Attachment 20170629165422-647.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20080527-00239 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                             Washington, D.C. 20554
International Bureau
                                                                           E-mail: James. Ba]
                                                                           (202) 418-1462
                                                                           (202) 418-2824 (fax)
                                                                           June 27, 2008
                                                                           Ref: 2008-29
Hillaty Morgan            (703) 607-6092               Steven W. Left               (202) 647-5835
Stephen Heifetz           (202) 282-8973               Alex Daman                   (202) 282-9940
Josephine Arnold          (202) 482-5461               Edward T. Hand               (202) 514-2464
Kenneth Schagrin          (202) 395-5663               Sally Shipman                (202) 456-6085
John Connors              (202) 305-4218               Jon D. Pifer                 (202) 324-8124
Re:         VancoIFLAG
            WC Docket No. 08-79
             Comments Due: July 11, 2008
             Reply Comments Due: July 18, 2008
Dear Sir or Madam:
         On Mai 28, 2008, Vanco Solutions, Inc. (Vanco Solutions), Vanco US LLC (Vanco US,
and together with Vanco Solutions, Vanco), Vanco plc (Vanco plc), and FLAG Telecom Group
Services Limited (FLAG and, together with Vanco and Vanco plc, the Applicants) filed
applications to transfer control of Vanco from Vanco plc to FLAG. Vanco holds domestic and
international section 214 authorizations. Pursuant to the terms of the proposed transaction, Vanco
will be 100% owned by FLAG, which will be 100% owned by Reliance entities. Two citizens of
India own majority of Reliance entities.
         Please not that on May 27, 2008, we granted the request for Special Temporary Authority
to transfer the control of Vanco from Vanco plc to FLAG per Joanne Ongman' s e-mail of May
27, 2008 2:42p.m.
         A copy of Public Notice DA 08-1524 (rel. June 27, 2008) is attached. Should you have
any national security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns with this proposed
transaction, please file your comments by July 11, 2008. Please see the General Information
section of the Public Notice for WC Docket No. 08-79, DA 08-1524 (rel. June 27, 2008).
        For further information, please contact Tracey Wilson-Parker, at (202) 418-1394, or
Dennis Johnson at (202) 418-0809, or David Krech at (202) 418-7443.
                                                                                         ,            -
                                                                  George Li, Deputy Chief
                                                                  Policy Division

                                                                                                      rage i ot I
 George Li
  From:           Veronica Garcia-Ulloa
  Sent:           Friday, June 27, 2008 3:09 PM
  To:             'dkleinl©'; ''; '';
                  'jarnold©'; ''; ' '; '';
                  ' '; 'alane. kochemsassociates. HQ. DHS. GOV'; 'Stephen. ';
                  ' '; ''; '';
                  ' '; '';
                  ' '; ' '; 'Williams, Brian <CTR>'; 'Pifer, Jon (LEO)';
                  'Pinto, Greg (DHS)'; 'Daman, Alex'; 'Daniels, Douglas'; 'Connors, John'; 'Tlelecom'; 'Thomas
                  Doyle'; 'Ongman, Joanne'; 'Rockoff, Jennifer'; 'Siobhan. Du'
  Cc:             James Ball; Francis Gutierrez; Howard Griboff; George Li; Susan OConnell; David Krech;
                  Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Mona; Veronica Garcia-Ulloa; Janeese Parker; Jodie May; Tracey
                  Wilson-Parker; Dennis Johnson
  Subject:        Cover Letter Reference 2008-29 (Comments due July Il, 2008) and PN DA 08-1524 in a
                  Word document.
  Attachments: Executive Branch 2008-29.doc; PN DA 08-1524.doc
Good Afternoon,
Attached is Cover Letter Reference 2008-29 (Comments due July 11, 2008) and PN DA 08-1524 in a Word
Thank you,
Veronica Garcia-U lloa©
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/Policy Division
(202) 418-0481

