Attachment Notification

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20100927-00383 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                     KELLEY DRYE & WARREN ulp
                                             A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP

                                     WASHiNGTON HARBOUR, SUITE 400

  NEW YORK, NY                   .           3050     K   STREET)       NW                      FACSIMILE

   chicaco. iL                        WASHINGTON, D.C. 20007—5108                            (20e) s4a2—045i
  STAMFORD. CT                           >                ___                   

 PARSIPPANY, NJ                                  (202) 342—58400

BRUSSELS, SELGIUM                                                                      DIRECT LINE: (202) 342—8573


                                             September 27, 2010


    Marlene Dortch               Cl .
    Federal Commumcatlons Commlssmn
    The Portals             e
  ©445 12th Street,S.W wl
   Washington, DC 20554

                     Re: | Notlficanon pmsuant to Sectlon 6324(f) of the Commission‘s Rules of
                           Pro Forma Transaction Involvmg                      —   .

                           Cypress Communications Operatmg Company, LLC ~File No. ITC—

   Attention: International Bureau

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

                  Cypress Communications Operating Company, LLC ("Cypress"), by its attorney,
  hereby notifies the Commission of a pro forma transaction pursuant to Section 63.24(f) of the
  Commission‘s Rules. Cypress holds the international Section 214 authorization referenced
  above to operate as a global or limited global facilities—based and resale carrier. Effective
  September 6, 2010, the voting stock of TechInvest Holding Company, Inc. ("THC") that was
  previously held by Mr. Charles Ogburn ("Mr. Ogburn‘) was assigned to the only other holder of
  THC voting stock, Mr. Ransom James ("Mr. James"). THC is a parent company of Cypress. All
  THC voting stockholders are or were employees of Arcapita or its affiliates and act only at the
_ direction of Arcapita vis—a—vis their THC voting stock. As such, the assignment of Mr. Ogburn‘s
  THC voting stock to Mr. James constitutes at most an indirect proforma transfer of control of


                                    KELLEY DRYE & WARREN ucur
Marlene Dortch
September 27, 2010
Page 2

                      In accordance with Section 63.24(f}(2), Cypress provides the following

         (1)          The information requested in paragraphs (a) through (d) and (h) of§63.18 for the

                      (a)    The address and telephone number of Cypress is:

                             4 Piedmont Center, Suite 600
                             3565 Piedmont Road
                             Atlanta, Georgia 30305
                             Tel: (404) 869—2500

                      (b)    Cypress is a Delaware limited liability company.

                      (c)    Correspondence concerningthis notice should be sent to counsel:

                             John A. Harwood .
                             Vice President andGeneralCounsel
                             Cypress Commumcatlons                    ts
                             4 Piedmont‘Center Su1tc600
                             3565 Piedmont Road         _‘      ~~~
                             —Atlanta,Georgia 30305           mel l
                             Tel: (404) 442—0169° _

                             with copy to:

                             Joan M. Griffin              _
                             KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP
                             3050 K. Street, N.W.
                             Washington, D.C. 20007
                             (202) 342—8§573

                  (d)        Cypress holds international Section 214 authority, granted in FCC File No.
                             ITC—MOD—20051205—00515, to operate as a global or limited global
                             facilities—based and resale carrier.

                  (b)        A diagram of Cypress‘s ownership structure is provided in Attachment A.
                             Following the transaction, the entities listed below hold a 10 percent or
                             greater equity interest in Cypress. The address of all entities is c/o Cypress
                             Communications, 4 Piedmont Center, Suite 600, 3565 Piedmont Road,
                             Atlanta, Georgia 30305.


                               KELLEY DRYE & WARREN ie
Marlene Dortch
September 27, 2010
Page 3

                        Cypress Communications, Inc. (“CCI”) a Delaware telecommunications
                        corporation —— 100%.

                       Cypress Communications Holding Company (Cypress Holding”), a
                       Delaware corporation and a holdimg company —— 60%.

                       TechInvest Holding Company, Inc. (THC"), a Delaware corpofation' and a
                       holding company — 60%.

                       TechAccess Capital Limited, TechShield Capital Limited, TechNet Capital
                       Limited, and TechTV Capital Limited (collectively, "Retail" or the "Non— .
                       Voting Cayman Entities"), each a Cayman Islands company limited by       _
                       shares and a holding company — 11.5% individually and46% collectively.

                       TechInvest Holdings Limited (CTHL"), a Cd}man Islands compé{ny limited
                       by shares and a holding company —51%.

                       Arcapita Investment Holdifig:S'iimii‘ed ("AIHL"), a Cayman Islands
                       company limited by sharesand aholdlngcompany7‘9%

                        Arcaplta Bank B.S. C. (c)(“Arcaplta”) aJomt stock
                                                                        company organized
                      _ under the laws of the Kingdom of Bahrainwhose principal business is
                      _ investment —79%.

                       Ransom James holds 100% of the voting stock of THC, representing less
                       than 1% of the equity of THC in the aggregate and thus less than1% of the |
                       equity of Cypress in the aggregate. Mr. James is an employee of Arcapita
                       and his address is c/o Cypress Communications, 4 Piedmont Center, Suite
                       600, 3565 Piedmont Road, Atlanta, Georgia 30305.

                        No other entity or individual holds a 10% or greater ownership or voting
                      — interest in Cypress as calculated under the Commission‘s ownership
                       attribution rules.

                       No officer or director of Cypress is also an officer or director of any
                       foreign carrier.


                                    KELLEY DRYE & WARREN uur
Marlene Dortch
September 27, 2010
Page 4

         (1)      4 certification that the transfer ofcontrol or assignment was proforma and that,
                      together with all previous proforma transactions, it does not result in a change in
                      the actual controllingparty.

                      Please see Attachment B.

                                                        Respectfully submitted,


                                      ATTACHMENT B

         The undersigned hereby certifies, with respect to the foregoing notification of the pro

forma transfer of control of Cypress Communications Operating Company, LLC, that the

statements in the notification afe true and correct and are made in good faith; that the transfer

was pro forma as described in Section 63.24(a) of the Commission‘s Rules; and that this transfer,

together with all previous pro forma transactions, does not result in a change of the carrier‘s

ultimate control,

                                               John A. Harwood
                                               Vice President and General Counsel

Date: M&l 0o


Document Created: 2019-04-19 14:41:31
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 14:41:31

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