (f/k/a Allegheny Communications Connect of Virginia, Inc.).

                 (ii)    Zayo and its subsidiaries, AboveNet, AboveNet of Utah, L.L.C.,

AboveNet of VA, L.L.C., 360networks, AFS, AriaLink, FiberGate, Inc. ("FiberGate"), Fi-

berGate of Virginia, LLC ("FiberGate-VA") and USCarrier collectively provide dark fiber

and/or telecommunications services in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut,

Delaware, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,

Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi,

Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina,

North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota,

Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. 6 Zayo,

AboveNet, 360networks, AFS, AriaLink, FiberGate, FiberGate-VA and/or US Carrier hold

authorizations to provide local exchange and/or interexchange telecommunications services in

each of those states as well as the following states where they do not currently provide such

telecommunications services: New Hampshire, Oklahoma and Vermont.

                 (iii)   Transferee is affiliated, through Zayo Holdings, with Onvoy, MIEAC and

ZEN, which also provide telecommunications services.         Onvoy provides or is authorized to

          FiberGate and FiberGate-VA do not hold international or domestic Section 214 authority.


provide competitive local exchange and/or interexchange services in California, Colorado, Idaho

(wholesale services only), Indiana, Iowa (IXC only), Michigan Minnesota, Montana Nebraska,

New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin and Wyoming

and is seeking such authority in Arizona. MIEAC provides CEA services in Minnesota and

North Dakota. ZEN provides telecommunications services in Colorado, Idaho, Indiana, Michi-

gan, Minnesota, Ohio, Tennessee and Washington. ZEN is authorized to provide intrastate (local

exchange, interexchange and/or private line) telecommunications services in each of these states.

               (iv)   To Transferee's knowledge, Transferee is currently affiliated with the fol-

lowing carriers through MCVP VI and its affiliates:

                      Through MCVP VI, the Transferee is currently affiliated with: (1) Airband

Communications, Inc., a fixed wireless provider; (2) Baja Broadband Operating Company, LLC,

a cable provider and wireless license holder; (3) CNG Communications, Inc., a fixed wireless

broadband provider, (4) CSDVRS, LLC, a video relay services provider; (5) Data Net Commu-

nication Group, Inc., KeySpan Communications Corp., Light Tower Holdings LLC and Veroxity

Technology Partners, affiliated fiber providers; (6) PRWireless, Inc., a fixed wireless provider;

(7) Sparkplug Central, Inc., Sparkplug Inc., Sparkplug Las Vegas, Inc., and Sparkplug South-

west, LLC, affiliated fixed wireless broadband providers; and (8) Triad 700, LLC, a 700 MHz


                      The members of M/C Venture Partners, LLC also control a 10% or greater

interest in M/C Venture Partners V, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("M/C Partners V"),

through their membership interests in M/C VP V, LLC which is the sole general partner of M/C

Partners V. In addition, three ofthe members ofM/C Venture Partners, LLC also control a 10%

or greater interest in M/C Venture Partners IV, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership ("M/C


Partners IV"), through their membership in M/C VP IV, LLC which is the sole general partner of

M/C Partners IV. Specifically, the general partner of M/C Partners IV is M/C VP IV, LLC, a

Massachusetts limited liability company.     James F. Wade, David D. Croll and Matthew J.

Rubins, all U.S. citizens, are the members of M/C VP IV, LLC. As stated in this Application,

Messrs. Wade, Croll, and Rubins are also members ofM/C Venture Partners, LLC.

                      The general partner of M/C Partners V is M/C VP V, LLC, a Massachu-

setts limited liability company. The same four individual U.S. citizens that are members of M/C

Venture Partners, LLC are also the members of M/C VP V, LLC. M/C Partners V has 10% or

greater, direct or indirect, interest in the following telecommunications services providers: (1)

Cleveland Unlimited, LLC, a non-dominant wireless local and long distance telecommunications

service provider in Cleveland, Ohio; (2) TX-11 Acquisition, LLC (d/b/a Cellular One of East

Texas), a non-dominant wireless carrier based in Lufkin, Texas; and (3) PRWireless, Inc., a fixed

wireless provider.

