Attachment DA 07-2163

DA 07-2163


DA 07-2163


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20061215-00575 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


  HOGAN &                                                                      colmese ©
   HARTSON                                                                     fasimgancaoove°
                                                                               +1.202.637.5600 Tel
                                                                               +1.202.637.5910 Fax


March 12, 2007                                                                  Karis A. Hastings


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:   Telenor ASA, Transferor, and Inceptum 1 AS, Transferee, Consolidated Application for
      Consent to Transfer ofControl and Petition for Declaratory Ruling,
      IB Dkt No. 06—225, FCC File Nos. ISP—PDR—20061129—00017, et al.

      FTMSC US, LLC, Amendments to Applications for Section 214 Authority andfor Earth
      Station Licenses, Requests for Special Temporary Authority, and Petition for Declaratory
      Ruling, File Nos. ITC—AMD—20060804—00288, SES—AMD—20060804—01315,
      ITC—STA—20070301—00092, SES—STA—20070216—00243, & ISP—PDR—20060804—00010

      Response to Questions and Notification Pursuant to Section 1.65

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Inceptum 1 AS ("Inceptum") and MobSat S.A.S. ("MobSat"), by their attorneys and
pursuant to Section 1.65 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.65, hereby respond to the
Commission‘s questions and supplement the record in the above—referenced proceedings to
provide additional information regarding the ownership of Inceptum and MobSat. Because
Inceptum and MobSat are under common ultimate ownership and control, we are presenting the
information about both entities in a single filing.

        Attached to this letter is an appendix that answers the specific questions regarding the
parties‘ ownership that the Commission staff sent on March 1, and provides additional
supplemental information regarding the ownership of Inceptum and MobSat. In addition, where
appropriate, we have attached updated versions of the exhibits that were submitted with the
applications in the above—referenced proceedings.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
March 12, 2007
Page 2

         Please refer any questions regarding these materials to the undersigned.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                               )/o e fr*——
                                              Peter A. Rohrbach
                                              Karis A. Hastings
                                              Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.
                                              555 13tD Street, N. W.
                                              Washington, D.C. 20004
                                              Phone: 202—637—5600
                                              Fax: 202—637—5910

                                              Counsel for Inceptum 1 AS and MobSat S.4.8,


ce:      David Krech
         Susan O‘Connell
         Cara Grayer
         Counsel for Inmarsat. Inc.
         Counsel for Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC


I.             OVERVIEW

        As described in the pending applications for transfer of control and petition for
declaratory ruling, Inceptum 1 AS (“Inceptum”), which is seeking Commission consent to
acquire Telenor Satellite Services AS (“TSS”) and its indirect wholly owned FCC-authorized
subsidiaries, is ultimately owned by three entities. Apax France VI FCPR, a fonds commun de
placement à risques incorporated under French law (“Apax France VI”), holds 72% of the share
capital and voting rights of Inceptum. Amboise Investissement SCA (“Amboise”) and Altamir
& Cie SCA (“Altamir”) hold respectively 20% and 8% of the share capital and voting rights of
Inceptum.1 Similarly, MobSat S.A.S. (“MobSat”), which has acquired control of FTMSC US,
LLC (“FTMSC”), is owned by Apax France VI, Amboise, and Altamir, each of which holds the
same percentage investment in MobSat as it does in Inceptum.2

        The information provided in this Appendix updates and supplements the information
previously submitted to the Commission in the Inceptum Consolidated Application and in the
MobSat Applications, MobSat Supplement and pending FTMSC requests for special temporary
authority, File Nos. ITC-STA-20070301-00092 and SES-STA-20070216-00243.


       Answers to the Commission staff’s questions regarding the ownership of Inceptum and
MobSat are provided below. There is substantial overlap between the information sought in the
two sets of questions. To simplify matters, we are providing a single answer where the
information sought is substantially the same.

Inceptum Question 1:
Please provide the equity interest, if any, that each general partner holds in Apax France VI,
Amboise and Altamir.

       Telenor ASA, Transferor, and Inceptum 1 AS, Transferee, Consolidated Application for
Consent to Transfer of Control and Petition for Declaratory Ruling, IB Dkt No. 06-225, FCC
File Nos. ISP-PDR-20061129-00017, et al. (“Inceptum Consolidated Application”) at 5-6. At
the time the application was filed, Apax France VI, Amboise and Altamir were direct
shareholders of Inceptum. The application, however, contemplated the creation of intermediate
holding companies through which the Inceptum shares would be held. As discussed below, these
holding companies have now been established, and the Inceptum shares are currently held
through this holding company structure.
       See Amendment to Application for Section 214 Authority, File No. ITC-AMC-
20060804-00388, Amendment to Earth Station Application, File No. SES-AMD-20060804-
01315, and Petition for Declaratory Ruling, File No. ISP-PDR-20060804-00010 (collectively,
the “MobSat Applications”); Letter of William K. Coulter to Marlene H. Dortch dated Sept. 7,
2006 providing supplemental information (“MobSat Supplement”).

