Attachment Supplemental

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20071221-00524 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


   B IN GH A M

                         Russell M. Blau
                         Jeffrey R. Strenkowski
                         Phone:     (202) 373—6000
                         Fax:    . (202) 373—6001

                         January 31, 2008

                         VIA HAND DELIVERY

                         Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                         Federal Communications Commission
                         The Portals
                         445 12th Street, S.W.
                         Washington, D.C. 20554

                         Attn:    Jodie May, Wireline Competition Bureau
                                  Alex Johns, Wireline Competition Bureau
                                  David Krech, International Bureau
                                  Sumita Mukhoty, International Bureau

                         Re:      WC Docket No. 08—2
                                  IB File Nos. ITC—T/C—20071221—00523 and ITC—T/C—20071221—00524

                                  In the Matter ofthe Joint Application of Covad Communications Group, Inc.,
                                  Transferor, Covad Communications Company, Licensee, DIECA Communica—
                                  tions, Inc., Licensee, and CCGI Holding Corporation, Transferee, for Grant of
                                  Authority Pursuant to Section 214 ofthe Communications Act of 1934, as
                                  amended, and Sections 63.04 and 63.24 ofthe Commission‘s Rules to Complete
                                  an Indirect Transfer of Control of Covad Communications Company and
                                  DIECA Communications, Inc., Authorized Domestic and International Section
                                  214 Carriers, to CCGI Holding Corporation
           Hong Kong     Dear Ms. Dortch:
          Los Angeles            CCGI Holding Corporation ("CCGI Holding," or "Applicant‘), through its
             New York    undersigned counsel, hereby provides the Commission with additional information
       Orange County
                         concerning the above—referenced application filed with the Wireline Competition and
        San Francisco
                         International Bureaus. This information is in response to a request by staff for additional
        Santa Monica
        Siticon Valtey
                         information concerning the above—referenced applications.
         Walnut Creek    CCGI Holding Withdraws its Confidential Treatment Request

                                  CCGI Holding hereby withdraws its previous request for confidential treatmant
                         of its ownership information filed in the above—referenced dockets. Attached please find
Bingham McCutchen LLP
                         another copy of that information. As such, CCGI Holding and the other parties to the
      2020 K Street NW   above referenced applications respectfully reiterate their request for streamlined treat—
       Washington, DC

       T 202.373.6000
       F 202.373.6001

                        Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                        January 31, 2008
                        Page 2

                        ment of the applications pursuant to Commission rules, and as previously set forth in the

                        Supplemental Information Requested By Staff

                                CCGI Holding provides the following responses to the supplemental information
                        requested by staff.

                        1.     Do any of the 10% owners in the ownership chain own or control any other
                        telecommunications entities?

                        Response:       To the best of CCGI Holding‘s information and belief, no entities that
                                        will own more than 10% of CCGI Holding Corporation (pursuant to the
                                        FCC‘s ownership attribution rules) own or control any other telecommu—
                                        nications entities, with the exception of Platinum Equity, LLC, which, as
                                        set forth in the application, indirectly owns Startec Global Operating
                                        Company ("Startec"); Matrix Telecom, Inc. ("Matrix"); and Americatel
                                        Corporation ("Americatel").

                        2.     Please identify the state retirement fund listed as holding the sole limited
                        partnership interest in Platinum Equity Capital Partners—A II, L.P.

                        Response:       The state retirement fund is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public
                                        School Employees‘ Retirement System.

                        3.      Given the FCC‘s ownership attribution rules, are there any other investors
                        (including the "institutional investors" mentioned under Platinum Equity Capital
                        Partners—PF II, L.P.), that would meet the FCC‘s 10% ownership threshold?

                        Response:       No. Under the FCC‘s attribution rules, there are no additional 10%
                                        owners. The "institutional investors" are limited partners with no control
                                        over the day—to—day business operations, activities, or decisions of Plati—
                                        num Equity Capital Partners—PF II, L.P. or CCGI Holding.

                        4.     Are there any foreign entities that own more than 10% of CCGI Holding
                        pursuant to the FCC‘s ownership attribution rules?

