Attachment 20170718134503-900.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20081215-00534 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.



                                   ITC—STA—20081224—00546                                                                                 5O
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         Re. Ite— Y —z2w4 121553if—                                           ‘                                 Folicy Division
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                                         KELLEY DRYE & WARREN icr
                                                A LIMITED LIASILITY PARTNERSHIP

                                         WASHINGTON HARBOUR, SUITE 400
  NEW   YORK,   NY                                                                                                  FACSIMILE

   cHICAGO, IL                       .         3050 K STREET, NW                                               (202) 342—8 451
  STAMFORD,     CT                        'WASHINGTQN, Dp.C.            20007—5108                   .


BRUSSELS, BELGIUM                                   fe02) sag.6300

                                                                                                         DIRECT LINE: (202) 342—8573
   MUMBAI,   INDIA                                                                                       EMAIL:

                                               December 24, 2008


  Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
  Office of the Secretary
  Federal Communications Commission
  445—12th Street SW
  Washington, D.C. 20554

                        Re:    REACH Ltd
                               Application for Section 214 Authority For the Transfer of Control of
                               File No. ITC—T/C—20081215—00534

                               Reach Global Networks Ltd.
                               Application for Authority to Transfer Control of RGNL as the Holder of a
                               Cable Landing Licensee
                               File No. SCL—T/C—20081215—00023

  Dear Ms. Dortch:

                 REACH Ltd ("REACH") and Reach Global Networks Ltd ("RGNL"), by their
  attorney and pursuant to Section 63.25¢ of the Commission‘s Rules and such other legal
  authority as the Commission deems applicable, herebyrequest special temporary authority
  ("STA") to transfer control of REACH and RGNL as described in the above—captioned
  applications at their own risk and prior to receipt of Commission approval. REACH and RGNL
  request that this STA be granted as soon as possible, and no later than December 30, 2008, for a
  period of sixty (60) days. In support of this reauest. REACH and RGNL state as follows.

»oleteletototoletetetatatotek —COMM. JOURNAL— soleteiefeletataletefefetetetefolotok DATE DEC—30—2008 stetetelok TIME 16103 selelotefofolok

          MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                         START=DEC—30 16:02                          END=DEC—30 16:0@3

             FILE NO.=911

   STN         COMM.            ONE—TOUCH/               STATION NAME/TEL No.                                                                PAGES                   DURATION
   No.                            ABBR NQ.

   o1              OK           &                        93428451                                                                            023003                  02:09:40

                                                                                                            —INTERNAT IONAL               BUREAU                 —

Holololetololalelefofotolelelololotelalelelek: elalotatefetetatototetok —INTL. BUREAU                 — soloiclok —                    202 418 2824— solstslolofefotork

                                                                                                                              & p
                                    INTERNATIONAL BRUREAU
                                                           Policy Division

                                                            FAX SHEET
                                                     Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
   Thisfocsimile ransmistion is inteiided ¢ 1yfor the addressee shown below. }t may eontain information thatis privilegad, confidential or otherwise protected
   Jrom disclosure, Any review, dise minot on or use ofthis transmission or Its edntenis bypersons other than the addrecesis strictlyprohibited, Ifyou have
   received this transmission in erre>; plea. c notify us immediately by telephorte end mail the original 19 us at the Federal Communications Commission,
   International Bureau. 445 12 Striet S._¥., Room 7—4625, Washington, DC 20554

                                       DATE:                  ""! %0/0'2/
       2           rrom: Zesrse _/,i.&j-
       TELEPHONE NUMBER: 209 418— itbz.
                                              1T0: Robert éwvflu                                             / BAgam 6i‘

           FAX NUMBER: zern.3¢4ri.R4¢l1 _
     TELEPHONE NUMBER: _z+1 —*tr ®hro                                                                                    ~—S¥42. $5743
         RehtH, |tfe. $TA ># jz 2 +-»é-¥é!,/|-r<,- Tf . 2aFP 12 10e $34h
          RE&AL _, tol S1k—2—{§ts zap — ass 2y /5¢L— '%.,-;.._9 131 8e . resw2&


                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                           Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau
                                                                           E—mail:   James.Ball@fec.goy
                                                                                     (202) 418—1462
                                                                                     (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                     April 30, 2009
                                                                                     Ref: EB 2009—13

Hillary Morgan            (703) 607—6092              Steven W. Lett                 (202) 647—5835
Stephen Heifetz           (202) 282—8973              Alex Daman                     (202) 282—9940
Josephine Arnold          (202) 482—5461              Edward T. Hand                 (202) 514—2464
Jonathan McHale           (202) 395—5656              Sally S. Wentworth             (202) 456—6085
Richard Sofield           (202) 514—0945              Douglas A. Klein               (202) 324—0853

Re:        Section 214 applications and ASG of Earth Stations

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any national security,
law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by Noon May 20, 2009, because we are
prepared to take action on these applications. Electronic filed (e—file) applications are able to
be viewed by accessing and searchingby the file number.