MobSat Question 1:
To clarify the supplement ownership information provided on behalf of FTMSC US, LLC by
letter dated September 7, 2006 in ISP-PDR-20060804-00010 and ITC-AMC-20060804-00388
(“Sept. 7 Letter”), please provide the equity interest, if any, that each of the general partners
holds in the three funds invested in MobSat. Our understanding is that the general partners of the
three funds are as follows: for Apax France VI – Apax Partners SA; for Amboise – Apax
Partners et Compagnie Gérance II SAS and Société Européenne Iéna SAS; for Altamir – Apax
Partners et Compagnie Gérance SA and Société Européenne Kléber SA.

 • Apax France VI: Apax Partners SA (“APSA”), the general partner and manager of Apax
    France VI, holds a small equity interest in Apax France VI. Specifically, APSA holds
    8,838 Class B shares of Apax France VI. There are a total of 3,340,300 Class B shares and
    6,647,196,700 Class A shares of Apax France VI.

 •   Amboise: Apax Partners & Cie Gérance II SAS, the managing general partner of Amboise,
     and Société Européenne Iéna SAS, general partner of Amboise, have no equity interest in

 •   Altamir: Apax Partners & Cie Gérance SA, the managing general partner of Altamir, has
     no equity interest in Altamir. Société Européenne Kléber SA, which was previously a
     general partner of Altamir, has been merged into Altamir with Altamir surviving. See the
     updated ownership chart attached hereto as Annex 1.

Inceptum Question 2:
The Consolidated Application (Attachment 2, including Figure 1) indicates that Maurice Tchenio
holds all of his direct or indirect equity and voting interests in the investment funds jointly with
his son Romain. With respect to equity interests, please clarify whether, as Figure 1 indicates, all
equity interests held indirectly in Inceptum by Maurice Tchenio are held jointly with Romain
Tchenio. While the aggregate indirect equity interest held in Inceptum by Maurice and Romain
Tchenio appears to be de minimis, please clarify whether father and son each holds a 50%
interest in their aggregate indirect equity interest in Inceptum.

MobSat Question 2:
The Consolidated Application submitted by Telenor ASA and Inceptum 1 AS in IB Docket
No. 06-225 (“Inceptum Application”) indicates that Maurice Tchenio holds all of his direct or
indirect equity and voting interests in Apax France, Amboise, and Altamir jointly with his son
Romain. (See Inceptum Application, Attachment 2, including Figure 1.) With respect to equity
interests, please clarify whether all equity interests held indirectly in MobSat by Maurice
Tchenio are held jointly with Romain Tchenio. While the aggregate indirect equity interest held
in MobSat by Maurice and Romain Tchenio may be de minimis, please clarify whether father
and son each holds a 50% interest in their aggregate indirect equity interest in MobSat.

As described in more detail below, Maurice Tchénio and his son Romain Tchénio hold a joint
interest in Apax Partners SNC, which indirectly controls Apax Partners SA, the general partner
and manager of Apax France VI. There is no joint ownership by Maurice and Romain Tchénio


in any of the other entities described in Attachment 2 and Figure 1 of the Inceptum Consolidated
Application. Annex 1 hereto contains an updated and corrected copy of Figure 1 that separately
identifies the joint interest of Maurice and Romain Tchénio in Apax Partners SNC and the
individual interests held by Maurice Tchénio in other entities.

Apax Partners SA, the general partner and manager of Apax France VI, is ultimately controlled
by Apax Partners SNC. The share capital of Apax Partners SNC is allocated as follows:

                            Name                     % of the share capital
                     Maurice Tchénio             0.08% in full ownership
                                                99.92% in usufruct
                     Romain Tchénio             99.92% in bare ownership
                     Total                     100.00%

Shares representing 99.92% of the share capital of Apax Partners SNC are split between usufruct
(“usufruit”) and bare ownership (“nue-propriété”). This means that the rights pertaining to the
shares are divided between two holders:

    •   The bare owner (Romain Tchénio) is considered the owner of the shares. He has the right
        to receive distributions of reserves and has the voting rights pertaining to the shares for any
        shareholders’ decision amending the articles of association of Apax Partners SNC.

    •   The “usufruitier” (Maurice Tchénio) retains the use of the shares.3 He has the right to
        receive the annual dividends (if any) and has the voting rights pertaining to the shares for
        any shareholders’ decisions that do not entail the amendment of the articles of association
        of Apax Partners SNC.

