Attachment Transfer Application

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20100610-00232 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                         Jean L. Kiddoo
                         Russell M. Blau
                         Jeffrey R. Strenkowski
                         Brett P. Ferenchak

                         June 10, 2010

                         Via Electronic Filiniz

                         Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                         Federal Communications Commission
                         International Bureau Applications
                         P.O. Box 979093
                         St. Louis, MO 63197-9700

                         Re:       In the Matter of the Joint Application of MegaPath Inc., DSLnet
                                   Communications , LLC, DSLnet Communications VA, Inc., CCGI Holding
                                   Corporation, Platinum Equity, LLC, Covad Communications Company and
                                   DIECA Communications , Inc for Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section
                                   214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended , and Sections 63.04
                                   and 63.24 of the Commission 's Rules to Complete a Transaction Between
                                   MegaPath Inc. and CCGI Holding Corporation That Will Result in the
                                   Transfer of Indirect Control of the DSLnet -Licensees (defined below) and
                                   the Change of Indirect Control of the Covad -Licensees (defined below)

                         Dear Ms. Dortch:

                         On behalf of MegaPath Inc. ("MegaPath"), DSLnet Communications, LLC ("DSLnet"),
                         DSLnet Communications Virginia, Inc. ("DSLnet-VA" and together with DSLnet, the
                         "DSLnet-Licensees"), CCGI Holding Corporation ("CCGI"), Platinum Equity
                         ("Platinum"), Covad Communications Company ("CCC") and DIECA Communications,
             Hartford    Inc. ("DIECA" and together with CCC, the "Covad-Licensees") (Mega-Path, DSLnet-
           Hong Kong     Licensees, CCGI, Platinum and Covad-Licensees collectively, the "Applicants"),
              London     enclosed please find an application for approval to complete a transaction whereby: (1)
          Los Angeles
                         CCGI and Platinum will acquire indirect control of DSLnet-Licensees' when MegaPath,
             New York
                         DSLnet-Licensees' direct parent company, becomes a direct subsidiary of CCGI, and (2)
       Orange County
        San Francisco
                         Platinum will relinquish indirect de facto control of the Covad-Licensees as a result of
        Santa Monica     changes to the Board of Directors of CCGI, which indirectly wholly owns the Covad-
        Silicon Valley   Licensees. Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commission's rules, Applicants submit
                Tokyo    this filing as a combined domestic section 214 assignment application and international
          Washington     section 214 assignment application ("Combined Application").

Bingham McCutchen LLP
      zozo K Street NW
       Washington, DC            Of the DSLnet-Licensees, only DSLnet holds an international Section 214
          zooo6-i8o6     authorization.

    T +1.202.373.6ooo
    F +1.202.373.6ooi     A/73405644.1

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
June 10, 2010
Page 2

This filing and the applicable credit card payment in the amount of $1,015.00, which
satisfies the filing fee required for this application under line 2.b of Section 1.1105 of the
Commission's rules, are being submitted electronically through the MyIBFS for each of
the three international Section 214 authorization holders. Applicants are simultaneously
filing the Application with the Wireline Competition Bureau, in accordance with the
Commission's rules.

Please direct any questions regarding this filing to the undersigned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean L. Kiddoo
Russell M. Blau
Brett P. Ferenchak
Jeffrey Strenkowski

Counsel for Applicants

A/73405644. I

                                    Before the
                              Washington , D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Joint Application of

MegaPath Inc.,

DSLnet Communications, LLC
DSLnet Communications VA, Inc.

and                                                      WC Docket No. 10-

CCGI Holding Corporation,                            )
     DSLnet-Transferee,                              )

Platinum Equity, LLC                                 )
       Covad-Transferor,                             )

Covad Communications Company                         )   File Nos. ITC-T/C-2010
and                                                  )              ITC-T/C-2010
DIECA Communications , Inc.                          )             ITC-T/C-2010
      Covad-Licensees                                )

For Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section 214       )
of the Communications Act of 1934, as Amended, )
and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission's )
Rules to Complete a Transaction Between              )
MegaPath Inc. and CCGI Holding Corporation           )
That Will Result in the Transfer of Indirect Control )
of the DSLnet-Licensees and the Change of            )
Indirect Control of the Covad-Licensees              )

                                    JOINT APPLICATION

         MegaPath Inc. ("MegaPath" or "DSLnet-Transferor"), DSLnet Communications, LLC

("DSLnet"), DSLnet Communications Virginia, Inc. ("DSLnet-VA" and together with DSLnet,

the "DSLnet-Licensees"), CCGI Holding Corporation ("CCGI" or "DSLnet-Transferee"),


Platinum Equity ("Platinum" or "Covad-Transferor"), Covad Communications Company

("CCC") and DIECA Communications, Inc. ("DIECA" and together with CCC, the "Covad-

Licensees") (the DSLnet-Licensees and Covad-Licensees collectively, the Licensees) (Mega-

Path, DSLnet-Licensees, CCGI, Platinum and Covad Licensees collectively, the "Applicants"),

through their undersigned counsel and pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as

amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R.

