Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20120111-00006 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                  FCC Form 214
                                                                                  Attachment 1
                                                                                  Page 1 of 3

                            Description of Pro Forma Transaction

        Pursuant to Section 63.24(f) of the Commission’s rules,1 and in response to item 13 of the
accompanying form, Bristol Bay Cellular Partnership (“Bristol Bay”) hereby notifies the
Commission of a change involving the ownership of its 50% non-controlling partner, AWACS,
Inc. (“AWACS”). The change, as described below, does not affect actual control of Bristol Bay
which is 50% owned and managed by its other general partner, Aleutian Telcom, Inc. (“ATI”).
ATI is a wholly owned subsidiary of Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative (“BBTC”).

       As part of an internal corporate restructuring that was effective December 31, 2011,
AWACS merged into SBC Telecom, Inc. (“SBC Telecom”) and assigned its wireless licenses.2
As both entities are wholly owned subsidiaries of AT&T Inc., no substantial change in control of
Commission licenses occurred.3 The Commission has stated that, in situations “where no
substantial change of control will result from the transfer or assignment, grant of the application
is deemed presumptively in the public interest.”4

        The merger caused a pro forma transfer of control of Bristol Bay, in which AWACS
directly held a noncontrolling 50 percent interest that is now held by SBC Telecom. The cellular
license and international Section 214 authorization held by Bristol Bay are eligible for

       Following is information responsive to item 11 of the accompanying form and Section
63.18(h) of the Commission rules:

       Bristol Bay is a general partnership of ATI and SBC Telecom, each of which holds a
       50% financial interest. ATI serves as the managing and controlling partner of Bristol
       Bay. Under the partnership agreement, SBC Telecom’s interest is non-controlling.

       Aleutian Telcom, Inc.
       P.O. Box 259
       King Salmon, Alaska 99613
       Citizenship: Alaska
       Principal Business: Managing and controlling partner of Bristol Bay

  47 C.F.R. § 63.24(f).
   Please see the attached charts for a pictorial representation of the corporate structure before
and after the reorganization. The rest of the reorganization will not affect the control of any FCC
authorizations and, thus, is not described.
  In re Fed. Communications Bar Ass’n’s Petition for Forbearance from Section 310(d) of the
Communications Act Regarding Non-Substantial Assignments of Wireless Licenses & Transfers
of Control Involving Telecomm. Carriers, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd. 6293,
6299, ¶ 8 (1998) (“FCBA Forbearance Order”); cf. 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(d).
  FCBA Forbearance Order, 13 FCC Rcd. at 6295, ¶ 2.

                                                                        FCC Form 214
                                                                        Attachment 1
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Direct Ownership Interest: 50% controlling partner in Bristol Bay

Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative
P.O. Box 259
King Salmon, Alaska 99613
Citizenship: Alaska
Principal Business: Local Exchange Carrier
Direct Ownership Interest: 100% of ATI

BBTC is owned by its subscriber members, none of whom holds a 1% or greater
ownership interest in BBTC.

SBC Telecom, Inc.
208 S. Akard Street
Dallas, TX 75202
Citizenship: Delaware
Principal Business: Telecommunications
Direct Ownership Interest: 50% noncontrolling interest in Bristol Bay

AT&T Teleholdings, Inc.
208 S. Akard Street
Dallas, TX 75202
Citizenship: Delaware
Principal Business: Holding Company
Direct Ownership Interest: 100% of SBC Telecom.

AT&T Inc.
208 S. Akard Street
Dallas, TX 75202
Citizenship: Delaware
Principal Business: Holding Company
Direct Ownership Interest: 100% of AT&T Teleholdings, Inc.

AT&T is a publicly traded corporation whose stock is widely held by the public with no
person or entity holding a ten percent or greater ownership interest in AT&T.

                                                                                   FCC Form 214
                                                                                   Attachment 1
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                                                  AT&T Inc.

                                               Teleholdings, Inc.

                                 AWACS, Inc.                        SBC Telecom,
50% noncontrolling

          Bristol Bay
          Cellular Partnership


                                                      AT&T Inc.

                                                AT&T Teleholdings, Inc.

                                                   SBC Telecom, Inc.
             50% noncontrolling

                     Bristol Bay Cellular

Document Created: 2012-01-11 10:53:19
Document Modified: 2012-01-11 10:53:19

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