Attachment Pro Forma Notice

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20120821-00204 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Ronald W. Del Sesto, Jr.
Jeffrey R. Strenkowski

August 21, 2012


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Room TW-A325
Washington, DC 20554
Attn: International Bureau

Re:       Notification Regarding Insertion of New Holding Company
          Resulting in the Pro Forma Transfer of Control of IntelePeer, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

IntelePeer, Inc. (“IntelePeer”), by undersigned counsel and pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §
63.24(f), notifies the Commission a new holding company, IntelePeer Holdings, Inc.
(“Holdings” and together with IntelePeer, the “Parties”), was inserted into the corporate
structure of IntelePeer resulting in a pro forma transfer of control of IntelePeer.

                       Information Required by Section 63.24(f)(2)

As required by Section 63.24(f)(2), the Company provides the following information
required by 63.18(a) through (d) and (h):

Sections 63.18(a): Name, address and telephone number of the Company:

          IntelePeer Holdings, Inc.
          IntelePeer, Inc.
          2855 Campus Drive
          Suite 200
          San Mateo, CA 94403
          T: +1.650.525.9200
          F: +1.650.287.2628

Sections 63.18(b): Organization of the Parties:

          IntelePeer and Holdings are both Delaware corporations.


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
August 21, 2012
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Section 63.18(c): Correspondence concerning this filing should be sent to the
Company’s counsel:

                Ronald W. Del Sesto, Jr.
                Jeffrey R. Strenkowski
                Bingham McCutchen LLP
                2020 K Street, N.W.
                Washington, DC 20006-1806
                202-373-6000 (Tel)
                202-373-6001 (Fax)

Section 63.18(d): IntelePeer holds international Section 214 authority to provide
facilities-based service in accordance with Section 63.18(e)(1) of the rules, and also to
provide service in accordance with Section 63.18(e)(2) of the rules pursuant to
Commission authority granted in FCC File No. ITC-214-20030529-00263. IntelePeer
also holds blanket domestic 214 authority.

Sections 63.18(h): The pre- and post-transactions ownership of IntelePeer is set forth

Pre-Transaction Ownership:

Name:                    VantagePoint Venture Partners 2006(Q), L.P.
Address:                 1001 Bayhill Drive, Suite 300, San Bruno, CA 94066
Citizenship:             Delaware
Principal Business:      Investments
Interest:                20.39% (fully-diluted), 27.86% (outstanding) direct in
                         IntelePeer, Inc. The General Partner of VantagePoint Venture
                         Partners 2006(Q), L.P. is VantagePoint Venture Associates
                         2006, LLC (a Delaware limited liability company). Due to his
                         authority as a Managing Member of VantagePoint Venture
                         Associates 2006, LLC, Alan E. Salzman (a U.S. citizen) may be
                         deemed to have beneficial ownership over shares held by
                         VantagePoint Venture Partners 2006(Q), L.P. Mr. Salzman
                         disclaims beneficial ownership except to the extent of his
                         pecuniary interest in those shares. The address for both
                         VantagePoint entities and for Mr. Salzman is 1001 Bayhill
                         Drive, Suite 300, San Bruno, CA 94066.

Name:                    Kennet II L.P.
Address:                 950 Tower Lane, Suite 1710, Foster City, CA 94404
Citizenship:             Guernsey
Principal Business:      Investments
Interest:                20.30% (fully-diluted), 27.74% (outstanding) direct, 20.39%
                         (fully-diluted), 21.45% (outstanding) indirect in IntelePeer, Inc.


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
August 21, 2012
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                       (through its affiliate King Street Partners L.P., which holds
                       0.09% (fully-diluted), 0.12% (outstanding)). Pursuant to a
                       management agreement, Kennet Capital Management (Jersey)
                       Limited (“KCMJL”), a Jersey company, has sole voting and
                       investment power over the shares held by Kennet II L.P. The
                       board of directors of KCMJL consists of Michael Harrop (a U.K.
                       citizen), David King (a U.K. citizen) and Jane Stammers (a U.K.
                       citizen), who share such voting and investment power. KCMJL
                       has appointed Javier Rojas (a U.S. citizen) as its representative to
                       the Company's board of directors. Each of Michael Harrop, Jane
                       Stammers, David King and Javier Rojas disclaim beneficial
                       ownership except to the extent of his or her pecuniary interest in
                       these shares. The address of KCMJL is 47 Esplanade, St. Helier,
                       Jersey JE1 0BD Channel Islands.

Name:                  IVS A/S
Address:               Sundkrogsgade 7, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Citizenship:           Denmark
Principal Business:    Investments
Interest:              2.60% (fully-diluted), 3.56% (outstanding) direct, 7.81% (fully-
                       diluted), 10.67% (outstanding) indirect in IntelePeer, Inc.
                       (through its subsidiary IVS Fund II K/S, which holds 5.21%
                       (fully-diluted), 7.12% (outstanding)). The Board of Directors of
                       IVS A/S has sole voting power over the shares held by IVS
                       Fund II K/S and IVS A/S. The board of directors of IVS A/S
                       consists of Lars Bruhn (a Danish citizen), Peter Aagaard (a
                       Danish citizen), Soren Fogtdal (a Danish citizen), Preben Mejer
                       (a Danish citizen), and Frank Ewald (a Danish citizen), who
                       share such voting and investment power. Each of Lars Bruhn,
                       Peter Aagaard, Soren Fogtdal, Preben Mejer, and Frank Ewald
                       disclaim beneficial ownership except to the extent of his or her
                       pecuniary interest in these shares. The address for each of the
                       board members is Sundkrogsgade 7, 2100 Copenhagen,

Post-Transaction Ownership:

Name:                  IntelePeer Holdings, Inc.
Address:               2855 Campus Drive, Suite 200, San Mateo, CA 94403
Citizenship:           Delaware
Principal Business:    Holding Company
Interest:              100% direct in IntelePeer, Inc.