§§ 63.04, 63.24, respectfully request Commission approval, to the extent necessary, to complete

a transaction whereby: (1) CCGI and Platinum will acquire indirect control of DSLnet-Licensees

when MegaPath, DSLnet-Licensees' direct parent company, becomes a direct subsidiary of

CCGI, and (2) Platinum will relinquish indirect de facto control of the Covad-Licensees as a

result of changes to the Board of Directors ("Board") of CCGI, which indirectly wholly owns the


         Although the proposed transaction will result in a change in the ultimate ownership of the

DSLnet-Licensees and ultimate control of the Covad-Licensees, no transfer of authorizations,

assets or customers will occur as an immediate consequence of the proposed transaction. The

Licensees will continue to provide service to their existing customers pursuant to their authoriza-

tions under the same rates, terms and conditions. Accordingly, this transaction will have no

effect on the rates, terms and conditions of service to the customers of Licensees.

         B.     Request for Streamlined Processing

         Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined processing

pursuant to Sections 63.03 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.03. In particular, this

Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2)(i) because,

immediately following the transaction, Applicants (and their Affiliates) will have a market share


in the interstate, interexchange market of less than 10 percent, and Applicants (and their Affili-

ates) will provide competitive telephone exchange services or exchange access services (if at all)

exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party to

the transaction, and none of the Applicants (or their Affiliates) are dominant with respect to any


           With respect to international authority , this Application is eligible for streamlined proc-

essing pursuant to Section 63.12(a)-(b) of the Commission ' s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(a)-(b). In

particular, Applicants qualify for a presumption of non-dominance under Section 63.10(a)(1) and

(3) of the Commission ' s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.10 (a)(1,3), because they are not foreign carriers

and, as demonstrated below in Section V(k), their only foreign carrier affiliation is with non-

dominant carriers in a country that is a Member of the WTO.

           In support of this Application , Applicants provide the following information:


           A.     MegaPath and DSLnet-Licensees

           MegaPath Inc. is a Delaware corporation with its principal office located at 555 Anton

Boulevard, Suite 200, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. MegaPath is the direct parent company of DSLnet

and DSLnet-VA. MegaPath is a provider of a variety of managed Internet Protocol ("IP")

services including cable and satellite system broadband Internet access, mobility services such as

digital certificates, global remote access, personal firewalls, and remote access virtual private

networks ("VPN"), and security services. MegaPath does not currently offer any regulated

telecommunications services and therefore does not hold any telecommunications authorizations

from the FCC or any state regulatory authority.


         DSLnet Communications, LLC is a Delaware limited liability company. DSLnet Com-

munications VA, Inc. is a Virginia corporation. DSLnet-Licensees have principal offices located

at 50 Barnes Park North, Suite 104, Wallingford, Connecticut 06492. DSLnet-Licensees provide

high speed access to the Internet services. DSLnet is authorized to provide intrastate telecommu-

nications services in forty-seven (47) states and the District of Columbia, and DSLnet-VA is

authorized to provide intrastate telecommunications services in Virginia. DSLnet is authorized

by the Commission to provide international and domestic interstate telecommunications services

as a non-dominant carrier; DSLnet-VA is authorized by the Commission to provide domestic

interstate telecommunications services as a non-dominant carrier.

         B.     CCGI, Platinum and Covad-Licensees

         CCGI Holding Corporation is a Delaware corporation with offices located at 360 North

Crescent Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90210. CCGI is the parent company of Covad Com-

munications Group, Inc. ("Covad"), a Delaware corporation that owns Covad Communications

Company, a California corporation, and DIECA Communications, Inc., a Virginia corporation.

Covad and Covad-Licensees have principal offices located at 2220 O'Toole Avenue, San Jose,

California 95131. Covad is a leading nationwide provider of integrated voice and data communi-

cations. Through its operating companies (Covad-Licensees), the company offers DSL, Voice

Over IP, T1, Ethernet, Web hosting, managed security, IP and dial-up, wireless broadband, and

bundled voice and data services directly through Covad's network and through Internet Service

Providers, value-added resellers, telecommunications carriers and affinity groups to small and

medium-sized businesses and home users. Covad broadband services are currently available

across the nation in 44 states and 235 Metropolitan Statistical Areas ("MSAs") and can be

purchased by more than 57 million homes and businesses, which represent over 50 percent of all


US homes and businesses. Covad-Licensees are authorized by the Commission to provide

international and domestic interstate telecommunications services as non-dominant carriers.

         Currently, Platinum Equity LLC ultimately wholly controls CCGI. Neither CCGI nor

Platinum offer any regulated telecommunications services. Platinum is a privately-held Delaware

limited liability company with offices located at 360 North Crescent Drive, Beverly Hills,

California 90210. Platinum is a global firm specializing in the merger, acquisition and operation

of companies that provide services and solutions to customers in a broad range of business

markets, including information technology, telecommunications, logistics, manufacturing, and

entertainment distribution.

         Platinum indirectly controls two other telecommunications carriers: Matrix Telecom, Inc.

("Matrix"); i and Americatel Corporation ("Americatel"). Matrix (and its wholly owned subsidi-

ary, Matrix Telecom of Virginia, Inc. ("Matrix-VA") provides integrated communications

services including local, 1+ long distance and toll-free voice services plus a wide range of data

services, such as dedicated Internet access, frame relay and point-to-point transmission services,

chiefly to enterprise customers. Matrix provides intrastate, interstate and international services

throughout the United States, and Matrix-VA provides, either directly or indirectly through

Matrix, intrastate, interstate and international long distance services in Virginia. Americatel

provides international and domestic facilities-based and resold long distance services, including

"dial around" casual calling (i.e., IOIOXXX) service and presubscribed 1+ calling services, in

each of the 48 contiguous states, with a particular emphasis on serving the needs of United States

customers with connections to Latin America and the Caribbean.