Maurice Tchénio is the sole manager of Apax Partners SNC, and can be removed from that
position only by a unanimous vote of the shareholders (including himself).

In other Apax France related entities, there is no joint ownership of shares by Maurice Tchénio
and Romain Tchénio. The shareholding in the other entities is allocated as follows (references to
Maurice Tchénio below indicate that he individually holds full ownership of the stake

        In most cases the usufruitier used to have the full ownership of the shares and transferred
the bare ownership to heirs or successors.

Apax Partners SA (APSA)

                   Name              Nationality/Country     % of the share capital
                                       of registration
           MMG SAS                         France                    54.48%
           Edgard Misrahi                  France                    15.00%
           Patrick de Giovanni             France                    11.00%
           Laurent Ganem                   France                    10.00%
           Jean-Louis Rambaud              France                    6.00%
           Bertrand Pivin                  France                     3.00%
           Roland Tchénio                  France                     0.50%
           Maurice Tchénio                 France                     0.02%
           Ronald Cohen               United Kingdom            <0.01% (1 share)
           Alan Patricof                United States           <0.01% (1 share)
           Total                                                    100.00%


                   Name              Nationality/Country     % of the share capital
                                       of registration
           Apax Partners SNC               France                    62.25%
           Maurice Tchénio                 France                    37.75%
           Total                                                    100.00%

Société Européenne Iéna SAS (SEI)4

                   Name                  Nationality         % of the share capital
           Maurice Tchénio                 France                   24.34%
           Edgard Misrahi                  France                     19.7%
           Patrick De Giovanni             France                   13.12%
           Laurent Ganem                   France                     9.88%
           Jean Louis Rambaud              France                     7.93%
           Bertrand Pivin                  France                     5.88%
           Monique Cohen                   France                     4.92%
           Gilles Rigal                    France                     4.92%
           Martine Clavel                  France                     3.61%
           Claude Rosevègue                France                     2.33%
           Hervé Descazeaux                France                     3.36%
           Total                                                   100.00%

        Subsequent to filing of the Inceptum Consolidated Application and MobSat Applications,
the share capital of Société Européenne Iéna SAS was increased, diluting Maurice Tchénio’s
interest in the company. As a result, he no longer holds a majority interest in the company, but
he remains the company’s largest single shareholder.

Apax Partners & Cie Gérance SA

                   Name               Nationality/Country      % of the share capital
                                        of registration
           Maurice Tchénio                  France                    79.80%
           Ronald Cohen                United Kingdom                 10.04%
           Alan Patricof                 United States                10.00%
           Patrick de Giovanni              France                     0.04%
           Roland Tchénio                   France                     0.04%
           MMG SAS                          France                     0.04%
           Apax Partners SA                 France                     0.04%
           Total                                                     100.00%

Apax Partners & Compagnie Gérance II SAS

                      Name                   Nationality/Country         % of the share
                                               of registration              capital
       Apax Partners & Cie Gérance SA              France                   99.96%
       Maurice Tchénio                             France                   0.04%
       Total                                                               100.00%

Inceptum Question 3:
Figure 1 indicates that Maurice and Romain Tchenio hold jointly a direct 0.52% interest in
APSA. By contrast, pg. 2 of Attachment 2 lists Maurice Tchenio as holding a 0.02% direct
interest and Roland Tchenio as holding a 0.50% interest. Please clarify these direct ownership

The description of the ownership of APSA in Attachment 2 at page 2 is correct, and Figure 1 is
incorrect. Maurice and Romain Tchénio do not directly hold a joint interest in APSA. As
discussed above, the only entity in which Maurice and Romain Tchénio directly hold a joint
interest is Apax Partners SNC. Maurice Tchénio holds a 0.02% direct interest in APSA and
Roland Tchénio (Maurice’s brother) holds a 0.50% interest in APSA. A corrected and updated
copy of Figure 1 is attached as Annex 1.

Inceptum Question 4:
The list of APSA stakeholders listed in Attachment 2, pg. 2, appears to differ slightly from the
list of stakeholders that FTMSC provided in ISP-PDR-20060804-00010. We are asking FTMSC
to check its information and ask that you also check the list you provided to allow us to reconcile
the records in the two proceedings.

MobSat Question 3:
The list of stakeholders in Apax Partners S.A. (“APSA”) provided in FTMSC Form 312, as
amended, (refer to Exhibit D of the Amended FCC Form 312 and the Sept. 7 Letter) appears to
differ slightly from the list of stakeholders submitted in the Inceptum Application, Attachment 2,
p. 2. We are asking Inceptum to check its information and ask that you also check the APSA

stakeholder list you provided to allow us to reconcile the records in the two proceedings. In
addition to the citizenship information provided in the Sept. 7 Letter, please provide the
percentage interest held by each named stakeholder in APSA.

