Attachment 20170622092121-607.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20071029-00440 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Mmtz Levin                                                C                              ie
                                                                                  701 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

                                                          _ .                             202—434—7400 fax
Chérie R. Kiser | 202 434 7325 ‘   c kiser@mintz.corm      POlcy Divis on                   
                                                        int am atione | B 1reau

                                                          Tloveniber 7, 2007

   VIA ECFS AND HAND D iL vERY                                    F1 Lt 'D/ACCEPTED

   Marlene H. Dortch                                                     OV — 7 2007
   Secretary       2o                    20                       Fedural Sommunicatio       issi
   Federal Communications Commussion                                    {ffice of the Sergftggmlssm
   445 12"" Street, SW
  Washington, D.C. 20554

           Re:      WC Docket No. 07—248; LB l‘ile No. TC—1YC —20071029—00440;—
                   Applicati m of Local Comm mcatio is Nefwork;, Inc. and BringCom,
                   LLC for the Transfer of Control of Inte»rct at onal and Domestic 214
                   Authoriz: tions

  Dear Secretary Dortch:

        Pursuant to FCC tule Section 1.744, 47 C. =.F.. § 1.74«1, snd on behalf of Local
  Communications Networ <, Inc. and BringCom, LLC {eclle stivel;, "Applicants"), thi; letter
  amends the above—referer ced application ("A pplication"), which was filed with th: International
  Bureau (via IBFS) and th3 Wireline Competitio 1 E ursav (via courier to Pittsburgh) 0 1 October
  29, 2007. Enclosed is an amended Applicati m that reflects ckanzes in response to in quiries
  from International Bureai staff. In particulai, L ocal Cotam un cations Network provides
  information about the thr :e additional internuticnal 2: 4 ut 101izations held by its subsidiary
  LCN International, LLC ind the Amended Application clarifies that there is no distinction
  between voting and equity interest held in the Surviving Cempany.

           In response to inquiries Wireline Competition Bureau staff, Applicants provide the

        » The Surviving Company intends to offer service nationwide.
        » Those holding an ownership interest in the Surviving Company are not affiliated with
            any other FCC authorized telecommunications service providers.

                          Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.
         Boston | WasHincton | NEW York | STtamMFORD | Los AncELEs | Pato ALTO | San DiEGo | LONDON

Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.

Page 2

         Finally, enclosed are the original signature pages to be included with the Application.

       Please date—stamp the extra copy of this and return it to the courier. If you have any
questions concerning this filing, please contact the undersigned.

                                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                      Chérie R. Kiser

ge:      Jodie May, WCB (via email)
         David Krech, IB (via email)



                                Before the
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                              )
LOCAL COMMUNICATIONS                          ) WC Docket No. 07—248
NETWORK, INC.                                 )
                                              ) File No. ITC—T/C—
                                              )       20071029—00440
BRINGCOM, LLC                                 )
Application for Consent to Transfer           )
Control of Local Communications Network, Inc +)
To BringCom, LLC                              )
International and Domestic                    )
Authorizations Pursuant to Section 214 of the )
Communications Act of 1934, as Amended        )

                               AMENDED APPLICATION

        Local Communications Network, Inc. ("LCN") and BringCom, LLC

("BringCom*") (collectively the "Parties" or "Applicants") hereby request authority

pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and Sections

63.04 and 63.24(e) of the Commussion‘s Rules, to transfer control of domestic and

international Section 214 authorizations held by the Applicants as a result of the merger

of LCN and BringCom.‘ The surviving merged entity will be Local Communications

Network, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Surviving Company"). This application is

1/       See FCC file number ITC—214—20051101—00441 for BringCom‘s international 214
authorization. BringCom‘s international 214 authority will be unnecessary following the
consummation of the merger. This redundant license will be surrendered pursuant to Section
63.19 of the Commission‘s Rules following consummation of the transaction. As explained more
fully below, LCN is the parent of LCN International, LLC ("LCNI"). LCNI holds international
214 authority under the FCC file numbers ITC—214—19980506—00298, ITC—214—19940823—00254,
ITC—995—551 and ITC—95—637. The latter three redundant licenses will be surrendered pursuant to
Section 63.19 of the Commission‘s Rules.


submitted pursuant to a Merger Agreement between the Parties and effected on

September 20, 2007.

