Attachment Exhibit 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20120621-00166 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                 Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter   of                                                )
Allan J. Block, John R. Block and the Maxine          H.          )
Block Marital Trust No. 2                                         )
                 Transferors,                                     )
                                                                  )          File No'
Allan J. Block, John R. Block and Family         Trust            )
No.2                                                              )


Pro Forma Transfer of Control of Domestic       and               )
Intemational Authority Pursuant to Section      214               )
of the Communications Act of 1934, as         amended             )


         Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act              of 1934, as amended (the

 "Communications Act"), 47 U.S.C. ç214, and Section 63.24 of the Commission's Rules,47

 C.F.R. ç 63.24, Allan J. Block, John R. Block and the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2

 ("Transferors") and Allan J. Block, John R. Block and Family Trust No. 2 ("Transferees")

hereby notify the Commission of a pro forma transfer of control of the domestic and

 international Section 274 authorizations held by Buckeye TeleSystem, Inc. ("Buckeye") from
Transferors to Transferees.

  Buckeye holds an international Section 214 authorization for global resale. This authorization was granted
initially to Toledo Area Telecommunications Services, Inc. under FCC File No. ITC-214-19981 I l7-00803 and
wassubjecttoaproformatransferofcontroltoBuckeyeunderFCCFileNo.ITC-ASG-20040715-00316. See
Overseas Common Carrier Section 214 Ãpplications and Section 310(bX4) Actions Taken, Public Notice, Rep.
TEL-00052 (rel. Jan. 7, 1999) (granting international Section 214 authorization), lnternational Authorizations
Granted, Public Notice, Rep. No. TEL-00821 (rel. Aug. 12,2004) Overseas Common Carrier Section 214
Applications, Actions Taken, Public Notice, Rep. No. l-8266 (rel. Oct. 9, 1997) (granÍing pro forma transfer of
control). Buckeye also provides domestic common carrier service pursuant to the blanket Section 214

         This transfer of control took place in connection with the allocation of stock

representing a25 percent voting interest in Block Communications, Inc. ("BCI"), the

ultimate parent of Buckeye, from the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2 to a new Family

Trust No. 2, for the benefit of the family of V/illiam Block Sr. and Maxine H. Block.2 This

reallocation under the terms of the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2, which provided that

upon Ms. Block's death and the fulfillment of certain other conditions, the BCI stock held by

that trust would be transferred to Family Trust No.          2. That transfer occurred on May         21,

2012. The transfer, the impact on the control of Buckeye and Buckeye's ownership structure

are described more     fully in Exhibit I to this application.

         This transfer of control was pro forma in nature because the transaction left the same

individuals in control of Buckeye, and will have no effect on the day-to-day operations of the

licensed entity.

authorization granted under Section 63.01 of the Commission's rules, but no authorization is required for a pro
forma transfer of control of that authorization. 47 C.F.R. $$ 63.01, 63.03.
  Authorizations for the pro forma transfer of control of licenses held by other entities under common control
with Buckeye were granted by the Commission in other services as follows: (l) Television broadcast licenses
held by Idaho Independent Television, Inc. (File No. BTCCDT-20100806442), Independence Television
Company (File No. BTCCDT-20100806A84), Lima Communications Corp. (File No. BTCCDT-
2010080644Y), WAND(TV) Partnership (File No. BTCCDT-2010080648C) and West CentralOhio
Broadcasting, Inc. (File No. BTCDTA-2010080648G); (2) Transmit/receive earth station authorizations held
by Independence Television Company (File No. SES-T/C-2O100812-01031) and WAND(TV) Partnership (File
No. SES-T/C-2O100812-01030); and (3) Private radio authorizations held by Block Communications, Inc. (File
No. 0004339526), Buckeye Cablevision, Inc. (File No. 0004356981), CARS Holding, Inc. (File No.
0004366242), Idaho Independent Television, Inc. (File No. 0004339522),LimaCommunications Corp. (File
No. 0004339490), WAND(TV) Partnership (File No. 0004339525). Affiliates of Buckeye also filed
notifications on May 21,2012 of the pro forma transfer of control for receive only earth station authorizations
held by Buckeye Cablevision, Inc. (File No. SES-T/C-20120521-00462), CARS Holding, Inc. (File No. SES-
TIC-20120521-00464),ldaho Independent Television, Inc. (File No. SES-T/C-2O120521-00460), lndependence
Television Company (File No. SES-T/C-20120521-00459) and WAND(TV) Partnership (File No. SES-T/C-