                                      ATTACHMENT 1
                 Request for Further Extension of Special Temporary Authority
        On May 27, 2008, FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited ("FLAG"), Vanco Solutions,
Inc. and Vanco US, LLC (together, "Vanco," and collectively with FLAG, the "Applicants")
filed applications (the "Applications") seeking the Commission's consent to transfer control to
FLAG of Vanco, which holds international Section 214 authorizations from the Commission
(File Nos. ITC-214-20070703-00260 and ITC-214-20070703-00262, respectively) and blanket
authority to provide domestic interstate services under Section 214 of the Act and Section
63.01(a) of the Commission's rules. Simultaneously with the filing of the Applications, the
Applicants requested special temporary authority ("STA") in WC Docket No. 08-79 and IBFS
File No. ITC-STA-20080527-00240 to transfer control of Vanco to FLAG pending full FCC
review of the Applications for the reasons set forth in the request for such STA. The STA was
granted on May 27, 2008, and was subsequently extended until August 25, 2008 and September
24, 2008 with respect to IBFS File No. ITC-STA-20080527-00240 and WC Docket No. 08-79,
       The Applicants have been informed that the Executive Branch agencies (collectively
referred to as "Team Telecom") that are reviewing the Applications will not complete their
review prior to August 25, 2008. The Applicants therefore respectfully request that the STA in
1BPS File No. ITC-STA-20080527-00240 be made coterminous with the STA in WC Docket
No. 08-79 and extended for a period of 30 days, i.e., until September 24, 2008, so that such
review may be completed. Team Telecom has advised the applicants that they do not object to
an extension of the STA.
                                                   Non-Streamlined ITC-STA-2008081 1-00376
                                                                     1B2008001 942
                                                   FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited
                                                                                -                 2W
                                                                         Grant&         252008
                                                                                    Poilcy Division
                                                                                lnternatjonaj Bureau
                                                                                            2-   P   9
                                                          authorized bv
                                                                   le       )         v, -i:
LEGAL_US_E # 80528853.1 73986.00005

************iI<** -COMM. JOURNAL- *******i1<*********** DATE AUG-25-2008 ***** TIME 10:51 *******1<
        MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                          START=AUG-25 10:50                           END=ALJG-25 10:51
          FILE NO.=744
  STN       COMM.            ONE-TOUCH/                STATION NAME/TEL NO.                                                                 PAGES               DURATION
  NO.                          ABBR NO.
  001           OK                                     95510198                                                                             002/002             00:00:47
                                                                                                           - INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
 ****)K********)I<**********l(**)(**lI<l< -INTL BUREAU                                               -               -                202 418 2824- *********
                                      INTERNA TIONAL B UREA U
                                                              Policy Division
                                                              FAX SHEET
                                                       Fax Number: (202) 418-2824
    Thsfoe,,-ili no Jn,lto(ni, (S rdodo,yjn,, tAn ddint .nfrmvini bodow. ft
                                                                                      rOOyCOtUtOn  ,n,brmoilot, ihot iopthf!ngd,
   from d(sdo.nirn. toy rotiow. dij nniar(cn on          of this 1ran,,nitwin or Lu cwJrnnjs byjwrsons othor (bOO flIt a twine f,do twin! or oihorwLnnpt-orod
    onccried this ,raonnLrslon to twrw pleaSe hOlif) tis IV'IOf&a!OIy by wicphoon oitdmailtho orIginal                           An oiricJJyprnhibAfnr If you boon
    Imarlonnnl Dnircoo.                                                                                  10 nit OI i)InFtdunnl Co       *01100, Cnn,n,LLrth,i.
                               ;2M Snw S. *. Roam 7-.425. Waohagios. DC 2055.1.
                                        DATE:          _____________
                                        FROM: _2M!                         ?            /1j"
        TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 4)8                                                  Z-
                                             TO:                                         .e-v        <
                      FAX NUMBER:                                                           Hoi92'
 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS;                                          -.                                        fffl)7                            (Ja                ILGJ