I     Matrix is currently in the process of acquiring substantially all of the assets of Comtel
Telcom Assets LP. See " Docket No. 10-82 and IB File No. ITC-ASG-20100319-00120.



        CCGI and MegaPath entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of March

26, 2010 (the "Agreement"). Pursuant the Agreement, a subsidiary of CCGI created specifically

for this transaction, TMAC Merger Corporation, will merge with MegaPath, with MegaPath

surviving. As a result, MegaPath will become a wholly owned, direct subsidiary of CCGI and

CCGI will acquire indirect control of DSLnet-Licensees. Applicants therefore request authority

to transfer indirect control of DSLnet-Licensees to CCGI, and ultimately to Platinum. For the

Commission's convenience, pre- and post-transaction corporate organizational structure charts

are provided as Exhibit A.

         In addition, as a result of the transaction, Platinum will relinquish sole control of the Board

of Directors ("Board") of CCGI.       Upon completion of the transaction, Platinum will no longer

control a majority of the Board of CCGI.2 As a result, there will be a change in indirect control of

the Covad-Licensees.


         Applicants respectfully submit that the proposed transaction serves the public interest. In

particular, Applicants submit that: (1) the proposed transaction will increase competition in the

United States telecommunications market by reinforcing the status of Licensees as viable competi-

tors and (2) the proposed transaction will be virtually transparent to consumers. Immediately

following the consummation of the proposed transaction, Licensees will continue to offer service

with no change in the rates or terms and conditions of service. Further, Licensees will continue to

2       Currently, Platinum is expected to control three (3) of the seven (7) seats on the Board of
CCGI. MegaPath' s current shareholders are expected to control two (2) seats on the Board of
CCGI. The parties are currently determining the allocation of the other two (2) seats, but they
will not be controlled by Platinum or MegaPath. As a result, Platinum will relinquish sole control
of CCGI and its indirect subsidiaries , CCC and DIECA, and as such, Commission approval is
requested for this transfer of control.


provide service to its customers under the same name, and will continue to be led by experienced

management teams. Therefore, the transfer of control of DSLnet-Licensees and the change in

control of the Covad-Licensees will be seamless and virtually transparent to consumers.

         Given the increasingly complex and competitive nature of the telecommunications and

capital markets and for other business reasons, Applicants seek to complete the proposed Trans-

action as soon as possible. Accordingly, Applicants respectfully request that the Commission

process, consider, and approve this Application as expeditiously as possible.


         Pursuant to Section 63.24(e)(3) of the Commission's Rules, the Applicants submit the

following information requested in Section 63.18 (a)-(d) and (h)-(p) in support of this Applica-


         (a)    Name, address and telephone number of each Applicant:

         DSLnet Transferor:

                MegaPath Inc.                                        FRN 0018105601
                555 Anton Boulevard
                Suite 200
                Costa Mesa, CA 92626


                DSLnet Communications LLC                            FRN 0004324851
                DSLnet Communications VA Inc .                       FRN 0015540230
                50 Barnes Park North
                Suite 104
                Wallingford, Connecticut 06492


                Covad Communications Company                         FRN 0003753753
                DIECA Communications, Inc.                           FRN 0003753787
                2220 O'Toole Avenue
                San Jose, CA 95131


           DSLnet Transferee and Covad Transferor:

                  CCGI Holding Corporation                          FRN 0017234758
                  Platinum Equity, LLC                              FRN 0014921878
                  360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                  Beverly Hills, CA 90210

           (b)    Jurisdiction of Organizations:

                  DSLnet Transferor:   MegaPath is a Delaware corporation.

                  DSLnet-Licensees:    DSLnet is a Delaware limited liability company

                                       DSLnet-VA is a Virginia corporation.

                  DSLnet Transferee:   CCGI is a Delaware corporation.

                  Covad-Licensees:     CCC is a California corporation.

                                       DIECA is a Virginia corporation.

                  Covad Transferor:    Platinum is a Delaware corporation.

           (c)    (Answer to Question 10) Correspondence concerning this Application should be

sent to:

For Applicants:

           Jean L. Kiddoo, Esq.
           Russell M. Blau, Esq.
           Brett P. Ferenchak, Esq.
           Jeffrey R. Strenkowski, Esq.
           Bingham McCutchen LLP
           2020 K Street, N.W.
           Washington, DC 20006
           202-373-6000 (Tel)
           202-373-6001 (Fax)


For CCGI and Platinum:                           For CCGI and Covad- Licensees:

        Eva Kalawski, Esq.                              Anthony Hansel
        Executive Vice President, General               Assistant General Counsel
            Counsel and Secretary                       Covad Communications Company
        Platinum Equity, LLC                            1750 K Street, NW
        360 North Crescent Drive, South Build-          Suite 200
            ing                                         Washington, DC 20006
        Beverly Hills, CA 90210                         202-220-0410 (Tel)
        310-712-1850 (Tel)                              202-833-2026 (Fax)
        310-712-1863 (Fax)                    

For MegaPath and DSLnet-Licensees:               and:

        Steven B . Chisholm, Esq.                       Schula Hobbs
        MegaPath Inc.                                   Regulatory Affairs
        555 Anton Boulevard, Suite 200                  DSLnet Communications, LLC
        Costa Mesa, California 92626                    50 Barnes Park North, Suite # 104
        714-327-2041 (Fax)                              Wallingford, CT 06492
        Steve                    203-284-6205 (fax)

         (d)   Section 214 Authorizations

               DSLnet Transferor:    MegaPath does not hold any domestic or international Sec-
                                     tion 214 authorizations, but controls DSLnet-Licensees,
                                     two entities that hold Section 214 authorizations.

