Attachment Notification

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20121009-00254 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Jean L. Kiddoo
Brett P. Ferenchak

October 9, 2012


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Room TW-A325
Washington, DC 20554
Attn: International Bureau

Re: Notification Regarding Pro Forma Transfer of Control of the
    International Section 214 Authorization of ITC Global USA, LLC

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Riverside Fund IV, L.P. (“Riverside”), by undersigned counsel and pursuant to 47
C.F.R. § 63.24(f), notifies the Commission that the pro forma transfer of control
of the International Section 214 Authorization of ITC Global USA, LLC
(“Licensee”) was completed on September 27, 2012. The pro forma transfer of
control resulted from the insertion of ITC Global Holdings, LLC (“Holdings”)
between ITC Global, Inc. (“ITC Parent”), the parent company of Licensee, and
the equity holders of ITC Parent, including Riverside. Since Riverside was the
ultimate majority owner of Licensee before and after the insertion of Holdings,
the transaction was pro forma in nature.

                    Information Required by Section 63.24(f)(2)

As required by Section 63.24(f)(2), Riverside provides the following information
required by 63.18(a) through (d) and (h):

Sections 63.18(a): Name, address and telephone number of the parties:

          Riverside Fund IV, L.P.
          699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
          Boston, MA 02116
          Tel: 617-351-2800

Sections 63.18(b): Organization of the parties:

          Riverside is a Delaware limited partnership.


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
October 9, 2012
Page 2

          Licensee is a Florida limited liability company.

          Holdings is a Delaware limited liability company

Section 63.18(c): Correspondence concerning this filing should be sent to
Riverside’s counsel:

                 Jean L. Kiddoo
                 Brett P. Ferenchak
                 Bingham McCutchen LLP
                 2020 K Street, N.W.
                 Washington, DC 20006-1806
                 202-373-6000 (Tel)
                 202-373-6001 (Fax)

Section 63.18(d): Licensee is authorized to provide global or limited global
facilities-based and resale service pursuant to International 214 Authorization
granted in IB File No. ITC-214-20110609-00184.

Sections 63.18(h): See Attachment 1 for the ownership of Licensee and Riverside.

Riverside certifies that the conversion was pro forma and that, together with all
previous pro forma transactions, did not result in a change in the actual
controlling party of the Licensee.

                                *      *       *       *

This notification letter is being filed electronically via MyIBFS. Please direct any
questions to the undersigned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean L. Kiddoo
Brett P. Ferenchak

Counsel for Riverside


                                         ATTACHMENT 1

Answer to Question 11 - Section 63.18(h) Ownership Information

          As discussed in the Description of Transaction below, ITC Global Holdings, LLC

(“Holdings”) was inserted between ITC Global, Inc. (“ITC Parent”), the parent company of ITC

Global USA, LLC (“Licensee”), and the equity holders of ITC Parent, including Riverside Fund

IV, L.P. (“Riverside”) (the “Pro Forma Insertion”). As a result of the Pro Forma Insertion, ITC

Parent is a wholly owned direct subsidiary of Holdings while Riverside, which was the majority

direct owner of ITC Parent, is the majority direct owner of Holdings. The following entities

currently (post-Pro Forma Insertion) hold, directly or indirectly, a 10% or greater interest1 in the

Licensee as calculated pursuant to the Commission ownership attribution rules for international

telecommunications carriers:

          The following entity holds a ten percent or greater direct interest in ITC Global USA,

                 Name:                  ITC Global, Inc. (“ITC Parent”)
                 Address:               53 Central Avenue
                                        Needham, Massachusetts 02494
                 Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                 Interest Held:         100%
                 Principal Business:    Communications

          The following entity holds a ten percent or greater direct interest in ITC Global USA,

                 Name:                  ITC Global Holdings, LLC (“Holdings”)
                 Address:               53 Central Avenue
                                        Needham, Massachusetts 02494
                 Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                 Interest Held:         100%
                 Principal Business:    Holding Company

        Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity and
voting interests.


          The following entities hold a ten percent or greater direct interest in ITC Global
          Holdings, LLC:

                 Name:                  Riverside Fund IV, L.P. (“Riverside”)
                 Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                        699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                        Boston, MA 02116
                 Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                 Interest Held:         59.50% Equity; 64.24% Voting
                 Principal Business:    Investments

                 Name:                  Riverside Fund IV Offshore, L.P. (“Riverside Offshore”)
                 Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                        699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                        Boston, MA 02116
                 Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                 Interest Held:         20% Equity; 0% Voting
                 Principal Business:    Investments

                         The general partner of Riverside Offshore is Riverside Partners IV, L.P.,
                         which is also the general partner of Riverside and whose information is
                         provided below.

