Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20100818-00336 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                        Before the
                            Federal Communications Commission
                                   Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                   )
Q-COMM CORPORATION,                                )       File No. ITC-T/C-
Transferor                                         )
                                                   )       WC Docket No.
and                                                )
WINDSTREAM CORPORATION,                            )
Transferee                                         )
Applications for Transfer of Control of            )
Domestic and International Authorized              )
Carriers Under Section 214 of the                  )
Communications Act, as Amended                     )

To:    International Bureau
       Wireline Competition Bureau


       Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (the “Act”), 47

U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.03, 63.04 and 63.24(e) of the rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.03, 63.04 and

63.24(e), Q-Comm Corporation (“Q-Comm” or “Transferor”) and Windstream Corporation

(“Windstream” or “Transferee”) (together “Applicants”) seek Commission consent to the

transfer of ultimate control of Q-Comm’s authorized subsidiaries described herein from Q-

Comm to Windstream. Both Q-Comm and Windstream have local exchange and non-dominant

interexchange carrier subsidiaries authorized by the Commission to provide international and

domestic interstate telecommunications services.       A domestic Section 214 supplement,

containing the information required by 47 C.F.R. § 63.04, is attached as Exhibit A. Applicants

do not seek streamlined processing of the domestic section 214 application but request expedited

review and action consistent with their expected completion of all other regulatory approval

obligations and in order to accommodate the important business reasons that require closing of

the transaction no later than the fourth quarter of this year.1


         A.       WINDSTREAM CORPORATION (FRN 0014400220)

         Windstream Corporation, a Delaware corporation headquartered at 4001 Rodney Parham

Road, Little Rock, Arkansas 72212, (501) 748-7000, is a publicly traded (NASDAQ: WIN) S&P

500 diversified communications and entertainment company. Windstream’s subsidiaries provide

local and long distance telephone services, broadband and high-speed data services and video

services to customers primarily in rural areas in 23 states.2 A map of Windstream’s current

service area is attached as Exhibit C. Windstream’s subsidiaries also offer a wide range of IP-

based voice and data services and advanced phone systems and equipment to businesses and

government agencies. Windstream’s operations currently include approximately 3.4 million

access lines, 1.3 million high-speed Internet customers, 409,000 digital television customers,

9,500 employees, and approximately $4 billion in annual revenues.

         B.       Q-COMM CORPORATION (FRN 0015732688)

         Q-Comm Corporation is a privately held Nevada corporation with an executive office at

8829 Bond Street, Overland Park, Kansas 66214. 3 Q-Comm provides telecommunications

1Applicants expect to have all necessary state regulatory approvals by November 1, 2010. A Hart-Scott-Rodino
pre-merger notification will also be submitted to the Department of Justice, the notice period of which Applicants
expect will also be completed by November 1, 2010.
2These states are as follows: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.
3 Currently, there are three (3) investors that hold 10% or more of the total outstanding stock of Q-Comm: (1) Al
Cinelli with 50.51%; (2) John P. Cinelli with 11.66% and (3) Duke Energy Corporation with 32.59% (indirectly
through the following wholly-owned U.S. subsidiaries: Duke Communications Holdings, Inc., which is a wholly-
owned direct subsidiary of Cinergy Investments, Inc., which in turn is a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of Cinergy
Corp., which in turn is a wholly-owned direct subsidiary of Duke Energy Corporation). No other person or entity


services through its wholly-owned operating subsidiaries -- Kentucky Data Link, Inc. (“KDL”),

Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. (“NTI”), and Norlight, Inc. (“Norlight”) (KDL, NTI and

Norlight collectively, the “Q-Comm Ops”).4 The Q-Comm Ops have an executive office at 8829

Bond Street, Overland Park, Kansas 66214 and have an operations office at 3701

Communications Way, Evansville, Indiana 47715.

             ·   KDL 5 is a regional wholesale provider of long-haul fiber infrastructure that

                 reaches into 26 states in the midwest and east coast areas of the country. 6 A map

                 of KDL’s existing and planned network is provided as Exhibit D. KDL primarily

                 provides wholesale long-haul fiber and SONET transport services to carrier

                 customers. KDL’s customer base includes wireless providers, cable companies,

                 long distance carriers, Internet service providers and competitive local service


             ·   NTI primarily provides high-speed data services to large enterprise customers and

                 school districts. NTI also provides certain private transport services to carrier

                 customers, including KDL. NTI’s services are primarily marketed throughout

                 KDL’s network footprint.

currently holds 10% or more of the outstanding stock of Q-Comm. Each of these persons and entities are United
States citizens or were formed in the United States.
4 Q-Comm’s wholly-owned certificated subsidiary, Cinergy MetroNet, Inc. (an Indiana corporation), is not being
transferred to Windstream as part of the Transaction.
5 KDL also has two wholly-owned subsidiaries, which are certificated entities: KDL of Virginia, Inc. (“KDL-VA”)
(a Virginia corporation) and Knoxville Data Link, Inc. (“Knoxville”) (a Tennessee corporation). Neither KDL-VA
nor Knoxville holds a domestic or international section 214 authorization. KDL-VA only provides intrastate
wholesale transport services in Virginia, and Knoxville provides no services.
6In the following states, KDL has existing operations, or expects to have existing operations in the near future:
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota,
Mississippi, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia (intrastate services provided by KDL-VA), West Virginia, and Wisconsin.