               DSLnet-Licensees:     DSLnet holds Section 214 authority to provide global fa-
                                     cilities-based and resold services pursuant to authority
                                     granted by the Commission in File Nos. ITC-214-
                                     19990716-00434 and ITC-ASG-20030611-00290. DSLnet
                                     also holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority to pro-
                                     vide interstate telecommunications services.

                                     DSLnet-VA holds blanket domestic Section 214 authority,
                                     but does provide international telecommunications services
                                     and does not hold international Section 214 authority.

               DSLnet Transferee :   CCGI does not hold any domestic or international Section
                                     214 authorizations, but controls CCC and DIECA, two enti-
                                     ties that hold Section 214 authorizations.

               Covad-Licensees :     CCC and DIECA hold blanket domestic authority to pro-
                                     vide interstate services . 47 C.F. R. § 63.01 . CCC and
                                     DIECA each also hold global facilities based and resale
                                     Section 214 authority to provide international services pur-


                                   suant to authority granted in FCC File Nos. ITC-214-
                                   20021118-00544 (CCC) and ITC-214-20021126-00558
                                   (DIECA).            u

              Covad-Transferor :   Platinum does not hold domestic or international Section
                                   214 authorizations . In addition to controlling Covad-
                                   Licensees , Platinum also controls other entities that hold
                                   Section 214 authorizations . Specifically , Matrix and Ma-
                                   trix-VA hold blanket domestic authority to provide inter-
                                   state services pursuant to 47 C.F. R. § 63.01. Matrix also
                                   holds global facilities -based and resale Section 214 author-
                                   ity to provide international services pursuant to authority
                                   granted in FCC File No. ITC-214-19980915-00644. To the
                                   extent Matrix -VA provides international services, it does so
                                   pursuant to the international Section 214 authority of its
                                   parent company, Matrix . In addition, Americatel holds
                                   blanket domestic authority to provide interstate services
                                   pursuant to 47 C.F. R. § 63.01 . Americatel also holds au-
                                   thority under Section 214 of the Act to provide global fa-
                                   cilities-based and resale services (FCC File Nos. ITC-214-
                                    19920512-00044 , ITC-214-19920512 -00045 , ITC-93-160-
                                   TC, ITC-214-19940517-00162 , ITC-21419940922-00294,
                                   ITC-214-19960423-00165 ,           ITC-214-19970312-00146,
                                   ITC-214- 19970421-00220 , ITC-214-19941020-00007 (as-
                                   signment of FCC File No. ITC-214- 19941020-00007 from
                                   AmericaSky Corporation to Americatel approved in File
                                   No. ITC-ASG-20060420-00252), and ITC-214 -19890331-
                                   00002 and ITC-214-19970627- 00354 (assigned from
                                    Startec Global Operating Company in File No. ITC-ASG-
                                   20090507 -00203).


        (h)    (Answer to Questions 11 & 12) The following entities hold, directly or indirectly,

a 10% or greater interest3 in Applicants as calculated pursuant to the Commission's ownership

attribution rules for wireline and international telecommunications carriers:4

        Pre- and Post-Transaction Direct Ownership of DSLnet-Licensees

                The following entity currently has and, upon completion of the transaction, will
                continue to have a 10% or greater direct interest in DSLnet Communications,
                LLC and DSLnet Communications VA, Inc.

                       Name:                  MegaPath, Inc.
                       Address:               555 Anton Boulevard, Suite 200
                                              Costa Mesa, California 92626
                       Ownership Interest:    100% (directly in DSLnet and DSLnet-VA)
                       Citizenship:           U.S
                       Principal Business:    Managed IP Communications Services Provider

         Pre-Transaction Ownership of Me^ a Path

                The following entities currently have a 10% or greater direct or indirect interest in
                MegaPath Inc.:

                       Name:                   Northern Neck Investors LLC ("Northern Neck")
                       Address:                c/o Volition Capital LLC in its capacity as sub-
                                                   advisor to Northern Neck Investors LLC
                                               111 Huntington Avenue Suite 2700
                                               Boston, MA 02199
                       Ownership Interest:     Approx. 19% (indirectly in MegaPath as the general
                                               partner of the general partners of various investment
                       Citizenship:            U.S
                       Principal Business:     Venture Capital

3      Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein represent both equity
and voting interests.
4       While the Commission's rules for combined domestic and international applications
require this information only for the transferee, see 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04(b), 63.24(3)(2), Appli-
cants are providing ownership information for both parties.
5       None of the funds or their general partners controlled by Northern Neck hold a 10% or
greater interest in MegaPath.


