Attachment 20170831094801-680.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060510-00269 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                        Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau

                                                                      (202) 418—1462             :
                                                                      (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                      June 15, 2006
                                                                      Ref: 2006—39

Hillary Morgan            (703) 607—6092          Monique Roth               (202) 353—6200
Steven W. Lett            (202) 647—5835          Regina Hart                (202) 205—0497
Eric Werner               (202) 772—0908          Louis Brenner              (202) 692—4235
Edward T. Hand            (202) 514—2464          Richard Lamb               (202) 647—0965
Josephine Scarlett        (202) 482—5461          Tina Gabbrelli             (202) 282—8582
Helen Domenici            (202) 456—6085          Kenneth Schagrin           (202) 395—5663
Dominic Pastore           (202) 514—5607          Myla S. Trotter            (202) 324—1730
Laura Parsky              (202) 616—3928

         Re:       America Movil/ Verizon/ TELPRI (PRT)
                   WT Docket No. 06—113, DA 06—1245, Public Notice RelealSCd June 14, 2006
                  TTC—T/C—20060510—00269, ISP—PDR—20060509—00006

                   Petition to Deny Due:          July 14, 2006
                   Opposition Due:                July 24, 2006
                   Replies Due:                   July 31, 2006

Dear Sir or Madam:

        América Movil, S.A. de C.V. ("América Movil"), Verizon Communications Inc.
("Verizon"), and subsidiaries of Telecomunicaciones de Puerto Rico, Inc. ("TELPRI," and
together with América Movil and Verizon, the "Applicants") have filed applications pursuant to
Sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended ("Communications
Act"), seeking Commission approval of thetransfer of control to América Movil ofcertain
licenses andauthorizations held by wholly—owned subsidiaries of TELPRI, which is indirectly
controlled by Verizon. These applications pertain to licenses for the Part 22 Cellular
Radiotelephone Service, the Part 24 Personal Communications Service, the Part 90
Industrial/Business Pool Service, and the Part 101 Common Carrier Fixed Point—to—Point
Microwave Service and Digital Electronic Message Service, as well as domestic and international
Section 214 authorizations. In addition, América Movil has filed a petition for a declaratory
ruling that the proposed foreign ownership of TELPRI in excess of the 25 percent benchmark set
forth in Section 310(b)(4) of the Communications Act is in the public interest.

        América Movil is a Mexican corporation that is a holding company for
telecommunications—related investments. América Telecom, S.A. de C.V., a Mexican holding
company, holds approximately 40.48 percent of the total capital stock and 64.72 percent of the
voting shares of América Movil. SBC International, Inc. ("SCBI"), a wholly—owned subsidiary of
AT&T Inc., holds approximately 7.91 percent of América Movil‘s total capital stock. According
to the Applicants, no other public investor holds more than 10 percent of América Movil‘s capital

         A copy of Public Notice DA 06—1245 (rel. June 14, 2006) is attached. Should you have
any national security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns with this proposed

transaction, please file your comments by July 14, 2006. Please see the General Information
section of the Public Notice for WT Docket No. 06—113, DA 06—1245 (rel. June 14, 2006).

       . For further information, please contact Erin McGrath, Mobility Division, Wireless
Telecommunications Bureau, at (202) 418—2042.


                                                      Exzomp ~——‘*—
                                                       George Li, Deputy Chief
                                                       Policy Division

Document Created: 2019-05-05 14:48:37
Document Modified: 2019-05-05 14:48:37

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