           ·   Norlight provides a wide range of voice, data, and managed services to small and

               medium-sized businesses and residential customers primarily in Indiana,

               Kentucky, Tennessee and Wisconsin.

Diagrams showing the current corporate structure of Q-Comm and the post-Transaction

corporate structure of the combined operations are included as Exhibit B.


       Pursuant to an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the “Agreement”) dated August 17, 2010

by and among Windstream, Derby Merger Sub, Inc. (“MergerCo”) (a direct, wholly-owned

subsidiary of Windstream created for purposes of the merger), Q-Comm, and the Stockholders’

Representative, Windstream will acquire all of the shares of and sole controlling interest in Q-

Comm (the “Transaction”). Under the terms of the Agreement, Q-Comm will merge with

MergerCo and upon consummation of the merger, the separate corporate existence of MergerCo

will cease and Q-Comm will continue as the surviving corporation in the merger as a direct

subsidiary of Windstream. In accordance with Delaware law, all of the rights, privileges, powers,

immunities, purposes and franchises of MergerCo and Q-Comm will vest in the surviving

corporation and all of the debts, liabilities, obligations and duties of MergerCo and Q-Comm will

become the debts, liabilities, obligations and duties of the surviving corporation. In the end,

Windstream will be the new ultimate parent company of Q-Comm and its subsidiaries.


       This Transaction will serve the public interest. Pursuant to Sections 310(d) and 214 of

the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, control of the subject licensees and authorized

carriers may not be transferred unless the Commission finds “that the public interest,


convenience and necessity will be served thereby.”7 The first step in the public interest analysis

is an evaluation of the Transferee’s qualifications.            Windstream is legally, technically and

financially qualified to acquire control of the authorized carriers at issue in the instant


           A.      Public Interest Benefits of the Transaction

           Commission approval of the Transaction will clearly serve the public interest. The

telecommunications industry has been and continues to be subject to rapid technological

advances, evolving consumer preferences and dynamic changes. The creation of Windstream in

2006 established an independent, stand-alone wireline-centric corporation that serves the public

interest by focusing squarely on enhancing local wireline operations, primarily in rural areas.8

Through its own CLEC operations and its recent acquisition of NuVox, Windstream has also

enhanced its CLEC service to enterprise customers in second and third-tier markets.                       The

acquisition of Q-Comm will enable Windstream to expand the scope of its operations, with the

primary focus remaining on service to rural areas and smaller cities and towns. In particular, the

combination of Windstream’s last-mile facilities with Q-Comm Ops’s long-haul fiber network

will enable Windstream to provide a broader range of telecommunication services to its

residential and enterprise customers and become a more viable competitor in the

telecommunications market. This Transaction will thus help ensure Windstream’s continued

ability to deploy and maintain innovative and advanced telecommunications offerings, benefiting

consumers and serving the public interest, convenience and necessity.

7   47 U.S.C. §§ 214, 310(d).
8Windstream was formed on July 17, 2006 through the spin-off of ALLTEL Corporation’s landline business and its
merger with Valor Communications Group.


        The efficiencies and economies of scale resulting from the Transaction will improve the

combined entities’ economic position and, thus, their ability to continue to attract financing to

invest in and offer new and innovative services, including in rural areas. Enabling small and

medium-sized carriers to achieve such efficiencies is publicly beneficial as competition serves

the public interest, and as these companies continue to face new competitive challenges. The

Transaction will also provide each Applicant with access to the other’s advanced network

capabilities, technical and financial strengths, and complementary services, which together are

expected to strengthen Applicants’ combined ability to provide quality service. The Transaction

will enable the customers of Q-Comm Ops to benefit from innovative products offered by

Windstream and vice versa, and the combined enterprise will be able to achieve greater

economies of scale and scope than Q-Comm Ops would have had in continuing to operate


        B.       The Transaction Will be Seamless to Subscribers

        But for a potential brand name change, the Transaction will be seamless to Q-Comm Ops

customers.9 The Transaction is not expected to adversely affect – and if anything, will improve –

the already high level and quality of service that customers of the Q-Comm Ops currently

receive. The Transaction itself is not expected to adversely affect the rates for service that

customers currently experience or how the Applicants conduct business with their customers.10

9Windstream or the Q-Comm Ops, as appropriate, will provide any necessary notice to customers and the
Commission pursuant to Section 64.1120(e) of the rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 64.1120(e).
10 In view of the current rapidly changing communications market, any provider must constantly review its pricing
strategies and product mix to respond appropriately to marketplace demands. While rates, terms, and conditions will
not change as a result of the Transaction and will be the same immediately after the Transaction as immediately
before the Transaction, prices and product mix necessarily will change over time in the normal course of business
and pursuant to standard regulatory and legal processes.