                      Name:                  US Venture Partners
                      Address:               2735 Sand Hill Road
                                             Menlo Park, CA 94025
                      Ownership Interest:    10.5% (directly in MegaPath)
                      Citizenship:           U.S.
                      Principal Business:    Venture Capital

                      To the best of Applicant's knowledge, no other person or entity currently
                      holds a 10% or greater direct or indirect interest in MegaPath or DSLnet-

        Post-Transaction Ownership of MegaPath

               Upon completion of the transaction, the following entity will have a 10% or
               greater direct interest in MegaPath Inc.:

                       Name:                 CCGI Holding Corporation
                       Address:              360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                             Beverly Hills, CA 90210
                       Ownership Interest:   100%
                       Citizenship:          U.S
                       Principal Business:   Holding Company

         Pre- and Post-Transaction Direct Ownership of Covad-Licensees

                The following entities currently have and, upon completion of the transaction,
                will continue to have a 10% or greater direct interest in Covad Communications
                Company and DIECA Communications, Inc.

                       Name:                  Covad Communications Group, Inc.
                       Address:               2220 O'Toole Avenue
                                              San Jose, California 95131
                       Ownership Interest:    100% (directly in CCC and DIECA)
                       Citizenship:           U.S
                       Principal Business:    Holding Company

                       Name:                  CCGI Holding Corporation
                       Address:               360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                              Beverly Hills, CA 90210
                       Ownership Interest:    100% (indirectly in CCC and DIECA as 100%
                                              owner of Covad)
                       Citizenship:           U.S
                       Principal Business:    Holding Company

         Pre-Transaction Ownership of CCGI

                CCGI Holding Corporation is ultimately controlled by Platinum Equity, LLC.
                Three private equity funds and one investment entity, all of which are ultimately


               controlled by Platinum and Tom Gores , hold direct equity interests totaling 100%
               in CCGI. The three private equity funds are: (a) Platinum Equity Capital Partners
               II, L.P. ("PECP"); (b) Platinum Equity Capital Partners -A II, L.P. ("PECP-A");
               and (c) Platinum Equity Capital Partners -PF II, L.P. ("PECP-PF"); and the in-
               vestment entity is Platinum Blackberry Principals , LLC ("PBP") (PECP, PECP-A,
               PECP-PF and PBP collectively , the "CCGI Holding Shareholders "). The names,
               addresses , citizenship, primary business , and equity interest in CCGI of each of
               the CCGI Holding Shareholders is as follows:

                      Name :                 Platinum Equity Capital Partners II, L.P.
                      Address:               360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                             Beverly Hills, California 90210
                      Citizenship:           Delaware
                      Principal Business:    Private equity investments
                      Ownership Interest:    60.58% direct ownership of CCGI6

                      Name:                  Platinum Equity Capital Partners -A II, L.P.
                      Address:               360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                             Beverly Hills, California 90210
                      Citizenship:           Delaware
                      Primary Business:      Private equity investments
                      Ownership Interest:    9.6% direct ownership of CCGI?

                      Name:                  Platinum Equity Capital Partners-PF II, L.P.
                      Address:               3^0 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                             Beverly Hills, California 90210
                       Citizenship:          Delaware
                       Primary Business:     Private equity investments
                       Ownership Interest:   9.82% direct ownership of CCGIB

6       The limited partnership interests in PECP are held by institutional investors and Platinum
Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC ("PEIH"), a Delaware limited liability company. With the
exception of PEIH II, these limited partners have no control over the day-to-day business opera-
tions, activities, or decisions of PECP or CCGI. With the exception of PEIH, none of these
limited partners ultimately holds equity interests in CCGI greater than 10%. The sole general
partner of PECP is Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC ("PEP"), a Delaware limited liability
company. The senior managing member and controlling entity of PEP is PEIH, the sole member
of which is Platinum. PEP, PEIH and Platinum are described more fully below.
7       The sole general partner of PECP-A is PEP. The senior managing member and control-
ling entity of PEP is PEIH, the sole member of which is Platinum. PEP, PEIH and Platinum are
described more fully below.
8       The limited partnership interests in PECP-PF are held by institutional investors. These
limited partners have no control over the day-to-day business operations, activities, or decisions
of PECP-PF or CCGI. None of these limited partners ultimately holds equity interests in CCGI
greater than 10%. The sole general partner of PECP-PF is PEP. The senior managing member


                      Name :                 Platinum Blackberry Principals, LLC
                      Address :              360 North Crescent Drive , South Building
                                             Beverly Hills, California 90210
                      Citizenship:           Delaware
                      Primary Business :     Private equity investments
                      Ownership Interest:    20% direct ownership of CCGI9

               The following entity currently has a 10% or greater direct interest in PECP,
               PECP-A, and PECP-PF:

                      Name :                Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC ("PEP")
                      Address:              360 North Crescent Drive , South Building
                                            Beverly Hills, California 90210
                      Citizenship :         Delaware
                      Primary Business :    Private equity investments
                      Ownership Interests : Through its interests in PECP , PECP-A, and PECP-
                                            PF (as sole general partner of those entities), PEP
                                            indirectly and ultimately controls 80% of the voting
                                            interests of CCGI.10

and controlling entity of PEP is PEIH, the sole member of which is Platinum. PEP, PEIH and
Platinum are described more fully below.
9       The senior managing member of PBP is PEIH. The remaining membership interests in
PBP are held by Platinum principals. With the exception of Tom Gores, these members have no
control over the day-to-day business operations, activities, or decisions of PECP or CCGI. With
the exception of Tom Gores and PEIH, none of these members ultimately holds equity interests
in CCGI greater than 10%. The sole member of PEIH is Platinum. PEIH, Platinum and Tom
Gores are described more fully below.
10     The senior managing member and controlling entity of PEP is PEIH. The remaining
membership interests in PEP are held by Platinum principals. With the exception of Tom Gores,
these members have no control over the day-to-day business operations, activities, or decisions
of PECP or CCGI Holding. With the exception of Tom Gores and PEIH, none of these members
ultimately holds equity interests in CCGI greater than 10%. The sole member of PEIH is Plati-
num. PEIH and Platinum are described more fully below.


