Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060524-00304 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


  Voice | Data i Internet ! Wirelass I Entertainment                                         EMBARQN
                                                                                             Embarq Corporation
                                                                                             Mailstop:   KSOPENO212
                                                                                             6450 Sprint Parkway
                                                                                             Overland Park, KS 66251
                                                                                             EMBARQ. com

                                                       May 22, 2006

   Marlene H. Dortch
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12"" Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20554

            Re:      Notification of Pro—Forma Transfer of Control of Embarqg Communications, Inc.
                     (ITC—214—20050816—00337 E) and Embarq Communications of Virginia, Inc.
                     (ITC—214—20050816—00336 E)

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

            This is to notify the Commission, pursuant to §63.24(f) of the Commission‘s Rules, of
   the pro forma transfer of control of the above—referenced holders of Section 214 international
   resale authorizations.

          More specifically, Embarg Communications of Virginia, Inc. is a wholly—owned
  subsidiary of Embarg Communications, Inc., which in turn is a direct, wholly—owned subsidiary
  of Embarq Corporation. Until May 17, 2006, Embarq Corporation was a direct, wholly—owned
  subsidiary of Sprint Nextel Corporation, but on May 17, 2006 Sprint Nextel Corporation
  distributed the stock of Embarq Corporation pro rata to its shareholders as a dividend. Since this
  was an assignment of Sprint Nextel Corporation‘s ownership of Embarq Communications, Inc.
  and Embarq Communications of Virginia, Inc., to its individual stockholders without effecting
  any substantial change in the disposition of their interests, it is a pro forma transfer of control
  under the Commission‘s Rules (see Sections 63.03(d)(l)and 63.24(d).‘                The additional
  information required by Section 63.24(f) of the Rules® follows below.

   ‘ Initially, Embarq Communications, Inc. was a direct wholly—owned subsidiary of Sprint Nextel Corporation. On
    or about April 12, 2006, Sprint Nextel Corporation transferred its ownership of Embarq Communications, Inc. to its
    subsidiary Embarq Corporation; that internal restructuring also constituted a pro forma transfer of control under
    Sections 63.03(d)(1)and 63.24(d) of the Rules. A timely notification of that transaction was filed on May 11, 2006.
    > Under section 63.03(d) of the Rules, no notification is required for the pro forma transfer of domestic Section 214
$A authority.

Name and Address of Parties:

       Sprint Nextel Corporation
      2001 Edmund Halley Drive
      Reston, VA 20191
      Telephone: 703—433—4000

      Embarg Corporation
      Embarg Communications, Inc.
      Embarq Communications of Virginia, Inc.
       5454 W 110°" Street
      Overland Park, KS 66211
      Telephone: 913—323—4637

State in which each Party is organized:

       Sprint Nextel Corporation is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of

       Embarq Corporation is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware.

       Embarq Communications, Inc. is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of

       Embarqg Communications of Virginia, Inc. is a corporation organized under the laws of
the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Officers and Contact Points


       Claudia Toussaint, Vice President
       Embarq Corporation
       5454 W. 110 Street
       Overland Park, KS 66211

       Counsel to whom correspondence concerning this notification is to be addressed:

       Craig T. Smith, Senior Counsel
       Embarq Corporation
       6450 Sprint Parkway
       Mailstop KSOPHNO214—2A671
       Overland Park, KS 66251—6100
       Telephone: 913—315—9172

Section 214 Authority

       Embarq Communications, Inc. has blanket domestic Section 214 authority under Section
63.01 of the Rules, and also has a Section 214 international resale authorization (ITC—214—
20050816—00337 E). Embarq Communications of Virginia, Inc. also has blanket domestic
Section 214 authority under Section 63.01 of the Rules, and also has international resale
authority under Section 214 (ITC—214—20050816—00336 E).

Other Information

       Embarq Corporation, the immediate parent of Embarg Communications, Inc. and Embarq
Communications of Virginia, Inc., was formerly a wholly—owned subsidiary of Sprint Nextel
Corporation.    At the time Sprint Nextel Corporation distributed its ownership of Embarq
Corporation to its shareholders, no person or corporate entity owned a 10 percent share or more
of Sprint Nextel Corporation, and Sprint Nextel Corporation had no interlocking directorates
with any foreign carrier. The parties hereby certify that the transfers of control in question were
pro forma and that, together with all previous pro forma transactions, did not result in a change
in the actual controlling party.

       This letter is being filed electronically. Please direct any questions to the undersigned.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                      Craig T. Smith

                                                                             Craig T. Smith
                                                                             SmNIOR COUNSEL
                                                                             Voice:   (913)   315—9172

Document Created: 2006-05-24 13:58:15
Document Modified: 2006-05-24 13:58:15

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