Name:                  VantagePoint Venture Partners 2006(Q), L.P.
Address:               1001 Bayhill Drive, Suite 300, San Bruno, CA 94066
Citizenship:           Delaware


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
August 21, 2012
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Principal Business:    Investments
Interest:              20.39% (fully-diluted), 27.86% (outstanding) direct in IntelePeer
                       Holdings, Inc. The General Partner of VantagePoint Venture
                       Partners 2006(Q), L.P. is VantagePoint Venture Associates
                       2006, LLC (a Delaware limited liability company). Due to his
                       authority as a Managing Member of VantagePoint Venture
                       Associates 2006, LLC, Alan E. Salzman (a U.S. citizen) may be
                       deemed to have beneficial ownership over shares held by
                       VantagePoint Venture Partners 2006(Q), L.P. Mr. Salzman
                       disclaims beneficial ownership except to the extent of his
                       pecuniary interest in those shares. The address for both
                       VantagePoint entities and for Mr. Salzman is 1001 Bayhill
                       Drive, Suite 300, San Bruno, CA 94066.

Name:                  Kennet II L.P.
Address:               950 Tower Lane, Suite 1710, Foster City, CA 94404
Citizenship:           Guernsey
Principal Business:    Investments
Interest:              20.30% (fully-diluted), 27.74% (outstanding) direct, 20.39%
                       (fully-diluted), 21.45% (outstanding) indirect in IntelePeer
                       Holdings, Inc. (through its affiliate King Street Partners L.P.,
                       which holds 0.09% (fully-diluted), 0.12% (outstanding)).
                       Pursuant to a management agreement, Kennet Capital
                       Management (Jersey) Limited (“KCMJL”), a Jersey company,
                       has sole voting and investment power over the shares held by
                       Kennet II L.P. The board of directors of KCMJL consists of
                       Michael Harrop (a U.K. citizen), David King (a U.K. citizen)
                       and Jane Stammers (a U.K. citizen), who share such voting and
                       investment power. KCMJL has appointed Javier Rojas (a U.S.
                       citizen) as its representative to the Company's board of directors.
                       Each of Michael Harrop, Jane Stammers, David King and Javier
                       Rojas disclaim beneficial ownership except to the extent of his or
                       her pecuniary interest in these shares. The address of KCMJL is
                       47 Esplanade, St. Helier, Jersey JE1 0BD Channel Islands.

Name:                  IVS A/S
Address:               Sundkrogsgade 7, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
Citizenship:           Denmark
Principal Business:    Investments
Interest:              2.60% (fully-diluted), 3.56% (outstanding) direct, 7.81% (fully-
                       diluted), 10.67% (outstanding) indirect in IntelePeer Holdings,
                       Inc. (through its subsidiary IVS Fund II K/S, which holds 5.21%
                       (fully-diluted), 7.12% (outstanding)). The Board of Directors of
                       IVS A/S has sole voting power over the shares held by IVS
                       Fund II K/S and IVS A/S. The board of directors of IVS A/S
                       consists of Lars Bruhn (a Danish citizen), Peter Aagaard (a


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
August 21, 2012
Page 5

                          Danish citizen), Soren Fogtdal (a Danish citizen), Preben Mejer
                          (a Danish citizen), and Frank Ewald (a Danish citizen), who
                          share such voting and investment power. Each of Lars Bruhn,
                          Peter Aagaard, Soren Fogtdal, Preben Mejer, and Frank Ewald
                          disclaim beneficial ownership except to the extent of his or her
                          pecuniary interest in these shares. The address for each of the
                          board members is Sundkrogsgade 7, 2100 Copenhagen,

To the best of the Parties’ knowledge, no other person or entity holds a 10% or greater
interest in IntelePeer. To the best of the Parties’ knowledge, IntelePeer does not have any
interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier. The Parties certify that the insertion of
Holdings was pro forma and that, together with all previous pro forma transactions, did
not result in a change in the actual controlling party of IntelePeer.

Answer to Question 13 - Description of Pro Forma Transfer of Control

A new holding company, Holdings, was inserted in the corporate chain directly above
IntelePeer. Since the previous owners of IntelePeer now hold the same ownership
percentages in Holdings, the ultimate ownership and control of IntelePeer did not change
as a result of the pro forma insertion of Holdings.

                                 *       *        *       *

This notification letter is being filed electronically via MyIBFS. Please direct any
questions to the undersigned.

Respectfully submitted,

Ronald W. Del Sesto, Jr.
Jeffrey R. Strenkowski

Counsel for IntelePeer, Inc.
and IntelePeer Holdings, Inc.



STATE OF CALIFORNIA                                      6
                                                         §       ss:
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO                                      §

           I, Todd Smith, state that I am the Vice President, Corporate Controller of IntelePeer, Inc.

and IntelePeer Holdings, Inc. that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of the

Parties (as defined in the Notice Letter); that the foregoing filing was prepared under my

direction and supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the best ofmy knowledge,

information, and belief.


                                                 Todd Smith
                                                 Vice President, Corporate Controller
                                                 IntelePeer, Inc.
                                                 IntelePeer Holdings, Inc.

Sworn and subscribed before me this ‘l( !W‘ day of August, 2012.

                                                 Notary Public

My commission expires:                                                         p       BANDANA SINGH
                                                                 U         w       Commission # 1934038
                                                                       s           Notary Public — California
                                                                                      San Mateo County


Document Created: 2012-08-21 12:50:38
Document Modified: 2012-08-21 12:50:38

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