Attachment ATTACHMENT1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20100831-00350 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                             Before the
                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of:                                    )
Texas ICS Holding, LLC                               )
(Transferor)                                         )
and Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC                    )           File No. ITC-T/C-_______
and                                                  )
                                                     )           WCB Docket No. _______
Centric Group, LLC                                   )
(Transferee)                                         )
Consolidated Application for Authorization           )
to Transfer Control of Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC )
Pursuant to Section 214 of the                       )
Communications Act of 1934                           )

To:     International Bureau
        Wireline Competition Bureau


        Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the “Act”), and
Sections 63.03, 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission’s Rules, Texas ICS Holding, LLC (“TICS” or
“Transferor”) along with Centric Group, LLC (“Centric” or “Transferee”) (together "Applicants"), hereby
seek authority to transfer control of Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions (“ICS” or
“Licensee”) to Centric.

         In Section IV of this application, the Applicants provide the information required by Sections
63.18 and 63.24 of the Commission’s Rules for transfer of control. As specified by Section 63.04(b) of
the Commission’s Rules, the additional information required for the domestic component of this
application is provided in Section V.

        Applicants respectfully request streamlined treatment of this Application pursuant to Sections
63.03 and 63.12 of the Commission’s Rules.          As will be shown below, both the domestic and
international components of this application qualify for streamlined processing.


        A.      Transferor (Texas ICS Holding, LLC)

                Texas ICS Holding, LLC (“TICS”) (f/k/a Michael R. Smith and Group) was formed in
        2008 for the purpose of acquiring ICS. Currently, TICS owns 99% of the equity interest in ICS
        and Michael R. Smith owns the remaining 1%.

        B.      Transferee (Centric Group, LLC)

                Centric Group, LLC is a diversified holding company who, together with its subsidiaries,
        has been serving the correctional industry since 1974. Keefe Commissary Networks, LLC
        (“KCN”), a subsidiary created in 1993, provides software that correctional facilities use to set up
        and manage inmate trust accounts. KCN also contracts with correctional facilities to manage
        daily commissary operations by taking, filling and delivering commissary orders for inmates.
        KCN is affiliated for marketing purposes with a cooperative effort known as the Keefe Group.
        The Keefe Group includes Keefe Supply Company (a division of Centric), Keefe Commissary
        Networks, L.L.C and Access Catalog Company, LLC (a subsidiary of Centric providing mail
        order catalog services to inmates).

        C.      Licensee (Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions)

                Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC is a California Limited Liability Company headquartered
        in San Antonio, TX. ICS has been providing institutional calling services since 2003, and
        currently serves correctional facilities in thirty-one states. ICS’ mission is to focus on advanced
        technology and proven resources into transforming the inmate calling arena. Its dedication to
        ongoing technology advances, market-specific solutions, and unsurpassed customer service has
        earned ICS a reputation as an emerging industry leader.


        On July 30, 2010, Buyer and Seller entered into a purchase agreement whereby Buyer proposes to
purchase 100% of Seller’s ownership interests in ICS in return for a cash payment and other
consideration, thereby acquiring 99% of the equity ownership of ICS. The remaining 1% will continue to
be owned by Michael R. Smith. No change in day-to-day management or employees is contemplated.
The transaction is expected to be completed by October 31, 2010, subject to all regulatory approvals.


        The transfer of control to Centric will serve the public interest. Centric’s experience and success
in service industries supporting correctional facilities make the company particularly well-qualified to
acquire ownership of ICS. The Transfer will be transparent to the users of ICS’ services and will not have
an adverse effect on them. There will be no change to services, rates, terms or conditions of service. ICS
will continue its mission to develop and offer innovative solutions responding to the demands of the
corrections market, serving the needs of inmates and their families as well as facility management


        In accordance with Sections 63.18 and 63.24(e) of the Commission’s Rules, the Applicants
submit the following information in support of this application:

                            Information Provided for Transferor and Transferee

(a)     Name, address and telephone number:

                        Texas ICS Holding, LLC
                        2200 Danbury Street
                        San Antonio, TX 78217
                        Telephone:       (210) 581-8104
                        Facsimile:       (210) 832-8915

                        Centric Group, LLC
                        1260 Andes Blvd.
                        St. Louis, Missouri 63132
                        Telephone:        (314) 214-2785
                        Facsimile:        (314) 214-2790

(b)     Corporate Organization:

Transferor:     TICS is a Limited Liability Company incorporated under the laws of Texas.

Transferee:     Centric is a Limited Liability Company incorporated under the laws of Delaware.

Licensee:       ICS is a Limited Liability Company organized under the laws of California.

(c)    Correspondence concerning this Application should be sent to:

                       Robin Norton, Consultant to Applicants
                       Technologies Management, Inc.
                       2600 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300
                       Maitland, Florida 32751
                       Telephone:        (407) 740-3004
                       Facsimile:        (407) 740-0613

(d)    International Section 214 Authorizations:

       TICS - Transferor does not have international Section 214 authority.

       Centric - Transferee does not have international 214 authority.

