Attachment App. Attachment

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20111122-00358 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                    Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Joint Application of  )
ITC Global, Inc.                           )
        Transferor,                        )
ITC Global USA, LLC,                       )
        Licensee,                          )
                                           )                 File No. ITC-T/C-2011_______
and                                        )
Riverside Fund IV, L.P.,                   )
        Transferee                         )
For Authority Pursuant to Section          )
214 of the Communications Act of 1934,     )
as Amended, for the Transfer of Control of )
An Authorized U.S. International           )
Communications Common Carrier              )


       ITC Global, Inc. (“ITC”), ITC Global USA, LLC (“ITC USA”), and Riverside Fund IV,

L.P. (“Riverside” and collectively with ITC and ITC USA, “Applicants”), through undersigned

counsel and pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as amended, 47 U.S.C.A. § 214,

and Sections 63.24(e) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e), hereby respectfully request

Commission approval for the transfer of control of ITC USA from ITC to Riverside. ITC USA is a

non-dominant carrier authorized by the Commission to provide international telecommunications

services. Consummation of the transaction proposed herein will serve the public interest.

       In support of the Application, Applicants state as follows:


       Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined processing

pursuant to Sections 63.12(a)-(b) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(a)-(b). In

particular, none of the exclusionary criteria set forth in Section 63.12(c) applies as described

more fully in Section V below.        Accordingly, this Application qualifies for streamlined

processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission’s Rules.


       A.      ITC Global, Inc. and ITC Global USA, LLC

       ITC, a Delaware corporation, and ITC USA, a Florida limited liability company, have

their corporate office located at One Progress Plaza, Suite 700, St. Petersburg, FL 33701. ITC

provides comprehensive networking solutions for business operating anywhere in the world, and

provides communications in some of the world’s most difficult regions, including remote and

otherwise unreachable mining locations; offshore platforms; floating production, storage, and

offloading vessels; and service vessels. Networks managed by ITC enable the transmission of

real-time data from vessels and platforms to shore-based facilities, enabling real-time sharing of

information, voice communications and network connectivity for improved decision making and

safety in the maritime environment.         Although ITC does not hold any Commission

authorizations to provide telecommunications services, ITC USA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of

ITC, holds international Section 214 authority pursuant to File No. ITC-214-20110609-00184.1

       ITC USA recently acquired certain assets from Broadpoint License Co., LLC, pursuant to
File No. ITC-ASG-20110609-00165.


       B.      Riverside Fund IV, L.P.

       Riverside, a Delaware limited partnership, has its principal offices at 699 Boylston Street,

14th Floor, Boston, MA 02116. Riverside is controlled by Riverside Partners, a Boston-based

private investment firm that invests in healthcare and technology oriented companies. The

ownership of Riverside is described in more detail in Section V below.

       Riverside does not offer or provide any telecommunications services or hold any

Commission authorizations to provide telecommunications services.           Riverside does hold

attributable interests in two companies that provide communications services: (1) segTel, Inc., a

non-dominant provider of private line, local, long distance and internet services in various areas

of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts, and (2) TVC Albany, Inc., a non-

dominant provider of local exchange and interexchange services in New York and Massachusetts

and holder of nationwide common carrier wireless license in the 3650-3700 MHz band under

call sign WQLH897.


       ITC and Riverside entered into a Securities Purchase and Redemption Agreement

(“Agreement”) dated November 11, 2011, pursuant to which Riverside will acquire control of ITC

USA. Specifically, Riverside plans to acquire approximately 57.5% of ITC’s stock. As a result,

immediately following the consummation of the proposed transaction, Riverside will ultimately

control ITC USA. Applicants therefore request authority for the transfer of control of ITC USA to

Riverside.   For the Commission’s reference pre- and post-transaction organization charts are

provided as Exhibit A.



        Applicants submit that the transaction described herein will serve the public interest.

The transfer of control of ITC USA to Riverside will provide ITC USA with access to the

financial and operational support of Riverside. Such support will allow ITC USA to strengthen

its ability to compete. Also, the transaction will not have any adverse impact on competition.

