Attachment Pro Forma Notice

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20120120-00019 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                          Russell M. Blau
                          Jeffrey R. Strenkowski

                          January 20, 2012

                          Via Hand Delivery and IBFS

                          Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                          Office of the Secretary
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          445 12th Street, S.W.
                          Room TW—A325
                          Washington, DC 20554
                          Attn: Wireline Competition Bureau
                                  International Bureau

                          Re:     Notification of Pro Forma Transactions involving CCGI Holding
                                  Corporation, Covad Communications Company, DSLnet
                                  Communications, LLC, DSLnet Communications VA, Inc. and
                                  DIECA Communications, Inc.

                          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                          CCGI Holding Corporation ("CCGI"), Covad Communications Company ("CCC"),
                          DSLnet Communications, LLC ("DSLnet"), DSLnet Communications VA, Inc.
                          ("DSLaet—VA") and DIECA Communications, Inc. ("DIECA" and together with CCC,
                          DSLnet, and DSLnet—VA the "Parties"), through their undersigned counsel and pursuant
                          to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Section
                          63.03(d)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.03(d)(2), notify the Commission
                          that effective December 31, 2011, CCC, DSLnet, and DSLnet—VA, through a series of
                          pro forma intra—corporate transactions, have merged with and into DIECA, with DIECA
                          surviving (the "Transaction"). The Transaction was undertaken as an internal pro forma
                          reorganization of the companies and their unregulated affiliate, MegaPath, Inc.
                          ("MegaPath," and together with CCC, DIECA, DSLnet and DSLnet—VA, the "MegaPath
                          Group"), into DIECA in order to streamline operations under a single "MegaPath"
                          branded company combining the individual operations of the various affiliated entities.
           Hong Kong      This intra—corporate reorganization did not change the ultimate ownership of DIECA.
               London     The Transaction was undertaken to eliminate unnecessary intermediate companies in the
          Los Angeles     MegaPath Group corporate structure and reduce the number of entities holding state
             New York     public utility commission authorizations to streamline regulatory reporting obligations
       Orange County
                          and increase efficiency in their operations.
        San Francisco
        Santa Monica
        Silticon Valley
                          The MegaPath Group is comprised of a number of companies that have come together
                Tokyo     through corporate mergers of various existing communications businesses. As a result of
          Washing ton     these transactions, the corporate structure of the MegaPath Group became increasingly
                          complex, with numerous operating entities, many of whose services overlapped. A
                          corporate organizational chart upon completion of the mergers is provided as part of
                          Exhibit A. DIECA already holds domestic and international Section 214 authority to
Bingham McCutchen LLP
      2020 K Street NW
                          provide interstate and international telecommunications services. Therefore, CCC,
       Washington, DC

    T +1.202.373.6000
    F +1.202.373.6001

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
January 20, 2012
Page 2

DSLnet and DSLnet—VA will surrender their Domestic and International Section 214
authorizations through separate filings.

                                Description of the Parties

A.    MegaPath, Inc., DSLnet Communications, LLC, and DSLnet
Communications VA, Inc.

MegaPath Inc. was a Delaware corporation with its principal office located at 2220
O‘Toole Avenue, San Jose, CA 95131. Prior to the merger, MegaPath was the direct
parent company of DSLnet and DSLnet—VA. MegaPath was a provider of a variety of
managed Internet Protocol ("IP") services including cable and satellite system broadband
Internet access, mobility services such as digital certificates, global remote access,
personal firewalls, and remote access virtual private networks ("VPN"), and security
services. MegaPath did not offer any regulated telecommunications services and
therefore did not hold any telecommunications authorizations from the FCC or any state
regulatory authority. MegaPath was a wholly owned subsidiary of CCGI Holding
Corporation ("CCGI"), as discussed below.

DSLnet Communications, LLC was a Delaware limited liability company. DSLnet
Communications VA, Inc. was a Virginia corporation. Both DSLnet and DSLnet—VA had
their principal offices located at 2220 O‘Toole Avenue, San Jose, CA 95131. DSLnet and
DSLnet—VA provided high speed access to the Internet services. DSLnet was authorized
to provide intrastate telecommunications services in forty—seven (47) states and the
District of Columbia, and DSLnet—VA was authorized to provide intrastate
telecommunications services in Virginia. DSLnet was authorized by the Commission to
provide international and domestic interstate telecommunications services as a non—
dominant carrier; DSLnet—VA was authorized by the Commission to provide domestic
interstate telecommunications services as a non—dominant carrier.

