Attachment 20170824114201-040.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20061109-00517 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.



                  Cran              d Dl:gmufi                          Non Streamlined       ITC—STA—20061109—00518
                                                       e                                  1B200€ 003027
                          —                    {   1             ———— —Reli nee—Communications, nc.1

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  S Lmz@ mule & Cl                                                     REL [ANCE COMMUNICATIONS, INC.
_ "cgatum  §       ~=>                                                     SEC[ION 214 STA . \PPLICA] ION
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       ; 2ESI ONS TO QUE STION10                                 Z";A as sto(zA in xh* pat ok Aaste cham:>

               Reli mceComm unications,. Inc. ( RCPF ), put suant toSe tion :14 of the Communica ions

       Act 0| 1934 and S ectio: 1 63.25 of tl ie Co: nmis: ion‘s rules 47 C F.R. $63.25, her ‘by request:

       upeciel temporary auths rity ("STA ) to c ontin‘ie opc ratin; ; under its Cection 214 authority

       ending gre at ofi ‘s apg lication for a tran sfer o f control. 1:CI is authc rized to prc vide global

       ‘acilit es—ba sed ar d res: le services jursu int to authc rity g antec in File No. ITC. 214—20021; 07—

       0535.                                                                                                             |

               As e xplait ed in greater det; il bel »w, R CI in: dvert »ntly ‘ailed to obtain C omm:ssion

       : tuthoiizatic a pric : to a series of tra isacti ons tl at res ulted in a ti ansfe ‘ of ultimat; control ov x

       RCL Accodingl», con urrent witt ‘the f ling cf this STA reque st, RCT is filing a 1 applicatic a

       seekir g Commiss on af proval of th e trar sfer of conirol. lowe rer, R CI requests special —

       t;:mpc rfiy authority to pontinue providin ; internafional te_ecoffi munications serv ce to its

       cfistomers pendingfhe Commissiofi’s consideration of the transfer of control application. Grant

       ofthis STA request is therefore in the public interest because it will allow RCI to avoid any

       discontinuity of service to the public.

               RCI had been controlled indirectly by Reliance Communications Ventures Limited

       ("RCVL") as a reéult of the transfer by Reliahce Industries Limited ("RIL") of its various

       telecommunications entities to RCVL.! As a result of this transfer, RCVL exercised dejure and

       defacto control over RCL holding an aggregate indirect ownership interest of 65.9120% in RCL.

       However, the corporate structure assumed by RCVL (which was renamed Reliance

               ‘ This transaction was described by RCI to the Commission in a transfer of control
       application that was timely filed on September 15, 2005 (IBFS File No. ITC—T/C—20050915—
       00370) and granted by the Commission on December 1, 2005. Public Notice, DA 05—3129 (Dec.

solololololeletololaletatotok —COMM. JOURNAL— selatoisiolefefolelololetetefefalolok: DATE NOVU—Z22—2006 selstaiok T IME 101 05. selsiolotolotok

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                               START=NQU—22 10:04                          END=NOU—22 1005

            FILE NO. =365

   STN        COMM.             ONE—TOUCH~                STATION NAME/TEL NO.                                                                     PAGES                 DURAT I ON
   NO.                            ABBR NO.

   021            OK            &                         92610552                                                                                 @3003                  G@:01:‘11

                                                                                                                —I1N TERNAT IONAL               BUREAU               =

#olctolololetetelololeleleleleletetalaleletatetatatol elatatcleletetok —IN~L. BUREAU                      — solobck k —                      202 418 2824— stolcicicioioicick

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                                          INTERNATIONAL BU.REAU _
                                                                  Policy Division

                                                                  FAX SHEET
                                                           Fax Number: (202) 418—2824
          Thitfatsimile transmussion is intended onlyfor the oddressec shown below. It may contain Information thet is pr ‘vi. eged, confidentialor otherwise pratected
         from disclasure. Any reviow, dissemination or use ofthis tranaruazion or ts contents by persons other then the 0id estee is stricily prohibued, Ifyou have
         recetved this transmuxsion in error, please notlfy us ummediately by relephone and mail the original to us of the Fi de ‘al Communications Commussion,
         International Bureau, 445 13" Sireet 5. W., Room 7—4625, Washington, DC 20554.