        C.       The Transaction Poses No Competitive Risks for the Domestic Interstate
                 Market and Approval Is Consistent with Commission Precedent

        The transaction will not harm competition in any relevant market and will yield tangible

public interest benefits. Given the increasingly competitive nature of the interstate

telecommunications market, the Applicants seek to complete the Transaction before year end in

order to ensure that customers and Applicants can rapidly obtain the benefits that will be

generated by the combined companies as well as to avoid possible adverse tax law changes

currently scheduled to occur as of January 1, 2011.

                 1.       Applicants Have a Miniscule Share of the Domestic Interstate
                          Interexchange Market

        Q-Comm Ops and Windstream presently have a miniscule share of the domestic

interstate interexchange market and are regulated as nondominant in that market. 11                            The

Commission has already determined that combinations between nondominant carriers resulting

in less than 10 percent market share of the interstate interexchange market are “extremely

unlikely [to] result in a public interest harm” and “unlikely to raise public interest concerns.”12

The Applicants’ combined market share will fall well below that threshold.13

11 See 47 C.F.R. § 63.01; Regulatory Treatment Of LEC Provision Of Interexchange Services Originating In The
LEC's Local Exchange Area and Policy And Rules Concerning The Interstate, Interexchange Marketplace, 12 FCC
Rcd 15756, ¶ 163 (1997) (establishing criteria for independent ILECs to be eligible for nondominant regulatory
12Implementation of Further Streamlining Measures for Domestic Section 214 Authorizations, Report and Order, 17
FCC Rcd 5517, ¶ 30 (2002) (“Domestic Streamlining Order”) (citing to U.S. Dept. of Justice and Federal Trade
Commission Horizontal Merger Guidelines, § 1.51 n.18).
13 Commission data indicates that in 2007 U.S. telecommunications carriers reported over $102.4 billion in
interstate revenues. Universal Service Monitoring Report, FCC, CC Docket No. 98-202 at Table 1.7 (2009)
(includes data through Aug. 2009) (“2009 USF Monitoring Report”). In 2009, the combined interstate revenues of
Windstream and the Q-Comm Ops only totaled approximately $ 283.4 million. Even assuming a substantial decline
in total industry interstate revenues, the combined operations would still readily fall below 10% of the total. With
the combined companies’ minimal share of total industry interstate revenues, it is safe to presume that the combined
companies have less than 10% of the interstate interexchange market. Similarly, for 2007, the Commission reported
$7.2 billion in total international revenues for U.S. Carriers. 2007 International Traffic Data, FCC International
Bureau, at Table 1 (June 2009). In 2009, Windstream and Q-Comm Ops had a combined $9.6 million in


                  2.       Applicants Have Only De Minimis ILEC-CLEC Overlaps And No
                           ILEC-ILEC Adjacencies

         The Commission has routinely found that where mergers between non-RBOCs result in

de minimis overlaps and no, or only minimal, adjacencies between ILEC markets where the

adjacent exchanges are very small, “no harm to competition is likely to occur.”14 Here, the

Transaction results in no ILEC-ILEC adjacencies,15 and only de minimis ILEC-CLEC overlaps,

none of which raise any competitive concerns.

         The de minimis ILEC-CLEC overlaps occur only in a limited number of discrete

geographic areas (all in Kentucky) where the Applicants would continue to face multiple

competitors as a combined company. Indeed, in Lexington, Kentucky, the largest area of overlap

where Norlight16 actively markets local service, Norlight only serves 39 business customers with

a combined 1839 access lines and Windstream’s ILEC subsidiary has less than 50,000 customers

