Attachment Att. 1

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20100729-00311 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                         ATTACHMENT 1

       Inmarsat plc (“Inmarsat”) hereby notifies the Commission pursuant to Section
63.24(f) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(f), of the consummation on June
30, 2010 of the pro forma transfer of control of Stratos Holdings, Inc. (“Stratos
Holdings”), holder of international section 214 authorizations listed in the foregoing
application.1 Because Stratos Holdings remained a wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of
Inmarsat following consummation of the transfer of control, the instant transaction was
pro forma in nature.

Answer to Question 10

Transferor Contact Information

        Diane J. Cornell
        Inmarsat plc
        99 City Road
        United Kingdom
        EC1Y 1AX
        (202) 248-5186

        With a copy to:

        Christine M. Crowe
        Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
        2300 N Street, NW, Suite 700
        Washington, DC 20037
        (202) 383-3334

            Stratos Holdings holds international section 214 authority to provide facilities-based
international services, international resale services, mobile-to-fixed and fixed-to-mobile Inmarsat Standard
M, Mini-M, and Standard B mobile satellite service via the Inmarsat system in the Atlantic and Pacific
Ocean regions, domestic aeronautical mobile satellite services via the Inmarsat system, and mobile satellite
services via all Inmarsat I-4 satellites. See IBFS File Nos. ITC-214-19901030-00011; ITC-214-19910301-
00010; ITC-214-19910615-00009; ITC-214-19911206-00007; ITC-214-19911206-00008; ITC-214-
19921026-00123; ITC-214-19921026-00124; ITC-214-19930201-00255; ITC-214-19930511-00253; ITC-
214-19931001-00254; ITC-214-19950526-00034; ITC-214-19951001-00032; ITC-214-19951001-00033;
ITC-214-19960101-00012; ITC-214-19961003-00481; ITC-214-19970627-00356; ITC-214-19970804-
00455; ITC-214-19970924-00580; ITC-214-19980121-00028; ITC-214-19980326-00205; ITC-214-
19980828-00591; ITC-214-19981214-00859; ITC-214-20010220-00657; ITC-214-20050826-00351; ITC-


Transferee Contact Information

        Diane J. Cornell
        Inmarsat plc
        99 City Road
        United Kingdom
        EC1Y 1AX
        (202) 248-5186

        With a copy to:

        Christine M. Crowe
        Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
        2300 N Street, NW, Suite 700
        Washington, DC 20037
        (202) 383-3334

        Prior International Section 214 Authorizations

        Transferee, Inmarsat, currently holds no international Section 214 authorizations
in its own right.

Answer to Question 11 - Direct and Indirect Ownership Information

        Inmarsat plc is a widely-held public company traded on the London Stock
Exchange. The following entities or individuals hold ten percent or greater interests in
Inmarsat plc, and indirectly in Stratos Offshore: Harbinger Capital Partners Master Fund
I, Ltd. (“Master Fund”) (28.13%2); Harbinger Capital Partners Special Situations Fund,
L.P. (“Special Fund”) (28.13%); HGW Holding Company, L.P. (“HGW”) (28.13%),
Harbinger Capital Partners LLC (investment manager to the Master Fund and Special
Fund) (28.13%); Harbinger Capital Partners Special Situations GP, LLC (“HCPSS”)
(general partner of Special Fund) (28.13%); Harbinger Holdings, LLC (managing
member of Harbinger Capital Partners LLC and HCPSS) (28.13%); HGW GP, Ltd
(“HGWGP”) (general partner of HGW) (28.13%); Philip A. Falcone (managing member
of Harbinger Holdings, LLC, portfolio manager to the Master Fund and Special Fund,
and controlling interest holder in HGWGP) (28.13%); and Lansdowne Partners Limited
(“Lansdowne”) (13.04%, aggregate voting power held through management of various

            The ownership interests reported herein reflect the collective holdings of Master Fund and
Special Fund (28.13%) in Inmarsat plc, and are accurate as of the time the Harbinger and Lansdowne
entities submitted notifications to Inmarsat plc regarding their ownership interests therein.


Landsdowne investment funds). The Master Fund, HGW and HGWGP are organized
under the laws of the Cayman Islands, whereas the Special Fund is a Delaware limited
partnership. Each of the other named Harbinger entities is a Delaware limited liability
company. Lansdowne was formed under the laws of England and Wales.

