Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20101102-00430 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                     ATTACHMENT 1

                           Answers to Questions 10, 11, 12 and 13

Robert C. Pierson (“Mr. Pierson” or “Transferor”) and Smithville Holding Company, Inc.
(“Smithville” or “Transferee”) hereby request Commission authorization for the transfer of
control of Rice Belt Telephone Company, Inc. (“Rice Belt”), the holder of an International
Section 214 Authorization for Global Resale (File No. ITC-214-20010216-00080) from Mr.
Pierson to Smithville.

Answer to Question 10

Transferor Contact Information

The name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer or contact person for
Transferor to whom correspondence concerning the application is to be addressed is:

Robert C. Pierson
228 Kings Highway (P.O. Box 388)
Weiner, Arkansas 72479
Telephone: (870) 684-2288
Facsimile: (870) 684-2226

With a copy to Counsel:
Gerard J. Duffy
Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP
2120 L Street, N.W. (Suite 300)
Washington, D.C. 20037
Telephone: (202) 659-0830
Facsimile: (202) 828-5568

Transferee Contact Information

The name, title, post office address, and telephone number of the officer or contact person for
Transferee to whom correspondence concerning the application is to be addressed is:

Darby A. McCarty, President
Smithville Holding Company, Inc.
1600 West Temperance Street
Ellettsville, Indiana 47429
Telephone: (812) 876-2211
Facsimile: (812) 876-9839

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Answer to Question 10(cont’d)

With a copy to Counsel:
Gerard J. Duffy
Blooston, Mordkofsky, Dickens, Duffy & Prendergast, LLP
2120 L Street, NW (Suite 300)
Washington, D.C. 20037
Telephone: (202) 659-0830
Facsimile: (202) 828-5568

Prior Section 214 Authority

Rice Belt holds the subject International Section 214 authorization for global resale of switched
services (File No. ITC-214-20010216-00080, granted March 14, 2001).

Answer to Question 11

Ownership of Rice Belt Prior to Proposed Transfer of Control

The name, address, citizenship and principal business of the only entity that owns at least ten
(10) percent of the equity and voting power of Rice Belt prior to the proposed transaction are:

Name & Address               Voting & Equity Citizenship Principal Business
Rice Belt Holdings, Inc.         100.00%       AR        Telecommunications
228 Kings Highway                             Corp.
Weiner, AR 72479

The name, address, citizenship and principal business of the only entity that owns at least ten
(10) percent of the equity and voting power of Rice Belt Holdings, Inc. prior to the proposed
transaction are:

Name & Address             Voting & Equity Citizenship Principal Business
Robert C. Pierson              100.00%      U.S.A.     Telecommunications
228 Kings Highway
Weiner, AR 72479

No other individual or entity directly or indirectly owns or controls ten (10) percent or more of
the voting or equity interests of Rice Belt Holdings, Inc. and/or Rice Belt prior to the proposed

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Answer to Question 11 (cont’d)

Ownership of Rice Belt After Proposed Transfer of Control:

The name, address, citizenship and principal business of the only entity that will own at least ten
(10) percent of the equity and voting power of Rice Belt after the proposed transaction are:

Name & Address               Voting & Equity Citizenship Principal Business
Rice Belt Holdings, Inc.         100.00%        AR       Telecommunications
228 Kings Highway                             Corp.
Weiner, AR 72479

The name, address, citizenship and principal business of the only entity that will own at least ten
(10) percent of the equity and voting power of Rice Belt Holdings, Inc. after the proposed
transaction are:

Name & Address                   Voting & Equity Citizenship Principal Business
Smithville Holding Company, Inc.   100.00%           IN      Telecommunications
1600 West Temperance Street                        Corp.
Ellettsville, IN 47429

The names, addresses, citizenship and principal businesses of the only entities that will own at
least ten (10) percent of the equity and voting power of Smithville both before and after the
proposed transaction are:

Name & Address               Voting/Nonvoting Citizenship Principal Business
Darby A. McCarty              78.14% Voting      IN       Telecommunications
 Residuary Trust            15.60% Nonvoting   Trust
1600 West Temperance Street
Ellettsville, IN 47429

The trustees of the Darby A. McCarty Residuary Trust are Darby A. McCarty, Cullen H.
McCarty and David S. McCrea. The trustees are all United States citizens, and can be contacted
at 1600 West Temperance Street in Ellettsville, Indiana 47429.