                         To Riverside’s knowledge, no person or entity owns or controls a 10% or
                         greater indirect interest in Licensee through Riverside Fund IV Offshore,

                 Name:                  Fine Spotted Partners, LLC (“FSP”)
                 Address:               c/o ITC Global, Inc.
                                        53 Central Avenue
                                        Needham, Massachusetts 02494
                 Citizenship:           U.S.
                 Interest Held:         less than 10% Equity; 11.09% Voting
                 Principal Business:    Investment

                         The sole member of FSP is Michael Monier, a U.S. citizen, who can also
                         be reached through ITC Global, Inc. To Riverside’s knowledge, no other
                         person or entity holds a 10% or greater indirect interest in Licensee
                         through an ownership interest in Fine Spotted Partners, LLC.

                                        Attachment 1 - Page 2

          The following entities hold a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in Riverside Fund IV,

                 (1)    Name:                  Riverside Partners IV, L.P.
                        Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                               699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                               Boston, MA 02116
                        Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
                        Interest Held:         General Partner
                        Principal Business:    Investment

                 (2)    Name:                  Yale University
                        Address:               55 Whitney Avenue, 5th Floor
                                               New Haven, Connecticut
                        Citizenship:           U.S.
                        Interest Held:         14.81% Limited Partner
                        Principal Business:    Education

                 (3)    Name:                  Arkansas Teacher Retirement System
                        Address:               1400 West Third Street
                                               Little Rock, Arkansas
                        Citizenship:           U.S.
                        Interest Held:         13.16% Limited Partner
                        Principal Business:    Investment

                 (4)    Name:                  West Virginia Investment Management Board
                        Address:               500 Virginia Street, Suite 200
                                               Charleston, West Virginia 25301
                        Citizenship:           U.S.
                        Interest Held:         13.16% Limited Partner
                        Principal Business:    Investment

          No individual or entity holds a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in Yale University,
          Arkansas Teacher Retirement System or the West Virginia Investment Management

          The following individuals or entities hold a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in
          Riverside Partners IV, L.P.:

                 (1)    Name:                  David Belluck
                        Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                               699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                               Boston, MA 02116
                        Citizenship:           U.S.
                        Interest Held:         Less than 50%
                        Principal Business:    Individual

                                       Attachment 1 - Page 3

                (2)    Name:                 Brian Guthrie
                       Address:              c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                             699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                             Boston, MA 02116
                       Citizenship:          U.S.
                       Interest Held:        Less than 50%
                       Principal Business:   Individual

                (3)    Name:                 Steve Kaplan
                       Address:              c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                             699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                             Boston, MA 02116
                       Citizenship:          U.S.
                       Interest Held:        Less than 50%
                       Principal Business:   Individual

                (4)    Name:                 Riverside Partners IV, LLC
                       Address:              c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                             699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                             Boston, MA 02116
                       Citizenship:          U.S. (Delaware)
                       Interest Held:        General Partner
                       Principal Business:   Investment

          Riverside Partners IV, L.P. is controlled by an investment committee composed of six
          members, who are: David Belluck, Philip Borden, Ian Bosco, Brian Guthrie, Steve
          Kaplan, and Jon Lemelman. All members of the investment committee are United States
          citizens and the business address for each member of the investment committee is:

                       c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                       699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                       Boston, MA 02116

          The sole members of Riverside Partners IV, LLC are:

                (1)    Name:                 David Belluck
                       Address:              c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                             699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                             Boston, MA 02116
                       Citizenship:          U.S.
                       Interest Held:        Greater than 50%
                       Principal Business:   Individual

                                      Attachment 1 - Page 4

                 (2)     Name:                  Brian Guthrie
                         Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                                699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                                Boston, MA 02116
                         Citizenship:           U.S.
                         Interest Held:         Less than 50%
                         Principal Business:    Individual

Answer to Question 12 - Section 63.18(h) Interlocking Directorates

          Neither Licensee nor Riverside has any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

