Attachment Notification

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20100311-00106 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Jean L. Kiddoo
Brett P. Ferenchak

March 11, 2010

Via MyIBFS and Courier

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Room TW-A325
Washington, DC 20554
Attn: International Bureau
        Wireline Competition Bureau

Re: Notification Regarding a Pro Forma Change of Direct Control of Lightyear
    Networks Solutions, LLC

Dear Secretary Dortch:

         Lightyear Networks Solutions, LLC (“Lightyear”), Libra Alliance Corp. (“Libra”)
and LY Holdings, LLC (“LYH”) (Lightyear, Libra and LYH collectively, the “Parties”),
through their undersigned counsel, and pursuant to Sections 63.03(d) and 63.24(d) and (f)
of the Commission’s Rules, notify the Commission of a pro forma change of direct control
of Lightyear from LYH to Libra, which was completed on February 12, 2010. The change
of direct control is pro forma in nature because LYH continues to have ultimate indirect
control of Lightyear after change in direct control.

                               Description of the Parties

         Lightyear and LYH are are limited liability companies organized and existing
under the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, with offices located at 1901 Eastpoint
Parkway, Louisville, Kentucky 40223. Prior to the pro forma change of direct control,
Lightyear was a wholly owned direct subsidiary of LYH. Lightyear holds domestic and
international Section 214 authorizations from the FCC and is authorized to provide local
exchange telecommunications services in 44 states and long distance telecommunications
services in 49 states.

        Libra is a publicly held (OTCBB: LBAL) Nevada corporation that has had no
operations since 1998. Libra is the new direct 100% owner of Lightyear, while LYH
owns approximately 69% of Libra. Libra’s pre-transaction public shareholders
maintained minority interests in Libra, but no person or entity other than LYH has a 10%
or greater direct ownership interest in Libra.


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
March 11, 2010
Page 2

                 Description of the Pro Forma Change of Direct Control

        Through various agreements, LYH exchanged 100% of its membership interest
in Lightyear for shares in Libra representing an approximately 69% ownership interest.
As a result, Libra became the sole direct owner of Lightyear and LYH became the only
direct owner of more than 10% of Libra. The end result of the exchange was insertion of
Libra in Lightyear’s corporate ownership in between Lightyear and LYH. Since LYH
continues to control Lightyear through Libra, the transfer of direct control of Lightyear
from LYH to Libra was pro forma in nature. For the Commission’s convenience, pre-
and post-transaction corporate organizational structure charts are provided as Exhibit A.

         Following the pro forma internal merger, Lightyear’s customers continue to receive
service under the same rates, terms and conditions of service as before. The transaction did
not involve a change in Lightyear’s operating authority and Lightyear’s rates remain in
effect. Thus, the transaction was seamless and transparent to consumers. Further, there was
no change in Lightyear’s management as a result of this change of control.

       The Parties certify that the transaction was pro forma and that it did not result in
a change in Lightyear’s ultimate ownership or control.

                             Public Interest Considerations

         The Parties respectfully submit that the proposed transaction serves the public
interest. In particular, the Parties submit that the transaction was transparent to
consumers. Following the pro forma change of control, Lightyear continues to offer
service with no change in the rates or terms and conditions of service. Further, Lightyear
continues to provide service to its customers under the same names, and continues to be
led by an experienced management team. Therefore, the transfer of control of Lightyear
was seamless and transparent to consumers. Further, the transaction provides Lightyear
access to the expanded capital markets available to a publicly traded entity.

               Information Required by Sections 63.03(d)(2) and 63.24(f)(2)

        As required by Sections 63.03(d)(2) and 63.24(f)(2), the Parties provides the
following information required by 63.04(a)(1) through (a)(4) with respect to the Parties:

Name and address of each Party (Sections 63.04(a)(1) & 63.18(a)):

         Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC                  FRN: 0010045128
         LY Holdings, LLC                                  FRN: 0018126557
         Libra Alliance Corp.                              FRN: 0019610898
         1901 Eastpoint Parkway
         Louisville, Kentucky 40223
         (502) 253-1508 (Tel)


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
March 11, 2010
Page 3

State of organization (Sections 63.04(a)(2) & 63.18(b)):

         Lightyear and LYH are Kentucky limited liability companies.

         Libra is a Nevada corporation.