B.      Covad Communications Company and DIECA Communications, Inc.

CCGI Holding Corporation ("CCGI") is a Delaware corporation with offices located at
2220 O‘Toole Avenue, San Jose, CA 95131. CCGI owns Covad Communications Group,
Inc. ("Covad"), a Delaware corporation, that in turn owned Covad Communications
Company ("CCC"), a California corporation, and DIECA Communications, Inc.
("DIECA"), a Virginia corporation.‘ Covad is a leading nationwide provider of integrated
voice and data communications. Prior to the mergers, through its operating companies
(CCC and DIECA), the company offered DSL, Voice Over IP, Tl, Ethernet, Web

t       As discussed above, CCGI also owned MegaPath, and thereby indirectly owned
DSLnet and DSLnet—VA.

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
January 20, 2012
Page 3

hosting, managed security, IP and dial—up, wireless broadband, and bundled voice and
data services directly through Covad‘s network and through Internet Service Providers,
value—added resellers, telecommunications carriers and affinity groups to small and
medium—sized businesses and home users. Covad‘s broadband services were available
across the nation in 44 states and 235 Metropolitan Statistical Areas ("MSAs") and could
be purchased by more than 57 million homes and businesses, which represent over 50
percent of all US homes and businesses. Prior to the merger, CCC and DIECA had
principal offices located at 2220 O‘Toole Avenue, San Jose, California 95131 (DIECA‘s
principal offices are still located at that address). CCC and DIECA are authorized by the
FCC to provide international and domestic interstate telecommunications services as non—
dominant carriers.

                      Description of the Pro Forma Transactions

All of the entities involved in this notification were indirect, wholly—owned subsidiaries
of CCGI, and were operating under a common management structure. As discussed
above, on December 31, 2011 the parties completed a series ofpro forma internal
restructuring transactions through which DIECA merged with CCC, MegaPath, DSLnet
and DSLnet—VA. DIECA survived these mergers. CCC, DSLnet and DSLnet—VA no
longer exist as separate entities, and will surrender their Domestic and International
Section 214 authorizations through a separate filing. As a result of the Transaction,
DIECA will replace CCC, DSLnet, and DSLnet—VA as the service provider in the
jurisdictions where CCC, DSLnet and DSLnet—VA were authorized to provide
telecommunications services.

Although the Transaction involved a transfer of customers, all of those customers will
continue to receive service from DIECA under the same rates, terms and conditions as
the services currently provided, and none of the customers affected are provided
regulated telecommunications services subject to the Commission‘s anti—slamming rules.
As a result, the Transaction was virtually seamless and transparent to customers served
by MegaPath, CCC, DSLnet, and DSLnet—VA in terms of the services that they receive.
Further, the Parties informed the customers of the change. Moreover, because DIECA
also acquired through the mergers all of the assets of MegaPath, DSLnet, DSLnet—VA
and CCC necessary to provide service to the transferred customers, DIECA has all of the
assets required to continue to provide high—quality services to the customers it acquired.

DIECA is well—qualified to provide service to MegaPath, DSLnet, DSLnet—VA, and CCC
customers. Prior to the merger, DIECA provided local and long distances
telecommunications services in 36 states and the District of Columbia. DIECA‘s
operations will continue to be overseen by a well—qualified management team with
substantial telecommunications experience and technical expertise. Corporate structure
charts illustrating the pre—Pro Forma Transactions corporate structure of the Parties and
the structure following the Pro Forma Transactions are provided as Attachment A.

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
January 20, 2012
Page 4

        Information Required by Section 63.03(d)(2)and Section 63.24(f)(2)

As required by Sections 63.03(d)(2) and 63.24(f)(2), the Parties provides the following
information required by 63.04(a)(1) through (a)(4) and 63.18(a) through (d) and (h):

Sections 63.04(a)(1) & 63.18(a): Name, address and telephone number of the Parties:

(a)     Name, address and telephone number of each Party:

        CCGI Holding Corporation                                 FRN 0017234758
        2220 O‘Toole Avenue
        San Jose, CA 95131

        DSLnet Communications LLC                                FRN 0004324851
        DSLnet Communications VA Inc.                            FRN 0015540230
        2220 O‘Toole Avenue
        San Jose, CA 95131

        Covad Communications Company                             FRN 0003753753
        DIECA Communications, Inc.                               FRN 0003753787
        2220 O‘Toole Avenue
        San Jose, CA 95131

Sections 63.04(a)(2) & 63.18(b): The Parties are organized as follows:

        = DSLnet is a Delaware limited liability company

           DSLnet—VA is a Virginia corporation.