The list provided in the Inceptum Consolidated Application, attachment 2, pg. 2, and reproduced
above in response to Inceptum and MobSat Question 2, is accurate and up to date. This
information supersedes the information that was submitted as part of the MobSat Applications
and MobSat Supplement.

MobSat Question 3:
Please provide a revised, detailed ownership chart that includes all investor groups and other
entities in the vertical ownership and control structure of MobSat. Note that some of these
entities were mentioned in the FTMSC Form 312, as amended, but were not depicted in the
ownership chart provided as Exhibit D (including MMG SAS and Société Européenne Iéna
SAS). We request a new chart identifying each group or entity’s equity interest, voting interest,
or other controlling interest in the company positioned in the next lower tier of the ownership
structure. The chart should allow us to reconcile the records in the FTMSC US, LLC
Application and the Inceptum Application.

A detailed chart of the ownership of MobSat is attached as Annex 2.

Inceptum Question 5:
The Consolidated Application states, in Attachment 2, pg. 2, that Maurice Tchenio manages
Apax Partners SNC (SNC) and holds a proxy to vote the SNC shares held by Romain Tchenio.
Is this proxy irrevocable or does Romain have the right to revoke the proxy such that Romain is
properly considered to have the right to exercise negative control of SNC and ultimately of

MobSat Question 5:
The Inceptum Application states, in Attachment 2, pg. 2, that Maurice Tchenio manages Apax
Partners SNC (SNC) and holds a proxy to vote the SNC shares held by Romain Tchenio. Is this
proxy irrevocable or does Romain have the right to revoke the proxy such that Romain is
properly considered to have the right to exercise negative control of SNC and ultimately of

The terms of ownership of the SNC shares are described in the above response to Inceptum and
MobSat Question 2. The rights to vote the SNC shares are divided between Maurice and
Romain Tchénio because of the nature of the ownership interest each individual holds in the
shares, not through a proxy arrangement. Specifically, as discussed in that response, Maurice
Tchénio has voting rights with respect to the SNC shares for any shareholders’ decisions that do
not involve the amendment of the SNC articles of association. Furthermore, Maurice Tchénio is
the sole manager of SNC, and as such votes the shares held by SNC in other entities. Thus, for
companies in which SNC has a controlling interest, Maurice Tchénio determines on behalf of
SNC matters including the appointment of directors and the distribution of dividends. Maurice
Tchénio can be removed from his position as manager of SNC only by a unanimous vote of the

shareholders, including himself. Romain Tchénio has the right to vote the SNC shares only with
respect to shareholders’ decisions amending the SNC articles of association. Maurice Tchénio
does not hold a proxy to vote the SNC shares with respect to decisions amending the SNC
articles. Because Romain Tchénio’s voting rights are limited to decisions involving changes to
the SNC articles of association, and Romain Tchénio does not have the power to remove
Maurice Tchénio from his position as manager of SNC, Romain Tchénio does not have the right
to exercise negative control of SNC.

Inceptum Question 6:
The Application also suggests that Maurice Tchenio ultimately controls Amboise, through his
majority ownership of both of its general partners; and Altamir, through his majority ownership
of its managing general partner and as the largest shareholder of Altamir’s non-managing general
partner. However, Figure 1 indicates that Maurice Tchenio holds all of his direct and indirect
equity and voting interests in the investment funds jointly with his son Romain. As may be the
case with SNC, is Romain properly considered to have the right to exercise negative control of
the voting interests he holds jointly with his father in the general partners of Amboise and
Altamir? (We recognize that the Consolidated Application states (in Attachment 2, pg. 1) that:
“Ultimate control of the Investment Funds is held by Maurice and Romain Tchenio….” This
question and the preceding question are intended to confirm and clarify the control structure of

MobSat Question 6:
As may be the case with SNC, is Romain properly considered to have the right to exercise
negative control of the voting interests that he may hold jointly with his father in the general
partners of Amboise and Altamir? (We note that the Inceptum Application states (in Attachment
2, pg. 1) that: “Ultimate control of the Investment Funds is held by Maurice and Romain
Tchenio….” This question and the preceding question are intended to confirm and clarify the
control structure of MobSat.)

As discussed above in response to Inceptum and MobSat Question 2, Romain Tchénio holds
“bare ownership” of a 99.92% stake in Apax Partners SNC. He has no direct interest in any
other Apax France related entities. Maurice Tchénio directly owns a majority of the share capital
of Apax Partners & Cie Gérance SA, which is the managing general partner of Altamir and
which controls Apax Partners & Compagnie Gérance II SAS, the managing general partner of
Amboise. In addition, Maurice Tchénio is the largest single shareholder of Société Européenne
Iéna SAS, the other general partner of Amboise. Accordingly, Maurice Tchénio controls
Amboise and Altamir. Romain Tchénio does not have the right to exercise negative control of
either entity.