                        Response:       No. All entities that will own or control more than 10% of CCGI Hold—
                                        ing, pursuant to the FCC‘s ownership attribution rules, have been identi—

                                 Except as clarified in this filing, all other information in the above—referenced
                        Applications remains accurate. An original and six (6) copies of this letter are enclosed
                        for filing with the International Bureau. A copy of this letter is also being filed in the
                        above—referenced Wireline Competition docket via ECFS. Please date stamp the extra

Bingham McCutchen LLP

                        Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                        January 31, 2008
                        Page 3

                        copy and return it in the envelope provided. Should you have any questions regarding
                        this filing, please do not hesitate to contact us at (202) 373—6000.


                                                                       ri{ussell M. Blau
                                                                        Jeffrey R. Strenkowski

                                                                        Counsel for CCGI Holding Corporation


                        ce:      Jodie May, Wireline Competition Bureau (via email)
                                 Alex Johns, Wireline Competition Bureau (via email)
                                 David Krech, International Bureau (via email)
                                 Sumita Mukhoty, International Bureau (via email)

Bingham McCutchen LLP

CCGI Holding Corporation Ownership Information

                        Ownership and Control of CCGI Holding Corporation

I.      CCGI Holding Corporation

        Address:                 CCGI Holding Corporation
                                 c/o Platinum Equity, LLC
                                 360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                 Beverly Hills, California 90210
        Citizenship:             Delaware
        Primary Business:       Holding Company

        CCGI Holding Corporation ("CCGI Holding") is ultimately controlled by Platinum Equity, LLC
("Platinum Equity").

         Three private equity funds and one investment entity, all of which are ultimately controlled by
Platinum Equity and Tom Gores, will, upon consummation of the acquisition, hold direct equity interests
totaling 100% in CCGI Holding. The three private equity funds are: (i) Platinum Equity Capital Partners
II, LP.; (ii) Platinum Equity Capital Partners—A II, L.P.; and (iii) Platinum Equity Capital Partners—PF II,
L.P.; and the investment entity is Platinum Blackberry Principals, LLC (collectively, the "CCGI Holding

        The names, addresses, citizenship, primary business, and equity interest in CCGI Holding of each
of the CCGI Holding Shareholders is as follows:

Platinum Equity Capital Partners II, L.P.
       Address:                Platinum Equity Capital Partners II, L.P.
                               360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                               Beverly Hills, California 90210
       Citizenship:            Delaware
       Primary Business:       Private equity investments
       Equity interest in CCGI Holding: 61.9%

         The limited partnership interests in Platinum Equity Capital Partners II, L.P. ("PECP"), a Dela—
ware limited partnership, are held by institutional investors and Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II,
LLC. With the exception of Platinum Equity Investment Holdings H, LLC, these limited partners have no
control over the day—to—day business operations, activities, or decisions of PECP or CCGI Holding. With
the exception of Platinum Equity Investment Holdings HH, LLC, none of these limited partners ultimately
holds equity interests in CCGI Holding greater than 10%. The sole general partner of PECP is Platinum
Equity Partners II, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The senior managing member and
controlling entity of Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC is Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC,
the sole member of which is Platinum Equity. Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC, Platinum Equity
Investment Holdings II, LLC, and Platinum Equity are described more fully below.

Platinum Equity Capital Partners—A II, L.P.
       Address:                Platinum Equity Capital Partners—A II, LP.
                               360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                               Beverly Hills, California 90210
       Citizenship:            Delaware
       Primary Business:       Private equity investments
       Equity interest in CCGI Holding: 12.6%

        The sole limited partnership interest in Platinum Equity Capital Partners—A II, L.P. ("PECPA"), a
Delaware limited partnership, is held by a state fund [the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public School
Employees‘ Retirement System|. As a limited partner of PECP—A, this limited partner holds an indirect
equity interest in CCGI Holding in excess of 10%. The sole general partner of PECP—A is Platinum
Equity Partners II, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The senior managing member and
controlling entity of Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC is Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC,
the sole member of which is Platinum Equity. Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC, Platinum Equity
Investment Holdings II, LLC, and Platinum Equity are described more fully below.

