Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20111223-00407 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Approved by OMB
                                 FORASSIGNMENT OR
                                TRANSFER OF CONTROL
                                   FCC FORM 214TC
                                FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
Verizon Wireless Personal Communications LP Application for Pro Forma Transfer of International Section 214 Authority
1. Legal Name of Applicant

           Name:        Verizon Wireless Personal     Phone Number:                   202−589−3746
                        Communications LP
           DBA                                        Fax Number:                     202−589−3750
           Street:      1120 Sanctuary Pkwy #150      E−Mail:               

           City:        Alpharetta                    State:                          GA
           Country:     USA                           Zipcode:                        30009       −7630
           Attention:   Sarah Trosch


2. Name of Contact Representative

            Name:         Nancy J. Victory                      Phone Number:                         202−719−7344
            Company: Wiley Rein LLP                             Fax Number:                           202−719−7049
            Street:       1776 K Street, NW                     E−Mail:                     

            City:         Washington                            State:                                DC
            Country:      USA                                   Zipcode:                              20006−
            Attention:                                          Relationship:                           Legal Counsel

3.Choose the button next to the classification that best describes this filing. Choose only one.
       a. Assignment of Section 214 Authority
An Assignment of an authorization is a transaction in which the authorization, or a portion of it, is assigned from one entity to another. Following
an assignment, the authorization will usually be held by an entity other than the one to which it was originally granted. (See Section 63.24(b).)
     b. Transfer of Control of Section 214 Authority
A Transfer of Control is a transaction in which the authorization remains held by the same entity, but there is a change in the entity or entities that
control the authorization holder. (See Section 63.24(c).)
     c. Notification of Pro Forma Assignment of Section 214 Authority ( No fee required )
       d. Notification of Pro Forma Transfer of Control of Section 214 Authority ( No fee required )
Date of Consummation: 11/30/2011 Must be completed if you selecct c or d.


4. File Number(s) of Section 214 Authority(ies) for Which You Seek Consent to Assign or Transfer Control.
Note: If the Section 214 Authorization Holder whose authority is being assigned or transferred does not have an "ITC" File No. under which it is
operating, contact the Help Desk for assistance before proceeding further with this application.&nbsp&nbspYou cannot enter an "ITC−ASG" or
"ITC−T/C" File No. in response to this question.&nbsp&nbspYour response must specify one or more "ITC" File Nos.&nbsp&nbspRelevant
"ITC−ASG" or "ITC−T/C" File Nos. should be listed only in Attachment 1 in response to Question 10.

File Number:IT File Number:IT File Number:IT            File Number:      File Number:      File Number:      File Number:       File Number:
C214201010050 C214199611180 C214199610040
   0391           0579           0492

5. Name of Section 214 Authorization Holder

                    Name:           Verizon Wireless Personal            Phone            202−589−3746
                                    Communications LP                    Number:
                    DBA Name:                                            Fax Number:      202−589−3750

                    Street:         1120 Sanctuary Pkwy #150             E−Mail:          sarah.trosch@verizonwireless

                    City:           Alpharetta                           State:           GA
                    Country:        USA                                  Zipcode:         30009
                    Attention:      Sarah Trosch


6. Name of Assignor / Transferor

                   Name:           Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems, Inc. Phone       636−793−5217
                   DBA Name:                                        Fax Number:
                   Street:         500 Technology Dr                E−Mail:

                   City:           Weldon Spring                    State:        MO
                   Country:        USA                              Zipcode:      63385                        −

                   Attention:      Cynthia D. Walker

7. Name of Assignee / Transferee

                   Name:           Bell Atlantic Mobile Systems LLC Phone         636−793−5217
                   DBA Name:                                        Fax Number:
                   Street:         500 Technology Dr                E−Mail:

                   City:           Weldon Spring                    State:        MO
                   Country:        USA                              Zipcode:      63385
                   Attention:      Cynthia D. Walker


    8a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
      If Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159. If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
      Governmental Entity        Noncommercial educational licensee           Notification of Pro Forma (No fee required.)
      Other(please explain):

8b. You must file a separate application for each legal entity that holds one or more Section 214 authorizations to be assigned or transferred.

