Attachment Attachment


LETTER submitted by America Movil

Letter filed


This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060510-00269 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER n                                                                         Psc3 h         Ki
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    June 8, 2006

    Via Hand Delivery
    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                       JUN — 8 2006
    Federal Communications Commission                     Federal Communications Commisston
    445 12th Street, S.W., TW—A325                                Office of Secretary
    Washington, DC 20554

           Re:     Combined Application for Consent to the Transfer of Control of
                   Telecomunicaciones de Puerto Rico, Inc., Holder of Domestic and
                   International Section 214 Authorizations, from Verizon Communications
                   Inc. to América Movil, S.A. de C.V.

                   File No. ITC—T/C—20060510—00269

    Dear Ms. Dortch:

           Pursuant to the request of the staff of the International Bureau, América Movil,
    S.A. de C.V. ("América Movil"), by its undersigned counsel, hereby supplements the
    information provided in the above—referenced application by stating the following:

           In response to Question 17 on the International Section 214 Authorization
    Application for Transfer of Control, América Movil certified that it agreed to
    comply with the "dominant carrier safeguards in Section 63.10 (c) & (e) of the
    Commission‘s rules in the provision of international service" between the United
    States and Mexico, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador. In the narrative
    accompanying that question, América Movil noted that several of its affiliates are
    presumed by the Commission to possess market power in those markets. América
    Movil wrote: "[wlith respect to the U.S.—Mexico, U.S.—Guatemala, U.S.—
    Nicaragua, and U.S.—El Salvador routes . . . América Movil will comply with the
    Commission‘s rules applicable to carriers affiliated with foreign carriers that the
    Commission considers dominant under its rules . . .." América Movil
    inadvertently did not include the U.S.—Brazil route in this sentence, though it did
    acknowledge earlier in the narrative that its affiliate Embratel is presumed to
   possess market power in Brazil, and it did list the Brazil route on the Application
   as one of the routes for which it agrees to comply with "dominant carrier
    safeguards." This omission was inadvertant. With regard to the U.S.—Brazil
    route, América Movil will comply with the Commission‘s rules applicable to

            NeEw York   WasHingron   Paris   Lownpon   Miran    Romk   FRankrURT        BRUSSELS

Federal Communications Commission
June 8, 2006
Page Two

carriers affiliated with foreign carriers that the Commission considers dominant
under its rules, without prejudice to América Movil‘s right to seek reclassification
of Embratel in the future.

       Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned should you have any
questions regarding this submission.

                                          Michael Jgnes
                                          Daniel K¢ Alvarez*
                                          WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER, LLP
                                          1875 K Street, NW.
                                          Washington, D.C. 20006

                                          Counselfor América Mévil, 8.A. de C.V.

                                                              *Admitted to Practice in Virginia
ce:     Susan O‘ Connell
        David Krech

Document Created: 2019-04-23 12:19:03
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 12:19:03

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