       In compliance with Section 63.24(Ð, the following information is provided:

       (1) Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:


Allan J. Block
405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
Toledo, Ohio 43604
(4t9) 724-6212

John R. Block
405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
Toledo, Ohio 43604
(419) 724-6212

'William Block, Jr., Trustee
Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2
405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
Toledo, Ohio 43604
(4t9) 724-6212


Allan J. Block
405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
Toledo, Ohio 43604
(4r9) 724-6212

John R. Block
405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
Toledo, Ohio 43604
(4t9) 724-62T2

William Block, Jr., Chairperson of the Trustees
Family TrustNo. 2
405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
Toledo, Ohio 43604
(4t9) 724-6212

(2) Government, state or territory under the laws of which each corporate or
partnership Applicant is organized

Buckeye is a Ohio corporation.

   (3) Name, title, post offïce address, and telephone number of the officer or contact
   point of each Applicant to whom correspondence concerning the Joint Application is to
   be addressed:

  For the Transferors and the Transferees:

  J.G. Hanington
  Dow Lohnes P.L.L.C.
  1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
  Suite 800
  V/ashington, DC 20036
  Tel.   (202) 776-2818
  Fax    (202) 776-2222

  (4) Statement       as to whether the Applicants   have previously received authority under
  Section 214 of the Ãct.

  Buckeye holds an international Section2l4 authorization for global resale, granted under
  FCC File Nos. FCC File No. ITC-214-19981117-00803 and ITC-ASG-20040715-00316.
  Buckeye also holds a domestic Section 2I4 arrthorization, granted under the blanket
  authorization provision of Section 63.01 of the Commission's rules. 47 C.F.R. $ 63.01.

  (5) Name, address, citizenship and principal business of any person or entity that
  directly or indirectly owns at least ten percent of the equity of the Transferees:

  Buckeye is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Block Communications, Inc., an Ohio corporation.
  Block Communications is a multimedia holding company.

  The following is information concerning the ownership of Block Communications, Inc. prior
  to and aftertheproforma transferof control:

                                        Prior          Current                   Principal
Name and     Address                   Ownership Ownership Citizenship           Business

AIIan J.  Block                         25%            25%           US          Communications
405 Madison Avenue
suire 2100
Toledo, Ohio 43604

John R.   Block                         25%            25%           US          Communications
405 Madison Avenue
Suire 2100
Toledo, Ohio 43604

Family Trust No.  2                    25%             0%            US          Trust
405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
Toledo, Ohio 43604

                                      Prior           Current                        Principal
Name and   Address                    Ownership Ownership Citizenship Business
Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No.   2 0%              25%              US            Trust
405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
Toledo, Ohio 43604

William Block Marital Trust No. 1     25%             25%              US            Trust
William Block Marital Trust No. 2     (collectively) (collectively)
William Block Marital TrustNo. 3
405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
Toledo, Ohio 43604

  Prior to the date of the pro forma transfer of control, Allan J. Block, John R. Block, William
  Block Marital Trust No. 1, William Block Marital Trust No. 2 and William Block Marital
  Trust No. 3 all held the same interests they hold today. The 25%o interest now held by Family
  Trust No. 2was held by and Allan J. Block and John R. Block are individuals.

  Family Trust No. 2, William Block Marital Trust No. 1, 'William Block Marital Trust No. 2
  and William Block Marital Trust No. 3 have no individual owners. The William Block
  Marital Trusts are treated as one entity for purposes of this filing because they are under the
  control of the same trustee.

