Attachment Gores-FirstComm - FC

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20111003-00313 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                            Before the
                               Washington, DC 20554

                                                      L N NNNA N N N N N N N NT NT NV N N N N/ NZ
In the Matter of the Joint Application of

First Communications, Inc.,                                                                         WC Docket No. 11—
First Communications, LLC,                                                                          IB   File No.   ITC—T/C—20111003—00314
Globalcom, Inc.,                                                                                    IB   File No.   ITC—T/C—20111003—00313
Xtension Services, Inc., and                                                                        IB   File No.   ITC—T/C—20111003—00312
First Telecom Services, LLC                                                                         IB   File No.   ITC—T/C—20111003—00316


Gores FC Holdings, LLC

For Grant of Authority Pursuant to
Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934,
as amended, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the
Commission‘s Rules to Complete a
Transfer of Control of Authorized Domestic and
International Section 214 Carriers

                                     JOINT APPLICATION

         First Communications, Inc. ("FCI"), First Communications, LLC ("FCL"), Globalcom,

Inc. ("Globalcom"), First Telecom Services, LLC ("FTS"), Xtension Services, Inc. ("Xtension"),

and Gores FC Holdings, LLC ("Gores"), through undersigned counsel and pursuant to Section

214 of the Communications Act, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of

the Commission‘s Rules, request approval for the transfer of control of FCL, Globalcom, FTS,

and Xtension (collectively, the "FCI Operating Companies" or "Licensees") to Gores, an

investment entity ultimately managed by The Gores Group, LLC ("The Gores Group").‘ The

Gores Group currently acts as managing member of the general partner of certain investment

      FCI, Licensees and Gores are hereinafter referred to collectively as the "Applicants."


funds that together hold non—controlling ownership of 13.1 percent of the voting stock of FCI

through Gores. Gores will acquire control of FCI and, indirectly, the FCI Operating Companies

by the exercise of the right to appoint a majority of the Board of Directors. Applicants note that

Gores may also purchase/acquire voting securities of FCI, as a result of which Gores will directly

or indirectly hold more than 50 percent of the voting securities of FCI.

         The proposed transaction will result in a change in the ultimate ownership of the

Licensees, although no assignment of authorizations, assets or customers will occur as an

immediate consequence of the proposed transaction. Licensees will continue to provide service

to their existing customers pursuant to their authorizations under the same rates, terms and

conditions. Accordingly, the transaction will be transparent to the customers of Licensees.

         In support of this Application, Applicants provide the following information.


         Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined processing

pursuant to Sections 63.12(a)—(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.E.R. §§ 63.12(a)—(b).          In

particular, none of the exclusionary criteria set forth in Section 63.12(c) applies, as described

more fully in Part V, below.       Accordingly, this Joint Application qualifies for streamlined

processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules.


         A.      Gores FC Holdings, LLC

         Gores is a Delaware limited liability company with its principal office located at 10877

Wilshire Boulevard, 18th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90024. Gores is ultimately managed by

The Gores Group, LLC ("The Gores Group") and its manager, Alec E. Gores. The Gores Group

is a private investment firm whose investment focus includes opportunities in the technology and


telecommunications sectors. The Gores Group has investment and oversight authority for the

entities it manages, including Gores.

         Gores is well—qualified managerially, technically and financially to own and control

Licensees. In particular, The Gores Group has created an internal operations team which has a

history of enhancing the value and operations of its investment companies by focusing on

customers and employees, supporting management with operational expertise and providing

access to capital. The Gores Group and its affiliates also have an extensive background in

acquiring and managing network services, software and computer hardware companies.

         Gores is financially qualified to take control of Licensees. In addition to its own capital

resources, through an established network of debt financing sources and investment partners, The

Gores Group also provides access to capital for its portfolio companies.

         B.      First Communications, Inc. and the FCI Operating Companies

         FCI is a Delaware corporation located at 3340 West Market Street, Akron, Ohio 44333.

