Attachment Notification

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20110429-00118 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


   B IN G H A M

                         Jean L. Kiddoo
                         Brett P. Ferenchak
                         Our File No.: 0000353511

                         April 29, 2011

                         Via Hand Delivery and IBFS

                         Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                         Office of the Secretary
                         Federal Communications Commission
                         445 12th Street, S.W.
                         Room TW—A325
                         Washington, DC 20554
                         Attn:    Wireline Competition Bureau
                                  International Bureau

                         Re:      Notification of the Pro Forma Transactions of Zayo Enterprise
                                  Networks, LLC

                         Dear Ms. Dortch:

                         Zayo Group, LLC ("Zayo" or "Transferor" or "Assignee"), Zayo Enterprise Networks,
                         LLC ("ZEN" or "Assignor") and Onvoy, Inc. ("Onvoy" or "Transferee") (Zayo, ZEN and
                         Onvoy collectively, the "Parties"), by undersigned counsel and pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §
                         63.03(d)(2), notify the Commission of the following pro forma transactions that were
                         completed on April 1,2011:

                                  (1)     the pro forma transfer of direct control of ZEN from Zayo to Onvoy (the
                                          "Pro Forma Transfer of Control"); and

               Boston             (2)     immediately prior to the Pro Forma Transfer of Control, the pro forma
             Hartford                     transfer of certain assets and customers of ZEN to Zayo or Zayo
           Hong Kong                      Bandwidth, LLC ("ZB") (Zayo and ZB together, the "Assignees")‘ (the
               London                     "Pro Forma Transfer of Assets").
          Los Angeles
             New York
       Orange County
        San Francisco
        Santa Monica
        Silicon Valley            ZB is a direct subsidiary of Zayo and affiliate of ZEN. Zayo did not have certain
                Tokyo    required state regulatory authorizations before April 1, 2011. In those states, affected
                         intrastate telecommunications customers of ZEN were transferred to ZB prior to
                         becoming customers of Zayo. This Notification encompasses this intermediate customer
                         transfer as part of the transfer of ZEN‘s affected customers to Zayo.
Bingham McCutchen LLP
      2020 K Street NW
       Washington, DC

    I +1.202.373.6000
    F +1.202.373.6001     A/74144099.1

                        Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                        April 29, 2011
                        Page 2

                        These intra—corporate transactions (together, the "Pro Forma Transactions") were
                        completed by the Parties to simplify their existing corporate structure and further align
                        their respective networks and services with the appropriate subsidiaries of their parent
                        company, Zayo Group Holdings, Inc. ("Holdings"). The Parties emphasize that these
                        intracorporate pro forma transactions did not change the ultimate owners of the Parties.

                                                        Description of the Parties

                        Zayo, ZB and ZEN are Delaware limited liability companies. Onvoy is a Minnesota
                        corporation. Zayo, ZEN and ZB currently have a principal business office at 400
                        Centennial Parkway, Suite 200, Louisville, Colorado 80027. Onvoy has, and ultimately
                        ZEN will have, a principal business office at 300 South Highway 169, Suite 700,
                        Minneapolis, MN 55426—1 137. ZB is, and prior to the Pro forma Transfer of Control
                        ZEN was, a wholly owned direct subsidiary of Zayo. As a result of the Pro Forma
                        Transfer of Control ZEN is a wholly owned direct subsidiary of Onvoy. Zayo and Onvoy
                        are wholly owned direct subsidiaries of Holdings, which in turn is wholly owned by
                        Communications Infrastructure Investment, LLC ("CII"). CII has no majority owner.
                        Pre— and post—Pro Forma Transactions corporate organization charts for the Parties are
                        provided as part of Attachment A.

                        Zayo does not currently provide telecommunications services, but will begin providing
                        the telecommunications services currently offered by ZB upon completion of the
                        proposed pro forma merger of ZB with and into Zayo, with Zayo surviving the merger
                        (the " Zayo/ZB Pro Forma Merger‘). Zayo will acquire the domestic and international
                        Section 214 authorizations of ZB as a result of the Zayo/ZB Pro Forma Merger so that it
                        can continue to provide the telecommunications services currently provided by ZB.
                        Ultimately, Zayo will also provide telecommunications services to the customers were
                        transferred from ZEN.