Inceptum Question 7:
Please supplement Attachment 3 of the Consolidated Application to provide a principal place of
business showing for Altamir, Kleber, APCG, MMG, and SNC.

MobSat Question 7:
Please supplement the FTMSC US, LLC Application to provide a principal place of business
showing for Altamir, Kleber, APCG, MMG, and SNC.


Information regarding the principal place of business of Altamir, APCG, MMG, and SNC is
provided in the updated and revised version of Attachment 3 that is supplied as Annex 3 of this
Appendix. As noted above in response to Inceptum and MobSat Question 1, Société Européenne
Kléber SA, which was previously a general partner of Altamir, has been merged into Altamir
with Altamir surviving. Annex 3 also supplements the information regarding the holding
companies in the Inceptum ownership chain.

Inceptum Question 8:
Please confirm whether Netherlands Holdco 1 and Netherlands Holdco 2 will be organized as
entities equivalent to corporations in the United States. If not, please specify the type of business

Netherlands Holdco 1 and Netherlands Holdco 2 have recently been incorporated. Each entity is
a BV, a private limited liability company.

Inceptum Question 9:
Attachment 2, pg. 4, lists three investors as holding interests in Amboise (as of the date reported)
greater than 5% and one investor as holding an interest greater than 10%. FTMSC US LLC
(FTMSC) identifies for the record, in ISP-PDR-20060804-00010, six entities as holding interests
in Amboise greater than of 5%. In addition, FTMSC indicates that MMG holds an interest
greater than 7.25%. Please compare your information to that provided by FTMSC and
supplement your filing to identify any other known foreign or U.S. holdings in Amboise; the
percentage held by each such entity with as much certainty as possible; and information, to the
extent available, as to the entity’s principal place of business (providing citations when
referencing publicly available information).

MobSat Question 8:
Please review and confirm the information provided in the Sept. 7 Letter as to the investors in
Amboise that have disclosed ownership of more than 5% of its shares. Please supplement your
filing to identify any other known foreign or U.S. holdings in Amboise; the percentage held by
such entity with as much certainty as possible; and information, to the extent available, as to the
entity’s principal place of business (providing citations when referencing publicly available

Amboise and Altamir are public companies (listed on Eurolist), and their shareholding often
changes. French law sets the following thresholds with respect to ownership of the share capital
or voting rights of a public company: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 33.33%, 50%, 66.66%, 90%,
and 95%. A shareholder is required to make a declaration to the authorities (Autorité des
marchés financiers) that is also released to the public if its holding crosses any of the specified
thresholds in either direction (i.e., by acquisition of shares such that its holding exceeds an
applicable threshold, or by disposing of shares such that its holding drops below the threshold).
However, changes in a shareholder’s interest that do not involve crossing one of the specified
thresholds are not required to be reported.


On the basis of declarations that have been filed to date,5 the following information is provided
regarding shareholders of Amboise that currently hold more than 5% of the share capital of

                                            Place of             Reported % of
                                            incorporation        the share capital
                 Fidelity6                     See note 6                  10.86%
                 MMG SAS                         France                     7.25%
                 Schroder Investment
                                                    UK                       7.78%
                 Management Ltd
                 Adelphi European
                                             Cayman Islands                  9.59%
                 Small Cap Fund
                 AGF Asset
                                                  France                     6.08%
                 Société Privée de
                 Gestion de Patrimoine            France                     5.56%
                 (SPGP) SAS

Inceptum Question 10:
Attachment 2, pg. 5, lists two investors that hold interests in Altamir (as of the date reported)
greater than 5%, one investor that holds an interest greater than 10%, and another investor that
holds an interest greater than 15%. FTMSC identifies for the record, in ISP-PDR-20060804-
00010, three additional entities that hold interests in Altamir greater than of 5%. Please compare
your information to that provided by FTMSC and supplement your filing to identify any other
known foreign or U.S. holdings in Altamir; the percentage held by each such entity with as much
certainty as possible; and information, to the extent available, as to the entity’s principal place of
business (providing citations when referencing publicly available information).