international revenues. Even assuming a substantial decline in total U.S. Carrier international revenues, the
combined companies still only hold a minimal share of the international market.
14 See Joint Applications of Global Crossing Ltd. and Citizens Communications Co., 16 FCC Rcd 8507, ¶¶ 7-9
(CCB, CSB, WTB 2001) (“Global Crossing-Citizens”) (granting transfer of control involving incumbent LECs with
adjacent exchanges where merger would provide service efficiencies); Joint Applications of Telephone and Data
Systems, Inc, and Chorus Communications, Ltd., 16 FCC Rcd 15293, ¶ 8-9 (CCB, WTB 2001) (“TDS-Chorus”)
(granting transfer of control involving an incumbent LEC and in-region provider of local exchange and exchange
access services where transaction overall resulted in pro-competitive benefits). The Commission approved
Windstream’s acquisitions of CT Communications, D&E Communications, Lexcom, NuVox, and Iowa Telecom in
light of these precedents. See Public Notice, 25 FCC Rcd 1268 (WCB 2010) (“Windstream-Nuvox”) (citing TDS-
Chorus); Public Notice, 25 FCC Rcd 5456 (WCB 2010) (“Windstream-Iowa”) (citing Global Crossing-Citizens);
Public Notice, 24 FCC Rcd 13672 (WCB 2009) (“Windstream-Lexcom”) (citing Global Crossing-Citizens and TDS-
Chorus); Public Notice, 24 FCC Rcd 10148 (WCB 2009) (“Windstream-D&E”) (citing Global Crossing-Citizens);
Public Notice, 22 FCC Rcd 15145 (WCB 2007) (“Windstream-CTC”) (citing Global Crossing-Citizens and TDS-
Chorus). See also Applications Filed for the Transfer of Control of Embarq Corporation to Century Tel, Inc.,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, 24 FCC Rcd, 8741, ¶¶ 16-19 (2009) (“Embarq-CenturyTel”) (citing TDS-Chorus
in “find[ing] that the proposed transaction is unlikely to harm competition or potential competition in those local
markets where the Applicants currently compete”); Madison River Communications Corp., Public Notice, 22 FCC
Rcd 625 (2007) (stating that transferee provided competitive access service in transferor’s ILEC territory in one
state) (“Madison River”), granted, Public Notice, 22 FCC Rcd 3584 (WCB 2007) (“Madison River Grant”).
15The Transaction involves no ILEC adjacencies because neither Q-Comm nor its subsidiaries are ILECs in any
16 As discussed above, Norlight is the Q-Comm company that provides retail voice services. NTI provides data
services only and KDL’s focus is on the wholesale fiber/long-haul-transport market.


(the vast majority of which are residential customers) with less than 90,000 lines combined. 17 In

Lexington, moreover, Windstream faces direct and potential competition by a number of other

competitive carriers (with, like Norlight, a focus on business customers), including AT&T, Aero

Communications, ALEC, Birch Communications, Granite, Insight, Level 3, Verizon Business,

Navigator, NOS, PaeTec, Telcove, Terrablue and twtelecom.

        Although a geographic overlap also exists between the service area of KDL and

Windstream ILEC territory, this overlap does not raise any competitive concerns because KDL’s

services do not directly compete with Windstream’s services. KDL primarily provides long-haul

fiber transport services for carriers through a regional network located in certain midwest,

southeast and east coast areas of the country as illustrated in Exhibit D. KDL’s customers

include wireless providers, cable companies, long distance carriers, Internet service providers

and traditional CLECs.           To provide such wholesale long-haul services, KDL maintains

collocations in various ILEC central offices from which KDL’s customers can connect their

facilities or facilities leased from the ILEC to KDL’s long-haul fiber transport network. A

number of these collocations are located in Windstream territory,18 but unlike Windstream, KDL

does not provide wholesale last-mile connectivity. Rather, KDL’s customers lease the last-mile

connectivity from Windstream to connect to KDL’s facilities for transport to the customer POP

or other facilities located outside of Windstream’s local ILEC service area. Thus, while in a

17 The next largest area of overlap involves Glasgow, Kentucky, where Norlight no longer actively markets service
and where it only serves 829 customers with a combined 908 access lines. From there, the size of the overlaps drops
even more precipitously, as follows: Elizabethtown – 18 customers/384 lines; Berea – 3 customers/52 lines; Smith’s
Grove – 7 customers/13 lines; Leitchfield – 5 customers/9 lines; Bardwell – 1 customer/8 lines; Monticello – 1
customer/8 lines; Bee Spring – 2 customers/4 lines; Columbia – 2 customers/3 lines; Shepherdsville – 1 customer/2
lines; Brownsville – 1 customer/1 line; Caneyville – 1 customer/1 line; Clarkson – 1 customer/1 line; and Park City
– 1 customer/1 line.
18The KDL collocations in Windstream territory are located in the following markets: Georgia (Dalton and
Lafayette); Kentucky (Lexington (4), Ashland, Berea, Elizabethtown, Glasgow, Hazard, London, Manchester,
Morehead, Shepherdsville and Somerset); and Ohio (Newark).


sense there is some overlap in the Windstream ILEC markets where KDL has collocations, the

services are complementary and the combination of the two entities will serve to enhance the

combined companies’ ability to offer a complete end-to-end service.