                        ZEN provides business data services including Ethernet, Private Line, DIA, Virtual
                        Private Networks ("VPN"), Voice Over Internet Protocol ("VoIP") services and managed
                        services including audio and video conferencing. ZEN also provides some traditional
                        switched voice and data services. ZEN‘s customers are small, medium and large
                        enterprise customers. ZEN‘s assets and customers related to its stand alone Ethernet
                        transport services were transferred to Assignees immediately prior to ZEN‘s becoming a
                        wholly owned subsidiary of Onvoy. Following the Pro Forma Transactions, ZEN
                        continues to provide the same panoply of services it provides today. ZEN did not transfer
                        its domestic or international Section 214 authorizations as a result of the Pro Forma
                        Transfer of Assets and continues to provide telecommunications services pursuant to
                        those Section 214 authorizations.

                        ZB currently provides Private Line, Ethernet, Wavelength, Dedicated Internet Access
                        ("DIA") and Collocation services to wholesale (e.g., other carriers) and large enterprise
                        customers. Upon completion of a proposed pro forma merger of ZB, with and into Zayo,
                        with Zayo surviving, Zayo will provide such services to ZB‘s customers. As the Pro

Bingham McCutchen LLP

                        Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                        April 29, 2011
                        Page 3

                        Forma Merger did not occur before the Pro Forma Transfer of Control of ZEN, ZEN
                        transferred certain of its assets and customers to ZB.

                        Onvoy provides wholesale local exchange, competitive tandem switching, long distance,
                        intrastate PRI service, direct inward dialing and SS7 services to other local exchange
                        carriers and interexchange carriers, as well as some retail customers. Onvoy currently
                        provides some or all of these services in ten states (Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan,
                        Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin). Through its
                        wholly—owned subsidiary, Minnesota Independent Equal Access Corporation
                        ("MIEAC"), a Minnesota corporation, Onvoy provides centralized equal access ("CEA")
                        in Minnesota and North Dakota.

                                              Description of the Pro Forma Transactions

                        As stated above, on April 1, 2011 the Parties completed (1) the pro forma transfer of
                        direct control of ZEN from Zayo to Onvoy and (2) immediately prior to the Pro Forma
                        Transfer of Control, the pro forma transfer of certain assets and customers of ZEN to
                        Zayo or ZB." Ultimate control of ZEN will not change because Holdings directly owns
                        both Zayo and Onvoy and therefore ZEN will remain an indirect subsidiary of Holdings
                        upon completion of the Pro Forma Transfer of Control. These Pro Forma Transactions
                        were completed to further align the Parties respective networks and services with the
                        appropriate subsidiaries of their parent company, Holdings. Corporate structure charts
                        illustrating the pre—Pr0 Forma Transactions corporate structure of the Parties and the
                        structure following the Pro Forma Transactions are provided as Attachment A.

                        This synchronization of assets and customers with in the Zayo Holdings family of
                        companies did not result in any changes to the services received by customers, including
                        rates, terms and conditions of service. Each of the affected customers were transferred
                        pursuant to terms of that customer‘s service contract that permit transfer to affiliates
                        and/or pursuant to the customer‘s written authorization and affected customers received
                        notice of these pro forma changes. ZEN‘s customers were notified of the Pro Forma
                        Transfer of Assets through a bill notation in their invoices dated March 1, 201 1.

                        2        Because the proposed Zayo/ZB Pro Forma Merger did not occur before the Pro
                        Forma Transactions, ZEN transferred certain of its assets and customers to ZB in certain
                        states where Zayo had not yet obtained authorization to provide intrastate services.
                        UlItimately, all of ZEN‘s affected customers will become customers of Zayo whether they
                        were transferred directly from ZEN to Zayo or whether they were transferred to ZB,
                        which will subsequently merge with and into Zayo, with Zayo surviving the merger.

                        3       Zayo filed a notification pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 64.1120(e) in Docket No. 00—
                        257 on March 1, 2011 (ECFS Filing Receipt Confirmation No. 201131550047).

Bingham McCutchen LLP

                        Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                        April 29, 2011
                        Page 4

                                   Information Required by Section 63.03(d)(2) and Section 63.24(f)(2)

                        As required by Sections 63.03(d)(2) and 63.24(f)(2), the Parties provides the following
                        information required by 63.04(a)(1) through (a)(4) and 63.18(a) through (d) and (h):

                        Sections 63.04(a)(1) & 63.18(a): Name, address and telephone number of the Parties:

                                  Zayo Group, LLC (Transferor/Assignee)                  FRN 0016555849
                                  Zayo Bandwidth, LLC (Assignee)                         FRN 0019133826
                                  400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                                  Louisville, CO 80027
                                  Tel:     303—381—4664

                                  Zayo Enterprise Networks, LLC (Licensee/Assignor)      FRN 0015331689
                                  400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                                  Louisville, CO 80027
                                  Tel:    866—629—8200

                                  Onvoy, Inc. (Transferee)                               FRN 0004323028
                                  300 South Highway 169, Suite 700
                                  St. Louis Park, MN 55426
                                  Tel:    800—933—1224

                        Sections 63.04(a)(2) & 63.18(b): The Parties are organized as follows:

                                  Zayo, ZEN and ZB are Delaware limited liability companies.