        No other person or entity directly or indirectly holds a ten percent or greater
ownership interest in Inmarsat.3 The address, citizenship, and principle business for the
interest holders disclosed above follows:

Harbinger Capital Partners         Harbinger Capital Partners          Harbinger Capital Partners
LLC                                Master Fund I, Ltd.                 Special Situations Fund, L.P.
555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor     c/o International Fund Services     555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10022                 (Ireland) Limited                   New York, NY 10022
Citizenship: United States         3rd Floor, Bishop’s Square          Citizenship: United States
Principle business: Investment     Dublin, Ireland 2                   Principle business: Investment
                                   Citizenship: Cayman Islands
                                   Principle business: Investment
Harbinger Capital Partners         Harbinger Holdings, LLC             HGW GP, Ltd.
Special Situations GP, LLC         555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor      555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor
555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor     New York, NY 10022                  New York, NY 10022
New York, NY 10022                 Citizenship: United States          Citizenship: Cayman Islands
Citizenship: United States         Principle business: Investment      Principle business: Investment
Principle business: Investment
HGW Holding Company, L.P.          Landsdowne Partners Limited         Philip Falcone
555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor     15 Davies Street                    555 Madison Avenue, 16th Floor
New York, NY 10022                 London, United Kingdom              New York, NY 10022
Citizenship: Cayman Islands        W1K 3AG                             Citizenship: United States
Principle business: Investment     Citizenship: United Kingdom         Principle business: Investment
                                   Principle business: Investment

Answer to Question 12 – Interlocking Directorates

        Neither Stratos Holdings nor Inmarsat have interlocking directorates with a
foreign carrier.

           The Commission has previously approved the indirect foreign ownership in Stratos Holdings and
also has authorized the foreign ownership of the Stratos Holdings resulting from the instant pro forma
transfer of control. See Robert M. Franklin, Transferor and Inmarsat, PLC, Transferee, Consolidated
Application for Consent to Transfer of Control of Stratos Global Corporation and Its Subsidiaries from an
Irrevocable Trust to Inmarsat, plc, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Declaratory Ruling, 24 FCC Rcd
449 (IB 2009); Public Notice, Report No. TEL-01444 (rel. July 29, 2010) (granting IBFS File Nos. ISP-
PDR-20100628-00013 & ISP-PDR-20100628-00014). Accordingly, the reorganization does not raise any
foreign ownership issues.


Answer to Question 13

       Description of Transaction

       The pro forma transfer of control occurred as the result of the completion of the
second phase of an internal corporate reorganization of various wholly-owned
subsidiaries of Inmarsat. The first phase of the reorganization was completed on June 18,
2010 pursuant to all required prior FCC approvals, and all required consummation
notices have been filed with respect to that phase of the reorganization. 4 The second
phase of the reorganization involved the following steps:
   ·   By a succession of share for share exchanges, Inmarsat Finance III Limited
       (“Finance III”) was passed down from Inmarsat to Inmarsat Holdings Ltd, then to
       Inmarsat Group Ltd, then to Inmarsat Investments Ltd, and finally to Inmarsat
       Ventures Ltd. All of these entities already were wholly-owned subsidiaries of
       Inmarsat, but they resided outside of the direct chain of ownership between
       Inmarsat and Stratos Holdings. The result of this drop-down is that Finance III
       now has four intermediate companies between itself and its ultimate parent,
   ·   Next, CIP Canada Investment Inc. (which, in connection with Phase 1 of the
       reorganization, had already been merged with Stratos Wireless, Inc. (“SWI”))
       transferred 100% of the shares of Stratos Holdings Inc. (“Stratos Holdings”) up to
       CIP UK Holdings Limited (“CIP UK Holdings”). As a result, Stratos Holdings
       became a direct subsidiary of CIP UK Holdings, and SWI was removed from the
       ownership chain of Stratos Holdings.