          NTI also overlaps with the Windstream ILEC service territory in the same markets as

KDL.19 Like KDL, the NTI overlap raises no competitive concerns because NTI’s services do

not directly compete with Windstream’s services. NTI does not provide any voice services and

only provides high speed data services to large enterprise customers and school districts that

participate in the Schools and Libraries Support Mechanism (also known as E-Rate). NTI also

provides a limited amount of private transport services to carrier customers and to KDL in order

to enhance the reach of KDL’s fiber network. The enterprise customers and school districts

served by NTI are largely in Arkansas, Alabama, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri,

Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, and Wisconsin.

          The Commission has uniformly approved similar non-RBOC transactions involving a

limited number of overlapping and/or adjacent exchanges affecting a limited number of access

lines.20 This transaction clearly meets this standard.21 Among Windstream’s over 1,000 ILEC

exchanges, there only a handful of de minimis ILEC-CLEC overlaps resulting from this

19   NTI shares much of the same geographic service area as KDL.
20 See, e.g., TDS-Chorus ¶¶ 9-10; XO Communications, Inc. for Consent to Transfer Control of Licenses and
Authorizations Pursuant to Section 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act and Petition for Declaratory Ruling
Pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act, 17 FCC Rcd 19212, ¶ 30 (IB/WTB/WCB 2002) (finding
no anticompetitive effects resulting from the combined operation of two overlapping competitive local exchange
carriers because of the presence of other competitors and the transaction resulting in public interest benefits);
Windstream- Nuvox at 1; Madison River at 1-3 and Madison River Grant.
21   See Global Crossing-Citizens ¶ 7.


Transaction, primarily limited to one market in Kentucky, and there are no ILEC adjacencies.22

Importantly, the combined company will face significant competition in the enterprise market.23

           D.       International Section 214 Public Interest Considerations

           Approval of the Transaction (i) will promote and preserve competition in the

international telecommunications marketplace and (ii) will ensure that Windstream has the

necessary authority to continue to offer seamless international services to existing Q-Comm

customers. The Transaction poses no risk of anticompetitive impact on the U.S. international

telecommunications marketplace. Applicants together hold only a tiny share of the international

telecommunications market and therefore the Applicants would have no ability to adversely

affect competition. 24

           In addition, the Commission’s principal concern for “the exercise of foreign market

power in the U.S. market” is that such market power “could harm U.S. consumers through

increases in prices, decreases in quality, or reductions in alternatives in end user markets.”25 As

the Commission explained further, “generally, this risk occurs when a U.S. carrier is affiliated

with a foreign carrier that has sufficient market power on the foreign end of a route to affect

competition adversely in the U.S. market.” 26                  As discussed herein, Windstream does not

22 In contrast, Global Crossing-Citizens involved adjacencies in four states, and also involved 71 exchanges ranging
from a couple of hundred to nearly 300,000 access lines. See Global Crossing Ltd. And Citizens Communications
Co. Ex Parte Presentation, CCB Pol. No. 00-1, at 5-6 and Attachment C. Windstream’s acquisition of CT
Communications entailed many adjacencies as well as a similar number of ILEC-CLEC overlaps (eight total) and
the Bureau found that the Commission’s rationale from Global Crossing-Citizens and TDS-Chorus supported
approval of that transaction. See Windstream-CTC at 1. See also Windstream-D&E at 1; Windstream-Lexcom at 1;
Windstream-NuVox at 1.
23 See Embarq-CenturyTel ¶ 19 (stating that “given the enhanced revenue opportunities in serving enterprise
customers, . . . competitive LECs are more likely to target such customers when entering an area”).
24   See supra note 13 (describing the Commission’s international revenue data).
25Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market; Market Entry and
Regulation of Foreign-Affiliated Entities, Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration, 12 FCC Red. 23891,
23951-54 (1997).
26   See id.


currently have and will not acquire through this Transaction any affiliations with foreign carriers

- with market power or otherwise - as a result of the Transaction. Thus, consumers will not be

adversely affected by virtue of the Transaction.


       In accordance with Section 63.24(e) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(e), the

Applicants submit the following information in support of the instant application. Information is

provided responsive to the provisions of Section 63.18 of the rules, paragraphs (a) through (p), as


       (a)     Name, address, and telephone number


               Q-Comm Corporation
               8829 Bond St.
               Overland Park, KS 66214
               913-754-3339 (Tel)
               812-759-1647 (Fax)

               Authorized Carriers (international and/or domestic), with FRN Numbers:

               Norlight, Inc. (FRN 0007345754)
               Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. (FRN 0002704682)
               Kentucky Data Link, Inc. (FRN 0004565008)


               Windstream Corporation
               4001 Rodney Parham Rd.
               Little Rock, AR 72212
               (501) 748-7000 (Tel)
               (501) 748-7996 (Fax)

       (b)     Citizenship


               Q-Comm Corporation is a Nevada corporation.