The sole current beneficiary of the Darby A. McCarty Residuary Trust is Darby A. McCarty. The
beneficiary is a United States citizen, and can be contacted at 1600 West Temperance Street in
Ellettsville, Indiana 47429.

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Answer to Question 11 (cont’d)

Ownership of Rice Belt After Proposed Transfer of Control (Cont’d):

Name & Address                Voting/Nonvoting Citizenship Principal Business
Darby A. McCarty               21.86% Voting       IN      Telecommunications
  Revocable Trust             0.42% Nonvoting   Trust
1600 West Temperance Street
Ellettsville, IN 47429

The sole trustee of the Darby A. McCarty Revocable Trust is Darby A. McCarty. The trustee is
a United States citizen, and can be contacted at 1600 West Temperance Street in Ellettsville,
Indiana 47429.

The sole current beneficiary of the Darby A. McCarty Revocable Trust is Darby A. McCarty.
The beneficiary is a United States citizen, and can be contacted at 1600 West Temperance Street
in Ellettsville, Indiana 47429.

Name & Address          Voting & Equity Citizenship          Principal Business
Darby A. McCarty            No Voting      IN                Telecommunications
  Irrevocable Trust      26.10% Nonvoting Trust
1600 West Temperance Street
Ellettsville, IN 47429

The trustees of the Darby A. McCarty Irrevocable Trust are Darby A. McCarty, Cullen H.
McCarty and David S. McCrea. The trustees are all United States citizens, and can be contacted
at 1600 West Temperance Street in Ellettsville, Indiana 47429.

The sole current beneficiary of the Darby A. McCarty Irrevocable Trust is Darby A. McCarty.
The beneficiary is a United States citizen, and can be contacted at 1600 West Temperance Street
in Ellettsville, Indiana 47429.

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Answer to Question 11 (cont’d)

Ownership of Rice Belt After Proposed Transfer of Control (cont’d):

Name & Address              Voting/Nonvoting Citizenship Principal Business
Cullen H. McCarty             No Voting         IN       Telecommunications
  Revocable Trust         39.17% Nonvoting    Trust
1600 West Temperance Street
Ellettsville, IN 47429

The trustee of the Cullen H. McCarty Revocable Trust is Cullen H. McCarty. The trustee is a
United States citizen, and can be contacted at 1600 West Temperance Street in Ellettsville,
Indiana 47429.

The sole current beneficiary of the Cullen H. McCarty Revocable Trust is Cullen H. McCarty.
The beneficiary is a United States citizen, and can be contacted at 1600 West Temperance Street
in Ellettsville, Indiana 47429.

Name & Address            Voting/Nonvoting          Citizenship Principal Business
Cullen H. McCarty           No Voting                   IN      Telecommunications
  Irrevocable Trust      18.71% Nonvoting             Trust
1600 West Temperance Street
Ellettsville, IN 47429

The trustees of the Cullen H. McCarty Irrevocable Trust are Darby A. McCarty, Cullen H.
McCarty and David S. McCrea. The trustees are all United States citizens, and can be contacted
at 1600 West Temperance Street in Ellettsville, Indiana 47429.

The sole current beneficiary of the Cullen H. McCarty Irrevocable Trust is Cullen H. McCarty.
The beneficiary is a United States citizen, and can be contacted at 1600 West Temperance Street
in Ellettsville, Indiana 47429.

Darby A. McCarty and Cullen H. McCarty are mother and son.

No other individual or entity will directly or indirectly own or control at least ten (10) percent of
the equity or voting power of Rice Belt Holdings, Inc., Rice Belt and/or Smithville after the
proposed transaction.

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Answer to Question 12

Neither Transferor Mr. Pierson nor Transferee Smithville nor any of their subsidiaries or
affiliates has any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

Answer to Question 13

The subject transfer of control will consist of the transfer of control of Rice Belt Holdings, Inc.,
an Arkansas corporation, and its wholly-owned subsidiaries (including Rice Belt) from
Transferor Mr. Pierson to Transferee Smithville. The proposed transaction will be accomplished
by the sale of all of the issued and outstanding stock of Rice Belt Holdings, Inc. by Mr. Pierson
to Smithville. At the completion of the transaction, Rice Belt Holdings, Inc. will be a 100
percent-owned subsidiary of Smithville. Control of Rice Belt Holdings, Inc. will give Smithville
control of Rice Belt and its International Section 214 authorization.

Document Created: 2010-10-30 08:01:20
Document Modified: 2010-10-30 08:01:20

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