                                  Onvoy is a Minnesota corporation.

                        Sections 63.04(a)(3) & 63.18(c); Correspondence concerning this filing should be sent to
                        the Parties counsel:

                                         Jean L. Kiddoo
                                         Brett P. Ferenchak
                                         Bingham McCutchen LLP
                                         2020 K Street, NW.
                                         Washington, DC 20006—1806
                                         202—373—6000 (Tel)
                                         202—373—6001 (Fax)

Bingham McCutchen LLP

                        Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                        April 29, 2011
                        Page 5

                        Section 63.18(d): The Parties hold the following International and Domestic Section 214

                                  ZEN holds International Section 214 authority to provide global or limited global
                                  facilities—based and resale services granted in B File No. ITC—214—20091016—
                                  Onvoy holds international Section 214 authority (1) to provide global resale
                                  services granted in IB File No. ITC—214—19970722—00425 (old IB File No. ITC—
                                  97—452) and (2) to operate as a facilities—based carrier by constructing and
                                 operating a fiber optic telecommunications facility between the United States and
                                  Canada z%rranted in IB File No. ITC—214—19971205—00766 (old IB File No. ITC—
                                  ZB holds International Section 214 authority to provide global or limited global
                                  facilities—based and resale services granted in IB File No. ITC—214—20091106—
                                  00475. Zayo will acquire ZB‘s International Section 214 authority as a result of
                                  the proposed Zayo/ZB Pro Forma Merger.
                                  Onvoy, ZB and ZEN are authorized to provide interstate service by virtue of
                                  blanket domestic Section 214 authority. 47 C.F.R. § 64.01.
                                  The Parties do not intend to transfer or assign the International Section 214
                                  Authorization of ZEN to Zayo or ZB because ZEN continues to provide
                                  international services and ZB holds its own International Section 214
                                  Authorization, which will be assigned to Zayo as a result of the proposed Pro
                                  Forma Merger.

                        Sections 63.04(a)(4) & 63.18(h): Please see Attachment A for charts depicting the pre—
                        and post—Pro Forma Transactions ownership of the Parties. Please see Attachment B for
                        the pre— and post—Pro Forma Transactions ownership of the Parties.

                        The Parties certify that the intracorporate transfer of direct control of ZEN and
                        assignments of assets and customers were pro forma and that, together with all previous
                        pro forma transactions, did not result in a change in the actual controlling party of any of
                        the Parties.

                        *       The international Section 214 authorizations were originally granted to
                        Minnesota Independent Interexchange Corporation, which subsequently merged into its
                        parent company Onvoy, Inc. (£/k/a Minnesota Equal Access Network Services). See IB
                        File No. ITC—ASG—20070913—00379.

Bingham McCutchen LLP

                        Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                        April 29, 2011
                        Page 6

                        An original and four (4) copies of this notification letter are enclosed for filing. Please
                        date—stamp and return the extra copy of this notification letter in the envelope provided.
                        This notification letter is being filed electronically via MyIBFS. Please direct any
                        questions to the undersigned.

                        Respectfully submitted,

                        Jean L. Kiddoo
                        Brett P. Ferenchak

                        Counsel for the Parties


Bingham McCutchen LLP

                                 ATTACHMENT B

               Pre— and Post—Pro Forma Transactions Corporate Structure


          Pre—Pro Forma Transactions Organization Structure of ZEN

                                      Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC

                                                    Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.


                                                    Zayo Group, LLC


   Other Direct and      E                      Zayo                                   Zayo             Onvoy, Inc.
 Indirect Subsidiaries   ;                 Bandwidth, LLC                           Enterprise            (*Onvoy")
       of Zayo           i                      (°‘ZB")                           Networks, LLC
—————————————————————‘                                                                (‘ZEN®")                 100%
                                                                                                   Minnesota Independent
                                                                                                  Equal Access Corporation

                                    Adesta                       Zayo Bandwidth
                             Communications, Inc.                Tennessee, LLC
                                   (‘Adesta")                        ("ZB—TN")

                                Current Corporate Organization Structure of ZEN

                                                    Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC


                                                                  Zayo Group Holdings, Inc.