ITC—214—20090421—001"70 (e—file)
Dasaro USA, LLC‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based andresale
services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is
100% owned by a citizen of Argentina.

ITC—214—20090429—00183 (e—file)
Newcom, Inc.‘s application for authority to provide facilities—based and resale services
between the United States and permissible international points. T‘wo citizens of
Colombia, each of whom owns 70% and 30% of the applicant, respectively.

SES—ASG—20090403—00406 (e—file) (Five PDF‘s attached)
SkyWave Mobile Communications, Corp. ("SkyWave"), a Delaware corporation, seeks
approval for the assignment of blanket earth station call signs E030120 and E990316
from licensee Amtech Systems LLC ("Amtech") to SkyWave. SkyWave is currently
ultimately controlled by SkyWave Mobile Communications, Inc. (SMCI), a company
formed under the laws of Canada. Three Canadian companies and a Luxembourg
company, each of whom owns greater than 10% of SMCI. For further information please
contact Karl Kensinger at 418—0773, or Jeanette Spriggs at 418—0727.

If we do not hear from you by Noon May 20, 2009, we will assume that you do not have
any concerns with these applications.

On April 23, 2009, the applicants withdrew the following six applications because the
proposal to privatize PCCW has lapsed.

        ITC—STA—20090420—00168   PCCW Ltd.
        ITC—STA—20090421—00171 Reach Ltd.
        ITC—STA—20090421—00172 Reach Global Networks Ltd. (RGNL)
        ITC—T/C—20081124—00512 PCCW Ltd.
       \E;         81215—00534_ Reach Ltd.
        SCL—T/C—20081215—00023 Reach Global Networks Ltd. (RGNL)


                                                        Gewnme/ pez
                                                        George L1, Deputy Chief, Policy Division

                                                                                                      Page 1 of 1

 George Li

 From:           Janeese Parker
 Sent:           Thursday, April 30, 2009 11:24 AM
 To:             ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 'margaret,Dgggeggdhs.?ov'; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘",    "‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘Jennifer.‘;
                 ‘‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘richard.gault@ic.fbi.goyv‘; ‘Katrina.Carlile@hq.dhs.goy‘;
                 ‘‘; ‘‘
 Co:             George Li; David Krech; JoAnn Sutton; Susan OConnell; Howard Griboff; Karl Kensinger;
                 Jeanette Spriggs; James Ball
 Subject:        Cover Letter Reference EB 2009—13 (Comments due: Noon May 20, 2009).
 Attachments: Executive Branch 2009—13.doc; Exhibit 3.pdf; ATT 1.pdf; Exhibit 1.pdf; Exhibit 2.pdf;
                 200904301 11642.pdf

Cover Letter Reference EB 2009—13 (Comments due: Noon May 20, 2009).

Janeese Parker
FederalCommunications Commission
InternationalBureau/Policy Division
Phone: (202) 418—0707

                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                            Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau
                                                                           E—mail:   James.Ball@fee.goy
                                                                                     (202) 418—1462
                                                                                     (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                     December 19, 2008
                                                                                     Ref: 2008—55

Hillary Morgan            (703) 607—6092              Steven W. Lett                 (202) 647—5835
Stephen Heifetz           (202) 282—8973              Alex Darmnan                   (202) 282—9940
Josephine Arnold          (202) 482—5461              Edward T. Hand                 (202) 514—2464
Kenneth Schagrin          (202) 395—5663              Sally S. Wentworth             (202) 456—6085
John Connors              (202) 305—4218              Douglas A. Klein               (202) 324—0853

Re:        Section 214 and Transfer of Control of Sub—Cable applications

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any nationalsecurity,
law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns by Noon January 7, 2009, because we are
prepared to take action on these applications. KElectronic filed (e—file) applications are able to
be viewed by accessing and searching by the file number.

ACT Telecommunications, Inc.‘s (ACT—US) application for authority to provide facilities—based
and resale services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant
(ACT—US) is locted in St. John‘s, Antigua and Barbuda, and is a wholly owned subsidiary of
ACT Telecommunications Limited (ACT—Antingua), a company organized under the laws of
Antigua and Barbuda.

ITC—T/C—20081212—00531 (e—file)
Application for authority to transfer control of the international global resale section 214
authorization, ITC—214—19961125—00600 (ITC—96—657), held by VIP Communications Inc. from
Pan American Telecommunications Trust to VIP (Holding), Inc., a Virginia corporation 100%
owned by a citizen of the United Kingdom. This transaction has already occurred on September
26, 2008 without prior Commission authorization.