FCI, through its operating subsidiaries FCL, Globalcom, FTS, and Xtension, provides local,

private line, and/or long distance services to both business and residential customers in 49 states.

Its services include traditional local and long distance services, toll—free services, conference

calling packages, calling cards, prepaid calling cards, Internet access and dedicated and private

line services.

         FCI operates its communications business through operating subsidiaries, and therefore,

does not directly hold any domestic or international Section 214 authority. Below is a brief

description of each FCI operating subsidiary and its Section 214 authority:

         First Communications, LLC is an Ohio limited liability company authorized to provide
         local, private line, and/or long distance services to both business and residential
         customers in 49 states. FCL holds international Section 214 authority (ITC—214—


         19951215—00030) granted in File No. ITC—ASG—20011001—00509 and holds blanket
         domestic Section 214 authority.

         Globalcom, Inc. is an Illinois corporation that provides voice and data services primarily
         to small and medium sized business customers. Globalcom holds international Section
         214 authority granted in File No. ITC—214—19960718—00323 (previous File No. ITC—96—
         406) and holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority.

         Xtension Services, Inc. is a Delaware corporation authorized to provide long distance
         telecommunications services in 13 states and resold local exchange services in New
         Jersey. Xtension holds international Section 214 authority granted in File No. ITC—214—
         20010305—00116 and holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority.

         First Telecom Services, LLC is an Ohio limited liability company authorized to provide
         intrastate telecommunications services in New York. First Telecom Services, LLC holds
         international Section 214 authority granted in File No. ITC—214—20100827—00347 and
         holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority.


          Gores intends to acquire control of FCI and indirectly, the FCI Operating Companies, by

the exercise of the right to appoint a majority of the FCI Board of Directors.         Accordingly,

Applicants seek authorization for the transfer of control of the FCI Operating Companies to

Gores. Applicants note that Gores may also purchase/acquire voting securities of FCI, as a result

of which Gores would also        directly or indirectly hold more than 50 percent of the voting

securities of FCI.      For the Commussion‘s convenience, pre— and post—transaction illustrative

charts are provided as Exhibit A.

         Immediately following the consummation of the proposed transaction, Licensees will

continue to offer service with no change in the name of the companies, or their rates or terms and

conditions of service. Therefore, the transfer of control of Licensees will be seamless and

virtually transparent to customers of Licensees.


         Applicants submit that the transaction described herein will serve the public interest. No

existing or potential competitors will be eliminated as a result of the proposed transaction.

Instead, the Licensees will continue to provide services to their customers, furthering the

Commission‘s policies favoring competition and diversity of services.

         The proposed transaction will be conducted in a manner that will be transparent to

customers of the Licensees. The transfers of control of the Licensees will not result in a change of

carrier for customers or any assignment of authorizations. In addition, the Licensees will continue

to provide high—quality communications services to their customers without interruption and

without immediate change in rates, terms or conditions.       Accordingly, the transaction will be

virtually transparent to customers, and in no event will it result in the discontinuance, reduction,

loss, or impairment of service to customers.


         Pursuant to Section 63.24(e)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, the Applicants submit the

following information requested in Section 63.18 (a)—(d) and (h)—(p) in support of this


         (a)    Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:


                First Communications, Inc.                   FRN:; 0015806979
                3340 West Market Street
                Akron, Ohio 44333
                (330) 835—2323

                Gores FC Holdings, LLC                        FRN: 0016707374
                10877 Wilshire Boulevard, 18"" Floor
                Los Angeles, CA 90024
                (310) 209—3010



                   First Communications, LLC                   FRN:   0003764487
                   Globalcom, Inc.                             FRN:   0004325320
                   Xtension Services, Inc.                     FRN:   0004289658
                   First Telecom Services, LLC                 FRN:   0018651927
                   3340 West Market Street
                   Akron, Ohio 44333
                   (330) $35—2323

         (b)       Jurisdiction of Organizations:

               Transferor: First Communications, Inc. is a corporation formed under the laws of

               Transferee: Gores FC Holdings, LLC is a limited liability company organized under
                           the laws of Delaware.