               (v)    Through Columbia Capital IV, Transferee is currently affiliated with:

(1) PRWireless, Inc., a fixed wireless provider; (2) New Global Telecom, Inc., wholesaler of

managed VoiP services to communications services providers; (3) Triad AWS, LLC, a spectrum

holding entity; (4) Horizon Wi-Com, LLC, a spectrum holding entity; (5) Baja Broadband

Holding Company LLC, a cable provider and wireless license holder; (6) Progeny LMS Hold-

ings, LLC, a spectrum holding entity; (7) TVCC One Six Holdings, LLC, a spectrum holding

entity; and (8) Telecom Transport Management and its subsidiaries, TTM Operating Corpora-

tion, Inc. and TTM Virginia, Inc., providers ofbackhaul services to wireless operators.

               (vi)   To Transferee's knowledge, Transferee is not affiliated with any other tel-

ecommunications carriers.


           (a)(8) Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined pro-

cessing pursuant to Sections 63.03 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.03. In particular, with

respect to domestic authority, this Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to

Section 63.03(b)(2)(i) because, immediately following the Transaction, Transferee (and its Affili-

ates (as defined in the Act)) will have a market share in the interstate, interexchange market of

less than 10 percent, and Transferee (and its Affiliates) will provide competitive telephone

exchange services or exchange access services (if at all) exclusively in geographic areas served

by a dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party to the Transaction, and none of the

Applicants (or their Affiliates) are dominant with respect to any service.

           (a)(9) Other than its section 214 authorizations described in this Application, Licensee

does not hold any other authorizations or licenses from the Commission. Therefore, no other

applications are being filed with the Commission with respect to this Transaction.

           (a)(lO) No party is requesting special consideration because it is facing imminent business


           (a)(ll) Not applicable.

           (a)(l2) Applicants submit that the Transaction described herein will serve the public in-

terest. As part of Zayo, Licensee will continue to provide high-quality telecommunications

services to consumers while gaining access to the additional resources and operational expertise

of Zayo. Licensee will also benefit by being able to offer services to more multi-location busi-

ness and enterprise customers across a larger footprint in combination with Zayo. FTS's net-

work complements Zayo's network and the acquisition will increase Zayo's existing fiber

footprint. Approval of the Transaction also will serve the public interest in promoting competi-

tion among telecommunications carriers by providing Licensee with access to greater financial


resources and allowing Applicants to combine their operations and thereby become more effec—

tive competitors to larger incumbent telecommunications providers. In essence, the Transaction

will make Licensee and Zayo (and its operating subsidiaries) stronger competitors and thereby

benefit consumers.

                  The Transaction described herein will not result in a change of carrier for any cus—

tomers or any assignment of existing Commission authorizations. Further, the rates, terms and

conditions of services currently provided by Licensee to its customers will not change as a result

of the Transaction. However, shortly after the Transaction is completed, Licensee will no longer

use "First Communications" on any marketing or customer materials and will adopt a "Zayo"

branded name.


           For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application for the direct

transfer of control of First Telecom Services, LLC to Zayo Group, LLC.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Jean L. Kiddoo
                                                Brett P. Ferenchak
                                                BINGHAM MCCUTCHEN LLP
                                                2020 K Street, N.W.
                                                Washington, DC 20006
                                                202—373—6000 (Tel)
                                                202—373—6001 (Fax)

                                                 Counsel for Applicants

Dated: October 22, 2012


                                         EXHIBIT A

          Diagrams of the Pre- and Post-Transaction Corporate Organization Structures

A/7522195 1.8

                                                   Current Corporate Structure of FTS*
• The entities listed herein do not include the subsidiaries of
FTS that do not provide telecommunications services. While
they do not provide intrastate or interstate
telecommunications services, the following subsidiaries of
FTS are in the process of surrendering their authorizations to
provide intrastate telecommunications services: First
Communications Connect, Inc. (f/kla Allegheny
Communications Connect, Inc.) and ACC of Virginia, Inc.
(f/kla Allegheny Communications Connect of Virginia, Inc.)

                                    I   Marbel Investments, LLC
                                                                                I                I FirstEnergy Corp. I

                                                                          Communications, Inc.

                                                                             First Telecom
                                                                             Services, LLC


                                                             Current Corporate Structure of Zayo

        • The entities listed herein only include those subsidiaries of
        Zayo that post-transaction (1) will hold authorization to
        provide intrastate, interstate or international
        telecommunications services. (2) will hold f,
                                                                                         Zayo Group, LLC

                              360networks                                 FiberGate Holdings, Inc.                 AboveNet, Inc.           Control Room              American
                           holdings (USA) inc.                              ("FiberGate Holdings")                  ("ABN-Parent")        Technologies, LLC         Fiber Systems
                             ("360-Holdings")                                                                                                  ("CRT')              Holding Corp.