Platinum Equity Capital Partners—PF II, L.P.
       Address:                Platinum Equity Capital Partners—PF II, LP.
                               360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                               Beverly Hills, California 90210
       Citizenship:            Delaware
       Primary Business:       Private equity investments
       Equity interest in CCGI Holding: 5.5%

         The limited partnership interests in Platinum Equity Capital Partners—PF II, L.P. ("PECPPF"), a
Delaware limited partnership, are held by institutional investors. These limited partners have no control
over the day—to—day business operations, activities, or decisions of PECP—PF or CCGI Holding. None of
these limited partners ultimately holds equity interests in CCGI Holding greater than 10%. The sole
general partner of PECP—PF is Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company.
The senior managing member and controlling entity of Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC is Platinum
Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC, the sole member of which is Platinum Equity. Platinum Equity
Partners II, LLC, Platinum Equity investment Holdings II, LLC, and Platinum Equity are described more
fully below.

Platinum Blackberry Principals, LLC
       Address:                 Platinum Blackberry Principals, LLC
         .                      360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                                Beverly Hills, California 90210
        Citizenship:            Delaware
        Primary Business:       Private equity investments
        Equity interest in CCGI Holding: 20.0%

        The senior managing member of Platinum Blackberry Principals, LLC ("PCP") will at closing be
Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. The remaining
membership interests in PBP will be held by Platinum Equity principals. With the exception of Tom
Gores, these members have no control over the day—to—day business operations, activities, or decisions of
PECP or CCGI Holding. With the exception of Tom Gores and Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II,
LLC, none of these members ultimately holds equity interests in CCGI Holding greater than 10%. The

sole member of Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC is Platinum Equity. Platinum Equity
Investment Holdings II, LLC and Platinum Equity are described more fully below.

IL      Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC
        Address:             Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC
                             360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                             Beverly Hills, California 90210
        Citizenship:         Delaware
        Primary Business:    Private equity investments

Through its interests in PECP, PECP—A, and PECP—PF, Platinum Equity Partners II, LLC ("PEP")
indirectly and ultimately controls 80% of the voting interests of CCGI Holding. The senior managing
member and controlling entity of PEP is Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC, a Delaware
limited liability company. The remaining membership interests in PEP are held by Platinum Equity
principals. With the exception of Tom Gores, these members have no control over the day—to—day
business operations, activities, or decisions of PECP or CCGI Holding. With the exception of Tom Gores
and Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC, none of these members ultimately holds equity
interests in CCGI Holding greater than 10%. The sole member of Platinum Equity Investment Holdings
II, LLC is Platinum Equity. Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC and Platinum Equity are
described more fully below.

IIL.    Platinum Equity Investment Holdings II, LLC
        Address:             Platinum Equity Investment Holdings, LLC
                             360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                             Beverly Hills, California 90210
        Citizenship:         Delaware
        Primary Business:    Private equity investments

         Through its interests in PBP and PEP, Platinum Equity Investment Holdings H, LLC ("PEIH")
indirectly and ultimately controls 100% of the voting interests of CCGI Holding. The sole member of
PEIH is Platinum Equity, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company. Platinum Equity is described more
fully below.

IV.     Platinum Equity, LLC
        Address:             Platinum Equity, LLC
                             360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                             Beverly Hills, California 90210
        Citizenship:         Delaware                     —
        Primary Business:    Mergers & Acquisitions

         Through its interests in PEIH, Platinum Equity indirectly and ultimately controls 100% of the
voting interests of CCGI Holding. Platinum Equity is the sole member of PEIH, which holds indirect or
direct interests in each of the CCGI Holding Shareholders, as outlined above. Platinum Equity is ulti—
mately controlled by Tom Gores.

V.     Tom Gores
       Address:                Tom T. Gores
                               Platinum Equity, LLC
                               360 North Crescent Drive, South Building
                               Beverly Hills, California 90210
       Citizenship:            United States
       Primary Business:       Mergers & Acquisition Investments

        Tom Gores holds a greater than 10% equity interest in Platinum Equity and CCGI Holding.
Platinum Equity and CCGI Holding are ultimately controlled by Tom Gores.

Document Created: 2008-01-31 16:57:14
Document Modified: 2008-01-31 16:57:14

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