ITC—STA—20081212—00532 (e—file)
VIP Communications, Inc. seeks Special Temporary Authority (STA) to continue operations as
an international global resale carrier following a transfer of control which took place on
September 26, 2008 without necessary FCC consent. VIP acknowledges that the grant of this
STA will not prejudice any action the Commission may take on the underlying
application, ITC—T/C—20081212—00531. VIP further acknowledges that this STA can be
revoked by the Commission upon its own motion without a hearing, and that grant of an
STA and the underlying application will not preclude enforcement action.

Application for consent to transfer control of REACH Ltd ("REACH"), a Bermuda
company and the holder of international Section 214 authorizations. This transfer will
occur as a result of the proposed privatization of PCCW Limited ("PCCW"), the

transferor ~~7   ~n entity with 50 percent negative ownership control of REACH. Upon
consumm:          f the proposed privatization, the transferee Pacific Century Regional
Developm          Aimited ("PCRD"), an existing shareholder of PCCW, would acquire
control of        N.

PCRD, a &       pore cor};)oration, will hold directly approximately 22.68% andindirectly
approximg       +8.83% (via Starvest Ltd) of the ownership interests of PCCW Limited.
Pacific Ce       Group (Cayman Islands) Limited will hold directly approximately 37.50
percent an      rectly approximately 37.76 percent (via Anglang Investments Limited) of
the owner:      aiterests of Pacific Century Regional Developments Limited. Pacific
Century G       (CaymanIslands) Limtedis 100%indirectly owned by OS Holdings
Limited, a Bermuda corporation. China Netcom Corporation (BV1T) Limited will hold
directly 33.29 percent of the ownership interests of PCCW Limited. The people‘s
Republic of China indirectly owns 100% of China Netcom Corporation (BV1) Limited.

Pursuant to Section 7.2 of the Agreement by and between REACH, Telstra Corporation
Limited (ABN 33 051 775 556) ("Telstra"), and PCCW Limited ("PCCW"), on the one
hand, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Bureau of
investigation and the U.S. Department ofJustice, on the other, effective November 29,
2001 and amended January 8, 2007 ("Agreement"), REACH requests that the
Commission condition the grant of this Application on compliance with the terms of the

SCL—T/C—20081215—00023 (e—file)
Reach Global Networks Ltd. ("RGNL") requests authority to transfer control of RGNL, a
Bermuda company and the holder of a cable landing license for the Japan—U.S. Cable
Network (JUSCN). This transfer will occur as a result of the proposed privatization of
PCCW Limited ("PCCW"); the transferor and an entity with 50 percent negative
ownership control of REACH Ltd ("REACH"), the parent company of RGNL. Upon
consummation of the proposed privatization, the transferee Pacific Century Regional
Developments Limited ("PCRD"), an existing shareholder of PCCW, would acquire
control of PCCW. RGNL holds an 11.57324 voting interest and a 9.17313% equity interest in

Pursuant to Section 7.2 of the Agreement by and between REACH Ltd ("REACH"),
Telstra Corporation Limited (ABN 33 051 775 556) ("Telstra"), and PCCW Limited
("PCCW"), on the one hand, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Federal
Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice, on the other, effective
November 29, 2001 and amended January 8, 2007 ("Agreement"), RGNL
requests that the Commuission condition the grant of this Application on compliance with
the terms of the Agreement.

If we do not hear from you by Noon January 7, 2009, we will assume that you do not have any
concerns with the above listed applications.

For Information (Supplement)

On December 17, 2008 PCCW Limited (PCCW) filed a second supplement to
Application to Transfer Control of BtN Access Limited and its Wholly—Owned
Subsidiaries PCCW Global, Inc. and PCCW Global Limited to Pacific
Century Regional Developments Limited.

PCCW requests that the Commission condition the grant of the Application on
compliance with the terms of the Agreement dated as of November 29, 2001, by and
between PCCW, Reach Ltd. and Telstra Corporation Limited, on the one hand, and the
Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Justice, on the other.

The supplement is attached in PDF. The underlying application was sent for your review
on November 26, 2008 under Ref. 2008—50.


                                        %9« AF"—’“
                                           George Li, Deputy Chief, Policy Division

                                                                                                      Page 1 of1

 Janeese Parker

 From:            Janeese Parker
 Sent:            Friday, December 19, 2008 3:02 PM
 To:              ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘Jennifer.‘;
                  ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
 Co:              George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; JoAnn Sutton; James Ball; Cathy Hsu; Imani Ellis;
                  Kathleen Collins; Francis Gutierrez; Howard Griboff; Kathleen Collins; Imani Ellis; Cathy Hsu
 Subject:         Attached is Cover Letter Reference 2008—55 (Comments due: January 7, 2009).
 Attachments: PCCW 2ND 214 SUPPLEM.pdf; Executive Branch 2008—55.doc

Good Afternoon,

Attached is Cover Letter Reference 2008—55 (Comments due: January 7, 2009).

Janeese Parker
FederalCommunications Commission
InternationalBureau/Policy Division
Phone: (202)418—0707


Document Created: 2019-05-24 05:01:02
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 05:01:02

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