MobSat Question 9:
Please review and confirm the information provided in the Sept. 7 Letter as to the investors in
Altamir that have disclosed ownership of more than 5% of its shares. Please supplement your
filing to identify any other known foreign or U.S. holdings in Altamir; the percentage held by
such entity with as much certainty as possible; and information, to the extent available, as to the
entity’s principal place of business (providing citations when referencing publicly available

As discussed above, Amboise and Altamir are public companies (listed on Eurolist), and their
shareholding often changes. French law sets the following thresholds with respect to ownership

       See also
       A declaration was made jointly by FMR Corp., 82 Devonshire Street, Boston,
Massachusetts 02109, United States, and Fidelity International Limited, P.O. Box HM 670,
Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda. Both companies are acting on behalf of funds managed by their
subsidiaries. They declared the holding of 10.86% of the share capital and voting rights of

of the share capital or voting rights of a public company: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 33.33%,
50%, 66.66%, 90%, and 95%. A shareholder is required to make a declaration to the authorities
(Autorité des marchés financiers) that is also released to the public if its holding crosses any of
the specified thresholds in either direction (i.e., by acquisition of shares such that its holding
exceeds an applicable threshold, or by disposing of shares such that its holding drops below the
threshold). However, changes in a shareholder’s interest that do not involve crossing one of the
specified thresholds are not required to be reported.

On the basis of declarations that have been filed to date,7 the following information is provided
regarding shareholders of Altamir:

                                           Place of             Reported % of
                                           incorporation        the share capital
                Fidelity8                     See note 8                    5.68%
                Sycomore Asset
                                                 France                     15.37%
                Moneta Asset
                                                 France                      6.56%
                Management SAS

Inceptum Question 11:
With respect to the categorization of the Apax France investors (in Attachment 2, pgs. 3-4),
please clarify which category includes funds of funds and investment managers. Please explain
how Apax France determined the principal places of business of these entities (i.e., the funds of
funds and investment managers, if any). We assume that the countries listed as being the
principal places of business of the other types of investing entities (e.g., banks, insurance
companies, pension funds) are the countries of organization for each entity. Is this assumption

MobSat Question 10:
With respect to the categorization of the Apax France investors (in the Sept. 7 Letter, pg. 2),
please clarify which category includes funds of funds and investment managers. Please explain
how Apax France determined the principal places of business of these entities (i.e., the funds of
funds and investment managers, if any). We assume that the countries listed as being the
principal places of business of the other types of investing entities (e.g., banks, insurance

        The Euronext website identifies two shareholders with less than a 5% interest in Altamir,
Altium Capital Gestion (4.5%) and Aviva Gestion d’Actifs SA (2.07%). See
FR0000053837.html?selectedMep=1&quotes=null&idInstrument=17142. However, Altamir is
not able to confirm whether these entities retain an interest in the company because, having
dropped below the 5% threshold, the entities have no obligation to notify Altamir of further
changes in their interests that do not involve crossing a specified threshold.
        A declaration was made jointly by FMR Corp., 82 Devonshire Street, Boston,
Massachusetts 02109, United States, and Fidelity International Limited, P.O. Box HM 670,
Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda. Both companies are acting on behalf of funds managed by their
subsidiaries. They declared the holding of 5.68% of the share capital and voting rights of

companies, pension funds) are the countries of organization for each entity. Is this assumption

Funds of funds and investment managers are included in the “Institutional” category. The
principal places of business indicated for these entities as well as for other types of investment
entities are the countries of organization.


       In addition to answering the Commission’s questions, Inceptum and MobSat take this
opportunity to advise the Commission of other non-substantial changes to the information
provided in their underlying applications.

       A.      Ownership by Inceptum of TSS Subsidiaries

        The Inceptum Consolidated Application explained that Inceptum would own the TSS
companies that hold or have requested Commission authority (Telenor Satellite Inc., GMPCS
Personal Communications, Inc., Marlink, Inc., and Telenor Satellite Services, Inc., collectively
referred to as the “TSS Subsidiaries”) through a U.S. holding company that Inceptum would
create. The TSS Subsidiaries are all directly owned by Telenor Satellite Services Holdings, Inc.
(“TSSH”). The application stated that Inceptum:

                       will establish a U.S. holding company organized under the
                       laws of Delaware (referred to for present purposes as “US
                       Holdco”), which will be a wholly-owned subsidiary of
                       Inceptum. When Inceptum purchases TSS at closing,
                       therefore, US Holdco will become a sister corporation to

                               Immediately following closing, the U.S.
                       subsidiaries of TSS will be transferred to US Holdco.
                       Specifically, once Inceptum acquires TSS, the shares of
                       TSSH, the immediate parent of the TSS Subsidiaries, will
                       be transferred to US Holdco, making TSSH a wholly-
                       owned subsidiary of US Holdco. TSSH will then be
                       merged into US Holdco, with TSSH surviving.9

The Consolidated Application indicated, however, that Inceptum was considering alternatives to
the planned merger of TSSH into US Holdco and would advise the Commission when a final
decision regarding this portion of the ownership structure was made. Id. at n.6.

       Inceptum Consolidated Application at 9. See also id. at 10 (following consummation,
“Inceptum will hold 100% of the shares of TSS and TSSH. The TSS Subsidiaries will be direct,
wholly-owned subsidiaries of TSSH.”).