  The following is information conceming the trustees of Family Trust No. 2:

  Name and   Address                      Title                       Citizenship   Business

  V/illiam Block, Jr.                     Chairperson   and           US            Investment
  405 Madison Avenue, Suite      2100     Trustee
  Toledo, Ohio 43604

  Karen D. Johnese                       Trustee                      US            Investment
  405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
  Toledo, Ohio 43604

  Barbara L. Block                       Trustee                      US            Investment
  405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
  Toledo, Ohio 43604

 Donald G. Block                         Trustee                      US            Investment
 405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
 Toledo, Ohio 43604

 W. Thomas McGough                       Independent    Trustee       US            Investment
 Reed Smith
 Reed Smith Center

225 FifthAvenue
Pittsburgh, PA15222

Karen D. Johnese is the Trustee and Voting Trustee of William Block Marital Trust No.       1,
William Block Marital Trust No. 2, V/illiam Block Marital Trust No. 3. Information
concerning Ms. Johnese is provided above.

Other than their interests in Buckeye, none of the entities or individuals listed above holds an
attributable interest in any entity that provides interstate telecommunications services.

(6) Certification   as to nature of the transaction:

The parties certify that the transfer of control described herein was pro þrma and that,
together with all previous pr o forma transactions, does not result in a change in the actual
controlling party.

(7) Certification by Transferee pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $$ 1.2001-1.2003 that no party to
the Joint Application is subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of
the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 19880 21 U.S.C. $ 583

The parties hereby certify, pursuant to 47 C.F.R. $ $ 1 .200 I -l .2003, that to the best of its
knowledge, information, and belief, no party to this Application is subject to denial of federal
benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988,21U.S.C. $ 583.


        For the foregoing reasons, the Applicants respectfully submit that grant by the

Commission of this the pro forma transfer of control of the international Section   2   1   4

authorizations now held by Buckeye TeleSystem, Inc. would serve the public interest,

convenience and necessity.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             Buckeye TeleSystem, Inc.

                                                 J.6. Harrington
                                                 Its Attorney
                                                 Dow Lohnes P.L.L.C.
                                                 1200 New Hampshire Avenue, NW
                                                  V/ashington, DC 20036
                                                  (202) 776-2818
                                                 j harrington@dowl ohnes. com

Date:   l--zi /aA



I, W. H. Carstensen, President of Block Commr¡rications, Inc., hereby certiÛ/ the following:

   .   The transfer of control of the domestic and international authorizations held by
       Buckeye TeleSystem, Inc. from Allan J. Block, John R. Block and the Maxine H.
       Block Marital Trust No. 2to AllanJ. Block, John R. Blook and Famity Trust No. 2
       was pro forma anúthat, together with all previouspro forma transactions, did not
       result in a change in the actual controlling party; and
   o   No party to this application is subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to
       section 5301 ofthe Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

Dated: Iwrc9-1,2072

                              W. H. Carstensen
                              405 Madison Avenue, Suite 2100
                              Toledo, Ohto 43604

                                                EXHIBIT       1

                      Description of Transaction and Ownership Structure

        Buckeye TeleSystem, Inc. ("Buckeye") is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Block
Communications, Inc. ("BCI";.1 BCI is a family-controlled corporation controlled by the
Block family. BCI operates full-service television stations, low-power television stations,
newspapers, and cable television systems. As of the date of this application, and prior to the
proposed transaction described below, seventy-five percent (75%) of the voting rights in BCI
remain in the hands of persons previously approved by the Commission and no one person or
entity has a controlling interest in BCI.

