Attachment Order



Memorandum Opinion and Order and Declaratory Ruling


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20070130-00044 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                          Before the
                                   Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of

                                                  Nn nz
 Able Infosat Communications, Inc.
Petition for Declaratory Ruling
                                                              aeceiver—rcEll F COPY
 Pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the
Communications Act of 1934                                         JdAN 19 2007
                                                            Federal Communications Commission
To: Chief, International Bureau                                      Bureau / Office

                         PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING

      For the reasons stated below, it is respectfully requested that the Commission
make a declaratory ruling, pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended,? permitting indirect foreign ownership of Able Infosat
Communications, Inc. in excess of 25%.

Legal Standard

        Section 310(b)(4) limits the ownership interests that foreign investors may have
in any corporation that controls the licensee of a common carrier radio station. Under
Section 310(b)(4), no more than 25% of the capital stock of the corporation controlling
the licensee may be owned or voted by foreign citizens and their representatives,
foreign governments and their representatives, and corporations organized under the
laws of a foreign country.2 However, Section 310(b) authorizes the Commission to
permit foreign investment in excess of this 25% limit if the Commission determines that
the foreign investment is not inconsistent with the public interest."

        The Commission has adopted a presumption that foreign investment by
individuals or entities from WTO Member countries should be permitted without limit
under Section 310(b)(4).4 It uses a "principal place of business" test to determine
whether the nationality or "home market" of a foreign investor is a WTO Member. In

147 U.S.C. §310(b)(4).
3 Id.
4 See Rules and Policies on Foreign Participation in the U.S. Telecommunications Market,
Report and Order and Order on Reconsideration, FCC 97—398, 12 FCC Red 23891, 2389
[ 9, 23913 4 50, and 23940 [« 111—112 (1997) ("Foreign Participation Order"), Order on
Reconsideration, FCC 00—339, 15 FCC Red 18158 (2000).


applying the principal place of business test, the Commission balances the following

        (1) the country of a foreign entity‘s incorporation, organization or charter;

        (2) the nationality of all investment principals, officers, and directors;

        (3) the country in which the world headquarters is located;

        (4) the country in which the majority of the tangible property, including
        production, transmission, billing, information, and control facilities, is located,;

        (5) the country from which the foreign entity derives the greatest sales and
revenues from its operations.©


        An application is being filed on ECC Form 603 seeking the Commission‘s consent
to a pro forma transfer of control of Able Infosat Communications, Inc. (" Able Infosat")
to Infosat Able Holdings, Inc. ("Infosat Able Holdings"). Able Infosat is the licensee of
15 wireless licenses, 14 of which are private radio licenses and one of which (WPDG659)
is a CMRS (£.e., common carrier) license. In connection with the proformas transfer of
control of Able Infosat‘s CMRS license, the parties must, by virtue of the fact that
Infosat Able Holdings has indirect foreign ownership in excess of 25%,6 request a
finding by the Commission under Section 310(b)(4).

      The foreign investors in Infosat Able Holdings are entitled to the presumption
under Section 310(b)(4) that investment by individuals or entities from WTO Member
countries is in the public interest, because they are unmistakably Canadian. Infosat
Able Holdings is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Infosat Communications, Inc. ("Infosat
Canada"). Infosat Canada is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Telesat Canada, which is a
wholly—owned subsidiary of BCE Inc. The Commission recently found that Telesat
Canada and BCE Inc. have their principal place of business in Canada." The

5 Foreign Participation Order, 12 ECC Red at 23941 « 116 (citing Market Entry and
Regulation of Foreign—Affiliated Entities, Report and Order, FCC 95—475, 11 FCC Red 3873,
3951 «[ 207 (1995)).
6 Able Infosat is a wholly—owned subsidiary of Infosat Able Holdings, a holding
company whose sole asset is the stock of Able Infosat. For reasons that are explained in
the transfer of control application, the pro forma transfer of control of Able Infosat to
Infosat Able Holdings already has been consummated.
7 Motient Corporation and Subsidiaries, Transferors, and SkyTerra Communications, Inc.,
Transferee, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Declaratory Ruling, DA 06—1872 (Sept.
15, 2006) at n. 119.


information relating to Infosat Canada® under the Commission‘s five part principal
place of business test is as follows:

     Country of a foreign entity‘s incorporation, organization or charter. Infosat
Canada is a corporation organized under the laws of Canada.

        Nationality of all investment principals, officers, and directors. All of Infosat
Canada‘s officers and two of its three directors are Canadian citizens (the third director
is a U.S. citizen).

       Country in which the world headquarters is located. The world headquarters
of Infosat Canada is in Canada.

        Country in which the majority of the tangible property, including production,
transmission, billing, information, and control facilities, is located. The majority of
the tangible property of Infosat Canada is located in Canada.

       Country from which the foreign entity derives the greatest sales and revenues
from its operations. Infosat Canada derives its greatest sales and revenues from

8 It is noteworthy that the Commission already has determined that Infosat Canada (as
owned and controlled by Telesat Canada and BCE Inc.) is qualified to be the parent of a
U.S. company holding a Title III radio license. See Infosat Communications, Inc., DA 02—
199 (Jan. 25, 2001).


      The principal place of business of each of the foreign investors in Infosat Able
Holdings is Canada, a WTO Member. Accordingly, the Commission should make a
declaratory ruling under Section 310(b)(4) that the indirect foreign ownership of Able
Infosat Communications, Inc. is not inconsistent with the public interest.

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                         ABLE INFOS                      ATIONS, INC.

                                                Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
                                                1229 Nineteenth Street, NW.
                                                Washington, DC 20036
                                                (202) 429—4900

                                                Its Attorneys
January 17, 2007

                                                        Petition for Declaratory Ruling
                                                                              Exhibit A

                                 Before the
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                 )
                     .                           )
Able Infosat Communications, Inc.                )
Petition for Declaratory Ruling                  )
Pursuant to Section 310(b)(4) of the             )
Communications Act of 1934                       )

To: Chief, International Bureau


       I, Roland Sartorius, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the Chief
Financial Officer of Able Infosat Communications, Inc., that I have reviewed a "to be

filed" version of the foregoing Petition for Declaratory Ruling, and, except as to those
matters of which official notice may be taken, the facts stated therein are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.

                                          Roland Sartofius            TA
                                          Chief Financial Officer

Date: January 17, 2007

Document Created: 2019-04-06 05:31:08
Document Modified: 2019-04-06 05:31:08

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