           CCGI is a Delaware corporation.

           CCC is a California corporation.

           DIECA is a Virginia corporation.

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
January 20, 2012
Page 5

Sections 63.04(a)(3) & 63.18(c); Correspondence concerning this filing should be sent

For the Parties:                                With copies to:

        Russell M. Blau, Esq.                          Anthony Hansel
        Jeffrey R. Strenkowski, Esq.                   Assistant General Counsel
        Bingham McCutchen LLP                          MegaPath
        2020 K Street, NW.                             1750 K Street, NW
        Washington, DC 20006                           Suite 200
         202—373—6000 (Tel)                            Washington, DC 20006
         202—373—6001 (Fax)                            202—220—0410 (Tel)                       202—833—2026 (Fax)      

Section 63.18(d): The Parties hold the following International and Domestic Section 214

        CCGI does not hold any domestic or international Section 214 authorizations, but
        controls DSLnet, DSLnet—VA, CCC, and DIECA, all of which hold Domestic and
        International Section 214 authorizations.

        DSLnet holds Section 214 authority to provide global facilities—based and resold
        services pursuant to authority granted by the Commission in File Nos. ITC—214—
        19990716—00434 and ITC—ASG—20030611—00290. DSLnet also holds blanket
        domestic Section 214 authority to provide interstate telecommunications services.

        DSLnet—VA holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority, but does provide
        international telecommunications services and does not hold international Section
        214 authority.

        CCC and DIECA hold blanket domestic authority to provide interstate services.
        47 C.F.R. § 63.01. CCC and DIECA each also hold global facilities based and
        resale Section 214 authority to provide international services pursuant to authority
        granted in FCC File Nos. ITC—214—20021118—00544 (CCC) and ITC—214—
        20021126—00558 (DIECA).

        The authorizations held by CCC, DSLnet and DSLnet—VA will be surrendered by
        those parties through separate filings.

Sections 63.04(a)(4) & 63.18(h): Please see Attachment A for charts depicting the pre—
and post—Pro Forma Transactions ownership of the Parties. Please see Attachment B for
the pre— and post—Pro Forma Transactions ownership of the Parties.

 Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
 January 20, 2012
 Page 6

 The Parties certify that the intra—corporate mergers of CCC, DSLnet, and DSLnet—VA
 into DIECA were proforma and that the transactions did not change the ultimate
 ownership or control of the carriers‘ lines or their authorization to operate.
                                  *        *        *#      *

 An original and four (4) copies of this notification letter are enclosed for filing. Please
 date—stamp and return the extra copy of this notification letter in the envelope provided.
 This notification letter is being filed electronically via MyIBFS. Please direct any
 questions to the undersigned.

 Respectfully submitted,

   ussell M. Blau
 Jeffrey R. Strenkowski

 Counsel for the Parties


Pre— and Post—Pro Forma Transactions Corporate Structure Charts

                                       Pre—Transaction Organizational Chart

                                      Equity, LLC

                              (multiple investment vehicles)

                                  CCGI Holdings, LLC                                Widely held                  ;
                                               68%                                32%      [

                                                       CCGI Holding Corporation

                  MegaPath Inc.                                                                  Covad
                 100%                                                                     Communications
                                                                                               Group, Inc.


        DSLnet          ||         DSLnet
    Communications,          Communications VA,
          LLC           |           Inc.                                     Covad                                DIECA
                                                                         Communications                      Communications,
                                                                            Company                                Inc.

                                                Depiction of Mergers

                                                                                              Four (4) mergers into DIECA,
                                                                                              with DIECA surviving.