     Summary of Proposed Transaction. This application seeks consent of the
Commissionto the pro forma transfer of control


                  o        Allan J. Block (as an individual voting a25o/o interest);

                  o        John R. Block (as an individual voting a25o/o interest); and

                  o        V/illiam Block, Jr. as trustee of the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No.
                  2 (with the trust voting a25%o interest);


                  o        Allan J. Block (as an individual voting a25Yo interest);

                  o        John R. Block (as an individual voting a25%o interest); and

                  o      William Block Jr., as Chairperson of the Trustees of Family Trust No.
                  2 and as an individual trustee of Family Trust No. 2with Karen D. Johnese,
                  Barbara L. Block, and Donald G. Block as additional trustees and with W.
                  Thomas McGough, Jr., as Independent Trustee (with the trust voting a25o/o

This pro forma transfer could be deemed to result from the allocation of BCI voting stock
from the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2to anew Family Trust 2 for the benefit of the
family of V/illiam Block Sr. and Maxine H. Block. The voting stock of BCI in the Maxine
H. Block Marital Trust No. 2 is voted by William Block, Jr., and William Block, Jr. will be a
trustee of new Family Trust No. 2. The Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2 holds voting

  Buckeye holds an international Section 214 aufhorization granted initially to Toledo Area
 Telecommunications Services, Inc. under FCC File No. ITC-214-19981I l7-00803, which was subject to apro
forma transfer of control to Buckeye under FCC File No. ITC-ASG-20040715-0031 6. See Overseas Common
 Carrier Section 214 Applications and Section 310(bX4) Actions Taken, Public Notice, Rep. TEL-00052 (rel.
 Jan.7, 1999) (granting international Section 214 authorization), lnternational Authorizations Granted, Public
 Notice, Rep. No. TEL-00821 (rel. Aug. 12,2004) Overseas Common Carrier Section 214 Applications, Actions
 Taken, Public Notice, Rep. No. l-8266 (rel. Oct. 9, 1997) (granting pro forma transfer of control).

common stock in BCI amounting to     25o/o   of the voting rights in BCI's issued and outstanding
voting common shares.

        Basis for Pro Forma Treatment. The applicants submit that the ownership change
described in this application and in parallel applications submitted previously for other BCI
licensee subsidiaries is properly treated as a pro forma transfer of control, because of the
existence of the Close Corporation Operating Agreement and the continuity of Block family
control of the BCI voting common stock. BCI's voting common stock for many years has
been voted 25%by each of Allan J. Block, John R. Block, William Block, Jr., and Karen D.
Johnese, who vote directly and/or and as trustees for various trusts for the benefit of members
of the Block family. At the time the Commission passed on the qualifications of Buckeye's
predecessor, Toledo Area Telecommunications Services, Inc., Allan J. Block, John R. Block,
and V/illiam Block, Jr., in the aggregate, voted 67.35% of the voting rights in BCI directly
and/or as trustees of trusts for the benefit of members of the Block family and no one of them
voted a 50%o or greater interest. Those three individuals now exercise in the aggregate 75%o
of the voting rights in BCI (directly or as trustee) and, following the consummation of the
changes proposed in this application, will continue, in the aggregate, to exercise more than
50%o of the voting rights in BCI.

        In addition to the rights of Allan J. Block, John R. Block, and William Block, Jr.
respecting the voting of BCI's voting common stock, a Close Corporation Operating
Agreement, among the shareholders of BCI, entered into in December 1988, and
subsequently restated and extended, preserves and maintains the continued day-to-day
control of BCI by the previously passed-upon controlling principals Allan J. Block, John R.
Block, and'William Block, Jr. The Close Corporation Operating Agreement establishes an
executive committee that functions as a chief executive offrcer. Members holding a majority
of the vote in the executive committee under the Close Corporation Operating Agreement
also have held majority voting power over BCI's voting coÍrmon stock: Allan J. Block, John
R. Block, and William Block, Jr., each exercise one vote out of four (or a25%o vote each) on
the executive committee under the Close Corporation Operating Agreement; and Allan J.
Block, John R. Block, and William Block, Jr. also each currently exercise 25o/o of the voting
rights in the issued and outstanding BCI voting common stock through their direct voting
power andlor voting power over various trusts for members of the Block family. Three of
the four votes under the Close Corporation Operating Agreement thus continue to be
exercised by persons who previously have been passed upon by the Commission and who, in
the aggregate, also control a majority of the voting interests in BCI (Allan J. Block, John R.
Block, and William Block Jr.). In particular, William Block, Jr. will continue to exercise one
of four votes on the executive committee under the Close Corporation Operating Agreement
independent of the proposed changes in the trust arrangements pursuant to which he votes a
portion of the voting common stock of BCI.