                                                                               FiberGate, Inc.
                     I                                I                    l    ("FiberGate")
                                                                                                  l                Above Net
                                                                                                               Communications, Inc.
                                                                                                                                            Telecom, LLC
                                                                                                                                                                   American Fiber
                                                                                                                                                                    Systems, Inc.
                                                                                                                  ("AboveNet")                ("Aria link")            ("AFS")
         360networks (USA) inc.               360networks
    I        ("360networks")                 Vancouver Ltd.
                                                                          FiberGate of Virginia, LLC
                                                                              ("FiberGate-VA")                                                                    USCarrier Telecom
                                                                                                                                                                     Holdings, LLC
                                                                                                                                                                   ("USC Holdings")
                                                                                                       AboveNet                      AboveNet Canada Inc.
                                                                                                   International, Inc.
                                                                                                                                I     ("AboveNet-Canada")
                                        AboveNet of                     AboveNet of                                                                           USCarrier Telecom, LLC
      MFN Japan KK
I   ("AboveNet-Japan")
                             I          Utah L.L.C.                      VA, L.L.C.
                                      ("AboveNet-UT')                 ("AboveNet-VA")
                                                                                            I    MFN Europe Limited
                                                                                                                                     Zayo Group EU Limited
                                                                                                 Zayo Group UK Ltd .
                                                                                                     ("Zayo-UK")            l
        Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.


                                   Post—Transaction Corporate Structure of Zayo and FTS

  * The entities listed herein only include those subsidiaries of
 Zayo that post—transaction (1) will hold authorization to
  provide intrastate, interstate or international
 telecommunications services, (2) will hold foreign licenses, or
 (3) will be in the chain of ownership of those entities                              Zayo Group, LLC
 described in (1) and (2).

                36O0networks                    First Telecom             FiberGate Holdings, Inc.                   AboveNet, Inc.           Control Room            American
             holdings (USA) inc.                Services, LLC               ("FiberGate Holdings")                   ("ABN—Parent")         Technologies, LLC       Fiber Systems
                (*360—Holdings")                    ("FTS")                                                                 [                     ("CRT")           Holding Corp.

                                                                                  FiberGate, Inc.                   AboveNet                     Arialink          American Fiber
                                                                                   ("FiberGate")               Communications, Inc.           Telecom, LLC          Systems, Inc.
  36O0networks (USA) inc.                36Onetworks
                                                                                                                      ("AboveNet")              ("Arialink")           ("AFS")
       ("360networks")                  Vancouver Ltd.
                                                                           FiberGate of Virginia, LLC
                                                                               (*FiberGate—VA")                                                                   USCarrier Telecom
                                                                                                                                                                    Holdings, LLC
                                                                                                                                                                   (*USC Holdings")

                                                                                                       AboveNet                       AboveNet Canada Inc.
                                                                                                International, Inc.                     ("AboveNet—Canada")

 MFN Japan KK                      AboveNet of                      AboveNet of                                                                                 USCarrier Telecom, LLC
("AboveNet—Japan")                 Utah L.L.C.                      VA, LL.C.                                                                                          (°USC")
                                 ("AboveNet—UT")                ("AboveNet—VA")               MFN Europe Limited
                                                                                                                                      Zayo Group EU Limited
                                                                                              Zayo Group UK Ltd.

 Unless otherwise indicated all ownership percentages are 100%.