        Inceptum hereby informs the Commission that a minor change has been made with
respect to the planned post-consummation ownership structure. Inceptum has proceeded with
formation of the US Holdco by creating Mobsat Holding US, Inc. (“Mobsat Holding”), a
Delaware corporation. However, when Mobsat Holding and TSSH merge, Mobsat Holding will
be the surviving entity, not TSSH. Thus, following consummation of the transaction, the TSS
Subsidiaries will be directly owned by Mobsat Holding, which will be a direct, wholly-owned
subsidiary of Inceptum. An ownership chart reflecting this revised structure is attached hereto as
Annex 4, and should be referred to in lieu of the chart appearing on page 10 of the Inceptum
Consolidated Application.

       B.      Restructuring of MobSat Ownership

        A minor, pro forma change in the ownership of MobSat S.A.S. is contemplated as well.
As described in the MobSat Applications, MobSat is currently directly owned by Apax France
VI, Amboise and Altamir in the same proportions that those companies own Inceptum.
However, Inceptum is now owned indirectly by Apax France VI, Amboise and Altamir through
three intermediate holding companies, one organized under Luxembourg law, MobSat Group
Holding Sàrl, and two organized under Dutch law, MobSat Holding 2 BV and MobSat Holding 1
BV. Apax France plans to use this same intermediate holding company structure through which
it owns Inceptum for MobSat as well.

       Specifically, Apax France VI intends to transfer the shares of MobSat to MobSat Holding
1 BV, the entity that was originally referred to as “Netherlands Holdco 2” in the Inceptum
proceeding. Charts demonstrating the planned restructuring of the MobSat ownership are
attached hereto as Annex 5.

        This planned change in the ultimate ownership of FTMSC is pro forma because it will
simply insert three wholly-owned holding companies into the MobSat ownership chain between
MobSat and the Apax France entities. Ultimate ownership and control of MobSat will continue
to be held by Apax France VI, Amboise and Altamir.

IV.            CONCLUSION

       Inceptum and MobSat ask that the information contained herein be made a part of the
Commission record in these proceedings, and we provide the attached updated charts and
supplemental exhibit in lieu of the original versions that were previously submitted to the
Commission. We request that the Commission consider this information as it continues to
process the Inceptum Consolidated Application and the MobSat Applications.



Annex 1:   Revised Figure 1 (replaces Figure 1 found on page 6 of Attachment 2 of the
           Inceptum Consolidated Application)

Annex 2:   Chart of MobSat S.A.S. Ownership Structure

Annex 3:   Revised Attachment 3 (replaces Attachment 3 to the Inceptum Consolidated
           Application and supplements information provided in Exhibit A to the MobSat

Annex 4:   Revised Post-Consummation Ownership of TSS and Subsidiaries (replaces chart
           on page 10 of Inceptum Consolidated Application)

Annex 5:   Charts of Planned Restructuring of FTMSC Ownership


                                                                                                                                           Annex 1
                                                                                                                                      Attachment 2
                                                                                                                                        Page 6 of 6

                                                                                  Figure 1:

                                                                                                                                    Maurice Tchénio
                                                                             Maurice and Romain
                   Other APSA
                  Shareholders                                                                100%
                  (All individuals)

                                                                                APAX PARTNERS SNC

         45.0%               0.02%

          APAX PARTNERS SA                             54.48%                           MMG SAS
               (APSA)                                                                    (MMG)

                                          advice                        0.04%

                             advice                                                        0.04%                            79.8%

                                                                        Apax Partners & Cie Gérance SA
                    Investment                                                                                                                          0.37%
                    advice                                                                                            GP
                                                                                                                      and manager
                                           24.34%                                          99.96%

                             Société Européenne                          Apax Partners et Compagnie
                                  Iéna SAS                                     Gérance II SAS
                                    (SEI)                                        (APCG II)
GP and manager
                                                                                           GP and manager
                                          Investors                                                Floating Limited

                 Apax France VI                                        Amboise Investissement SCA                                    Altamir & Cie SCA
   (French fund – FCPR (Fonds Communs de                              (Listed company – partnership limited by              (Listed company– partnership limited
             Placement à Risques))                                                    shares)                                           by shares)
                 (Apax France)                                                      (Amboise)                                            (Altamir)

                                                           72%                                      20%                                       8%

                                                                                            Minority + no-control
                                                                  Majority + control
                                                                                                                           Minority + no-control

                                                                             MobSat Group Holding Sàrl
                                                                           (Luxembourg limited liability company)


                                                                                   MobSat Holding 2 BV
                                                                         (Netherlands private limited liability company)


                                                                                       MobSat Holding 1 BV
                                                                          (Netherlands private limited liability company)


                                                                                         Inceptum 1 AS

                                                                                                                                          Annex 2

                                                                  Ownership of MobSat S.A.S.