        Description of Transaction. The trust agreement for the Maxine H. Block Marital
Trust No. 2 provides that, following the death of the initial beneficiary, Maxine H. Block, the
assets of the trust, including the 25%;o voting interest in BCI held in that trust, will be
allocated to a new family trust or trusts in accordance with certain conditions set fonh in the
trust agreement. Maxine H. Block is now deceased, and the remaining conditions for the
reallocation of the trust assets now have been fulfilled. Pursuant to the conditions in the


Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2,the 25o/o voting interest in BCI has been allocated to a
new Family Trust No. 2.

        The terms of the new Family Trust No. 2 are prescribed by the trust agreement for the
Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2,but differ from those of the Maxine H. Block Marital
Trust No. 2, which previously hetd the 25Yo votinginterest in BCI. William Block, Jr., the
sole trustee of the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2, will serve as Chairperson of the
Trustees of Family Trust No. 2 and as an individual trustee of Family Trust No. 2. The other
individual trustees of Family Trust No. 2 will be the other three children of William Block,
Sr.: Karen D. Johnese,Barbaral. Block, and Donald G. Block. In addition, Family Trust
No. 2 will have an Independent Trustee, who is prohibited from having any interest or
expectation of any interest in Family Trust No. 2. The Independent Trustee will be W.
Thomas McGough, Jr. The 25o/ovoting stock interest held in Family Trust No. 2 will be
voted with the consent of the Chairperson of the Trustees (William Block, Jr.) and a majority
vote of the trustees (including the Chairperson of the Trustees).

        Under the terms of the Family Trust No. 2,the individual trustees (V/illiam Block, Jr.,
Karen D. Johnese, Barbara L. Block, and Donald G. Block) will vote the stock of BCI held in
the trust. William Block, Jr. will serve as Chairperson of the Trustees. The Independent
Trustee, V/. Thomas McGough, will have the authority (1) to direct the establishment of
separate trusts (the "separate Trusts") for the benefit of some or all of the beneficiaries of
Family Trust No. 2 (that is, the direct descendants of William Block and Maxine H. Block),
and to specify the trustees of any Separate Trusts that may be created; (2) to distribute voting
shares of BCI out of trust and to the beneficiaries of any trusts created under the agreements
for Family Trust No, 2; and (3) to distribute the income and principal of Family Trust No. 2
and, if any Separate Trust should be created, may give the beneficiary of a Separate Trust a
power of appointment over the trust assets (that is, authorize the beneficiary of the Separate
Trust to direct the disposition of the Separate Trust assets through his or her will). The
Independent Trustee also has the authority to break any deadlock in voting among the
trustees. Although W. Thomas McGough, the Independent Trustee, will not vote the shares
of BCI held in the Remainder Trusts, the Independent Trustee's exercise of the powers
described above could affect which members of the family of William Block, Sr. would have
the power to vote stock to be held in Family Trust No. 2 or in any Separate Trusts that may
be created for that stock. No stock of BCI, however, may be sold, exchanged, pledged, or
otherwise disposed of without the consent of the Chairperson of the Trustees (initially,
William Block, Jr.) and a majority of all the trustees, including the Chairperson of the