               The following entity currently has a 10% or greater direct interest in PEP and

                      Name :                Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC
                      Address:              360 North Crescent Drive , South Building
                                            Beverly Hills, California 90210
                      Citizenship :         Delaware
                      Primary Business :    Private equity investments
                      Ownership Interests : Through its interests in PBP and PEP (as senior
                                            managing member and controlling entity), PEIH in-
                                            directly and ultimately controls 100% of the voting
                                            interests of CCGI.11

               The following entity currently has a 10% or greater direct interest in PEIH:

                      Name :                 Platinum Equity, LLC
                      Address:               360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                             Beverly Hills, California 90210
                       Citizenship :         Delaware
                       Primary Business :    Mergers & Acquisitions
                       Ownership Interests : Through its interests in PEIH (as sole member),
                                             Platinum indirectly and ultimately controls 100% of
                                             the voting interests of CCGI.12

        Post-Transaction Ownership of CCGI

               Upon completion of the transaction , the following entities will have a 10% or
               greater direct or indirect interest in CCGI:

                       Name:                 Platinum Equity Capital Partners II, L.P.
                       Address:              360 North Crescent Drive , South Building
                                             Beverly Hills, California 90210
                       Citizenship:          Delaware
                       Principal Business:   Private equity investments
                       Ownership Interest:   40.4% direct ownership of CCGI.

                       Name:                  Platinum Blackberry Principals, LLC
                       Address:               360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                              Beverly Hills, California 90210
                       Citizenship:           Delaware
                       Primary Business:      Private equity investments
                       Ownership Interest:    13.3% direct ownership of CCGI.

         The sole member of PEIH II is Platinum. Platinum is described more fully below.
      Platinum is the sole member of PEIH II , which holds indirect or direct interests in each of
the CCGI Holding Shareholders , as outlined above.


               The following entity will have a 10% or greater direct interest in PECP:

                      Name:                Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC
                      Address:             360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                           Beverly Hills, California 90210
                      Citizenship:         Delaware
                      Primary Business:    Private equity investments
                      Ownership Interests: Through its interests in PECP, PECP-A, and PECP-
                                           PF (as sole general partner of those entities), PEP
                                           will indirectly ultimately control 53.3% of the vot-
                                           ing interests of CCGI.

               The following entity will have a 10% or greater direct interest in PEP and PBP:

                      Name:                 Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC
                      Address:              360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                            Beverly Hills, California 90210
                       Citizenship:         Delaware
                       Primary Business:    Private equity investments
                       Ownership Interests: Through its interests in PBP and PEP (as senior
                                            managing member and controlling entity), PEIH
                                            will indirectly ultimately control 66.6% of the vot-
                                            ing interests of CCGI.

               The following entity currently has a 10% or greater direct interest in PEIH:

                       Name:                Platinum Equity, LLC
                       Address:             360 North Crescent Drive , South Building
                                            Beverly Hills, California 90210
                       Citizenship :        Delaware
                       Primary Business :   Mergers & Acquisitions
                       Ownership Interests: Through its interests in PEIH (as sole member),
                                            Platinum will indirectly ultimately control 66.6% of
                                            the voting interests of CCGI.

         Pre- and Post-Transaction Ownership of Platinum

                The following individual ultimately currently owns or controls and, upon comple-
                tion of the transaction, will continue to own or control 100 percent of the mem-
                bership units (equity and voting interest ) in Platinum Equity, LLC:

                       Name:                  Tom T. Gores.
                       Address:               360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                              Beverly Hills, CA 90210
                       Citizenship:           U.S.
                       Principal Business:    Individual


         To the best of Applicants' knowledge, no other person or entity currently holds or, upon
         completion of the transaction, will hold a ten percent (10%) or greater interest in Appli-

         DSLnet and DSLnet-VA do not currently have any interlocking directorates with any for-
         eign-carrier affiliates . Upon completion of the transaction , DSLnet-Licensees may have
         interlocking directorates with their foreign carrier affiliates described below for CCC and

         CCC and DIECA do not have any interlocking directorates except with their foreign-
         carrier affiliates described below . The interlocking officers and directors are:

                        Eva M . Kalawski (Director, Vice President and Secretary)
                        Robert J . Joubran (Vice President and Treasurer)
                        Mary Ann Sigler (Vice President)
                        Stephen T . Zollo (Vice President)
                        Sally A. Ward (Assistant Secretary)
                        Dawn Walloch (Assistant Treasurer)

         (i)    (Answer to Question 14) Applicants are not foreign carriers. Through Platinum,

Applicants are or, upon completion of the transaction, will be affiliated with the following

foreign carriers:

         Americatel Corporation ("Americatel") is an American company that holds a Class B Li-

cense in Canada. Vancouver Telephone Company Limited ("Vancouver") is a subsidiary of

Americatel Corporation, and holds a Class A License in Canada.

