Attachment 20170831141801-170.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060614-00316 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.



           Non—Streamlined       ITC—STA—20060614—00318                             firantepgfi
                                 1B2006001567                            ,            ~       cy Division
           Swisscom North America, Inc.                                                     Intomational Bursau
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                                        ATTACHMENT 1

           Swisscom North America, Inc. Request for Special Temporary Authority
               To Continue Operations Pending Transfer of Control Approval

AnswertoQuestion 1:

The address for Swisscom NorthAmerica, Inc. ("SCNA") is 2001 L Street, N.W., Suite 750,
Washington, DC 20036. In addition, please note that the related transfer of control application
also notifies the Commissionofthe applicant‘s recent name change from SCNAto Belgacom
International Carrier Services North America Inc.

AnswertoQuestion 10:

SCNA, pursuant to Section 63.25 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.25, requests special
temporary authority ("STA") for its continued operations pending grant ofits application for a
transfer of control of its Section 214 authorizations. SCNA is authorized to provide international
service pursuant to Section 214 authority grantedin File Nos. ITC—214—19970609—00317, ITC—
214—19970609—00318, ITC—214—1998—0407—00235, and ITC—214—19980713—00482. Please note
that the relatedtransfer of control application also notifies the Commission of the applicant‘s
recent name change from SCNA to Belgacom International Carrier Services North America Inc.

In conducting a reviewof its regulatory status, SCNA discovered that it had inadvelte:n'tly' failed
to submit the necessarytransfer of control application in connection with the formation of a joint
venture established on July 1, 2005. Specifically, as of July 1, 2005, Swisscom Fixnet Ltd
("Swisscom Fixnet") contributed its wholly owned subsidiary SCNA to Belgacom International
Carrier Services N.V./S.A. ("BICS") and in turn took a 28 percent ownership interest in BICS.
SCNA thus became a wholly—owned subsidiary of BICS. BICS, in turn, is 28 percent owned by
Swisscom Fixnet and 72 percent owned by Belgacom S.A./N.V. ("Belgacom"). Accordingly,
control of SCNA was transferred from Swisscom to BICS. Exhibit A hereto contains a diagram
of this transaction.

Immediately upon discovery of the failure to timely file the transfer of control application,
SCNA is voluntarily and promptlysubmitting contermporaneously this STA requestand the .
related transfer of control application filed simultaneously herewith. SCNA requests this STA in
order to continue operating its facilities and serving its customers pending grant of the related
application. Accordingly, grant of this STA request is in the public interest in order to avoid any
discontinuance of service to the public.                                    '

SCNA also has taken steps to familiarize its relevant personnel with the Commission‘s
regulatory requirements with respect to assignments and transfers of control to ensure that such a
regulatory oversight does not reoccur. SCNA will ensure that it consults with regulatory counsel
with respect to any future corporate restructurings or other transaction that could require an
application or other disclosure to the Commission, and thus expects to prevent similar situations

xoloiolelaleiatetotatatatatok. —COMM . JOURNAL— salcieteleiclelotolatotatolatatatclok. DATE JUN—22—2006 sleloiok T IME: 111 33 selalatotatolok

         MODE = MEMORY TRANSMISSION                                                           START=JUN—22 11: 32                           END=JUN—22 11:33

            FILE NO. =002

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                                         INTERNATIONAL BUREAU
                                                                Policy Division

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Document Created: 2019-05-03 22:42:05
Document Modified: 2019-05-03 22:42:05

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