                                  Equity, LLC

                         (multiple investment vehicles)

                            CCGI Holdings, LLC
                                          68%                                           32%     [

                                                   CCGI Holding Corporation

              o                                                                                       Covad
             100%                                                                             Communications
                                                                                               0      catio
                                                --------------------------                          Group, Inc.

                  gwert A C T(                   0 0 ols s esreueeeneneneneases, _ 0_    \“33;\               100%

    DSLnet          |         DSLnet                                                      s          "Ap,
Communications,     |   Communications VA,                                                           *A 0 uj
     LLC            |            Inc.                                           Covad                                 DIECA
                                                                          Communications             ——~~~—\*     Communications,
                                                                             Company                                    Inc.

        Post—Transactions Organizational Chart

        Equity, LLC

({multiple investment vehicles)

   CCGI Holdings, LLC                                  Widely held   |
                   68%                               32%    [

                          CCGI Holding Corporation

                                     Group, Inc.


                             Communications, Inc.


        The following entities hold, directly or indirectly, a 10% or greater interest‘ in the Parties as

calculated pursuant to the Commission‘s ownership attribution rules for wireline and international

telecommunications carriers:

       Pre—Transaction Direct Ownership of DSLnet and DSLnet—VA:

                The following entity had a 10% or greater direct interest in DSLnet Communications,
                LLC and DSLnet Communications VA, Inc.:

                Name:                   MegaPath Inc.
                Address:                2220 O‘Toole Avenue
                                        San Jose, CA 95131
                Pre—Transaction:        100% directly in DSLnet and DSLnet—VA
                Citizenship:            U.S
                Primary Business:       Managed IP Communications Services Provider

       Pre—Transaction Direct Ownership of CCC and DIECA and Post—Transaction Ownership of

                The following entities had a 10% or greater direct interest in Covad Communications
                Company and DIECA Communications, Inc., and, upon completion of the transaction,
                continue to have a 10% or greater direct interest in DIECA Communications, Inc.:

               Name:                    Covad Communications Group, Inc.
               Address:                 2220 O‘Toole Avenue
                                        San Jose, California 95131
                Citizenship:            U.S
                Primary Business:       Holding Company
                Pre—Transaction:        100% directly in CCC and DIECA
                Post—Transaction:       100% directly in DIECA

       Pre—Transaction Direct Ownership of Covad Communications Group, Inc. and MegaPath, Inc.,
       and Post—Transaction Ownership of Covad Communications Group, Inc.:

1       Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity and
voting interests.

       The following entity had a 10% or greater direct interest in Covad Communications
       Group, Inc. and MegaPath Inc., and after the transaction, holds a 10% or greater direct
       interest in Covad Communications Group, Inc.:

       Name:                   CCGI Holding Corporation ("CCGI")
       Address:                2220 O‘Toole Avenue
                               San Jose, CA 95131
       Citizenship:            U.S
       Primary Business:       Holding Company
       Pre—Transaction:        100% indirectly in DSLnet and DSLnet—VA, CCC and DIECA
                               as 100% direct owner of Covad Communications Group, Inc.
                               and MegaPath Inc.
       Post—Transaction:       100% indirectly in DIECA as 100% direct owner of Covad
                               Communications Group, Inc.

Pre— and Post—Transaction Direct Ownership of CCGI Holding Corporation:

       The following entity has a 10% or greater direct interest in CCGI Holding Corporation:

       Name:                   CCGI Holdings, LLC
       Address:                360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                               Beverly Hills, CA 90210
       Citizenship:            U.S
       Primary Business:       Holding Company
       Pre—Transaction:        68% indirectly in DSLnet and DSLnet—VA, CCC and DIECA as
                               68% owner of CCGI
       Post—Transaction:       68% indirectly in DIECA as 68% direct owner of CCGI

Pre— and Post—Transaction Ownership of CCGI Holdings, LLC:

       CCGI Holdings, LLC ("CCGI Holdings") is ultimately controlled by Platinum Equity,
       LLC. Three private equity funds and one investment entity, all of which are ultimately
       controlled by Platinum and Tom Gores, hold direct equity interests totaling 100% in
       CCGI Holdings, and therefore 68% indirectly in CCGI and DSLnet, DSLnet—VA, CCC
       and DIECA (and 68% indirectly in CCGI and DIECA post—transaction). The three private
       equity funds are: (a) Platinum Equity Capital Partners II, L.P. ("PECP"); (b) Platinum
       Equity Capital Partners—A II, L.P. ("PECP—A"); and (c) Platinum Equity Capital Partners—
       PF II, L.P. ("PECP—PF"); and the investment entity is Platinum Blackberry Principals,
       LLC ("PBP") (PECP, PECP—A, PECP—PF and PBP collectively, the "CCGI Holding
       Shareholders"). The names, addresses, citizenship, primary business, and equity interest
       in CCGI Holdings of each of the CCGI Holding Shareholders is as follows:

                               Attachment B — Page 2

                Name:                   Platinum Equity Capital Partners II, L.P. ("PECP") 2
                Address:                360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                        Beverly Hills, California 90210
                Citizenship:            U.S.
                Primary Business:       Investments
                Pre—Transaction:        41% indirectly in DSLnet and DSLnet—VA, CCC and DIECA
                                        through CCGI as 60.6% direct owner of CCGI Holdings
                Post—Transaction:       41% indirectly in DIECA as 60.6% direct owner of CCGI

                Name:                   Platinum Blackberry Principals, LLC ("PBP")3
                Address:                360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                        Beverly Hills, California 90210
                Citizenship:            U.S.
                Primary Business:       Investments
                Pre—Transaction:        13.6% indirectly in DSLnet and DSLnet—VA, CCC and DIECA
                                        as 20% direct owner of CCGI Holdings
                Post—Transaction:       13.6% indirectly DIECA as 20% direct owner of CCGI Holdings

                Name:                   Platinum Equity Capital Partners—A II, LP. ("PECP—A")4
                Address:                360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                        Beverly Hills, California 90210
                Citizenship:            U.S.
                Primary Business:       Investments
                Pre—Transaction:        6.5% indirectly in DSLnet and DSLnet—VA, CCC and DIECA as
                                        9.6% direct owner of CCGI Holdings

2       The limited partnership interests in PECP are held by institutional investors and Platinum Equity
Investment Holdings II, LLC ("PEIH"), a Delaware limited liability company. With the exception of
PEIH, these limited partners have no control over the day—to—day business operations, activities, or
decisions of PECP or CCGI. With the exception of PEIH, none of these limited partners ultimately holds
equity interests in CCGI greater than 10%. The sole general partner of PECP is Platinum Equity Partners
II, LLC ("PEP"), a Delaware limited liability company. The senior managing member and controlling
entity of PEP is PEIH, the sole member of which is Platinum. PEP, PEIH and Platinum are described
more fully below.
&       The senior managing member of PBP is PEIH. The remaining membership interests in PBP are
held by Platinum principals. With the exception of Tom Gores, these members have no control over the
day—to—day business operations, activities, or decisions of PECP or CCGI. With the exception of Tom
Gores and PEIH, none of these members ultimately holds equity interests in CCGI greater than 10%. The
sole member of PEIH is Platinum. PEIH, Platinum and Tom Gores are described more fully below.
&       The sole general partner of PECP—A is PEP. The senior managing member and controlling entity
of PEP is PEIH, the sole member of which is Platinum. PEP, PEIH and Platinum are described more fully

                                        Attachment B — Page 3

                Post—Transaction:       6.5% indirectly in DIECA as 9.6% direct owner of CCGI

                Name:                   Platinum Equity Capital Partners—PF II, L.P. ("PECP—PF")5
                Address:                360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                        Beverly Hills, California 90210
                Citizenship:            U.S.
                Primary Business:       Investments
                Pre—Transaction:        6.6% indirectly in DSLnet and DSLnet—VA, CCC and DIECA as
                                        9.8% direct owner of CCGI Holdings
                Post—Transaction:       6.6% indirectly in DIECA as 9.8% direct owner of CCGI

        Pre— and Post—Transaction Ownership of PECP, PECP—A and PECP—PF:

                Name:                   Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC ("PEP")
                Address:                360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                        Beverly Hills, California 90210
                Citizenship:            U.S.
                Primary Business:       Private equity investments
                Pre—Transaction:        54% indirect ownership of DSLnet and DSLnet—VA, CCC and
                                        DIECA through its interests in PECP, PECP—A, and PECP—PF
                                        (as sole general partner of those entities)®
                Post—Transaction:       54% indirect ownership of DIECA through its interests in PECP,
                                        PECP—A, and PECP—PF (as sole general partner of those

&       The limited partnership interests in PECP—PF are held by institutional investors. These limited
partners have no control over the day—to—day business operations, activities, or decisions of PECP—PF or
CCGI. None of these limited partners ultimately holds equity interests in CCGI greater than 10%. The
sole general partner of PECP—PF is PEP. The senior managing member and controlling entity of PEP is
PEIH, the sole member of which is Platinum. PEP, PEIH and Platinum are described more fully below.