                                                                Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker LIP
Paul Hastings                                                   875 15th Street, NW.   Washington, DC 20005
                                                                telephone 202 551 1700 'facsImile 202 551 1705
                                                                    Non-Streamlined ITC-STA-20080527-00240
                                                                                                   1B2008001 249
                                                                   FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited
Aflanta          (202) 551-1791
                                                             Granted 272006
                 May 27, 2008                                                                                    Policy Division
 long Kong                                                                                                    International Bureau
London                                                                       date
Los Angeles
Milan            VIA HAND DELIVERY
New York                                                                     aut orftea Dy:
Orange County                                                                    iieQ     7I?,y                     ,v, 1/3
Palo Alto
Paris            Marlene H. Dortch
San Diego
San Francisco
                 Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC
                 236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE.
                 Suite 110                                                                  o-.      ac               Q^        12_Q__
                 Washington, D.C. 20002                                                      T5                       tS
                 Re:     FLAG Telecom Group Services, Inc.                             p.
                         Request for Special Tempotary Authorization
                 Dear Sir or Madam:
                 We represent FLAG Telecoiri Group Services Limited ("FLAG"), the parent of Reliance
                 Globalcoin Services, Inc. (formerly Yipes Enterprise Services, Inc.) which holds an
                 international Section 214 authorization from the Commission (File No. ITC-2T4-
                 20031104-00505) and blanket authority to provide domestic interstate services under
                 Section 214 of the Act and Section 63.01(a) of the Commission's rules. FLAG is
                 simultaneously filing applications seeking the Commission's consent to transfer control to
                 FLAG of Vanco Solutions, Inc. and Vanco US, LLC (collectively, "Vanco")1which also
                 hold international Section 214 authorizations from the Commission (File Nos. ITC-214-
                 20070703-00260 and ITC-21 4-20070703-00262, respectively) and blanket authority to
                 provide domestic interstate services under Section 214 of the Act and Section 63.01 (a) of
                 the Commission's rules.
                 Vanco provides important telecommunications services through its virtual network to
                 many domestic and multinational companies. Unfortunately, Vanco PLC, the indirect
                 parent of Vanco, is almost out of cash and cannot draw any further on its bank credit
                 facility. Vanco's CEO recently resigned. A restructuring expert was subsequently
                 appointed to deal with Vanco PLC's financial crisis.. Vanco PLC ultimately became the
                 subject of administratIon proceedings in the United Kingdom in which an administrator
                 has been appointed to manage the cqmpany's affairs, business, and property for the
                 benefit of its creditors (similar, to a bankruptcy trustee in the United States). The
                 administrator has approved FLAG's bid for Vanco, and in light of the distressed state of
                 the company, the parties thut now proceed to close the proposed acquisition inrinediately
                 in order to avoid insolvency and immediate cessation of services to Vanco's customers.

                               b*************>I< -COMM. JOURNAL- ****>**K***1<****** DATE MAY-27-2088 ***** TIME 1E08 ******o4<
                                       MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                              START=MAY-27 15:59                       END=MAY-27 15:20
                                         FILE NO.=550
                                 SIN      COMM.        ONE-TOUCH/            STATION NAME/TEL NO.                                                         PAGES     DURATION
                                 ND.                     ABER NO.
                                 201        OK                               955i0191                                                                     002/022   20:0053
                                                                                                                                    - I NTERNAT I ONAL BUREAU
                              ****************************)l(******* -INTL BUREAU                                           -               -          202 418 2824- ********>K
                                                            INTERNA TIONAL B UREA U
                                                                                 Policy Division
                                                                                 FAX SHEET
                                                                            Fax Number: (202) 418-2824
   Thjifk                     fr .r,ded eMy jo- the aeee         bt- It        cp,,t                ,fla, thprtyQed, tp,,fidia! tr th Lie pretetsed
Q'Jrre, d,dsire. AJy ,wvLw, dLm Ih'iiLOLL iP ILXC f Mit ,ri7L                        XO OtheL then IhC then             rrliyPrPhL61ta !fye4 bane
   rtfr&i :h( ,ssinn it, erro,, pitase norijj ii frtmediaVcly by ie?cpbee and mall rht oi-i1nd ii .r a: the Fede.inl Cgmm,nine,ipna Cmmwlae,
                                              ,remt 4.J J2 Sn-eat S. W., Ract,' 7-A625 Wnhbgien DC 20S34.
                                                                                            /t7            /
                                                                                          ar5ce                j
                                       TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418-
                                                                     TO;        Tk&'
                                                  FAXNUMBER:                 _____________
                                                                                                       /           e   rJ9      I
                                    TELEPHONE NUMBER:
                                  SPECL4L INSTRUCTIONS:                                 fLç             i      \/i                      /   ELp,
                                                                                                  c                    p-           '?-I)       27 -
                                   THIS COVER SJIEETIS PA GE 1 OF                                PA GES.