      Authorized Carriers (international and/or domestic):

      Norlight, Inc. is a Kentucky corporation.
      Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. is a Wisconsin corporation.
      Kentucky Data Link, Inc. is a Kentucky corporation.


      Windstream is a Delaware corporation.

(c)   Contact Information (Answer to IBFS Main Form Question 10)

      For the Transferor and Authorized Carriers:

      John Chuang
      Corporate Counsel
      Q-Comm Corporation
      8829 Bond St.
      Overland Park, KS 66214
      913-754-3339 (Tel)
      812-759-1647 (Fax)

      With a copy to:

      Jean L. Kiddoo
      Brett P. Ferenchak
      Bingham McCutchen LLP
      2020 K Street, N.W.
      Washington, DC 20006
      202-373-6000 (Tel)
      202-373-6001 (Fax)

      For the Transferee:

      Eric Einhorn
      Vice President - Federal Government Affairs
      1101 17th Street, N.W., Suite 802
      Washington, DC 20036
      (202) 223-7668 (Tel)
      (202) 223-7669 (Fax)


                  With a copy to:

                  Kenneth D. Patrich
                  Mark A. Walker
                  Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
                  2300 N Street, N.W., Suite 700
                  Washington, DC 20037
                  (202) 783-4141 (Tel)
                  (202) 783-5851 (Fax)

          (d)     International Section 214 Authorizations (Answer to IBFS Main Form
                  Question 10)

                  Authorized Carriers:

          Norlight Telecommunications, Inc. is authorized to provide (1) global facilities-based

services pursuant to international Section 214 authorization granted in IB File No. ITC-214-

19960826-00406 (Old File No. ITC-96-481), (2) global resale services pursuant to international

Section 214 authorization granted in IB File No. ITC-214-19960826-00407 (Old File No. ITC-

97-478), and (3) facilities-based private line, point-to-point or point-to-multipoint voice and data

services between the United State and Canada pursuant to international Section 214 authorization

granted in IB File No. ITC-214-19940224-00080 (Old File No. ITC-94-179).27

          On August 16, 2010, NTI filed a pro forma assignment of its international Section 214

authorizations to its affiliate, Norlight. 28       Depending on the timing of the Commission’s

processing, the above-referenced international 214 authorizations may be held by Norlight,

rather than NTI, at the time the Commission acts upon the instant applications and the Applicants

close the Transaction. Accordingly, Applicants request that the Commission’s action on the

27These international Section 214 authorizations were granted to Norlight, Inc., which subsequently changed its
name to Norlight Telecommunications, Inc.
28   IB File No. ITC-ASG-INTR2010-02566.


international Section 214 portion of this Application apply to whichever entity, NTI or Norlight,

that then currently holds the above-referenced international 214 authorizations.


        Q-Comm holds no international Section 214 authorizations in its own right, but its direct

subsidiary, NTI (Norlight – subsequent to the pro forma assignment), holds the international

Section 214 authorization described above.


        Windstream holds no international Section 214 authorizations in its own right.29

        (h)     Ten Percent or Greater Interest Holders/Interlocking Directorates (Answer
                to IBFS Main Form Questions 11 and 12)

        To its knowledge Windstream is and will remain post-closing a publicly-traded company

with no 10 percent or greater interest holders.

        Windstream has no interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier, nor will it have any

such interlocking directorates after consummation of the transaction.

        (i)     Foreign Carrier Affiliation Certification (Answer to IBFS Main Form
                Question 14)

        Windstream certifies that it will have no foreign carrier affiliations upon consummation

of the transaction.

        (j)     Foreign Carrier and Destination Countries (Answer to IBFS Main Form
                Questions 14-17)

        Windstream certifies that upon consummation of the Transaction: (1) it will not be a

foreign carrier; (2) it will not control any foreign carriers; (3) no entity that will own more than

29 Windstream’s authorized subsidiaries provide international telecommunications services pursuant to the
following international Section 214 authorizations: File Nos. ITC-214-2006-0816-00433; ITC-214-20000719-
00451; ITC-214-19981110-00835; ITC-214-200I0802-00418; ITC-214-20060501-00261; ITC-214-1993040S-
00054; ITC-214-19970707-00382; ITC-214-19930302-00003; ITC-214-20000627-00408; ITC-214-19961219-


25 percent of or control Windstream controls a foreign carrier; and (4) two or more foreign

carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) will not own, in the aggregate, more than 25

percent of Windstream.

       (k)     WTO Membership of Destination Countries (Answer to IBFS Main Form
               Questions 14-17)

       Not applicable.

       (l),(m) Nondominant Regulatory Classification (Answer to IBFS Main Form
               Questions 14-17)

       Not applicable. As Windstream will have no foreign carrier affiliations, it is entitled to

continued nondominant regulatory classification pursuant to Section 63.10(a)(1) of the rules, 47

C.F.R. § 63.10(a)(1).