6        The senior managing member and controlling entity of PEP is PEIH. The remaining membership
interests in PEP are held by Platinum principals. With the exception of Tom Gores, these members have
no control over the day—to—day business operations, activities, or decisions of PECP or CCGI Holding.
With the exception of Tom Gores and PEIH, none of these members ultimately holds equity interests in
CCGI greater than 10%. The sole member of PEIH is Platinum. PEIH and Platinum are described more
fully below.

&        The senior managing member and controlling entity of PEP is PEIH. The remaining membership
interests in PEP are held by Platinum principals. With the exception of Tom Gores, these members have
no control over the day—to—day business operations, activities, or decisions of PECP or CCGI Holding.
With the exception of Tom Gores and PEIH, none of these members ultimately holds equity interests in

                                                                    (Footnote Continued on Next Page.)

                                       Attachment B — Page 4

       Pre— and Post—Transaction Ownership of PEP and PBP:

               Name:                   Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC ("PEIH")*
               Address:                360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                       Beverly Hills, California 90210
               Citizenship:            U.S.
               Primary Business:       Private equity investments
               Pre—Transaction:        68% indirectly in DSLnet, DSLnet—VA, CCC and DIECA
                                       through its interests in PBP and PEP (as senior managing
                                       member and controlling entity for each)
               Post—Transaction:       68% indirectly in DIECA through its interests in PBP and PEP
                                       (as senior managing member and controlling entity for each)

       Pre— and Post—Transaction Ownership of PEIH:

               Name:                  Platinum Equity, LLC ("Platinum")
               Address:               360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                      Beverly Hills, California 90210
               Citizenship:           U.S.
               Principal Business:    Investments
               Pre—Transaction:       68% indirectly in DSLnet, DSLnet—VA, CCC and DIECA
                                      through 100% interest in PEIH
               Post—Transaction:       68% indirectly in DIECA through 100% interest in PEIH

       Pre— and Post—Transaction Ownership of Platinum:

               The following individual owned or controlled and, upon completion of the transaction,
               continues to own or control 100 percent of the membership units (equity and voting
               interest) in Platinum:

               Name:                   Tom T. Gores
               Address:                360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                       Beverly Hills, CA 90210
               Citizenship:            U.S.
               Principal Business:     Individual

(Footnote continued from Previous Page.)

CCGI greater than 10%. The sole member of PEIH is Platinum. PEIH and Platinum are described more
fully below.

§      The sole member of PEIH II is Platinum. Platinum is described more fully below.

                                      Attachment B — Page 5

        Pre—Transaction:          68% indirectly in DSLnet and DSLnet—VA, CCC and DIECA
                                  through 100% interest in Platinum
        Post—Transaction:         68% indirectly in DIECA through 100% interest in Platinum

To the best of the Parties‘ knowledge, no other person or entity held or, upon completion of the
transaction, holds a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in Parties.

The Parties do not have any interlocking directorates.

                                  Attachment B — Page 6


         I, Douglas Carlen, being duly sworn, deposes and say that I am the General Counsel and

Secretary of DIECA Communications, Inc., successor in interest to MegaPath Inc., DSLnet

Communications, LLC, DSLnet Communications VA, Inc., and Covad Communications Company

(collectively, the "Companies"); that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of the

Companies; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the

contents are true and correct to the best of my knowl?ge, information, and belief.

                                                       10 21
                                                  Douglas Carlen
                                                  General Counsel and Secretary
                                                  MegaPath Inc.
                                                  DSLnet Communications, LLC
                                                  DSLnet Communications VA, Inc.
                                                  Covad Communications Company
                                                  DIECA Communications, Inc.

Sworn and subscribed before me this     Ial   day of January, 2012.

                                                  Notary Public

                                                                                SYLVIA CHAN
                                                                             § COMM #1926752                 m
                                                                             f/}   Notary Public—Califonia   t
My commission expires: M/\{ tA FIS .                                                SANTA CLARA COUNTY       wh


Document Created: 2012-01-20 16:53:20
Document Modified: 2012-01-20 16:53:20

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