No existing or potential competitors will be eliminated as a result of the proposed transaction.

Instead, ITC USA will continue to provide service to its customers, furthering the Commission’s

policies favoring competition and diversity of services.

       Furthermore, the transaction will be conducted in a manner that will be virtually

transparent to customers of ITC USA. The transaction will not result in a change of carrier for

any customer or any assignment of existing Commission authorizations.                   Following

consummation, ITC USA will continue to provide high-quality telecommunications services to

customers without interruption and without changes in rates, terms or conditions. Applicants

emphasize that the transaction will not result in the discontinuance, reduction, loss, or

impairment of service to any customers.


       Pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of the Commission’s Rules, Applicants submit the following

information requested in Section 63.18 (a)-(d) and (h)-(p) in support of this Application:

       (a)      Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:

             ITC Global, Inc.                                FRN: 0020841912
             One Progress Plaza, Suite 700
             St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
             Tel: (727) 898-3895



      ITC Global USA, LLC                                 FRN: 0020923488
      One Progress Plaza, Suite 700
      St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
      Tel: (727) 898-3895


      Riverside Fund IV, L.P.                             FRN: 0021308093
      c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
      699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
      Boston, MA 02116
      Tel: (617) 351-2800

(b)      Jurisdiction of Applicants:

      Transferor:        ITC is a Delaware corporation.

      Licensee:          ITC USA is a Florida limited liability company.

      Transferee:        Riverside is a Delaware limited partnership.

(c)      Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

 For Riverside:

 Jean L. Kiddoo
 Ulises R. Pin
 Danielle C. Burt
 Bingham McCutchen LLP
 2020 K Street, NW
 Washington, D.C. 20006
 (202) 373-6000 (Tel)
 (202) 373-6001 (Fax)


 For ITC and ITC USA:                       With a Copy to:

 Dennis C. Brown, Esq.                      Joseph A. Spytek, President
 8124 Cooke Court, Suite 201                ITC Global, Inc.
 Manassas, VA 20109-7406                    One Progress Plaza, Suite 700
 (703) 365-9437 (Tel)                       St. Petersburg, FL 33701
 (703) 365-9456 (Fax)                       (727) 898-3895 (Tel)                      (727) 499-7918 (Fax)

(d)    Section 214 Authorizations Held

Transferor:   ITC does not hold any domestic or international Section 214 authority, but
              controls ITC USA which holds international Section 214 authority.

Licensee:     ITC USA holds international Section 214 authority pursuant to File No. ITC-
              214-20110609-00184, granted on October 28, 2011. ITC USA does not hold
              any domestic Section 214 authority.

Transferee:   Riverside does not hold any domestic or international Section 214 authority,
              but ultimately controls the following entities which hold domestic and/or
              international Section 214 authorizations:

              segTEL, Inc. holds domestic Section 214 authority by virtue of blanket
              authorization. It does not hold any international Section 214 authority.

              TVC Albany, Inc. holds international Section 214 authority through its
              predecessor companies, Mid-Hudson Communications, Inc. (File No. ITC-
              214-20010209-00086) and Tech Valley Communications, Inc. (File No. ITC-
              214-19990825-00538). It also holds domestic Section 214 authority through
              its predecessor companies (WC Docket No. 02-47).

(h)    Post-Transaction Ownership of ITC USA:

       As of the date of the closing of the proposed transaction, the sole member of
       Licensee, ITC Global USA, LLC, will be:

              Name:                  ITC Global, Inc.
              Address:               One Progress Plaza, Suite 700
                                     St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
              Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
              Interest Held:         100%
              Principal Business:    Communications


(1) The following entities will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in ITC
    Global, Inc.:

           Name:                  Riverside Fund IV, L.P.
           Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                  699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                  Boston, MA 02116
           Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
           Interest Held:         57.5%
           Principal Business:    Investment

           Name:                  Fine Spotted Partners, LLC
           Address:               c/o ITC Global, Inc.
                                  One Progress Plaza, Suite 700
                                  St. Petersburg, FL 33701
           Citizenship:           U.S. (Wyoming)
           Interest Held:         13.19%
           Principal Business:    Investment