                                             DATE: ___! [ 2> [ ob
                                             rrom:_                 Geser                         S
            TELEPHONE NUMBER: (202) 418. _t‘t6ba—
                                                                                                                                             k/qs Per.
                                                                                                                     "T-a_,‘,\/l‘3|r‘%d a,“‘
                                                   TO:         C/fi\?’?m

                            raxmumBER: _{[(z2o2 ) z61— o45$2
          TELEPHONE NUMBER:                                      TzoZ) ‘f?--? — C444
       SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:                                       \
                                                                       <S</, (;1.,                             RC¢TI               _sm:r C—


                                        Federal Communications Commission
                                               Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau

                                                                            E—mail: James.
                                                                               (202) 418—1462
                                                                               (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                               Noveraber 22, 2006
                                                                               Ref: 2006—64

Hillary Morgan                (703) 607—6092            Steven W. Lett                (202) 647—5835
Regina Hart    §              (202) 205—0497            Louis Brenuer                 (202) 692—4235
Eric Werner                   (202) 772—0908            Josephine Scarlett            (202) 482—5461
Edward T. Hand                (202) 514—2464            K.enneth Schagrin             (202) 395—5663
Helen Domenici                (202) 456—6085            Myla S. Trotter               (202) 324—1730
Sigal Mandelker               (202) 616—0573            Jonathan Frenkel              (202) 282—8478
Dominic Pastore               (202) 514—5607
Stephen Heifetz               (202) 282—8973

          Re:          Section 214 Applications and T/C of Cable Landing License

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please review the following applications and advise us whether you have any national security,
law enforcement, foreign policyor trade concerns by C.0O.B. December 13, 2006, because we are
prepared to take action on these applications. Electronic filed (e—file) applications are able to
be viewed by accessing and searching by thefile number.

ITC—214—20061120—00526 (e—file)
Ouro Preto Inc.‘s application for authority to provide global facilities—based and resale
services between the United States and permissible international points. Applicant is 51%
owned by a Brazilian partnership, and 49% owned by a citizen of Brazil..

ITC—T/C—20061109—00517 (e—file)
Application for consent to transfer control of section 214 authorization ( ITC—214—
20021107—00535) held be Reliance Communication, Inc. (RCT) from Reliance
Communications Ventures Limited (RCVL) to Mr. Anil Ambani, a citizen of India.
Please note that RCVL‘s name was changed to Reliance Communications Limited
(RCOM) on June 7, 2006.

The transaction occurred on September 14, 2006, without prior Commission approval. In
order to avoid any discontinuity of service to its customers, RCI requests a special
temporary authority (STA) to continue operating under its section 214 authorization
(ITC—214—20021107—00535) pending grant of its underlying application for the transfer of
control (ITC—T/C—20061109—00517). RCI acknowledges that the grant of STA will not
prejudice any action the Commission may take on the underlying application, and the
STA can be revoked by the Commission upon its own motion without a hearing.

Therefore, we granted an STA (ITC—STA—20061109—00518) for RCI on November 22,
2006.                                                            :

SCL—T/C—20061109—00008 (e—file)
Application for consent to transfer control of FLAG Atlantic—1 Submarine Cable Landing
License (SCL—LIC—19990301—00005) held by FLAG Telecom Group Limited (FLAG)
from Reliance Communications Ventures Limited (RCVL) to Mr. Anil Ambani, a citizen
of India. Please note that RCVL‘s name was changed to Reliance Communications
Limited (RCOM) on June 7, 2006.

The transaction occurred on September 14, 2006, without prior Commission approval. In
order to avoid any discontinuity of service to its customers, FLAG requests a special
temporary authority (STA) to continue operating under its submarine cable landing
license (SCL—LIC—19990301—00005) pending grant of its underlying application for the
transfer of control (SCL—T/C—20061109—00008). FLAG acknowledgesthat the grant of
STA will not prejudice any action the Commission may take on the underlying
application, and the STA can be revoked by the Commission upon its own motion
without a hearing. Therefore, we granted an STA (SCL—STA—20061109—00009) for
FLAG on November 22, 2006.

       If we do not hear from you by C.O.B. December, 13 2006, we will assume that
you do not have any concerns with these applications.


                                                Lo AJ‘——
                                                  George Li, Deputy Chief
                                                  Policy Division

Document Created: 2019-05-22 13:09:50
Document Modified: 2019-05-22 13:09:50

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