         The Applicants respectfully request streamlined treatment of this Application

pursuant to Sections 63.03 and 63.12 of the Commission‘s Rules. This Application is

eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.03(b)(2) of the Commission‘s

Rules because: (1) the proposed transaction will result in Surviving Company having a

market share in the interstate, interexchange market of less than ten (10) percent; (2)

Surviving Company will provide competitive telephone exchange services or exchange

access services exclusively in geographic areas served by a dominant local exchange

carrier that is not a party to the transaction; and (3) neither the Applicants nor any of their

affiliates are regulated as dominant with respect to any service. This Application also

qualifies for streamlined treatment under Section 63.12 because, in accordance with

Section 63.12(c): (1) Surviving Company will not be affiliated with any foreign carriers;

(2) Surviving Company will not be affiliated with any dominant U.S. carrier; and (3) no

authority is requested to provide switched basic services over private lines to a country

for which the Commussion has not previously authorized the provision of switched

services over private lines.

        In support of its Application, the Parties provide the following:


        A.      Local Communications Network, Inc.

        LCN is a Virginia corporation with headquarters at 105 Executive Drive, Suite

100—A, Sterling, Virginia 20166. LCN is the sole member of Virginia limited liability

company LCN International, LLC ("LCNI"), the licensee of the international 214

authority, which is also located at 105 Executive Drive, Suite 100—A¥, Sterling,.Virginia


20166. LCN and LCNI provide a wide range of services via satellite that include

Internet access, long distance, data, voice and video. LCN operates advanced gateway

switching centers to provide direct access to its services. LCN is authorizedto provide

services via its common carrier point to point microwave licenses, its earth station

authorization and its international and domestic 214 authority. LCNI holds two earth

stations authorizations.*/

         B.     BringCom, LLC

        BringCom is a Delaware corporation with headquarters at 8300 Greensboro Drive,

Suite 800, McLean, Virginia 22102. BringCom provides long distance, voice over

Internet Protocol ("VoIP"), broadband and internet services via satellite between the U.S.,

Latin America, and Africa. Mr. Fabrice Langreney, a U.S. citizen, is the sole member of



        The parties have entered into a Merger Agreement ("Agreement") to meet future

needs of both Applicants and to more effectively provide services to their customers.

Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, BringCom will hold a fifty—one (51) percent

ownership interest in the Surviving Company with an option to acquire additional shares.

BringCom‘s shares in the Surviving Company will be held by Fabrice Langreney. Mr.

Langreney will have the sole and exclusive option to purchase additional authorized

shares of unissued stock in the Surviving Company as necessary to bring his total

ownership interest to sixty (60) percent. LCN will hold a forty—nine (49) percent

ownership interest in the Surviving Company. LCN‘s shares will be distributed as

2/      Applications to transfer control of these licenses are submitted electronically
concurrently with this filing.


follows: Diamond Partners, Inc.("D.P., Inc.") — sixteen (16) percent; Jewel

McNanley/Estate of Robert McNanley, Sr. — eleven (11) percent; Stanford, Miller —

‘eleven (11) percent; Daniel K, Christine T. Moller, Byron Henry, Robert McNanley, Jt.,

Elizabeth Crawford, Phillip Radcliffe, and Thomas McNanley each will hold less than a

ten (10) percent ownership interest in LCN. The Surviving Company will have a Board

ofDirectors comprised of five directors. Three of the directors will be appointed by

BringCom and two will be appointed by the shareholders of LCN.

         Following receipt of necessary approvals, the Surviving Company will continue

to provide the services offered by the Applicants.


         The merger of BringCom and LCN will establish a leading provider of satellite

telecommunications services. The Parties anticipate a consistent growth in revenue and

an expansion of services resulting from increased economies of scale. The merger will

permit them to operate more efficiently and thus realize substantial financial synergies

that should enable the combined companies to increase their operating income. The

Surviving Company expects to increase the number of employees starting in 2008. The

Surviving Company also intends to upgrade and improve the current LCN facilities after

completion of the merger. Those upgrades include increasing the number of transmit

antennas on its wireless facilities and improving security and network reliability. The

proposed upgrades will in turn improve the quality of service offered to customers.

             The proposed merger does not present any anti—competitive issues. Customers

will continue to receive high—quality telecommunications and information services

without interruption and without change in rates, terms, or conditions. The Surviving


Company will continue to compete with other providers of long distance, internet and

VoIP services. Therefore, consent to the proposed merger is in the public interest.