        The establishment of Family Trust No. 2 and the allocation to that trust of the 25%
voting stock interest previously held in the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2 altered
William Block, Jr.'s voting authority over the 25%o interest. Nevertheless, 'William Block, Jr.
will retain substantial voting authority over the shares in Family Trust No. 2. As Chairperson
of the Trustees, he has an effective veto over the voting of the stock, because action by the
trustees requires both the approval of the Chairperson of the Trustees and the vote of a
majority of the trustees (including the Chairperson). As described above, apart from the 25Yo
BCI voting interest to be held in the Family Trust No. 2, Allan J. Block and John R. Block,
persons previously approved by the Commission, will continue to vote, in the aggregate, fifty


percent (50%) of the voting rights in BCI's voting stock. Because William Block, Jr., also
previously approved, will retain significant (albeit no longer exclusive) voting authority over
the 25%o of voting shares to be held in Family Trust No. 2, it necessarily follows that more
than 50%o of voting rights in BCI will continue, after the consummation of the proposed
transaction, to be held by persons previously approved in a long-form application.

         Furthermore, BCI's Close Corporation Operating Agreement, entered into in
December 1988 among the shareholders of BCI and filed with the Commission, preserves
and maintains Mr. William Block, Jr.'s continued proportional share in the control of BCI
independent of the above-described changes in the trust arrangements through which he
participates in the voting of BCI's voting common stock. The Close Corporation Operating
Agreement establishes an executive committee that functions as a chief executive officer.
Members holding a majority of the vote in the executive committee under the Close
Corporation Operating Agreement also have held majority voting power over BCI's voting
common stock: Allan J. Block, John R. Block, and William Block, Jr. each exercised one
vote out of four (or a25o/o vote) on the executive committee under the Close Corporation
Operating Agreement; and Allan J. Block, John R. Block, and V/illiam Block, Jr. also each
exercised 25Yo of the voting rights of the BCI Common stock through their direct voting
power and/or voting power over various trusts for members of the Block family. Three of
the four votes under the Close Corporation Operating Agreement thus continue to be
exercised by persons who previously have been passed upon by the Commission and who, in
the aggregate, also control a majority of the voting interests in BCI (Allan J. Block, John R.
Block, and V/illiam Block Jr.). The Close Corporation Operating Agreement preserves and
maintains William Block, Jr.'s role as exercising one vote out of four in decisions of the
executive committee under the Close Corporation Operating Agreement, which manages the
day-to-day operation of BCI in a manner analogous to a combination of off,rcers and a board
of directors. Even in the absence of the Close Corporation Operating Agreement, however,
the applicants submit that, so long as (1) Allan J. Block and John R. Block continue to vote
anaggregate fifty percent (50%) interest in BCI and (2) William Block, Jr. votes any interest
in BCI, then more than 50o/o of the interests in BCI will remain in the hands of persons
previously approved by the Commission in a long-form application, such that no further
transfer application will be required.

         Other Voting Rights in BCI: Allan J. Block and John R. Block each vote a25o/o
interest in BCI. As described above, William Block, Jr. currently votes a25o/o interest in BCI
as sole trustee of the Maxine H. Block Marital Trust No. 2 and, following the allocation of
the interest to the Family Trust No. 2 as proposed in this application, will continue to
participate in the voting of the 25o/o stock interest as Chairperson of the Trustees and as a
trustee of the Family Trust No. 2.

       The remaining25% voting interest in BCI is currently voted by Karen D. Johnese as
Trustee and Voting Trustee of William Block Marital Trust No.l, William Block Marital
Trust No. 2, and William Block Marital Trust No. 3. In that capacity, she cunently has sole
and exclusive authority to vote the voting shares in BCI held in each of those three trusts.
The trust agreement establishing the three trusts provides that, following the death of Maxine
H. Block, the initial beneficiary of the three trusts, the assets in the trusts will be divided into
two shares, with each share then being divided into four remainder trusts, one for each of the


children of William Block, Sr. and Maxine H. Block, for a total of eight remainder trusts (the
"Remainder Trusts"). It is anticipated that assets will not be allocated to the Remainder
Trusts until the estate of Maxine H. Block has been closed and the assets to be allocated to
each share can be conclusively determined.


Document Created: 2012-06-21 15:50:18
Document Modified: 2012-06-21 15:50:18

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