       (n)     Special Concessions Certification (Answer to IBFS Main Form Question 21)

       Windstream certifies that it has not agreed to accept special concessions directly or

indirectly from any foreign country with respect to any U.S. international route where the foreign

carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter into such

agreements in the future.

       (o)     Federal Benefits/Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988 Certification (Answer to IBFS
               Main Form Question 25)

       Applicants certify pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the rules, 47 C.F.R.

§ 1.2001-1.2003, that no party to the application is subject to a denial of Federal Benefits

pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.

00634; ITC-214-20080709-00316; ITC-214-20010501-00266; ITC-214-20010823-00464; ITC-214-20050906-
00360; ITC-214-19960725-00339; ITC-214-20010501-00265; and ITC-214-19990323-00165.


       (p)     Eligibility for Streamlined Processing (Answer to IBFS Main Form Question

       As Windstream is not a foreign carrier and does not have any foreign carrier affiliations,

the instant application qualifies for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12 of the rules,

47 C.F.R. § 63.12.


       Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b), information responsive to

Section 63.04(a)(6)-(a)(l2) of the rules is provided in Exhibit A.


       For the foregoing reasons, Applicants request expedited Commission consent to the

transfer of control of the identified Q-Comm subsidiaries to Windstream in connection with the

Transaction described herein.


                                                  Respectfully submitted,

  WINDSTREAM                                     Q—COMM CORPORATION

  By:                                            By:
                                                         John Chuang
         Vice President — Federal Government             Corporate Counsel, Regulatory
         Affairs                                         Affairs
         1101 17th Street, N.W., Suite 802               8829 Bond St.
         Washington, DC 20036                            Overland Park, KS 66214
         (202) 223—7668 (Tel)                            (913) 754—3339 (Tel)
         (202) 223—7669 (Fax)                            (812) 759—1647 (Fax)

  Of Counsel:                                    Of Counsel:

         Bryan N. Tramont                                Jean L. Kiddoo
         Kenneth D. Patrich                              Brett P. Ferenchak
         Mark A. Walker                                  Bingham McCutchen LLP
         Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP                    2020 K Street, N.W., Suite 1100
         2300 N Street, N.W., Suite 700                  Washington, DC 20006
         Washington, DC 20037                            (202) 373—6000 (Tel)
         (202) 783—4141 (Tel)

  Its Attorneys                                  Its Attorneys

August 18, 2010


                                                 Respectfully submitte;


         Eric Einhorn
         Vice President — Federal Government            Corporate Counsel, Regulatory
         Affairs                                        Affairs
         1101 17th Street, N.W., Suite 802              8829 Bond St.
         Washington, DC 20036                           Overland Park, KS 66214
         (202) 223—7668 (Tel)                           (913) 754—3339 (Tel)
         (202) 223—7669 (Fax)                           (812) 759—1647 (Fax)

  Of Counsel:                                   Of Counsel:

         Bryan N. Tramont                               Jean L. Kiddoo
         Kenneth D. Patrich                             Brett P. Ferenchak
         Mark A. Walker                                 Bingham McCutchen LLP
         Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP                   2020 K Street, N.W., Suite 1100
         2300 N Street, N.W., Suite 700                 Washington, DC 20006
         Washington, DC 20037                           (202) 373—6000 (Tel)
         (202) 783—4141 (Tel)

  Its Attorneys                                 Its Attorneys

August 18, 2010


                                             EXHIBIT A

                     Transfer of Control of Domestic Section 214 Authority
                Information Responsive to Section 63.04(a)(6)-(a)(12) of the Rules

      1. Description of Transaction (§ 63.04(a)(6))

          The Transaction is described in Section II.

      2. Description of Geographic Service Area and Services in Each Area (§ 63.04(a)(7))

          Applicants’ wireline domestic interstate and international services are described in detail

in Sections I and III. Q-Comm and Windstream subsidiaries both presently offer domestic

interstate and international telecommunications services in their service territories, and

Windstream subsidiaries of the combined companies will continue to offer such services after

consummation of the merger.

      3. Streamlined Processing (§ 63.04(a)(8))

      Applicants do not seek streamlined processing of the domestic interstate section 214


      4. Other Related Applications (§ 63.04(a)(9))

          Related to the instant Application are concurrently-filed applications to transfer control of

Q-Comm’s subsidiaries, NTI and Norlight, holding various Title III wireless licenses to

Windstream. (See ULS File No. 0004354631 for the lead application.) In addition, on August

16, 2010, NTI filed a pro forma assignment of its international Section 214 authorizations to its

affiliate, Norlight.30

      5. Statement of Imminent Business Failure (§ 63.04(a)(10))

          Not applicable.

30   IB File No. ITC-ASG-INTR2010-02566.

6. Separately Filed Waiver Requests (§ 63.04(a)(11))

   Not applicable.