         In support of this Application, the Applicants submit the followinginformation

pursuant to Section 63.24(e) of the Commission‘s Rules, including the information

requested in Section 63.18(a—d) for BringCom and LCN:

(a)      Name, address and telephone number of Applicants:


         BringCom, LLC
         8300 Greensboro Drive
         Suite 800
         McLean, Virginia 22102
         Tel: (703) 918—4857
         Fax: (703) 918—9459
         FRN: 0014190227

         Local Communications Network, Inc.
         105 Executive Drive, Suite 100—A
        Sterling, Virginia 20166
        Tel: (703) 709—7902
        Fax: (703) 709—4136
        FRN: 0004648051

(b)     LCN is a corporation organized under the laws of Virginia. BringCom is a

         limited liability company organized under the laws of Delaware.

(c)      Correspondence      concerning   this   Application     should    be   sent      to:


 For Local 'Communic'afionsfNéfi?firk,’_.lnc; §         For BringCom, LLC _
 Aziz Bennani                                        Fabrice J. Langreney
 Chief Operating Officer                             President
 Local Communications Network, Inc.                  BringCom, LLC
 105 Executive Drive,                                8300 Greensboro Drive
 Suite 100—A                                         Suite 800
 Sterling, Virginia 20166                            McLean, Virginia 22102
 Tel: (7O3) 709—7902                                 Tel: (703) 918—4857
 Fax: (703) 709—4136                               | Fax: (703) 918—9459
 Cherie R. Kiser                                     Cherie R. Kiser
 Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and             Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky andPopeo,
 Popeo, P.C.                                         P.C.
 701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW                            701 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
 Suite 900                                           Suite 900
 Washington, D.C. 20004                              Washington, D.C. 20004
 Tel: (202) 434—7300                                 Tel: (202) 434—7300
 Fax: (202) 434—7400                                 Fax: (202) 434—7400                          

(d)     Both Applicants hold domestic andinternational authority to provide global

         facilities—based and resale services. BringComholds international 214 authority under

        FCC file number ITC—214—20051101—00441. 5 LCNI holds international 214 authority

        under the FCC file number ITC—214—19980506—00298.4/

LCN submits the following information pursuant to Section 63.18(h—p) of the

Commission‘s Rules:

3/       BringCom‘s international 214 authority will be unnecessary following the consummation
of the merger. This redundant license will be surrendered pursuant to Section 63.19 of the
Commission‘s Rules following consummation of the transaction.

4       LCNI also holds redundant authority under FCC file numbers ITC—214—19940823—
00254, ITC—995—551 and ITC—95—637. These three redundant licenses will be surrendered
pursuant to Section 63.19 of the Commission‘s Rules before the grant of the instant application.


(h)      Following consummation of the proposed transaction, the Surviving Company will

         be owned by BringComand LCN.S" As described above, BringCom will hold a

         fifty—one (5 .) percent owners 1ip inierest :n the Surviving Company. Vir. Fabrice J.

         Langreney, an individual ancd U.S. citizen, whose princip:il bus ness :s

         telecommunications, owns 0 1e hundred (100) percent of 3ringSom. Mr.

         Langreney‘s addiess is 8300 Greensboro: Driv:, McLean, Virginia 22 102.

         LCN will h;)ld a : orty—nine (19) percent awneiship intere: t in the Surviving:

         Company. D.P., Inc., a Delitrware corpcratiotr, whose priacipa . busitiess is

         diamond product::, holds a tkirty—three (3) pe cent intere it in LCN a1d wi l holc.

         a sixteen (1 5) persent radirect interest in the S irviving Compary. D.P., In:. is

         located at 3 33 Prospect Street, Ely ia, O110, 44035. Karl Moller, a U.S. citizen,

        holds a one hunded (190) percent interest in D.P. Inc. and is lc cated at 33:

        Prospect Street, Elyria, Ohio 44035. Jevel N cNanley/E: tate c f Robert

        McNanley, Sr., an individual and U.S. c:tizen, holds a twenty—t iwee (©3) percent

        interest in LCN, in eleven (11) percent iadirect interest ir Surviving CTompany

         and is located at + 14 Cardingl Glen Circ.e, Sterling, Virginia 20164. Stanford

        Miller, an individual and U.S. citizen, holds a twenty—three (23) percent interest in

        LCN, an eleven (11) percent indirect interest in Surviving Company, and is

        located at 46479 Capelwood Court, Sterling, Virginia 20165. There are no other

        entities with a greater than ten (10) percent direct or indirect interest in the

        Surviving Company.

5/       There is no distinction between voting and equity interest held in the Surviving


                The Applicants have not yet determined who will be the officers and

         directors of the Surviving Company. The Applicants will supplement this

         Applization wher such infor nation becomes available.

