Attachment 20170718102611-457.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20081114-00501 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                             Capital Growth Acquisition, Inc.

                                                              Re go % *2Z oogliw
                                                                          mommmnnnonl   CODSCNSHDINN         :
November 14, 2008                                                                   t   'antedV 1g 2008

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                                                                  Policy Division
Secre*fv                                                                                           International Bureau
Federal   Communications Commission                                       e    st       y rgmormmmnmennismmmmmntints
445 12thStreet, SW                                                                       +
                                                                          lfo ‘% _j!Z“_A{z_erg
Washington, DC 20554                                                      Ne     f };   [?C‘y p iv. B

          Re:          Vanco Direct USA, LLC, Licensee                              j   _L         «!E     @D            -
                       Vanco pic (in administration), Transfer:           enKA               ie            eSnncpmmiaings
                      Capital Growth Acquisition, Inc., Trans             vre
                      Requestfor Special Temporary Authorii               camg e        AoBledge thie ud )i
Dear Ms. Dortch:                                                          TA aas        BA & F2 °C af:(hcah'w

     Vanco ple (in administration) ("Vanco plc"), Vanco .                 i, LLC (_     ‘anco
USA" or "Licensee" and, together with Vanco plc, "Transfe                  Capital      owth
Acquisition, Inc. ("Capital Growth" or "Transferee" and tog               Transfet      3s, the
"Applicants"), throughtheir respective undersigned counsel :              t to Sect     1214
of the Communications Act, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, ar                63.04 ar      53.24
of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 63.04, 63.24, res                 :quest es      «dited
Special Temporary Authority ("STA") for the transfer of cor               ico USA         non—
dominant carrier holding authority from the Commission to ;               commun        itions
services, to Capital Growth, a U.S. company that is not a fore            or affilia    . with
a foreign carrier and does not have any direct or indirect                ners hol      ig an
ownership interest of more than 10 percent. Applicants re                 request       it the
Commission grant this STA request as soon as possible, and 1              n Nover         sr 19,
2008, so that Vanco USA can assure that telecommunicatio1                 to its ct      »mers
will continue uninterrupted.

       As detailed in the underlying application filed concur           rith and   ached
hereto (the "Application"), Vanco USA holds internationa                214 auth ity to
provide both facilities—based and resale international communications services (ITC—214—
20050331—00136 and ITC—214—19990811—00546) and provides domestic interexchange
services pursuant to blanket domestic Section 214 authority under Section 63.01(a) of the
Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.01(a).

        Vanco USA is a leading U.S.—based virtual network operator that offers carrier—
and technology—neutral telecommunications services through strategic relationships with
hundreds of carriers and proprietary information resources. Vanco plc, the direct parent
of Vanco USA, is now the subject of administration proceedings in the United Kingdom
in which an administrator has been appointed to manage the company‘s affairs, business,
and property for the benefit of its creditors (similar to a bankruptcy trustee in the United
States). Vanco plc is in default of its credit arrangements and cannot draw any, further on
its bank credit facility. The administrator of Vanco ple has approved Capital Growth‘s
acquisition of Vanco USA, and in light of the distressed state of the company, the parties

seletololotelololoteletatotok —COMM. JOURNAL— sototeletetelotolotateleloletatalelok: DATE NOVU—19—2008. stelcicick TIME 151 25. stolcticiototalok

                                                                                            START=NQU—19 15124                          END=NQU—19 15: 25

              FILE NO. =858

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                                       INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                               Policy Division

                                                               FAX SHEET
                                                        Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
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                                           DATE:                 __\ I t"l! Li
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             TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418— _\ b?—"
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     SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: l{e.,m-A y# LiLLL:— m¢v3 VaAnes /CeghQ Greuth
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Document Created: 2019-05-22 16:24:42
Document Modified: 2019-05-22 16:24:42

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