Attachment 20170824114217-513.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20061109-00517 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Mikelle Morra

From:                  Kishiyama, Lonnie []
Sent:                  Tuesday, March 06, 2007 3:18 PM
To:                    Kishiyama, Lonnie; George Li; Susan OConnell; Mikelle Morra; Joann Ekblad; David Krech
Co:                    James Ball
Subject:               FCC application status update for week of 3/6/07

Good afternoon,

Please be advised that based on the information in its FCC application and discussions
with the companies, the DOJ, FBI, and DHS have NO COMMENT on the following applications:

 1. — ITC 214—20061006—00456 2. RCI/I  @—AaoAmboied  TCOe
—20061109—00517, SCL—T/C 20061109—00008 3. Bridges Global Access Telecomm — ITC

Please be advised that DOJ,     FBI and DHS request that the following applications be REMOVED
from streamline:

1        Envios de Valores La Nacional — ITC—214—20070213—00069
q_set=V_SITE_ANTENNA_ FREQ. file numberC/F11e+Number/63D/ITC2142007021300069
&prepare= &column=
2%         Edge Telecom Inc.   — ITC—214—20070212—00067 «—

Please contact me or Amy Jabloner if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Lonnie Kishiyama

                                                                Reliance Communications, Inc.
                                                       570 Lexington Ave., 38th floor, New York, NY 10022. USA
                                                                      Tel: (212) 319—2995 *« Fax: (212) 223—1387

November 22 2005                                                           nov 2 2 2006
                                                                   Federal Communications Com
                                                                           Office of the Secretary

         L12d _oo, onl ctc

Marlene H D prtch
Federal To nriunic ations C on m:ssi on
445 12t}. S rect, SV
Washingto 1, 1)C 20554

Re:     Amen imer t to Reliar.ce Communications, Inc. Application for Authority to Transfer
        Co1ntr »l of ts Section 211 / uthorization — File No. ITC—T/C—20061109—00517

Dear Ms. L ortch:

         On November 9, 2006, Reliance Communications, Inc. ("RCI") filed the above referenced
application seeking consent to transfer control of its Section 214 authorization (ITC—214—2002—1107—
00535). RCI seeks to amend its response to Question 14 in such application to identify new foreign
carrier affiliations. RCI will file a separate foreign carrier affiliation notification with the Commission
identifying these new affiliations.

       Specifically, RCI seeks to include the following entities among its affiliated foreign carriers:

       Reliance Communications (Australia) Pty Limited ("RCAPL"), an Australian company that
initiated the provision of international calling card services in Australia on November 9, 2006. RCAPL
has less than a 50% market share in the international transport and local access markets in Australia.

                                           MEMBER RELIANCE GROUP

        Reliance Communications (New Zealand) Pte Limited ("RCNZPL"), a New Z :al              in    | compay
that proposes to provide international calling card services in New Zealand starting in D«     ce    nt 2r 2096.
RCNZPL currently has no market share in the international transport and local access mi        rk    :ts in New
Zealand and anticipates that it will have less than a 50% market share in the internatio 1a    tr;   ns »ort end
local access markets in New Zealand once it initiates service next month.

        Reliance Communications (Singapore) Pte Limited ("RCSPL"), a Singapore: com            »a y hat
proposes to provide international calling card services in Singapore starting in Decemliei     2(06 RCSPL
currently has no market share in the international transport and local access market: in S     ag ipere and
anticipates that it will have less than a 50% market share in the international transport an   | : cal access
markets in Singapore once it initiates service next month.

        Reliance Communications Hong Kong Pte Limited ("RCHKPL"), a Hong K ong :               or    ipi   ny that
proposes to provide international calling card services in Hong Kong starting in Decemb        ri    0C    6.
RCHKPL currently has no market share in the international transport and local access m;        rk    :ts   in Hcng
Kong and anticipates that it will have less than a 50% market share in the internationa. tr    ns    10    t and
local access markets in Hong Kong once it initiates service next month.

11/22/2006 14:34 FAX                            STEPTOE & JOHNSON                                     CGoos

          Please do not hesitate to contact our outside counsel, Christopher C. Tai at 202—429—6448, if you
   have any questions regarding this amendment.