                                                                                                                                Maurice Tchénio
                                                                             Maurice and Romain
                   Other APSA
                  Shareholders                                                               100%
                  (All individuals)

                                                                                APAX PARTNERS SNC

         45.0%               0.02%

          APAX PARTNERS SA                             54.48%                          MMG SAS
               (APSA)                                                                   (MMG)

                                          advice                        0.04%

                             advice                                                       0.04%                         79.8%

                                                                        Apax Partners & Cie Gérance SA
                    Investment                                                                                                                      0.37%
                    advice                                                                                           GP
                                                                                                                     and manager
                                          24.34%                                          99.96%

                             Société Européenne                          Apax Partners et Compagnie
                                  Iéna SAS                                     Gérance II SAS
                                    (SEI)                                        (APCG II)
GP and manager
                                                                                          GP and manager
                                          Investors                                               Floating Limited

                 Apax France VI                                        Amboise Investissement SCA                                Altamir & Cie SCA
   (French fund – FCPR (Fonds Communs de                              (Listed company – partnership limited by          (Listed company– partnership limited
             Placement à Risques))                                                    shares)                                       by shares)
                 (Apax France)                                                      (Amboise)                                        (Altamir)

                                                           72%                                       20%                                  8%

                                                                                           Minority + no-control
                                                                  Majority + control
                                                                                                                       Minority + no-control

                                                                                       MobSat S.A.S.

                                                                                                                                        Annex 3
                                                                                                                                   Attachment 3
                                                                                                                                     Page 1 of 4


  Reporting      Country of        Nationality of investment principals,     Location of world   Location of tangible   Location of greatest sales
    Entity      Organization                officers, and directors            headquarters          properties             and/or revenues
Inceptum 1 AS   Norway          Wholly owned by MobSat Holding 1 BV          Norway              N/A                    N/A. Holding Company
                                Bertrand Pivin (Sole Director), French
                                Geoffrey Leland (deputy board member –
                                acts in the absence of the sole Director),
                                French & U.S.
MobSat          The             Wholly owned by MobSat Holding 2 BV          The Netherlands     N/A                    N/A. Holding Company
Holding 1 BV    Netherlands     (Netherlands)
                                Bertrand Pivin (Member of the Board),
                                Hermanus Boerson (Member of the Board),
MobSat          The             Wholly owned by MobSat Group Holding         The Netherlands     N/A                    N/A. Holding Company
Holding 2 BV    Netherlands     Sàrl (Luxembourg)
                                Bertrand Pivin (Member of the Board),
                                Hermanus Boerson (Member of the Board),
MobSat Group    Luxembourg      Shareholders:                                Luxembourg          N/A                    N/A. Holding Company
Holding Sàrl                    Apax France VI (France), 72%
                                Amboise (France), 20%
                                Altamir (France), 8%
                                Bertrand Pivin (Member of the Board),
                                Franck Przygodda (Member of the Board),

                                                                                                                                       Attachment 3
                                                                                                                                         Page 2 of 4

 Reporting         Country of       Nationality of investment principals,       Location of world    Location of tangible   Location of greatest sales
    Entity        Organization               officers, and directors              headquarters           properties             and/or revenues
Apax France      France          Investors are from various countries all of    France              France                  France
VI FCPR                          which are in Western Europe or South Asia
                                 (Singapore), in addition to the USA and
                                 Canada. No single investor provides 10% or
                                 more of the total invested funds. Apax
                                 Partners SA manages the fund and has all
                                 authority with regard to invested funds.
Amboise          France          Recently listed investment company (March      France              France                  France
Investissement                   2006). Only investors holding more than 5%
SCA                              can be reliably identified. The SCA is
                                 managed by Apax Partners et Compagnie
                                 Gérance II, one of its two General Partners.
Altamir &        France          Investment company. Only investors             France              France                  France
Compagnie                        holding more than 5% can be reliably
SCA                              identified. The SCA is managed by Apax
                                 Partners et Compagnie Gérance SA, its
                                 general partner.
Apax Partners    France          Principal shareholders:                        France              France                  France
SA                               MMG, French
                                 Edgard Misrahi, French
                                 Patrick de Giovanni, French
                                 Laurent Ganem, French
                                 Jean-Louis Rambaud, French
                                 Bertrand Pivin, French
                                 Roland Tchénio, French
                                 Maurice Tchénio, French
                                 Officers & Directors:
                                 Maurice Tchénio (Chairman/CEO), French
                                 Alan Patricof (Director), USA
                                 Roland Tchénio (Director), French
                                 Ronald Cohen (Director), UK

Document Created: 2019-04-05 01:11:45
Document Modified: 2019-04-05 01:11:45

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