                                Zayo Group, LLC                                                                Onvoy, Inc.
                                     (‘Zayo‘")                                                                  (‘Onvoy")

i    Other Directand        |                    Zayo Bandwidth, LLC                               Zayo                Minnesota Independent
i   Indirect Subsidiaries   i                           (CZB")                                   Enterprise           Equal Access Corporation
1          of Zayo          1                                      o                           Networks, LLC
"""""""""""                                                      100%                             ("ZEN‘")

                                      Adesta                       Zayo Bandwidth
                                Communications, Inc.               Tennessee, LLC
                                      ("Adesta")                        ("ZB—TN")

                Pre—Pro Forma Transactions and Current Corporate Structure of Cll

                                                                                                                                         Managing Members —
                                                    Managing Members —                                                             Michae! Eisenson, Tim Palmer, Kim
                                               James F. Wade," David D. Croll,‘                                                    Davis, Mark Rosen, Michael Choe,
                                                  Matthew Rubins, John Watkins,                                                         Brandon White, Jon Biott,
                                                        John Van Hooser                                                             Andrew Janower, Michael Thonis
  Executive Managing Members —                                                                Managing Members —
   Bandel L. Carano, Edward F.                                                              James B. Fleming, Jr., R.
   Glassmeyer, Ann H. Lamont,                                                               Philip Herget, I!!, Harry F.
         Fredric W. Harman                          M/C Venture Partners, LLC                       Hopper II12                    Charlesbank Capital Partners, LLC
mm n mm ptttmtttttttt—                                    100%                           CCC
                                               (General Partner)                                                                                     100%
                                                                                                                                                     (General Partner)

      Oak Associates Xil, LLC                            M/C VP VI, L.P.                   Columbia Capital IV, LLC                   Charlesbank Equity Fund VI
             100%                                         100%                                             roos                         GP, Limited Partnership
  (General Partner)                            (General Partner)                                                  °            3                     100%
                                                                                                           (General Partner)                         (General Partner)*
   Oak Investment Partners Xlf,                   M/C Venture P artners VI, L.P.            Columbia Capital Equity                   Charlesbank Equity Fund VI,
        Limited Partnership                                                                  Partners IV (QP), LP.                        Limited Partnership
          19.24%                                                                                           14.85%                                    17.14%

   ‘ Mr. Wade and Mr. Croll are also 2 of the 5
                                                                                                           3 Columbia Capitat VI, LLC is the general partner of (i)
   managers of M/C Venture Investors, L.L.C., which
                                                                   Communications Infrastructure           Columbia Capital Equity Partners IV, L.P., which is the
   has a 0.51% direct interest in Cll.
                                                                         Investments, LLC                  general partner of both Columbia Capital Equity
                                                                               (ClIl)                      Partners IV (QP), L.P. and Columbia Capital Equity
   2 These individuals also have indirect control of                                                       Partners IV (QPCO), L.P. (which has a 1.83% direct
   other entities that have, in aggregate, a 0.35%                                                         interest in Cl1) and (fi) Columbia Capital Employee
   direct interest in Cll.                                                                                 Investors IV, L.P., which has a 0.11% direct interest in

                                                                                                           4 Charlesbank Equity Fund VI GP, Limited Partnership
                                                                                                           is the general partner of (i) Chartesbank Equity Fund
                                                                                                           VI, Limited Partnership and (ii) the following funds that
                                                                                                           collectively have an approximately 2.81% direct
                                                                                                           interest in Clt: CB Offshore Equity Fund VI;
                                                                                                           Charlesbank Equity Coinvestment Fund VI, LP; and
                                                                                                           Charlesbank Equity Coinvestment Partners, LP.