               Licensees: First Communications, LLC is a limited liability company organized under
                          the laws of Ohio.

                          Globalcom, Inc. is a corporation formed under the laws ofIllinois.

                          Xtension Services, Inc. is a corporation formed under the laws of

                          First Telecom Services, LLC is a limited liability company formed under
                          the laws of Ohio.

         (c)       (Answer to Question 10) Correspondence concerning this Application should
                   be sent to:
      Jean L. Kiddoo                                     With copies to:
      Danielle C. Burt
                                                         Sandi Murphy
      BINGHAM MCCUTCHEN LLP                              General Counsel
      2020 K Street, N.W.
                                                         First Communications, LLC
      Washington, D.C. 20006
                                                         3340 West Market Street
     (202) 373—6000 (Tel)
                                                         Akron, OH 44333
     (202) 373—6001 (Fax)                                (330) §35—2664                   
         (d)       Section 214 Authorizations

                   FCL holds international Section 214 authority (ITC—214—19951215—00030)
                   granted in File No. ITC—ASG—20011001—00509 and holds blanket domestic
                   Section 214 authority.


                   Globalcom holds international Section 214 authority granted in File No. ITC—214—
                   19960718—00323 (previous File No. ITC—96—406) and holds blanket domestic
                   Section 214 authority.

                   Xtension holds international Section 214 authority granted in File No. ITC—214—
                   20010305—00116 and holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority.

                   ETS holds international Section 214 authority granted in File No. ITC—214—
                   20100827—00347 and holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority.

          (h)      (4nswer to Questions 11 & 12) The following entities hold, directly or indirectly,
                   a 10% or greater interest in Applicants as calculated pursuant to the Commission
                   ownership attribution rules for wireline and international telecommunications

               Pre— Transaction Ownership ofFCI:

               (1) The following entities own a ten percent or greater equity interest, or controlling
                   interest, in First Communications, Inc.:

                    (a)    Name:                 Marbel Investments, LLC
                           Address:              612 Market Ave., South
                                                 Canton, OH 44702
                           Citizenship:          U.S.
                           Percentage Owned:     19.3%
                           Principal Business:   Investment

                    (b)    Name:                 FirstEnergy Corp.
                           Address:               76 S. Main Street, Suite 1600
                                                 Akron, OR 44308
                           Citizenship:          U.S.
                           Percentage Owned:     14.30%
                           Principal Business:   Energy

                    (c)    Name:                  Gores FC Holdings, LLC
                           Address:               10877 Wilshire Boulevard, 18th Floor
                                                  Los Angeles, CA 90024
                           Citizenship:           U.S.
                           Percentage Owned:      13.10%
                           Principal Business:    Holding Company

               (2) The following entities own a ten percent or greater equity interest, or controlling
                   interest, in Marbel Investments, LLC:

        While the Commission‘s rules for combined domestic and international applications
require this information only for the assignee/transferee, see 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04(b), 63.24(e)(2),
Applicants are providing ownership information for all parties.


                   (a)     Name:                 Marshall Belden
                           Address:               612 Market Ave., South
                                                  Canton, OH 44702
                           Citizenship:          U.S.
                           Percentage Owned:     25%
                           Principal Business:   Individual

                    (b)    Name:                  Timothy Belden
                           Address:               612 Market Ave., South
                                                  Canton, OH 44702
                           Citizenship:           U.S.
                           Percentage Owned:      25%
                           Principal Business:    Individual

                    (c)    Name:                  Susan Belden
                           Address:               612 Market Ave., South
                                                  Canton, OH 44702
                           Citizenship:           U.S.
                           Percentage Owned:      25%
                           Principal Business:    Individual

                    (d)    Name:                  Kismet Foundation
                           Address:               612 Market Ave., South
                                                  Canton, OH 44702
                           Citizenship:           U.S.
                           Percentage Owned:      25%
                           Principal Business:    Charitable Organization

               (3) No shareholder in FirstEnergy Corp. owns or controls ten percent or
                   more of its equity.