       Licensee - ICS has international Section 214 global resale authority pursuant to FCC rules (ITC-

                                  Information Provided for Transferee

(h)    Ten Percent or Greater Interest Holders:

               Name                   Percent   Primary Business                       Citizenship

               Andrew C. Taylor       16.42%        Enterprise Rent-a-Car              U. S. Citizen

               Jo Ann Kindle          16.42%        Enterprise Rent-a-Car              U. S. Citizen

               Kelly A. Taylor        11.08%        Not employed                       U. S. Citizen

               Christine Taylor       11.08%        Enterprise Rent-a-Car              U. S. Citizen

               Patricia A. Taylor     11.08%        Not employed                       U. S. Citizen

               Alison Taylor          11.08%        RUNG, Ltd, philanthropy-           U. S. Citizen
               Kindle                               focused non-profit apparel

               Mary Carolyn           11.08%        Enterprise Rent-a-Car              U. S. Citizen

        No other person or entity owns a ten percent (10%) or greater direct or indirect ownership in
Centric. No officer or director of Centric is also an officer or director of any foreign carrier.

(i)     Foreign Carrier Affiliation:

        Centric certifies that it is not nor is it affiliated with any foreign carrier.

(j)     Foreign Carrier and Destination Countries:

         Centric certifies that it does not seek to provide international telecommunications service to any
destination where: (1) Centric is a foreign carrier in that country; (2) Centric controls a foreign carrier in
that country; (3) any entity that owns more than a 25% interest in Centric, or controls Centric, controls a
foreign carrier in that country; or (4) two or more parties own, in the aggregate, more than 25% of Centric
and are parties to, or the beneficiaries of, a contractual relationship that affects the provision or marketing
of international basic telecommunications services in the United States.

(k)     Showing of WTO Membership for Destination Countries:

        Not applicable; Centric is not affiliated or otherwise related to any foreign carrier.

(l), (m) Showing of Non-Dominance/Regulatory Classifications:

        Not applicable; Centric is not affiliated or otherwise related to any foreign carrier.

(n)     Concessions:

         Centric certifies that it has not agreed and will not agree in the future to accept any direct or
indirect special concessions from a foreign carrier or administration with regards to traffic or revenue
flows between the United States and any foreign countries the company is authorized to serve.

(o)     Federal Benefits:

         Centric certifies pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 that no party to the application is
subject to a denial of Federal Benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. See
21 U.S.C. § 862.

(p)     Streamlined Processing:

         This application is entitled to streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the
Commission’s Rules because the information provided herein clearly demonstrates: (1) Centric is not
affiliated with a foreign carrier on any route for which authority is sought; (2) Centric is not affiliated
with any dominant U.S. carrier whose international switched or private lines services it seeks to resell;
and (3) Centric is not requesting authority to provide switched service over private lines to countries not
previously authorized for service by the Commission.


        Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), the Applicants
submit the following additional information in support of their application to transfer control under
Section 214 of the Act, as attached hereto as Exhibit A.


       For these reasons, the grant of this Application is consistent with the public interest and
       Applicants respectfully request that the Commission grant this Application as expeditiously as
       possible through its streamlined procedures.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                      Robin Norton, Consultant
                                                      Technologies Management, Inc.
                                                      2600 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite 300
                                                      Maitland, FL 32751
                                                      Phone: 407-740-3004

Dated: August ___ ,2010


        I, Michael R. Smith, hereby declare under penalty of perjury, that I am President of Inmate
Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions (“ICS”) and President and Manager of Texas ICS Holding,
LLC (“TICS”); that I am authorized to make this verification on behalf of ICS and TICS; that I have read
the foregoing Application; and that the facts stated therein are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge, information and belief.

                                                Michael R. Smith
                                                Inmate Calling Solutions, LLC d/b/a ICSolutions
                                                Texas ICS Holding, LLC

Sworn to and subscribed before me this ______ day of _______________, 2010.

Notary Public

My Commission expires:



        I, James M. Theiss, hereby declare under penalty of perjury, that I am President and Chief
Operating Officer of Centric Group, LLC (“Centric”); that I am authorized to make this verification on
Centric’s behalf; that I have read the foregoing Application; and that the facts stated therein are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

                                         James M. Theiss, President and Chief Operating Officer
                                         Centric Group, LLC

Sworn to and subscribed before me this ______ day of _______________, 2010.

Notary Public

My Commission expires:


                                                  EXHIBIT A

                               INFORMATION REQUIRED BY RULE 63.04

63.04(a)(6):       Description of the Transaction

           The proposed transaction is described in Section II of the Application.

63.04(a)(7):       Description of Geographic Service Areas

           Neither Transferor nor Transferee is a telecommunications provider.

        Licensee is an institutional services provider certificated, registered or otherwise authorized to
provide service in all states except Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Nebraska, Vermont, and West
Virginia. Licensee currently contracts with correctional facilities to provide service in thirty one states.

63.04(a)(8):       Eligibility for Streamlined Processing

         Applicants submit that the proposed transaction would result in Centric’s market share in the
institutional calling services market to be substantially less than ten percent. ICS provides competitive
telecommunications services exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant local exchange carrier
that is not a party to this transaction. No applicant is dominant with respect to any service. Therefore,
this Application presumptively qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2)(i) of
the Commission's rules.

63.04(a)(9):       Other Related FCC Applications


63.04(a)(10):      Statement of Imminent Business Failure

           No special consideration is requested as no party to the transaction is facing imminent business

63.04(a)(11): Separately Filed Waiver Requests


63.04(a)(12):      Public Interest Statement

           The public interest statement is provided in Section III of the Application.

Document Created: 2010-08-31 11:47:29
Document Modified: 2010-08-31 11:47:29

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