                                         ATTACHMENT B


         The following entities hold, directly or indirectly a 10% or greater interest‘ in the Parties

as calculated pursuant to the Commission ownership attribution rules for domestic and

international telecommunications carriers:

Pre—Pro Forma Transactions Direct Ownership of the Zayo Enterprise Networks, LLC ("ZEN")

         Prior to the Pro Forma Transactions, the following entity held a ten percent (10%) or
         greater direct interest in Zayo Enterprise Networks, LLC:

                Name:                   Zayo Group, LLC ("Zayo")
                Address:                400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                                        Louisville, CO 80027
                Citizenship:            U.S.
                Principal Business:     Telecommunications
                % Interest:             100% (directly in ZEN)

Current (Post—Pro Forma Transactions) Direct Ownership of the ZEN

         The following entity currently holds a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in Zayo
         Enterprise Networks, LLC:

                Name:                   Onvoy, Inc. ("Onvoy")
                Address:                300 South Highway 169, Suite 700
                                        St. Louis Park, MN 55426
                Citizenship:            U.S.
                Principal Business:     Telecommunications
                % Interest:             100% (directly in ZEN)

1       Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity and
voting interests.


Current (Pre— and Post—Pro Forma Transactions) Ownership of Zayo Bandwidth, LLC ("ZB")

         The following entity holds a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in Zayo
         Bandwidth, LLC:

                Name:                  Zayo Group, LLC
                Address:               400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                                       Louisville, CO 80027
                Citizenship:           U.S.
                Principal Business:    Holding Company
                % Interest:            100% (directly in ZB)

Current (Pre— and Post—Pro Forma Transactions) Ownership of Zayo and Onvoy

          1)    The following entity holds a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in Zayo
                Group, LLC and Onvoy, Inc.:

                Name:                  Zayo Group Holdings, LLC ("Holdings")
                Address:               400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                                       Louisville, CO 80027
                Citizenship:           U.S.
                Principal Business:    Holding Company
                % Interest:            100% (directly in Zayo and Onvoy)

         2)     The following entity holds a ten percent (10%) or greater direct interest in Zayo
                Group Holdings, Inc.:

                Name:                  Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC
                Address:               400 Centennial Parkway, Suite 200
                                       Louisville, CO 80027
                Citizenship:           U.S.
                Principal Business:    Holding Company
                % Interest:            100% (directly Holdings)

         3)     The following entities and individuals hold a ten percent (10%) or greater, direct
                or indirect, interest in Communications Infrastructure Investments, LLC
                Name:                  Oak Investment Partners XII, Limited Partnership ("Oak
                                       Investment XII)
                Address:               525 University Avenue, Suite 1300
                                       Palo Alto, CA 94301
                Citizenship:           U.S.
                Principal Business:    Investments
                % Interest:            19.24% (directly in CII)

                                       Attachment B — Page 2

                       Name:                  Oak Associates XII, LLC ("Oak Associates")
                       Address:               525 University Avenue, Suite 1300
                                              Palo Alto, CA 94301
                       Citizenship:           U.S.
                       Principal Business:    Investments
                       % Interest:            19.24% (indirectly as general partner of Oak
                                              Investment XII)

                       The following individuals are the executive managing members of Oak
                       Associates, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through Oak

                                              Bandel L. Carano
                                              Edward F. Glassmeyer
                                              Ann H. Lamont
                                              Fredric W. Harman

                       To the Parties‘ knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly,
                       owns or control a 10% or more interest in CII through Oak Investments

               Name:                  M/C Venture Partners VI, L.P. ("MCVP VI")
               Address:               75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                      Boston, MA 02109
               Citizenship:           U.S.
               Principal Business:    Investments
               % Interest:            16.29% (directly in CH)

                       Name:                  M/C VP VI, L.P.
                       Address:               75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                              Boston, MA 02109
                       Citizenship:           U.S.
                       Principal Business:    Investment Management
                       % Interest:            16.29% (indirectly as the general partner of MCVP

                                      Attachment B — Page 3

                       Name:                  M/C Venture Partners, LLC
                       Address:               75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                              Boston, MA 02109
                       Citizenship:           U.S.
                       Principal Business:    Investment Management
                       % Interest:            16.29% (indirectly as the general partner of M/C
                                              VP VI, LP.)
                       The following individuals are the managing members of M/C Venture
                       Partners, LLC, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through M/C
                       Venture Partners, LLC:

                                              James F. Wade
                                              David D. Croll
                                              Matthew J. Rubins
                                              John W. Watkins
                                              John Van Hooser

                       Mr. Wade and Mr. Croll are also two of the five managers of M/C Venture
                       Investors, L.L.C., which has a 0.51% direct interest in CIL.

                       To the Parties‘ knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly,
                       owns or control a 10% or more interest in CH through MVCP VI.