                                            Current and Post—Transaction Ownership of Zayo
                                                                                                                                                     |         Managing Members —            i
                                              Managing Members —              Members of Board of Managers —                                         i     Michael Eisenson, Tim Palmer,     I
                                            James F. Wade,! David D.            Mark M. Anderson, Craig A.                                           1    Kim Davis, Mark Rosen, Michael     i
                                             Croll,! Matthew Rubins,         Bondy, Philip A. Canfield, David A.                                     i1   Choe, Brandon White, Jon Biott,    i
                                             John Watkins, John Van                Donnini, David S. Katz,                                           |    —Andrew Janower, Michael Thonis    i
                                                     Hooser                    Constantine S. Mihas, Collin E.
                                                                                Roche, Sean L. Cunningham,
                                                                                      Aaron D. Cohen                        Managing Members —
                                                                                                                           James B. Fleming, Jr.,              Charlesbank Capital
                                                                                                                            R. Philip Herget, III,                Partners, LLC
E   Executive Managing Members —                   M/C Venture                                                               Harry F. Hopper HI2
1    Bandel L. Carano, Edward F.                  Partners, LLC                     GTCR Investment
i    Glassmeyer, Ann H. Lamont,                                                            X LLC
i         Fredric W. Harman                                                                                                                                                  100%
                                                                                                                                                                             (General Partner)
                                                  100%                                100%
                                       (General Partner)                 (General Partner) 4                                    Columbia                          C;harlesbank
                                                                                                                             Capital IV, LLC                   Equity Fund VI GP,
     Oak Associates XIl, LLC                     M/C VP VI, LP.                       GTCR Partners                            ap!       wl                    Limited Partnership
                                                                                        XIA&C LP
                                                                                                                             100%                                            100%
                                                                                       100%                      (General Partner) 5                                         (General Partner) 6
            100%                                   100%
(General Partner)                      (General Partner)
                                                                          (General Partner)®                                 Columbia Capital                     Charlesbank
     Oak Investment Partners                       M/C Venture                          GTCR Fund                           Equity Partners IV                   Equity Fund VI,
     Xll, Limited Partnership                    Partners VI, L.P.                         X/A LP                                (QP), LP.                     Limited Partnership

            15.06%                               13.24% |                              11.80%                                 12.07%                                       11.22%

     ! Mr. Wade and Mr. Croll are also 2 of the 5 managers of                                                                5 Columbia Capital VI, LLC is the general partner of (i) Columbia
                                                                             Communications Infrastructure
     M/C Venture Investors, L.L.C., which has approximately                                                                  Capital Equity Partners IV, L.P., which is the general partner of
     a 0.42% direct interest in Cll.                                               Investments, LLC
                                                                                                                             both Columbia Capital Equity Partners IV (QP), L.P. and Columbia
                                                                                                                             Capital Equity Partners IV (QPCO), L.P. (which has approx. a
                                                                                                                             1.49% direct interest in CII) and (ii) Columbia Capital Employee
     2 These individuals also have indirect control of other entities                            100%
                                                                                                                             Investors IV, L.P., which has approx. a 0.09% direct interest in Cll.
     that have, in aggregate, approx. a 0.26% direct interest in Cl
                                                                                Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.
                                                                                                                             6 Charlesbank Equity Fund VI GP, Limited Partnership is the
     3 GTCR Partners X/A&C LP is also the general partner of
                                                                                                                             general partner of (i) Charlesbank Equity Fund VI, Limited
     GTCR Fund X/C LP, which has approximately a 3.38% direct
                                                                                                 100%                        Partnership and (ii) the following funds that collectively have an
     interest in Cll.
                                                                                                                             approximately 1.84% direct interest in Cll: CB Offshore Equity
     * GTCR Investment X LLC is also the general partner of GTCR                                                             Fund VI; Charlesbank Equity Coinvestment Fund VI, LP; and
     Co—Invest X LP, which has approx. a 0.10% direct interest in Cll.               Zayo Group, LLC                         Charlesbank Equity Coinvestment Partners, LP.



       I, Sandi R. Murphy, state that I am Senior Vice President and General Counsel for First

Communications, Inc. and First Telecom Services, LLC; that I am authorized to make this

Verification on behalf of First Communications, Inc. and First Telecom Services, LLC; that the

foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the statements in the

foregoing document are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

       I declare under penalty ofperjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 2_2'

day of October, 2012.

                                           Name: Sandi R. Mufph
                                            Title:   Senior Vice Président and General Counsel


        I, Scott E. Beer, am Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of Zayo Group, LLC

("Zayo"); that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of Zayo; that the foregoing

filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents with respect to the

Company are true and correct to the best of rny knowledge, information, and belief.

        I declare lDlder penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

alr.l_ day of October 2012.

                                              Scott E. Beer
                                              Vice President, General Counsel an
                                              Zayo Group, LLC

Document Created: 2012-10-22 16:45:56
Document Modified: 2012-10-22 16:45:56

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