                                                                 Paul, Hastings, Janof sky & Walker LLP
Paul Hastings.                                                   875 15th Street, ftW.
                                                                 Washington, DC 20005
                                                                 telephone 202-551-1700• facsimIle 202-551-1705
                                                                 Non-Streamlined ITC-STA-2008071 8-00328
                                                                                   1B2006001 761
                                                                 FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited
Atlanta          (202) 551-1791
Beijing                                                                      ii              27-Z'                                      4Lf
Hong Kong
                 July 18, 2008
Los Angeles
                 VIA ECFS
                                                                                                 GrantedJUL 222008
New York
                                                                                                                        Po'icy Division
Orange County
Palo Alto                                                                   dateL.                                   nternationaJ urea
Paris            Marlene H. Dortch                                                    p'r                  (\'us1
San Diego
San Francisco
                 Secretary                                                  authorized bTa
Shanghai         Federal Communications Commission                                                                 j)?j
                 236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
                                                                                         1j!                                   E-13
Washington, DC
                 Suite 110
                 Washington, DC 20002
                         WIT' 1.1.. K.. (\O '7C1
                 n.e:    WL..L)OCItCLLNU.U01'
                         FLAG Telecom Group Services, Inc.
                         Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authorization                   \"i c-        TA -
                 Dear Sir or Madam:
                 We represent FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited ("FLAG"), Vanco Solutions, Inc.
                 and Vanco US, LLC (together, "Vanco," and collectively with FLAG, the "Applicants").
                 On May 27, 2008, the Applicants filed applications (the "Applications") seeking the
                 Commission's consetit to transfer control to FLAG of Vanco, which holds international
                 Section 214 authorizations from the Commission (File Non. ITC-214-20070703-00260
                 and ITC-214-20070703-00262, respectively) and blanket authority to provide domestic
                 interstate services under Section 214 of the Act and Section 63.01(a) of the Commission's
                 rules. Simultaneously with the filing of the Applications, the Applicants requested special
                 temporary authority ("STA") in WC Docket No. 08-79 and IBFS File No. ITC-STA-
                 20080527-00240 to transfer control of Vanco to FLAG pending full FCC re'view of the
                 Applications for the reasons set forth in the request for such STA. The STA was granted
                 on May 27, 2008.
                 The STA will expire on July 26, 2008, and the Applicants have been informed that the
                 Executive Branch agencies (collectively referred to as "Team Telecom") that are reviewing
                 the Applications will not complete their review prior to such date. The Applicants
                 therefore respectfully request that the STA be extended for a period of 30 days, i.e., until
                 August 25, 2008, so that such review may be completed. Team Telecom has advised the
                 applicants that they do not object to an extension of the STA.

******<of***** -COMM. JOURNAL- *                                **4<******4<494<* DATE JUL-23-2008 K)l*>I< TI ME 9: 28 *******l<
        MODE         MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                 START=JUL-23 09:27                         END=JUL-23 09:28
          FILE NO.=679
  STN       COMM             ONE-TOUCH/              STATION NAME/TEL NO.                                                               PAGES                 DURATION
  NO.                          RBBR NO.
  001           OK                                   85511705                                                                           002/002               00:00:50
                                                                                                        - I NTERNAT I ONAL BUREAIJ
***>K********************************                             -INTL BUREAU                    -              -                202 418 2824-                *********
                                    INTERNA TIONAL B UREA U
                                                          Policy Divisioiz
                                                           FAX SHEET
                                                    Fax Number: (202) 418-2824
    Th/ocrni1e rran      s5ion io :nranded only for tho addro  boor alam'. I: may ao lain info,,øion tJar ioprlwftgnd, confidoniIa! or othoprooaomd
   fraln diowro, Aiiy rewcw. 4ioocrnba,fra, oj- .so fthll t,ananiyrian or us cooxvw 6ypr.wns vfhgr than the aon, to on nlyprohlblra& Jfyu ha"
    ,oonrvod thj ironotjrron in anor. pleo ooujj.' to lOOnedioleJy by rolplione and mall thc erig*,al to ito a: the Fade i-nj C nrawlicazI000 Coounlania,,,
    JniE,,taooeplHoreait, 445 12° S'acrS W., Room -A23, Wnthn4on. DC 2OA.
                                      FROM:                               c V-
        TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418-
                                            To:                      k
                     FAX NUMBER:                             -° -                    -'           or
    TELEPHONE NUMBER:                                           1-                              q