7. Public Interest Statement (§ 63.04(a)(12))

   See Section III.


                  EXHIBIT B

Organization Charts Illustrating the Transaction

                             Pre-Transaction Ownership of the Applicable
                          Regulated Subsidiaries of Q-Comm and Windstream

                      Q-Comm Corporation                                   Windstream Corporation
                               (“Q-Comm”)                                          (“Windstream”)


                                                                        MergerCo               Windstream’s Existing
                                                                                                 Local Exchange
                                                                                                Carrier Subsidiaries

Norlight, Inc.       Kentucky                       Norlight
                   Data Link, Inc.           Telecommunications, Inc.


       KDL of Virginia, Inc.            Knoxville
                                      Data Link, Inc.

                                                Illustration of Transaction

                 Q-Comm Corporation
                     (“Q-Comm”)                            Q-Comm merges
                                                           with MergerCo
                            100%                           with Q-Comm
                                                           surviving the      Windstream Corporation
                                                           merger                     (“Windstream”)


                                                                           MergerCo               Windstream’s Existing
                                                                                                    Local Exchange
Norlight, Inc.           Kentucky                  Norlight                                        Carrier Subsidiaries
                       Data Link, Inc.      Telecommunications, Inc.


       KDL of Virginia, Inc.           Knoxville
                                     Data Link, Inc.

            Post-Transaction Ownership of the Applicable
          Regulated Subsidiaries of Q-Comm and Windstream

                                         Windstream Corporation


                 Q-Comm Corporation                                        Windstream’s Existing
                     (“Q-Comm”)                                              Local Exchange
                                                                            Carrier Subsidiaries

Norlight, Inc.           Kentucky                      Norlight
                       Data Link, Inc.          Telecommunications, Inc.


       KDL of Virginia, Inc.           Knoxville
                                     Data Link, Inc.

         Exhibit C
Windstream Service Area Map

     Exhibit D
KDL/NTI Network Map


                                                                                                                                     Red Wing                                                                  Neenah


                                                                                                                                  Mason City

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wholesale Fiber Optic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Northbrook                                                                                                                                                      Franklin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Port                                              Warren
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Clinton Sandusky
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Vermilion                                                               Shippenville

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Transport Services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Fayette                                                Montrose
                                                                                                                                                                 Cedar Rapids                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lewistown                                          Line
                                                                                                                                                Marengo                                                                                                                                                                                                  Berea                                                                                                                       Reading Potts- Lexington
                                                                                                                                  Newton                                                                      Rochelle                                                                                                                                                                        New Castle                                                                                     town
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Goshen                                                                                                                                              Clymer
                                                                                                           Des Moines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Harrisburg           Lebanon
                                                                                                                                                     Iowa City                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Philadelphia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Mount Union
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Johnstown           Chambersburg





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Royal         Manassas

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Carollton                                                                                                                                                                                                                   OC-48


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        2.5 Gig WAVE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Rich        Hertford
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Roanoke         Square

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10 Gig WAVE
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Girardeau                                                   Morgan-                                                                                                                                                                                            Rocky Mt       Scotland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  town                                                                                                                                                               Burlington Durham                              Neck

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Franklin                                                                                                                                       Greensboro
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sikeston                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Wilson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Lenoir                                                         Raleigh
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Malden                                                                                                       Oak Ridge       Knoxville
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Morganton                           Mooresville
                                                                                                                    Bentonville                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Lincolnton
                                                                                                                     Rogers                                                                                                                       Dickson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Huntingdon                                                                                                                                                                Charlotte
                                                                                                                     Springdale                                             Jonesboro
                                                                                                                     Fayetteville                                                                                                                                                                                Athens                Fontana Village


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         La Fayette
                                                                                                                                                                                   Marianna                                                                                                                                                                                      Johnston
                                                                                                                             Hot                                   Clarendon                                                                                                                                                           Norcross
                                                                                                                            Springs                                             Marvell                                                                                                                             Marietta
                                                                                                                                                                                                Helena                                                                                                                             Dunwoody
                                                                                                                                                                                  Elaine                                                                                                                              Smyrna
                                                                                                                                           Malvern                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Augusta


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Fort Valley

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Demopolis                                  Tuskagee

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Pine Apple

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Repton                                                                                                                                Folkston
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Greenville                                    Jackson-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Live Oak
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Bay                                                         Marianna                                                                  Baldwin ville
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           De Funiak
                               Temple                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Minette                        Springs                                                                                Lake City

                                                                                                                                                                   Opelousas                                                                                                                                        Panama City
                 Georgetown                                                                                                                                                                                              Slidell



              San Marcos

                                                                 Sealy             Houston
San Antonio

Document Created: 2010-08-18 10:39:08
Document Modified: 2010-08-18 10:39:08

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