Contact Person(s) (Section 63.04(a)(3) & 63.18(c)):

    Jean L. Kiddoo
    Brett P. Ferenchak
    Bingham McCutchen LLP
    2020 K Street, N.W.
    Washington, DC 20006-1806
    202-373-6000 (Tel)
    202-373-6001 (Fax)

with copies to:

    John J. Greive
    General Counsel
    Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC
    1901 Eastpoint Parkway
    Louisville, KY 40223
    502-244-6666 Ext. 1248 (Tel)
    502-515-4138 (Fax)

Section 214 Authorizations Held (Section 63.18(d)):

        Lightyear holds international Section 214 authority granted in ITC-214-
        19930903-00004 (Old file No. ITC-93-317) and ITC-214-19980506-00299 (Old
        File No. ITC-98-345).1 Lightyear also holds blanket domestic Section 214
        authority to provide interstate telecommunications services.

        Neither LYH nor Libra hold Section 214 authorization.

       These authorizations were assigned to Lightyear from Lightyear
Telecommunications, LLC, Debtor-in-Possession in IB File Nos. ITC-ASG-20031224-
00562 and ITC-ASG-20031222-00561, respectively.


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
March 11, 2010
Page 4

Ownership Information (Sections 63.04(a)(4) & 63.18(h)):

As a result of the pro forma change in direct control, the following entities hold, directly
or indirectly a 10% or greater interest2 in Lightyear as calculated pursuant to the
Commission ownership attribution rules for international telecommunications carriers:

    (1) The following entity has a 10% or greater direct interest in Lightyear Network
        Solutions, LLC:

         Name:                    Libra Alliance Corp.
         Address:                 1901 Eastpoint Parkway
                                  Louisville, KY 40223
         Ownership Interest:      100% (directly in Lightyear)
         Citizenship:             U.S
         Principal Business:      Holding Company

    (2) The following entity has a 10% or greater direct interest in Libra Alliance

         Name:                    LY Holdings, LLC
         Address:                 1901 Eastpoint Parkway
                                  Louisville, KY 40223
         Ownership Interest:      Approx. 69% (directly in Libra and indirectly in
         Citizenship:             U.S
         Principal Business:      Holding Company

    (3) The following entities has a 10% or greater direct or indirect interest in LY
        Holdings, LLC:

         Name:                    LANJK, LLC
         Address:                 1901 Eastpoint Parkway
                                  Louisville, KY 40223
         Ownership Interest:      50% (directly in LYH and 34.5% indirectly in Lightyear
                                  through Libra and LYH)
         Citizenship:             U.S
         Principal Business:      Telecommunications

       Unless otherwise indicated, the ownership interests provided herein
represent both equity and voting interests.


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
March 11, 2010
Page 5

                LANJK, LLC’s is wholly owned by Judith Henderson and managed by J.
                Sherman Henderson, III, both U.S. citizens who can be contacted at the
                same address.

         Name:                   SullivanLY, LLC
         Address:                3717 W. North “B” Street
                                 Tampa, FL 33609
         Ownership Interest:     30% (directly in LYH and 20.7% indirectly in Lightyear
                                 through Libra and LYH)
         Citizenship:            U.S
         Principal Business:     Investment

                SullivanLY, LLC is wholly owned and managed by Chris Sullivan, a
                U.S. citizen who can be contacted at the same address.

    No other entity holds a 10% or greater direct or indirect interest in Lightyear. The
    Parties do not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

No other person or entity, directly or indirectly, owns or controls ten percent (10%) or
more of the Parties. The Parties do not have any interlocking directorates with a foreign

                                 *       *        *       *

An original and five (5) copies of this letter are enclosed for filing. Please date-stamp the
extra copy and return it in the envelope provided. In addition, this notification letter is
being filed electronically via MyIBFS. Please direct any questions to the undersigned.

Respectfully submitted,

Jean L. Kiddoo
Brett P. Ferenchak

Counsel for Parties


                                          EXHIBIT A

               Pre- and Post-Pro Forma Transaction Corporate Organizational Charts


Pre-Transaction Illustrative Organization Chart

   LANJK, LLC                   SullivanLY, LLC
   50%                                   30%

           LY Holdings, LLC

            Lightyear Network
              Solutions, LLC

Post-Transaction Illustrative Organization Chart

     LANJK, LLC           SullivanLY, LLC
      50%                          30%

             LY Holdings, LLC

            Libra Alliance Corp.


              Lightyear Network
                Solutions, LLC


          I, John J. Greive, state that I am the General Counsel of Lightyear Networks Solutions,

LLC, Libra Alliance Corp. and LY Holdings, LLC (the "Companies"); that I am authorized to

make this Verification on behalf of the Companies; that the foregoing filing was prepared under

my direction and supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the best of my

knowledge, information, and belief.

          I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this

// day of March, 2010

                                                 ightyear Networks Solutions, LLC
                                                Libra Alliance Corp.
                                                LY Holdings, LLC


Document Created: 2010-03-11 14:21:57
Document Modified: 2010-03-11 14:21:57

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