   ·   Then CIP UK Holdings transferred 100% of the shares in Stratos Holdings to
       Inmarsat Group Holdings Inc (“Inmarsat Group Holdings”), in return for which
       CIP UK Holdings received an issue of new common shares of Inmarsat Group
       Holdings, and continued to hold 100% of the newly increased share capital.
       Inmarsat Group Holdings then transferred 20% of the shares of Stratos Holdings
       to Inmarsat US Services LLC (“US Services”), a subsidiary of Inmarsat Group
       Holdings. Inmarsat US Investments Limited (“US Investments”) subsequently
       acquired 100% of a newly issued class of preferred shares in Stratos Holdings,
       which is the only class of preferred shares issued. The net result of this series of
       transfers is that (i) Inmarsat Group Holdings, US Services, and US Investments
       were added as intermediate companies between Stratos Holdings and CIP UK
       Holdings, and (ii) the shares of Stratos Holdings are now held by Inmarsat Group
       Holdings (80% of the common shares), US Services (20% of the common shares),

           See ULS File No. 0004255159 and IBFS File Nos. SES-TC-20100521-000638, SES-TC-
20100521-000639, SES-TC-20100521-000642, SES-TC-20100521-000643 (requesting prior approval for
Phase 1 pro forma transaction); ULS File No. 0004295488 and IBFS File Nos. CONSMT2010062200043,
CONSMT2010062200044 (notifying Commission of notification of consummation for Phase 1 step); ULS
File Nos. 0004316957, 0004317218 and IBFS File No. ITC-T/C-20100716-00290 (notifying Commission
of pro forma transaction subject to forbearance treatment).


        and US Investments (100% of the newly created class of the preferred
        shares). Once again, all of these entities were, and continue to be, wholly-owned
        subsidiaries of Inmarsat. They were simply moved around within the Inmarsat
        organizational structure.

       Three organizational charts are attached to this exhibit, reflecting (i) the pre-
reorganization ownership chain of Stratos Holdings, (ii) the ownership of Stratos
Holdings following consummation of Phase 1 of the reorganization, and (iii) the
ownership of Stratos Holdings following consummation of Phase 2 of the reorganization.
The Commission has previously stated that in situations, such as the instant
reorganization, where no substantial change of control will occur, “grant of the
application is deemed presumptively in the public interest.”5

          See Federal Communications Bar Association’s Petition for Forbearance from Section 310(d) of
the Communications Act Regarding Non-Substantial Assignments of Wireless Licenses and Transfers of
Control Involving Telecommunications Carriers, 13 FCC Rcd 6293, 6295 (1998).



                          Inmarsat plc
                      (England and Wales)


                      Inmarsat Finance III
                            Limited            *All percentages represent both
                      (England and Wales)      equity and voting interests.


                        CIP UK Holdings
                      (England and Wales)


                           CIP Canada
                         Investment Inc.


                      Stratos Global Corp.


                      Stratos Wireless Inc.


                      Stratos Holdings, Inc.


Stratos Mobile          Stratos Offshore            Stratos
Networks, Inc.         Services Company        Communications Inc.
  (Delaware)               (Delaware)             (Delaware)


                         Inmarsat plc
                     (England and Wales)

                                              *All percentages represent both
                                              equity and voting interests.
                     Inmarsat Finance III
                     (England and Wales)


                      CIP UK Holdings
                     (England and Wales)


                     Stratos Wireless Inc.


                     Stratos Holdings, Inc.


Stratos Mobile         Stratos Offshore            Stratos
Networks, Inc.        Services Company        Communications Inc.
  (Delaware)              (Delaware)             (Delaware)


                 Inmarsat plc
             (England and Wales)

  100%                                                 *All percentages represent both equity
                                                       and voting interests, unless otherwise
            Inmarsat Holdings Ltd                      noted.
             (England and Wales)


              Inmarsat Group Ltd
             (England and Wales)


           Inmarsat Investments Ltd
             (England and Wales)


            Inmarsat Ventures Ltd
             (England and Wales)


         Inmarsat Finance III Limited
            (England and Wales)


          CIP UK Holdings Limited
            (England and Wales)


         Inmarsat Group Holdings Inc.          80% Common Shares

                                          20% Common Shares
          Inmarsat US Services LLC
  100%                                   Preferred
           Inmarsat US Investments
             (England and Whales)

                                        Stratos Holdings, Inc.

         Stratos Mobile                   Stratos Offshore                         Stratos
         Networks, Inc.                  Services Company                     Communications Inc.
           (Delaware)                        (Delaware)                          (Delaware)

Document Created: 2010-07-29 14:38:56
Document Modified: 2010-07-29 14:38:56

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