         0)      (Answer to Question 15) Applicants certify that, through the transaction, Appli-

cants do not seek to provide international telecommunications services to any destination country


                        Applicants are a foreign carrier in that country; or

                        Two or more foreign carriers (or parties that control foreign carriers) own,
                        in the aggregate more than 25 percent of Applicants and are parties to, or
                        the beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or mar-
                        keting or international basic telecommunications services in the United


However, Applicants certify that they are, or in the case of MegaPath and DSLnet-Licensees will

become, affiliated with two foreign carriers, Americatel and Vancouver. Americatel and Van-

couver provide telecommunications services in Canada.

         (k)    Applicants certify that Canada, the country referenced in paragraph 0) above, is a

Member of the World Trade Organization ("WTO"). Americatel and Vancouver, the foreign

carriers listed in paragraph 0), are not on the Commission's List of Foreign Telecommunications

Carriers that are presumed to Possess Market Power in Foreign Telecommunications Markets,

released on January 26, 2007. In addition, Americatel and Vancouver, the foreign carriers listed

in paragraph 0), offer services in competition with dominant foreign carriers and others.

         (1)    Licensees may resell international switched services of unaffiliated U.S. carriers

in order to provide telecommunications services to countries where they have a foreign carrier

affiliation . As demonstrated above and because Americatel and Vancouver lack 50 percent

market share in the international transport and the local access markets on the foreign end of the

route, Licensees should be presumptively found to be non-dominant pursuant to Section

63.10(a)(3) of the Commission ' s rules, 47 C.F .R. § 63.10(a)(3).

          (m)   Licensees qualify for a presumption of non-dominance under Section 63.10(a)(1)

and (3 ) of the Commission ' s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.10(a)( 1,3), because they are not foreign

carriers and, as demonstrated above in paragraph (k), their affiliation is with non -dominant

foreign carriers in a country that is a Member of the WTO.

          (n)   Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept special concessions directly

or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U .S. international route where the

foreign carrier possesses market power on the foreign end of the route and will not enter into

 such agreements in the future.


        (o)       Applicants certify that they are not subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant to

Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1998. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a; see also 47 C.F.R. §§


        (P)       Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined proc-

essing pursuant to Section 63.12(a)-(b) of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.12(a)-(b).

Applicants are or will be affiliated with foreign carriers that provides telecommunications services

in Canada. Nevertheless, Applicants qualify for streamlined treatment under Section 63.12(c)

because Applicants qualify for a presumption of non-dominance under Section 63.10(a)(1) and (3)

for the reasons detailed in response to paragraphs (k) and (m) above.


        In lieu of an attachment, pursuant to Commission Rule 63.04(b), 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b),

Applicants submit the following information in support of,their request for domestic Section 214

authority in order to address the requirements set forth in Commission Rule 63.04(a)(6)-(12), 47

C.F.R. § 63.04(a)(6)-(12):

         (a)(6) A description of the proposed Transaction is set forth in Section III above.

         (a)(7)    The Applicants and their affiliates offer domestic telecommunications services in

the United States as follows:

         (i)      DSLnet provides domestic telecommunications services in the District of Colum-

bia and all states except Alaska, Mississippi and Virginia. DSLnet-VA provides domestic

telecommunications services in Virginia. Specifically, the DSLnet-Licensees provide highspeed

access to the Internet services.

         (ii)      Together, the Covad-Licensees offer telecommunications service in the following

jurisdictions: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of


Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland,

Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New

Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Okla-

homa, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas,

Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Specifically, the Covad-Licensees

provide integrated voice and data wireline communications services.

        (iii)   As stated above, Platinum controls other entities that provide telecommunications

services: Matrix, Matrix-VA and Americatel. Matrix and Matrix-VA, jointly offer domestic

(local and/or long distance) telecommunications services in all fifty (50) states and the District of

Columbia. Matrix and Matrix-VA are competitive providers of integrated communications

services including local, 1+ long distance and toll-free voice services plus a wide range of data

services, such as dedicated Internet access, frame relay and point-to-point transmission services,

chiefly to enterprise customers.

        In addition, Americatel offers telecommunications service in all fifty (50) states and the

District of Columbia, except Alaska. Americatel provides international and domestic facilities-

based and resold long distance services, including "dial around" casual calling (i.e., 1010XXX)

service and presubscribed 1+ calling services.

         (a)(8) Applicants respectfully submit that this Application is eligible for streamlined proc-

essing pursuant to Sections 63.03 of the Commission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.03. In particular, this

Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2)(i) because,

immediately following the transaction, Applicants (and their Affiliates) will have a market share in

the interstate, interexchange market of less than 10 percent, and the Applicants (and their Affiliates)

will provide competitive telephone exchange services or exchange access services (if at all) exclu-


sively in geographic areas served by a dominant local exchange carrier that is not a party to the

transaction, and none of the Applicants (or their Affiliates) are dominant with respect to any service.

        (a)(9) By this Application, Applicants seek authority with respect to both international

and domestic Section 214 authorizations (this Application is being separately and concurrently

filed with respect to both types of authorities in compliance with Commission Rule 63.04(b), 47

C.F.R. § 63.04(b)). Covad, through its subsidiary NextWeb, Inc., is also filing applications with

the Wireless Bureau in connection with the change in control of CCGI described above.