                                                                            Paul, Hastings, Janof sky & Walker LIP
       Paul Hastings                                                        875 15th Street, NW.
                                                                            Washington, DC 20005
                                                                            telephone 202-551-I 700. facsimIle 202-551-1705w
                                                                                                        ITC-STA2OO8O91 8-00434
                                                                                                        I B2008Oo2
                                                                         FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited
       Atlanta              (202) 551-1791
       Hong Kong
                            September 18, 2008                                 datt. .-- --                           nternatIonal Bufeau
       Los Angeles
       Milan               VIA ECFS                                            euthorized by
       New York
       Orange County                                                                                    f'o I ?e> .P .
       Palo Alto
 Paris          Marlene H. Dortch
 San Diego
 San Francisco
 Shanghai       Federal Communications Commission
 Washington, DC
                236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
                Suite 11"
                Washin gton, DC 20002                                         ;-ri
_Vc222                                                                                                                         '
                Re:     WC Docket No. 08-79; I]3FS File No. ITC-STA-20080811-00376                                                         -r
                        FLAG Telecom Group Services, Inc.
                        Request for Further Extension of Special Temporary Authorization
                            Dear Sit or Madam:
                            We represent FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited ("FLAG"), Vanco Solutions, Inc.
                            and Vanco US, LLC (together, "Vanco," and collectively with FLAG, the "Applicants").
                            On May 27, 2008, the Applicants filed applications (the "Applications") seeking the
                            Commission's consent to transfer control to FLAG of Vanco, which holds international
                            Section 214 authorizations from the Commission (File Nos. ITC-214-20070703-00260
                            and ITC-21 4-20070703-00262, respectively) and blanket authority to provide domestic
                            interstate services under Section 214 of the Act and Section 63.01(a) of the Commission's
                            rules. Simultaneously with the filing of the Applications, the Applicants requested special
                            temporary authority ("STA") in WC Docket No. 08-79 and IBFS File No. ITC-STA-
                            20080527-00240 to transfer control of Vanco to FLAG pending full FCC review of the
                            Applications for the reasons set forth in the request for such STA. The STA was granted
                            on May 27, 2008, and was subsequently extended until August 25, 2008 and September 20,
                            2008 with respect to IBFS File No. ITC-STA-20080527-00240 and WC Docket No. 08-
                            79, respectively (IBFS File No. ITC-STA-20080718-00328). The STA was further
                            extended until September 24, 2008 with respect to IBFS File No. ITC-STA-2008071 8-
                            00328 (IBFS File No. ITC-STA-2008081 1-00376).
                            The STA will expire September 20 and 24, 2008 with respect to WC Docket No. 08-79
                            and IBFS File No. ITC-STA-2008081 1-00376, respectively, and the Applicants have been
                            informed that the Executive Branch agencies (collectively referred to as "Team Telecom")
                            that are reviewing the Applications will not complete their review prior to such dates. The
                            Applicants therefore respectfully request that the STA be extended for a period of 60 days

******4<*4<>K*4o4< -COMM. JOURNAL- *>                            **4<4.********            DATE SEP-24-2008 4<*A<4<* TI ME 08: 47                          *4<iok4<
      MODE        MEMORY TRANSM 1551 ON                                              START=SEP-24 08:45                         ENDSEP-24 @8:4?
        FILE NO.?S9
5TH      COMM.            ONE-TOUCH/              STATION NAME/TEL NO.                                                              PAGES             DURATION
NO.                         ABBR NO.
001          OK           a                       95510198                                                                          002/002           00:00:53
                                                                                                       -INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                               -INTL BUREAU                   -              -                282 418 2824- *********
                                 INTER]VA TIONAL B UREA U
                                                        Policy Divisioz
                                                        FAX SHEET
                                                 Fax Number: (202) 418-2824
 Thiofoc.nralk lraamU4iba 3 lacriidod€rntyfmiho        r;n.o hvon7 bolos.. ii may aoamir, iaforsnothm fhct proflo. confidmuldo.             oprmoomd
from dicolo.osa. Any roWow. dl.,lom(oa 0,-        of thi. lrpnmraIcolon Qr     ws.x by 4Zoe rio ofhcrttoon tho al-os.oo sa arrcilypcobthOn4, )fyoo hooc
 'acoisod this 1131100 in 0,-co,- ploase aarfy o immodimoly by lelophoiie m.d mall iho arigino? to uo a, the F&noJ Coramunlem(oo.s Con n,won
 i,-ao,7,ae,onalorooo. 44511° Srreet S. W. Raom 7.A25, Wodingwa. DC 20554.
                                   JWE:                                                            -
                                   FROM:                                          Li i
      TELEPHONE NUM.8ER: (202)41 8-la ?-
                                         TO:      _____________
                   FAXNUMBE.R:                       f2                              IOI9
SPECL4LINSTRUCTJONS                                    C                                       9   /-4                          . C'