Fee Classification CUT − Section 214 Authority

9. Description (Summarize the nature of the application.)
           (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
                     Notification of the pro forma transfer of control of international
                     Section 214 authority as a result of internal corporate restructuring
                     involving indirect wholly owned subsidiaries of Verizon Communications

10. In Attachment 1, please respond to paragraphs (c) and (d) of Section 63.18 with respect to the assignor/transferor and the assignee/transferee.
Label your response "Answer to Question 10".

11. Does any entity, directly or indirectly, own at least ten (10) percent of the equity of the assignee/transferee as         Yes   No
determined by successive multiplication in the manner specified in the note to Section 63.18(h) of the rules?
If you answered "Yes" to this question, provide in Attachment 1, the name, address, citizenship, and principal
businesses of each person or entity that directly or indirectly owns at least ten (10) percent of the equity of the
assignee/transferee, and the percentage of equity owned by each of those persons or entities (to the nearest one
percent). Label your response "Answer to Question 11."


12. Does the assignee/transferee have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier?                                 Yes      No

If you answered "Yes" to this question, identify each interlocking officer/director in Attachment 1. (See Section
63.09(g).) Provide the name and position/title of the individual or entity, the name of the foreign carrier, and the
country in which the foreign carrier is authorized to operate. Label your response: "Answer to Question 12."

13. Provide in Attachment 1 a narrative of the means by which the proposed assignment or transfer of control will take place. In circumstances
of a substantial assignment or transfer of control pursuant to Section 63.24(e), where the assignor seeks authority to assign only a portion of its
U.S. international assets and/or customer base, please specify whether the assignor requests authority to continue to operate under any or all of
its international Section 214 File Nos. after consummation; and, if so, please specify in Attachment 1 each File No. it seeks to retain in its own
name. Label your response "Answer to Question 13."
Note: The assignor may retain any or all of its international Section 214 File Nos. In that case, the assignor will continue to hold the
international section 214 authorizations that it specifies in response to this question. The ITC−ASG File No. that the Commission assigns to this
application will, when granted, constitute Commission authorization of the proposed assignment of assets and /or customers from the assignor
to the assignee. Unless Commission grant of the assignment application specifies otherwise, the assignee may provide the same services on the
same routes as permitted under the assignor’s Section 214 authorization(s), and the assignee may provide such service to any customers it may
obtain in the ordinary course of business.

If this filing is not a notification of a pro forma assignment or pro forma transfer of control, please respond to Questions 14−20 below. (See
Section 63.24(d).) Otherwise, you may proceed to Question 21 below.


14. Check "Yes" below if the assignee is a foreign carrier or if, upon consummation of the proposed assignment or      Yes   No
transfer of control, the Section 214 holder would be affiliated with a foreign carrier. (See Section 63.18 (i).) The
terms "foreign carrier" and "affiliated" are defined in Section 63.09 (d) & (e) of the rules respectively.
If you answered "Yes" to this question, please specify in Attachment 1 each foreign country in which the assignee
is a foreign carrier or in which the Section 214 holder, upon consummation, would be affiliated with a foreign
carrier. Label your response, "Answer to Question 14."

15. If this application is granted and the proposed assignment or transfer is consummated, would the Section 214       Yes   No
holder be authorized to provide service to any destination country for which any of the following statements is
(1) The Section 214 holder is a foreign carrier in that country; or
(2) The Section 214 holder controls a foreign carrier in that country; or
(3) Any entity that owns more than 25 percent of the Section 214 holder, or that controls the Section 214 holder,
controls a foreign carrier in that country.
(4) Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own, in the aggregate, more than 25
percent of the Section 214 holder and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation (e.g., a joint
venture or market alliance) affecting the provision or marketing of international basic telecommunications services
in the United States.
If you answered "Yes" to this question, please specify in Attachment 1 each foreign carrier and country for which
any of the above statements would be true. Label your response, "Answer to Question 15."


Document Created: 2011-12-23 10:54:45
Document Modified: 2011-12-23 10:54:45

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