        (a)(10) Prompt completion of the proposed transaction is critical to ensure that Applicants

can obtain the benefits described in the foregoing application. Accordingly, Applicants respectfully

request that the Commission approve this Application expeditiously in order to allow Applicants to

consummate the proposed transaction as soon as possible. No party, however, is requesting special

consideration because it is facing imminent business failure.

         (a)(11) Not applicable.

         (a)(12) A statement showing how grant of the application will serve the public interest,

convenience and necessity is provided in Section IV above.



        For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest, con-

venience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application. Indeed, failure to grant

it would directly harm the public interest. In light of the particular need to ensure continuity of

service to existing customers, Applicants respectfully request expedited treatment to permit

Applicants to complete the Transactions as soon as possible.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                Ta.&7 asum-
                                                  Jean L. Kiddoo
                                                  Russell M. Blau
                                                  Brett P. Ferenchak
                                                  Jeffrey R. Strenkowski
                                                  Bingham McCutchen LLP
                                                  2020 K Street, NW
                                                  Washington, DC 20006-1806
                                                  202-373-6000 (Tel)
                                                  202-373-6001 (Fax)

                                                  Counsel to Applicants

Dated: June 10, 2010


                                EXHIBIT A

               Illustrative Chart of Transaction and Ownership


                                          Pre-Transaction Ownership of DSLnet

                                              Northern Neck
                                              Investors, LLC

                                             19% as
                                   (General Partners of Investment Funds)

1 None of the funds or their general                                             US Venture Partners
                                        (Multiple Investment Funds)
partners controlled by Northern
Neck hold a 10% or greater interest
in MegaPath.                                                                                 10.5%

                                                                      MegaPath Inc.                             MegaPath merges
                                                                      ("MegaPath")                              with and into
                                                                                                                MergerCo with
                                                                                                                MegaPath surviving
                                                                                                                the merger

                                               DSLnet                                       DSLnet
                                          Communications, LLC                         Communications VA, Inc.

                                      Pre-Transaction Ownership of CCGI

                                                           ' Platinum
                                                           Equity, LLC

                                   100%                                                              100%
MegaPath merges                                                                     EnergyTRACS Acquisition Corp.
with and into
                  (multiple investment vehicles)
MergerCo with
surviving the                                                                                        100%
merger            CCGI Holding Corporation
                          ("CCGI")                                                            MTAC Holding

                                                                              95%                               100%

                                                                              Americatel                  Matrix
                  TMAC Merger                          Covad                  Corporation             Telecom, Inc.
                    Corporation                    Communications
                   ("MergerCo")                      Group, Inc.                     100%                        100%

                                                    100%                    Startec Global            Matrix Telecom
                                                                           Canadian Holding           of Virginia, Inc.

              Covad Communications                      DIECA                        100%
                    Company                        Communications, Inc.
                                                                          Vancouver Telephone
                                                                            Company Limited

                         Post-Transaction Ownership of DSLnet and CCGI

                                                     ' Platinum
                                                     Equity, LLC

                (multiple investment vehicles)                                    EnergyTRACS Acquisition Corp.

                CCGI Holding Corporation
                        ("CCGI")                                                            MTAC Holding

                                                                                            100%                   95%
               MegaPath Inc.                                  Covad
                                                          Communications              Matrix                Americatel
                         100%                               Group, Inc.           Telecom, Inc.             Corporation

                                                                                            100%                   100%
                                                                                 Matrix Telecom        Startec Global
     DSLnet                   DSLnet
                                                                                 of Virginia, Inc.    Canadian Holding
Communications, LLC        Communications
                              VA, Inc.
                                                    Covad               DIECA                                      100%
                                                 Communications    Communications, Inc.
                                                   Company                                           Vancouver Telephone
                                                                                                       Company Limited




         I, Steven B. Chisholm, state that I am the Senior Vice President, of MegaPath Inc. and

DSLnet Communications, LLC (the "Company"); that I am authorized to make this Verification

on behalf of the Company; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and

supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information,

and belief.

         I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this
      day ofAVK, 2010.

                                               Steven B . Chisholm
                                               Senior Vice President
                                               MegaPath Inc. and DSLnet Communications, LLC



         I, Eva M . Kalawski , being duly sworn, deposes and say that I am Executive Vice President,

Secretary and General Counsel of Platinum Equity, LLC, and Vice President and Secretary of CCGI

Holding Corporation, DIECA Communications , Inc., and Covad Communications Company (the

"Companies"); that I am authorized to make this Verification on behalf of the Companies ; that the

foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and supervision ; and that the contents are true and

correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

                                                       Eva M. Kawski
                                                       Platinum quity, LLC
                                                       CCGI Holding Corporation
                                                       DIECA Communications, Inc.
                                                       Covad Communications Company

State of California
County of Los Angeles

On fU m e j, 90 /0, before me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Eva M. Kalawski,
personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ) to be the person whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her
authorized capacity , and that by her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of
which the person acted, executed the instrument.

I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing
paragraph is true and correct.

WITNESS my hand and official seal.
                                               _                 DORIE ^-, KE«  y
                                                   s         Commission # 1822428       C
                                              z             Nota
                                              Z               Los An be1o • California
                                                                     0 as County        i
                                                         ^Y Comm .
(Signature of Nota, j Officer                                      Expires Nov 11, 2012 r

Notary for the State of California

My commission expires: NayEM Yr 11, ZD (2


Document Created: 2010-06-10 18:08:40
Document Modified: 2010-06-10 18:08:40

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