                                       ITC-STA-20081 117-00504
                      FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited
                                                                Paul, Hastings, Janofoky & Walker LLP
Paul Hastings                                                   875 15th Street, N.W.
                                                                Washington, 0020005
                                                                telephone 202-551-1700 tacsimite202-551-'1705 www.paulhasngs.oom
Atlanta         (202) 551-1791                                                                Grante4ov                      192003
                                                                                                                   Pocy Division
                November 14, 2008
                                                                            date.                              Intat-flational Bureau
Hong Kong                                                                                                            ,   9    Zc
Los Angeles
Milan           VIA ECFS                                                                                      C2cyjIv.
New York
Orange County
Pate Alto
Paris           Marlene H. Dortch
San Diego
San Francisco
Shanghai        Federal Communications Commission
Tokyo           236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
Washington DC
                Suite 110
                Washington, DC 20002                                  (t                        jc7-                     -?
                Re:      WC Docket No. 08-79; IBFS File No. ITC-STA-20080918-00434
                         FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited
                         Request for Further Extension of Special Temporary Authorization
                Dear Sir or Madam:
                  We represent FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited ("FLAG"), Vanco Solutions, Inc.
                  and Vanco US, LLC (together, "Vanco," and collectively with FLAG, the "Applicants").
                  On May 27, 2008, the Applicants filed applications (the "Applications") seeking the
                  Commission's consent to transfer control to FLAG of Vanco, which holds international
                  Section 214 authorizations from the Commission (File Nos. ITC-214-20070703-00260
                  and ITC-214-20070703-00262, respectively) and blanket authority to provide domestic
                  interstate services under Section 214 of the Act and Section 63.01(a) of the Commission's
                  rules. Simultaneously with the filing of the Applications, the Applicants requested special
                  temporary authority ("STA") in WC Docket No. 08-79 and IBFS File No. ITC-STA-
                  20080527-00240 to transfer control of Vanco to FLAG pending full FCC review of the
                • Applications for the reasons set forth in the request for such STA. The STA was granted
                  on May 27, 2008, and was subsequently extended until November 19, 2008 and
                  November 17, 2008 with respect to IBFS File No. ITC-STA-20080527-00240 and WC
                  Docket No. 08-79, respectively. Sec 1BPS File Nos. ITC-STA-20080718-00328; ITC-STA-
                  2008081 1-00376; and ITC-STA-2008091 8-00434.
                 The STA will expire November 17, 2008 and November 19, 2008 with respect to WC
                 Docket No. 08-7 9 and JBFS File No. ITC-STA-200809 18-00434, respectively, and the
                 Applicants'have been informed that the Executive Branch agencies (collectively referred
                 to as "Team Telecom") that are reviewing the Applications will not complete their review
                 prior to such dates. The Applicants therefore respectfully request that the STA be
                 extended for a period of 35 days from the date of this letter with respect to WC Docket