               Pre— and Post—Transaction Ownership of Transferee:

               As described above, the FCI Operating Companies will be controlled by Gores through
               the exercise of the right to appoint a majority of the Board of Directors. Applicants
               note that Gores may also purchase/acquire voting securities of FCI, as a result of which
               Gores would also directly or indirectly hold more than 50 percent of the voting
               securities of FCI.

               (1) The following entities own a ten percent or greater equity interest, or controlling
                   interest, in Gores FC Holdings LLC:

                    Name:                 Gores Alternative Investments I, L.P.
                    Address:              10877 Wilshire Boulevard, 18Floor
                                          Los Angeles, CA 90024


               Citizenship:          U.S.
               Ownership:            44.1%
               Principal Business:   Investment Fund

               Name:                 Gores Alternative Investments II, L.P.
               Address:              10877 Wilshire Boulevard, 18" Floor
                                     Los Angeles, CA 90024
               Citizenship:          U.S.
               Ownership:            20.76%
               Principal Business:   Investment Fund

               Name:                 Gores Co—Invest Partnership, L.P.
               Address:              10877 Wilshire Boulevard, 18"" Floor
                                     Los Angeles, CA 90024
               Citizenship:          U.S.
               Ownership:            22.5%
               Principal Business:   Investment Fund

               Name:                 Gores Capital Advisors, LLC
               Address:              10877 Wilshire Boulevard, 18"" Floor
                                     Los Angeles, CA 90024
               Citizenship:          U.S.
               Ownership:            10%
               Principal Business:   Private Equity/Merger & Acquisitions

         (2)   The following entity owns or controls Gores Alternative Investments I, L.P.,
               Gores Alternative Investments II, L.P. and Gores Co—Invest Partnership,

               Name:                 Gores Capital Advisors, LLC
               Address:              10877 Wilshire Boulevard, 18"" Floor
                                     Los Angeles, CA 90024
               Citizenship:          U.S.
               Ownership:            General Partner (all three limited partnerships)
               Principal Business:   Private Equity/Merger & Acquisitions

         (3)   The following entity owns or controls Gores Capital Advisors, LLC:

               Name:                 The Gores Group, LLC
               Address:              10877 Wilshire Boulevard, 18" Floor
                                     Los Angeles, CA 90024
               Citizenship:          U.S.
               Ownership:            Managing Member
               Principal Business:   Private Equity/Merger & Acquisitions


         (4)    The following individual owns or controls The Gores Group, LLC:

                Name:                 Alec E. Gores
                Address:              c/o The Gores Group, LLC
                                       10877 Wilshire Boulevard, 18"" Floor
                                      Los Angeles, CA 90024
                Citizenship:          U.S.
                Ownership:            Manager
                Principal Business:   Individual

                None of the equity and/or controlling interest holders reported above have a ten
                percent or greater direct or indirect interest in any FCC regulated businesses other

                (1)    Gores Capital Partners III, LP and Gores Co—Invest Partnership III, LP
                hold an approximately 86 percent interest in CoBridge Holdings, LLC, the parent
                of Cobridge Communications, LLC, a company that provides cable television,
                voice and data services mostly in Arkansas, Alabama, Texas, Missouri, Georgia,
                and Louisiana.

                (2)    Gores AC Holdings, LLC has applied to acquire control of Alpheus
                Communications, L.P. ("Alpheus") and Alpheus Data Services, L.L.C. ("ADS"),
                which are authorized to provide telecommunications services in Texas.