(2) The following entities currently hold a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in
    Riverside Fund IV, L.P.:

   (a)     Name:                  Riverside Partners IV, L.P.
           Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                  699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                  Boston, MA 02116
           Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
           Interest Held:         1.5%; General Partner
           Principal Business:    Investment

   (b)     Name:                  Yale University
           Address:               55 Whitney Avenue, 5th Floor
                                  New Haven, Connecticut
           Citizenship:           U.S.
           Interest Held:         14.81% Limited Partner
           Principal Business:    Education

   (c)     Name:                  Arkansas Teacher Retirement System
           Address:               1400 West Third Street
                                  Little Rock, Arkansas
           Citizenship:           U.S.
           Interest Held:         13.16% Limited Partner
           Principal Business:    Investment

   (d)     Name:                  West Virginia Investment Management Board


       Address:               500 Virginia Street, Suite 200
                              Charleston, West Virginia 25301
       Citizenship:           U.S.
       Interest Held:         13.16% Limited Partner
       Principal Business:    Investment

No individual or entity holds a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in Yale
University, Arkansas Teacher Retirement System or the West Virginia
Investment Management Board.

The following individuals or entities currently hold a ten percent (10%) or greater
interest in Riverside Partners IV, L.P.:

(a)    Name:                  David Belluck
       Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                              699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                              Boston, MA 02116
       Citizenship:           U.S.
       Interest Held:         Less than 50%
       Principal Business:    Individual

(b)    Name:                  Brian Guthrie
       Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                              699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                              Boston, MA 02116
       Citizenship:           U.S.
       Interest Held:         Less than 50%
       Principal Business:    Individual

(c)    Name:                  Steve Kaplan
       Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                              699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                              Boston, MA 02116
       Citizenship:           U.S.
       Interest Held:         Less than 50%
       Principal Business:    Individual

(d)    Name:                  Riverside Partners IV, LLC
       Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                              699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                              Boston, MA 02116
       Citizenship:           U.S. (Delaware)
       Interest Held:         General Partner
       Principal Business:    Investment


   Riverside Partners IV, L.P. is controlled by an investment committee composed
   of six members, who are: David Belluck, Philip Borden, Frank Do, Brian Guthrie,
   Steve Kaplan, and Jon Lemelman. All members of the investment committee are
   United States citizens and the business address for each member of the investment
   committee is:

          c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
          699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
          Boston, MA 02116

   The sole members of Riverside Partners IV, LLC are:

   (a)    Name:                  David Belluck
          Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                 699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                 Boston, MA 02116
          Citizenship:           U.S.
          Interest Held:         Greater than 50%
          Principal Business:    Individual

   (b)    Name:                  Brian Guthrie
          Address:               c/o Riverside Partners, LLC
                                 699 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
                                 Boston, MA 02116
          Citizenship:           U.S.
          Interest Held:         Less than 50%
          Principal Business:    Individual

   No other person or entity will hold a 10% or greater indirect interest in Licensee
   through an ownership interest in Riverside Fund IV, LP.

(3) The following individual is the sole member of Fine Spotted Partners, LLC:

          Name:                  Michael Monier
          Address:               c/o ITC Global, Inc.
                                 One Progress Plaza, Suite 700
                                 St. Petersburg, FL 33701
          Citizenship:           U.S.
          Interest Held:         100%
          Principal Business:    Investment

   No other person or entity holds a 10% or greater indirect interest in Licensee
   through an ownership interest in Fine Spotted Partners, LLC.


(i)   Applicants certify that they are not foreign carriers, nor are they affiliated with
      foreign carriers, nor will they become affiliated with foreign carriers as a result of
      this transaction.

(j)   Applicants certify that they do not seek to provide international
      telecommunications services to any destination country where: (i) an Applicant is
      a foreign carrier in that country; (ii) an Applicant controls a foreign carrier in that
      country; (iii) any entity that owns more than 25% of an Applicant, or that controls
      an Applicant, controls a foreign carrier in that country; or (iv) two or more
      foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own, in the aggregate
      more than 25% of an Applicant and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a
      contractual relationship affecting the provision or marketing of international basic
      telecommunications services in the United States.