                                                                     008 ***** TIME 08:45 ********
    ************** -COMM. JOURNAL- ***********tK*****< DATE NOU-19-2
            MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                         START=NOU-19 08:45               END=NOU-19 08:45
             FILE NO. =852
      8TH     COMM.      ONE-TDUCH'                STATION NAME/TEL NO.                                            PAGES          DURATION
      NO.                  PBDR NO.
      001       OK                                 55518198                                                        002/002        00:00:47
                                                                                              - INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
    **************)I<****************4<**** -INTL BUREAU                                -           -          202 418 2824- *********
                          INTERNA TIONAL B UREA U
                                                      Policy Division
                                                          FAX SHEET
                                              Fax Number: (202) 418-2824
                                                                                                  pri'Itdd- fldrn I r a prMccId     jj
                                                    thss ihw h''- 11 n    anW' i,iformailott that
       i1h,nicrta,aLtS       en   d onffat- the                                     S athr Shahth      -uee
                                                  cfthtrraara4as a 'is                      s.,zthi FIConrnCISaiP:
                                  DATE:_ (/'!
                                                                          Li /
                                  FROM: -
                                        I ("                             Z-
            TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202)418-
                                                                         v-v\                 d              / --'-
                                        TO;               1-.
                      FAX NUMBE1:                         H'2\                 1       019 '
        TEL EPHONE MJMB ER;                       _________________
                                                    c-           )J/7C

                                                                   Paul, Hastings, Jacroisky & Walker LIP
Paul Hastings                                                      875 15th Street, NW.
                                                                   Washington, DC 20005
                                                                   telephone 202-551-1700W facsimile 202-551-1705
                                  ITC-STA-20081 218-00540
                                  I B200800303O
                 FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited
                                                                                             'rantedEC                     182008
Atlanta            (202) 551-1791                                                                                   Policy Division
Beijing                                                                                                         International BUTe6U
                   taragiuntapaulhastings;com                           datt
Chicago                                                                                               21AA/ t-c,              Z
Hong i(ong
                   December 18, 2008                                    authorized D
                                                                           (::iek7i             F'lt-yL
Los Angeles
Milan              VIA ECFS
New York
Orange County
Palo Alto
Paris              Marlene H. Dortch
San Diego
San Francisco
                   Secretary                                                  44(c            h-i- s-iA -
Shanghai           Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC
                   236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.                                                           J7_-z        237
                   Suite 110                                   t      :PTh -%-               LC
                   Washington, DC 20002
                   Re:     WC Docket No. 08-79; 1BPS File No. ITC-STA-20081 117-00504
                           FLAG Telecom Group Services, Inc.
                           Request for Further Extension of Special Temporary Authorization
                   Dear Sir or Madam:
                   We represent FLAG Telecom Group Services Limited ("FLAG"), Vanco Solutions, Inc.
                   and Vanco US, LLC (together, "Vanco," and collectively with FLAG, the "Applicants>').
                   On May 27, 2008, the Applicants filed applications (the "Applications") seeking the
                   Commission's consent to transfer control to FLAG of Vanco, which holds international
                   Section 214 authorizations from the Commission (File Nos. ITC-21 4-20070703-00260
                   and ITC-214-20070703-00262, respectively) and blanket authority to provide domestic
                   interstate services under Section 214 of the Act and Section 63.01(a) of the Commission's
                   rules. Simultaneously with the filing of the Applications, the Applicants requested special
                   temporary authority ("STA") in WC Docket No. 08-79 and IBFS File No. ITC-STA-
                   20080527-00240 to transfer control of Vanco toFLAG pending full FCC review of the
                   Applications for the reaons set forth in the request for such STA. The STA was granted
                   on May 27, 2008, and was subsequently extended until December 19> 2008 and December
                   22, 2008 with respect to IBFS File No. ITC-STA-20080527-00240 and WC Docket No.
                   08-79, respectively. See 1BPS File Nos, ITC-STA-20080718-00328; ITC-STA-20080811-
                   00376; ITC-STA-200809 18-00434; and ITC-STA-20081 117-00504.
                    The STA will expire December 22, 2008 and December 19, 2008 with respect to WC
                    Docket No. 08-79 and 1BPS File No. ITC-STA-20081 117-00504, respectively. The
                    Applicants have been informed that while the Executive Branch agencies (collectively
                    referred to as "Team Telecom") that are reviewing the Applications have completed their
                    review, Team Telecom will likely be unable to make the requisite filing with the
                    Commission in time for the Commission to act on the Applications before expiration of

******o****** -COMM. JOURNAL- ***********                                          **1< DATE DEC-18-2008 *>ioK** TIME 15: 18 *******
        MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                       START=DEC-18 16:17                    END=DEC-18 15:18
          FILE NO.=903
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