                To the best of Applicants‘ knowledge, there are no officers or directors of
                Applicants who also serve as an officer of director of a foreign carrier as defined
                in Section 63.09(d).

          i)    (Answer to Question 14) The Applicants certify that following consummation of
                the Transaction: (i) Transferee will not be a foreign carrier within the meaning of
                Section 63.09(d) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.09(d); and (ii)
                Transferee will not become affiliated with a foreign carrier.

          (3)   (Answer to Question 15) The Applicants certify that upon consummation of the
                transaction, they do not seek to provide international telecommunications services
                to any destination country where:

                (1)    An Applicant is a foreign carrier in that country; or
                (2)    An Applicant controls a foreign carrier in that country; or
                (3)    Any entity that owns more than 25 percent of an Applicant, or that
                       controls an Applicant, controls a foreign carrier in that country; or
                (4)    Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own,
                       in the aggregate more than 25 percent of an Applicant and are parties to,
                       or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or
                       marketing of international basic telecommunications services in the United


         (k)    Not applicable.

         (1)    Not applicable.

         (m)    Not applicable.

         (n)    Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept special concessions directly
                or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S. international route
                where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route
                and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

         (0)    Applicants certify that they are not subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to
                Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See 21 U.S.C. § §53a; see
                also 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003.

         (P)    Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined
                processing pursuant to Section 63.12(a)—(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.
                §63.12(a)—(b). In particular, Section 63.12(c)(1) is inapplicable because none of the
                Applicants are or are affiliated with any foreign carriers and none of the scenarios
                outlined in Section 63.12(c) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c), apply.


         Pursuant to Commission Rule 63.04(b), 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), Applicants submit the

following information in support of their request for domestic Section 214 authority in order to

address the requirements set forth in Commission Rule 63.04(a)(6)—(12):

         (a)(6) A description of the proposed transaction is set forth in Section III above.

         (a)(7) First Communications, LLC is authorized to provide telecommunications services
                in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware,
                District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
                Kansas, Kentucky,      Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Michigan,
                Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire,
                New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio,
                Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota,
                Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia,
                Wisconsin, and Wyoming. In these states, FCL is authorized to provide
                competitive local and/or long distance telecommunications services. All of the
                services provided by FCL are competitive in nature and neither FCL nor any
                affiliated company holds a dominant position in any market.

                Globalcom, Inc. is authorized to provide telecommunications services in Arizona,
                Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa,
                Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New

                   Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma,
                   Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin,
                   and Wyoming. All of the services provided by Globalcom are competitive in
                   nature and neither Globalcom nor any affiliated company holds a dominant
                   position in any market.

                   Xtension Services, Inc. is authorized to provide telecommunications services in
                   California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Nevada, New
                   Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Virginia and
                   Washington. In these states, Xtension is authorized to provide competitive local
                   and/or long distance telecommunications services. All of the services provided by
                   Xtension are competitive in nature and neither Xtension nor any affiliated
                   company holds a dominant position in any market.

                   First Telecom Services, LLC is authorized to provide telecommunications
                   services in New York. In this state, FTS is authorized to provide competitive local
                   and/or long distance telecommunications services. All of the services provided by
                   FTS are competitive in nature and neither FTS nor any affiliated company holds a
                   dominant position in any market.

                   An affiliate of Gores, Gores AC Holdings, LLC, has applied to acquire control of
                   Alpheus and ADS, which are both authorized to provide telecommunications
                   services in Texas.

          (a)(8)   Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined
                   processing pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2)(i) because, immediately following the
                   transaction, Transferee (and its Affiliates) will have a market share in the interstate,
                   interexchange market of less than 10 percent, and the Transferee (and its Affiliates)
                   will provide competitive telephone exchange services or exchange access services (if
                   at all) exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant local exchange carrier
                   that is not a party to the transaction, and none of the Applicants (or their Affiliates)
                   are dominant with respect to any service.

          (a)(9)   By this Application, Applicants seek authority with respect to both international
                   and domestic Section 214 authorizations (this Application is being separately and
                   concurrently filed with respect to both types of authorities in compliance with
                   Commission Rule 63.04(b), 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b)). An application will also be
                   filed with the Commission to seek authority with respect to radio authorizations
                   held by First Communications, LLC.