Answer to Question 13 - Description of Pro Forma Transfer of Control

        Prior to the Pro Forma Insertion, Licensee was a wholly owned direct subsidiary of ITC
Parent and ITC Parent was directly owned (majority) by Riverside. On September 27, 2012, ITC
Global Merger Sub, LLC (“Merger Sub”), a wholly owned direct subsidiary of Holdings, merged
with and into ITC Parent, whereupon the separate existence of Merger Sub ceased and ITC
Parent was the surviving entity. As a result of the merger, Holdings is directly owned (majority)
by Riverside and ITC Parent is a wholly owned direct subsidiary of Holdings. Licensee remains
a wholly owned direct subsidiary of ITC Parent and indirectly owned (majority) by Riverside
following the Pro Forma Insertion, but Holdings is a new link in the chain of ownership between
Licensee and Riverside. Since the ultimate majority owner of Licensee has not changed as a
result of the Pro Forma Insertion, the Pro Forma Insertion was purely pro forma in nature.
Charts depicting the pre- and post-Pro Forma Insertion ownership structure of Licensee are
attached hereto.

       The Pro Forma Insertion served the public interest. Following the Pro Forma Insertion,
Licensee continues to provide service to its customers under the same rates, conditions and terms
of service. Riverside emphasizes that the Pro Forma Insertion was seamless and completely
transparent to Licensee’s customers. Also, the Pro Forma Insertion did not have any adverse
impact on competition. No existing or potential competitors were eliminated as a result of the
Pro Forma Insertion. Instead, Licensee continues to provide service to its customers, furthering
the Commission’s policies favoring competition and diversity of services.

                                        Attachment 1 - Page 5

                      Pre-Pro Forma Insertion Ownership Structure

Sole Members
                              Brian         David
                             Guthrie       Belluck
                        Limited                  Limited
   Riverside            Partner                  Partner
Partners IV, LLC
                                                                                     Arkansas       West Virginia
                                                                                      Teacher        Investment
                                     Riverside                      Yale             Retirement     Management
                                  Partners IV, L.P.               University          System            Board

                                            General             14.81%                     13.16%          13.16%
                                            Partner                 LP                     LP              LP

            Michael Monier

             Fine Spotted                                            Riverside Fund IV, L.P.
             Partners, LLC                                                 (“Riverside”)

   13.19% Equity                                                                   57.46% Equity
   11.09% Voting                                                                   64.24% Voting

                                             ITC Global, Inc.
                                               (“ITC Parent”)
                                          ITC Global USA, LLC

                             Post-Pro Forma Insertion Ownership Structure
                                                 Sole Members

                                        Brian           David
                                       Guthrie          Belluck
                                   Limited                   Limited
                                   Partner                   Partner
                Partners IV, LLC
                                                                             Partner              Arkansas        West Virginia
                                                                                                   Teacher         Investment
                                                Riverside                    Yale                 Retirement      Management
                                             Partners IV, L.P.             University              System             Board
       Michael Monier                                   General          14.81%                          13.16%           13.16%
                                         General        Partner              LP                          LP               LP
      100%                               Partner

       Fine Spotted                   Riverside Fund IV                            Riverside Fund IV, L.P.
       Partners, LLC                    Offshore, L.P.                                  (“Riverside”)

  <10% Equity                                      20.00% Equity                                59.50% Equity
13.19% Voting                                      0% Voting                                    64.24% Voting

                                                   ITC Global Holdings

                                                     ITC Global, Inc.
                                                      (“ITC Parent”)


                                                 ITC Global USA, LLC


          I, Steve Kaplan, state that I am (1) an Authorized Representative of Riverside Partners

IV, LLC, which is the general partner of Riverside Partners IV, L.P., which in turn is the general

partner of Riverside Fund IV, L.P. and (2) Chairman of ITC Global, Inc., the sole member and

manager of ITC Global USA, LLC; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction

and supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,

information, and belief.

          I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

fl day of October 2012.                                                               _

                                        Name: Steve Kaplan
                                        Title: Authorized Representative
                                        Riverside Fund IV, L.P.
                                            By: Riverside Partners IV, L.P., its general partner
                                            By: Riverside Partners IV, LLC, its general partner
                                        Title: Chairman
                                        ITC Global, Inc.
                                        (the sole member and manager of ITC Global USA, LLC)


Document Created: 2012-10-09 11:21:10
Document Modified: 2012-10-09 11:21:10

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