Attachment 20170713102145-540.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20080828-00410 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


ITC—T/C—20080828—00410                      Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC

Transfer of Control

Current Licensee:                           Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC

From:                                   ~——LightyearNetworl—Sotutrens;—EEC »<:_g“j§

To:                                         Wherify Wireless, Inc.

Application for consent to the transfer of control of international section 214
authorization, ITC—214—19930903—00004, held by Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC
(Lightyear), from the current shareholders of its 100% direct parent, LY Holdings,LLC,
(Holdings) to\Wfierify Wireless, Inc. (Wherify). Pursuant to the termsofanAugust12,
2008 Agreement and Plan of Merger, Wherify Acquisition Inc. (Merger Sub), a wholly—
owned subsidiary of Wherify created to accomplish this transaction, will merge with and
into Holdings, with Holdings emerging as the surviving entity from the transaction. After
closing, Holdings will be a direct, wholly—ownedsubsidiary of Wherify, and Lightyear
will be an indirect, wholly—owned subsidiary of Wherify.        §
                                                            we   6
GPS Associates, LLC currently has a 43% ownership interest in Wherify, and Timothy
Neher has a 10.5% ownership interest. LANJK, LLC, wholly—owned by J. Sherman
Henderson III, currently has a 50% ownership interest in Holdings; SullivanLY, LLC,
wholly—owned by Chris Sullivan, has a 29.87"bwnership interest; and Rice—LY Ventures,
LLC, wholly—owned by W. Brent Rice, has a 10% ownership interest. Post—transaction,
the current owners of Holdings will hold on a fully diluted basis approximately 51
percent combined interest in Wherify, and the authority to appointfive (5) of the seven
(7) members of Wherify‘s Board of Directors. No other individual or entity is expected
to hold a 10 percent or greater direct or indirect equity or voting ownership interest in
Wherify after the transaction.

                              Jean L. Kiddoo
                              Danielle Burt
                              Phone:        202.373.6000
                              Fax:          202.373.6001

                              December 9, 2008

                              Via Electronic Filing

                              Marlene Dortch, Secretary
                              Federal Communications Commission
                              445 Twelfth Street, SW
                              Washington, DC 20554

                              Re:     NOTICE OF NON—CONSUMMATION
                                      WC Docket No. 08—186; File NumbersITC             20080828—00410and ITC—T/C—
                                      20080926—00437 — Application for the Tran      ‘r of Control of Lightyear
                                      Network Solutions, LLC and Wherify Wir         ‘ss, Inc.

                              Dear Secretary Dortch:

                              Lightyear Network Solutions, LLC and Wherify W         less, Inc. ("Wherify") (together,
                              "Applicants") filed an Application in the above—ref    nced proceedings requesting
                              approval for a transfer of control. The Commissiot     sued approval on October 3,
                              October 12, and October 24, 2008. On behalf of th      ipplicants, we hereby notify the
                              Commission that the Applicants have reevaluated t      r business plans in light of current
                              economic conditions and determined not to proceed      ‘ith the proposed transaction at this
                              time. To the extent that Applicants mayin the futu     determine to undertake a
                              transaction together, they will seek any necessary a   roval from the Commission at that

                              This letter is being filed in the Commission‘s Electronic Comment Filing System
                              ("ECFS") and International Bureau Filing System ("IBFS"). Please direct any questions
             Hartford |
                              to Danielle Burt at (202) 373—6039.
           Hong Kong |
               London _       Respectfully submitted,
          Los Angeles    ?
             New York
       Orange County
                              Is/ electronically signed
        San franciste _
        Santa Monica _
        Silfcon Yaltey
         Walnut Creek         Jean L. Kiddoo
                              Danielle Burt

Bingham McCuichen LLP
      2020 K Street NW   =|
       Washington, DC
       ( rbrgy3.6000
       ® ror gy3.6001    i

Document Created: 2019-05-28 17:29:26
Document Modified: 2019-05-28 17:29:26

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