C        The Applicuants certify ‘hat post—close, (a) Surviving Company will not be a

         ‘oreign cartier, ar d (b) Surviving Company w 11 be not be affiliated v/ith fcreign


         3y this app ication, the Appl cants certify the following:

                    1) the Surviviag Cempany will not be a foreign sarrie in ar y destination


                    2) the Survivi ig Cempany will not c ontrol a form:ign carrier;

                    3) entitics hol ling t wenty—five (25) percent or greater direct or indirect

                    interest n the Parties do not aléo control foreign carriers in ny

                    destination co intry; and

                    4) no foreign sarrie‘s ow1i, or are cor tractual beneficiiries of the

                    Surviving Corapany.

(k)     Section 63. 8(k) is not applicable because Surviving Company is not affiliated

        with a foreign carrier and is not a foreign a carrier as described above.

(1)     Section 63.18(1) is not applicable because Surviving Company is not affiliated

        with a foreign carrier and is not a foreign a carrier as described above.

(m)     Section 63.18(m) is not applicable because Surviving Company is not affiliated

        with a foreign carrier and is not a foreign a carrier as described above.

(n)     The Applicants certify that they have not agreed to accept special concessions

        directly or indirectly from any foreign carrier with respect to any U.S.


         international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the

         foreign end of the route, and that they will not enter into such agreements in the


(0)      The Applicants certify, pursuant to Sections 1.2001 through 1.2003 of the

         Commission‘s Rules, that they are not subject to a denial of Federal benefits

         pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

(p)      Applicants request streamlined processing of this Application pursuant to Section

         63.12 of the Commussion‘s Rules. The Surviving Company will not be affiliated

         with a foreign carrier and will not resell international switched services of a

         dominant U.S. carrier and it does not seek authority to provide service for which it

         has not previously been authorized.


        In accordance with the requirements of Section 63.04(b) of the Commussion‘s

Rules, the additional information required for the domestic Section 214 transfer of

control application is provided in Exhibit A.


        Based on the foregoing, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by grant of this Application.


                                        Respectfully submitted,


   Daniel Moller                            Fabrice J. Langreney
   President                                President
   Local Communications Network, Inc.       BringCom, LLC
    105 Executive Drive,                    8300 Greensboro Drive
   Suite 100—A                              Suite 800
   Sterling, Virginia 20166                 McLean, Virginia 22102
   Tel: (703) 709—7902                      Tel: (703) 918—4857
   Fax: (703) 709—4136                      Fax: (703) 918—9459

Date: October ___, 2007


                                          LXHL3IT 4.


         In acc ordan :e with t1e rec uirenm ents of Sec ion 63.04(1)) of tae Cemmis sion‘s

Rules, the Applicar ts provile the folloy —ing i iform ation in suf port of the: r request.

63.04(b)(6):      Description of the Trar saction

         ‘The proposcd transa :tion s des@ribed in Se stion [I of t ie Application.

63.04(b)(7):      Description of Geagrap hic Service Areiand Services it Eack Are:i

        A descriptic n of the geogt aphic service are: s anc services provided in each arza is

described in Sectioni I of the Appl catio 1.

63.04(b)(8):    Presumption| of Non—Domingnce and Q nalifi :ation for iitreamlinir g

        This 4 pplic ition is «ligibl : for : treair lined arocessing sursuant to Section

63.03(b)(2) 0: the Commiss on‘s ¢tules becarse (1] the £ropos »d tra asaction will rest It in

the merged er tity h aving a 131arke share in th: intestate, interi xchange market of les ;

than 10 percent; (2) Survivi ig Co npan ; will provi le cornpetitive te ‘epho ie exchang:

services or exchang s access servic es ex lusively in geog aphic areas served by a

dominant local exchange carrier tiat is not a party to the trans: ction; and (3) neither t ie

Applicants nor any of their affiliates are regulated as dominant with respect to any service.

63.04(b)(9):     Other Pending Commission Applications Concerning the Proposed

        The Applicants are concurrently submitting applications to transfer control of earth

station and common carrier microwave licensed authorized to LCN and LCNL.

63.04(b)(10): Special Considerations



63.04(b)(11): Waiver Requests (If Any)


63.04(b)(12): Public Interest Statement

         The proposed transaction is in the public interest for the reasons detailed in

Section III of the Application.


Document Created: 2019-06-06 16:39:06
Document Modified: 2019-06-06 16:39:06

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