Attachment 20170824110225-797.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20061107-00503 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Message                                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 1

  Mikelle Morra

  From:      George Li
  Sent:      Thursday, November 02, 2006 9:07 AM
  To:         Mikelle Morra; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Imani Ellis
  Subject: FW: Could you help us to find out the ownership interests Guam Cable holds in TPC—5, China—US and Guam—
              Philippines Cable ?We need to send them to State Dept.

Mikelie; Would you please up—load this into our Files: SCL—T/C—20060920—00007 and 2+4—1?C—26060820—Gfxx 7
*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***

-----Original Message—————
From: John King []
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2006 7:57 AM
To: George Li
Subject: FW: Could you help us to find out the ownership interests Guam Cable holds in TPC—5, China—US and Guam—Philippines
Cable ?We need to send them to State Dept.


Here are Guam Cable Group‘s percentage interests in the undersea cables:
TPC—5 — 0.14293%
China—US — 0.07882%
Guam—Philippines — 1.06647%

Let me knowif you have additional questions.

Best wishes.


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                    JOHN WELLS KING
                    GARVEY SCHUBERT BARER

                    fifth floor
                    1000 potomac street nw
                    washington, de 20007—3501
                    TEL 202 965 7880 x2520 FAX 202 965 1729


    g @                                                                     wASHINGTON,    D.C.   OFFICE         OTHER OFFICES

G <                                                                         fifth floor                          beijing, china
B _                                                                         flour mill building                  new york, new york
                                                                            1000 potomae sireei nw               portland, oregon
6   a   R   v   E   Y s   C   HO   U   B   E   R   T   B.   A   R   E   R   washing:ion, d.c. 20007—3501         seattle, washington
A PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS                                  teu 202 965 7880 rax 202 965 1729    6SBLaw. com

                                                                                                  Please reply to JOHN WELLS KING
                                                                                          TEL ExT 2520

November1, 2006


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, N.W.
Washington DC 20554

            Re:       Application for Consent To Transfer OfControl Of
                      GUAM CABLE GROUP, INC.,
                      From STARTEC GLOBAL OPERATING COMPANY, Transferee
                      To GUAM TELECOM, LLC, Transferor

            Attno:    Jodie May, Wireline Competition Bureau

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        On September 19, 2006, an application was filed for Commission consent to the transfer of
control of GuamCable Group, Inc. ("GCG"), from Startec Global Operating Company to Guam
Telecom, LLC ("GTL"). GCGholds international and domestic Section 214 authority, as well as
interests in cable landing licenses.

            The following information is provided at the informal request of the Commission staff.

            Ownership: As reflected in the Application, the ultimate controlling ownership interests in
GTL, are held by three persons: William Luby, James Collis, and The J. Patrick Michaels Family Trust.

        Messrs. Luby and Collis hold cognizable interests in Seaport Associates III, L.P., which
indirectly holds a controlling voting interest in Everest Midwest, LLC, a competitive local exchange
carrier providing voice and data communications services in the Kansas City metropolitan area. See WC
Docket No. 06—75.

        J. Patrick Michaels, Jr., Trustee of the J. Patrick Michaels Family Trust, holds a cognizable
interest in CEA Capital Corp., which indirectly holds a controlling voting interest in Reserve Long
Distance, Inc., a rural incumbent local exchange carrier providing voice and data communications
services in the communities of Reserve and La Place, Louisiana.

az)°                                                                  November 1, 2006
Sw!     s a R Y EoY s on uo gog eog r P 4 8 6R                        Page 2
B ..

        Services: GCG holds certain indefeasible rights of use in the TPC—5, China—US and Guam—
Philippines undersea cables, leasehold interests that permit it to collocate equipment at the Tumon Bay
and Tanguisson cable landing stations in Guam, and leasehold interests in fiber optic capacity linking
these cable landing stations. GCG makes these facilities available to other licensed carriers for resale. It
does not provide services to end users.

        Kindly communicate any questions directly to this office.

                                              Respectfylly submitted,
                                                      J        ?/

                                              4hn Wells King

ce:  Jodie May, Wireline Competition Bureau (by email/pdf)
     Robert Felgar, General Counsel, Startec Global Operating Company
     (by email/pdf)


Document Created: 2019-06-01 00:19:03
Document Modified: 2019-06-01 00:19:03

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