               Name:                  Columbia Capital Equity Partners IV (QP), L.P.
                                      ("Columbia Capital IV")
               Address:               201 N. Union Street, Suite 300
                                      Alexandria, VA 22314
               Citizenship:           U.S.
               Principal Business:    Investments
               % Interest:            14.85% (directly in CIH)

                       Name:                  Columbia Capital IV, LLC
                       Address:               201 N. Union Street, Suite 300
                                              Alexandria, VA 22314
                       Citizenship:           U.S.
                       Principal Business:    Investment Management
                       % Interest:            16.84% (indirectly in CII as the general partner of
                                              (i) Columbia Capital Equity Partners IV, L.P. which
                                              is the general partner of both Columbia Capital IV
                                              and Columbia Capital Equity Partners IV (QPCO),
                                              L.P. (1.83% direct interest in CH) and (i1i) of
                                              Columbia Capital Employee Investors IV, L.P.
                                              (0.11% direct interest in CID))

                                      Attachment B — Page 4

                       The following individuals are the managing members of Columbia Capital
                       IV, LLC, are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through Columbia
                       Capital IV, LLC

                                              James B. Fleming, Jr.
                                              R. Philip Herget, III
                                              Harry F. Hopper III

                       These individuals also have indirect control other entities that have, in
                       aggregate, a 0.35% direct interest in CIL.

                       To the Parties‘ knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly,
                       owns or controls a 10% or greater interest in CII through Columbia
                       Capital IV or Columbia Capital IV, LLC.

               Name:                  Charlesbank Equity Fund VI, Limited Partnership
                                      ("Charlesbank VI")
               Address:               200 Clarendon, 5th Floor
                                      Boston, MA 02116
               Citizenship:           U.S.
               Principal Business:    Investment Management
               % Interest:            17.14% (directly in CIHH))

                       Name:                  Charlesbank Equity Fund VI GP, Limited
                                              Partnership ("Charlesbank VI GP")
                       Address:               200 Clarendon, 5th Floor
                                              Boston, MA 02116
                       Citizenship:           U.S.
                       Principal Business:    Investment Management
                       % Interest:            19.95% (indirectly in CII as the general partner of
                                              (i) Charlesbank VI, (ii) CB Offshore Equity Fund
                                              VI (1.99% direct interest in CH), (iii) Charlesbank
                                              Equity Coinvestment Fund VI, LP (0.73% direct
                                              interest in CH), and (iv) Charlesbank Equity
                                              Coinvestment Partners, LP (0.09% direct interest in

                               Name:                  Charlesbank Capital Partners, LLC
                               Address:               200 Clarendon, 5th Floor
                                                      Boston, MA 02116
                               Citizenship:           U.S.
                               Principal Business:    Investment Management
                               % Interest:            19.95% (indirectly in CII as the general
                                                      partner of Charlesbank VI GP)

                                      Attachment B — Page 5

                      Charlesbank Capital Partners, LLC is owned by its nine (9) managing
                      members who are all U.S. citizens, and can be reached through
                      Charlesbank Capital Partners, LLC:

                                     Michael Eisenson
                                     Tim Palmer
                                     Kim Davis
                                     Mark Rosen
                                     Michael Choe
                                     Brandon White
                                     Jon Biotti
                                     Andrew Janower
                                     Michael Thonis

                      To the Parties‘ knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly,
                      owns or controls a 10% or greater interest in CII through Charlesbank VI

               To the Parties‘ knowledge, no other person or entity, directly or indirectly, owns
               or controls a 10% or greater interest in any of the Parties through CIL

        Aside from Onvoy, Zayo Bandwidth, LLC and Zayo Enterprise Networks, LLC, which
are non—dominant foreign carriers in Canada, the Parties do not have an interlocking directorates
with a foreign carrier. Zayo is in the process of obtaining a reseller registration and Basic
International Telecommunications Services License in Canada and thus becoming a foreign

                                     Attachment B — Page 6


          I, Scott E. Beer, state that I am the Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary Zayo Group,

 LLC, Zayo Bandwidth, LLC, Zayo Enterprise Networks, LLC and Onvoy, Inc. (collectively, the

 "Parties"); that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of the Parties; that the foregoing filing

was prepared under my direction and supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the best of

my knowledge, information, and belief.

          I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this Z_ifiay of

April, 2011.


                                                   Scott E. Beer
                                                   Vice President, General Counsel and Secreféry
                                                   Zayo Group, LLC
                                                   Zayo Bandwidth, LLC
                                                   Zayo Enterprise Networks, LLC
                                                   Onvoy, Inc.


Document Created: 2011-04-29 17:17:25
Document Modified: 2011-04-29 17:17:25

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