(k)   Not applicable.

(l)   Not applicable.

(m)   Not applicable.

(n)   Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept special concessions directly
      or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route
      where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route
      and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

(o)   Applicants certify that they are not subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant
      to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1998. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a. See
      also 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001-1.2003.

(p)   Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined
      processing pursuant to Section 63.12(a)-(b) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R.
      §63.12(a)-(b). -In particular, Section 63.12(c)(1) is inapplicable because none of
      the Applicants is or is affiliated with any foreign carriers and none of the
      scenarios outlined in Section 63.12(c) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R.
      §62.12(c), applies.



       For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant ofthis Application.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  Jean L. Kiddoo
                                                  Ulises R. Pin
                                                  Danielle C. Burt
                                                  Bingham McCutchen LLP
                                                  2020 K Street, NW
                                                  Washington, D.C. 20006
                                                  (202) 373—6000 (Tel)
                                                  (202) 373—6001 (Fax)

                                                     Counsel for Riverside Fund IV, L.P.

Dated: November 22, 2011


          EXHIBIT A

Pre- and Post-Transaction Charts

                                        Pre-Transaction Corporate Structure

                                                                Sole Members

                                                                                           Brian        David
                                                                                          Guthrie       Belluck
Michael Monier                         Charles Morgan
                                                                                       Limited                  Limited
                                                               Riverside Partners      Partner                  Partner
 100%                                           100%                                                                       Steve
                                                                    IV, LLC                                                Kaplan
Fine Spotted           Joseph          SeaSpin Pty, Ltd           General
Partners, LLC          Spytek         Aphrodite Trust A/C         Partner                                                    Limited
        18.59%             10.08%       16.8%
                                                                             Arkansas                                     West Virginia
                                                                             Teacher              Riverside
                   ITC Global, Inc.                           Yale                                                         Investment
                                                                            Retirement           Partners IV,
                                                            University                                                    Management
                                                                              System                 L.P.
                            100%                                                                                              Board
                                                             14.81%         13.16%                     1.5%;
                 ITC Global USA, LLC                         LP             LP                         General                 13.16%
                                                                                                       Partner                 LP

                                                                                     Riverside Fund IV, L.P.

                 Post-Transaction Corporate Structure
                         Sole Members

                                                    Brian         David
                                                   Guthrie        Belluck
                                                Limited                   Limited
                        Riverside Partners      Partner                   Partner
                             IV, LLC                                                 Kaplan
                           Partner                                                     Limited

                                      Arkansas                                      West Virginia
                                      Teacher               Riverside
                       Yale                                                          Investment
                                     Retirement            Partners IV,
                     University                                                     Management
                                       System                  L.P.
                      14.81%         13.16%                       1.5%;
Michael Monier        LP             LP                           General                13.16%
                                                                  Partner                LP


Fine Spotted
Partners, LLC                                 Riverside Fund IV, L.P.
        13.19%                                            57.5%

                          ITC Global, Inc.


                       ITC Global USA, LLC


          I, Joseph Spytek, state that I am President of ITC Global, Inc., the sole member and manager

of ITC Global USA, LLC; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and

 supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and


          I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

22ndday of November, 2011.

                                                     ‘ President of ITC Global, Inc.
                                                  he sole member and manager of ITC Global USA, LLC)


          I, David Belluck, state that I am an Authorized Representative of Riverside Partners IV,

LLC, which is the general partner of Riverside Partners IV, L.P., which in turn is the general partner

of Riverside Fund IV, L.P.; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and

supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and


          I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

22nd day of November, 2011.

                                                        Name: David Belluck
                                                        Title: Authorized Representative
                                                        Riverside Fund IV, L.P.
                                                        By: Riverside Partners IV, L.P., its general
                                                        By: Riverside Partners IV, LLC, its general


Document Created: 2011-11-22 16:10:53
Document Modified: 2011-11-22 16:10:53

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