                                                       Mithae} Saue® _
                                                       Executive Vige President and Treasurer
                                                      Reliance    Communications, Inc.

                          P25lL096§SZLCLL                                      ‘oul ‘DWd SWIEd €       deg:so 90 1Z AON

                                  STEPTOE 8)JOHNSONw
                                         ATTOFN :Y i AT      LAW

Rhond a M.Bolton                                                                                  1330 Connecticut Aven 1e, NWY
202.429.6495                                                                                       Washington, DC 20036—1795                                                                                           Tel 2024293000
                                                                                                               Fax 2024293902

                                                                        JAN 2 3 2007
January 23, 2007
                                                                Federal Comr iunii ations Commission
                                                                       O fice of tt 2 Secretary


Ms. Marlene Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SWV
Washington, DC 20554

        Re:     Original Signature Paze—
                Second Ammendment to Rel: ance Cc mi auiications, Inc. Af plication for Authority to
                Transfer Control of its International Section 214 Autho:iz: tion
                (File ITC—T/C—20961109—0051"‘ )

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        On behalf of R :liance Communications, In :. | "RCI"), enclosed is the original signature page for
RCTI‘s Second Amendimnent to its Application for A ut] ior ty to Transfer C« ntrol of the above—referenced
International Section 214 Authorization. This orig in:il s gnature page rep aces the copy that was filed
with the Second Amendment on January 19, 2007.

       If you have any questions regarding this suon iss on please contact me.

                                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                                             u_ BM
                                                             Rhonda M. Bolton
                                                             Counselfor Reliance Communications, Inc.


WASHINGTO N        *   NEW YORK     *    P H O ENIX   *   LO§   ANGELES              ®       LO ND O N         *    BRUSSELS

holding company that, via its wholly—owned subsidiary AAA Communication Pr va e Lit ited
("AAACPL"), will hold a 63.98% direct interest in RCOM and therefore, a 6: .9{ % indir ct
interest in RCI. By virtue of M:. Ambani‘s 60% interest in RIVL, tk : entire ©3. )8‘ 6 inte es :
held by AAACPL in RCOM as ‘well as the 0.56% held by RIVL in R °OM dii zsoily woul: be
attributed to Mr. Ambani under ‘he Commission‘s rules. See Note to       Parag:a h h)       47 C F. i. §
63.18(h). Thus, under the FCC attribution rules, Mr. Ambani will io      d a com »ir :d     3454 %
indirect interest in RCOM thou zh his ownership interest in RIVL (6.      .98% vii / A.     iC PL +
0.56% directly held by RIVL ) and a 0.09% direct interest in RCOM,       herety ; iv ng     hi n ‘ejure
as well as de facto control ov s 1RNCI. Mrs. Ambani will hold a cor bi   ied indi ze oy     mrsip
interest of 25.816% in RCONM tt rough her ownership interest in RIV.     , (25. 59. :% (0   4* 53 98 %)
via AAACPL + 0.224% (0.4" 0.©6%) directly held by RIVL) and a di         ect oovn »rs 1i    in :er ‘st of
0.23% in RCOM. The remaiaiing 35.14% interest in RCOM will rem           in w de y lis      ersec aniong
over 2,000,000 Indian and non—Indian shareholders. This final owne1      ship strt stire    s( ef ct :d in
Exhibit C of the Application.

        The Application indic ates that this final transaction is pending and wvil    ta ce ols   ce   aftr
Commission approval of the warier corporate reorganization transact: ons that        :es ilt :d   n    he
transfer of de facto control to Mr. Ambani. However, exigent busines circun          stine‘s      ha    h ve
arisen since the Application vias filed now compel RCOM to comple 2 this fit         al »rc fc    rm   2
transaction and put the final cwnership structure in place in advance (f Comn iss or af pr ivi l of
the Application. Thus, RCI seeks to inform the Commission of the cl ange in in in b
submitting this second amendment to the Application.

       If you have any questions regarding this amendment, please c imtact our |i ge . c ou se ,
Christopher C. Tai, at (202) 429—6448.

                                               Executive Vice President and Treas irer

ge:    Ms. Jodi Cooper, International Bureau, FCC
       Mr. Greg Pinto, Department of Homeland Security

Document Created: 2019-05-23 01:11:38
Document Modified: 2019-05-23 01:11:38

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