          (a)(10) Prompt completion of the proposed transaction is important to               ensure that
                  Applicants can obtain the benefits described in the foregoing               application.
                  Accordingly, Applicants respectfully request that the Commission           approve this
                  Application expeditiously in order to allow Applicants to consummate       the proposed
                  transaction as soon as possible.

          (a)(11) Not applicable.


         (a)(12) A statement showing how grant of the application will serve the public interest,
                 convenience and necessity is provided in Section IV above.

                                     *#      *#        *     *#      *


         For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application for the transfer of

control of Applicants.

                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                       Jean L. Kiddoo
                                                       Danielle C. Burt
                                                       BingHAM MCCUTCHEN LLP
                                                       2020 K Street, NW.
                                                       Washington, DC 20006—1806
                                                       (202) 373—6000 (Tel)
                                                       (202) 373—6001 (Fax)

                                                       Counsel for Applicants

Dated: October 26, 2011


               Illustrative Corporate Structure Charts


                                            First Communications
                      Pre—Transaction lllustrative Corporate Structure Chart
                                                                                                                      Alec E.

                                                                                                                    The Gores

                                                              Gores          Gores               Gores Co—             Gores
                                                         Alternative      Alternative           Invest                Capital
                                                        Investment I,     Investment         Partnership,            Advisors,
Marshall   Timothy      Susan
                                                               LP            II, L.P                LP                  LLC
 Belden     Belden      Belden          Kismet
                                                                          20.76o%        22.5%                    10% & General
            25% W
   25%                                                                                                            Partner of Gores
                                                                                                                  Funds with interest
    Marbel Investments, LLC
                                            FirstEnergy Corp.           Gores FC Holdings, LLC                    in Gores FC
                                                                                                                  Holdings, LLC
              19.3%                                                             13.1%

                                       First Communications, Inc.

           100%                     100%
                                                       100%                                         100%

    First Telecom       First Communications,          Xtension Services,               First Global Telecom, Inc.
    Services, LLC                 LLC                         Inc.

                                                                                             Globalcom, Inc.

                                        First Communications
                Post—Transaction lIllustrative Corporate Structure Chart
                                                                                  Alec E.

                                                                                The Gores

                        Gores              Gores            Gores Co—              Gores
                     Alternative        Alternative           Invest              Capital
                    Investment I,       Investment         Partnership,          Advisors,
                         LP                II, LP              L.P                  LLC
                      44.1%            20.76%         22.5%
                                                                             10% & General Partner of
                                                                             Gores Funds with interest in
                                                                             Gores FC Holdings, LLC
                                     Gores FC Holdings, LLC

                                                      Appoint Majority of Board (and potentially
                                                      hold more than 50% of equity)

                                 First Communications, Inc.

       100%                   100%
                                                       100%                                             100%

First Telecom      First Communications,               Xtension Services,                   First Global Telecom, Inc.
Services, LLC                LLC                                  Inc.

                                                                                                   Globalcom, Inc.

         I, Joseph Morris, state that I am President of First Communications, Inc. and its operating
companies ("FCI"); that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of FCI; that the
foregoing application as it pertains to FCI is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge,
information and belief; and that FCI is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to
Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a), as amended.

         I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and accurate. Executed this
?j@_ day of October, 2011.

                                               First Communications, Inc.



         I, Eric Hattler, state that I am Vice President of Gores FC Holdings, LLC ("Gores"); that
I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of Gores; that the foregoing application as it
pertains to Gores is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, information and belief; and
that Gores is not subject to a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—
Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a), as amended.

         I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and accurate. Executed this
G day of October, 2011.

                                               Eric Hattler
                                               Vice President
                                               Gores FC Holdings, LLC


Document Created: 2011-10-27 16:21:48
Document Modified: 2011-10-27 16:21:48

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