Attachment 20170829154431-280.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060417-00237 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                   Before the
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of the Application of                      )
 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS$, LLC                             )
                                                          ) File No. ITC—T/C—2006—________
 And                                                      )
 ICG COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                 )     WC Docket No. 06—__________
— For Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of       )
 the Communications Act of 1934                           )
 to Complete a Transfer of Control of                     )
 ICG Telecom Group, Inc., an Authorized                   )
 Domestic Interstate andInternational Carrier             )
        A.   _— Summary of Transactions

        Level 3 Communications, LLC ("Level 3") and ICG Communications, Inc. ("ICG®"),

 along with ICG Telecom Group, Inc. ("ICG Telecom")(collectively "Applicants"), by and

 through undersigned counsel and pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act, as.

 amended, 47 U.S.C. § 214, and Sections 63.04, 63.18 and 63.24 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47

 C.FR. §§ 63.04, 63.18 & 63.24, hereby request that the Commission grant such authority as

may be necessary or required to enable Applicants to consummate a series of transactions

 whereby Level 3 will acquire indirect ownership and control of ICG Telecom, a certificated

 carrier authorized to provide international and interstate services. Specifically, through the

proposed transactions, Level 3 will acquire ICG. As a result, ICG Telecom will become an

indirect, wholly owned subsidiary ofLevel 3.

         Applicants . respectfully request that the Commission approve this Application

 expeditiously in order to allow Applicants to consummate the proposed transactions as soon as


         B.      Application Eligible for Streamlined Processing

         With respect to domestic interstate services, Applicants respectfully submit that this

 Application is eligible for streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.03 of the

 ~Commission‘s    Rules,   47   C.F.R. §63.03(b)(2)(i)   because, immediately following the

 transactions, (1) Applicants and their affiliates (as defined in Section 3(1) of the

 Communications Act — "Affiliates") combined will hold less than a ten percent (10%) share of

 the interstate, interexchange market; (2) Applicants and their affiliates will provide local

 exchange service onrly in areas served by cdominant local exchange carriers {none of which are

| parties to the proposed transactions) and; (3) none of the Applicants or their affiliates are

 dominant with respect to any service.

        With respect .to international authority, this Application is eligible for streamlined

 processing pursuant to Section 63.12(a)—(b) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.12(a)—

 (b). —In particular, Section 63.12(c)(1) is inapplicable because as set forth above, Applicants

 qualify for a presumption of non—dominance pursuant to Section 63.10(a)(3) of the

 'Commission’s Rules. Furthermore, none of the scenarios set outlined in Sections 63.12(c)(2)

 and (3) of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c)(2)(3), apply.


        A.       ICG Communications, Inc. ("ICG")

        ICG is a corporation formed under the laws of the State of Delaware. ICG‘s corporate

 headquarters is located 9800 Mt..Pyramid Court, Suite 250, Englewood, Colorado 80112. ICG,

 through its operating subsidiary ICG Telecom, provides a variet;           ed a'md unregulated

 voice and Internet services, including Ethernet and Private Lin:           services, dedicated

 Internet access, PRI and hosted Voice over Internet Protocol.              :som provides such

 products to businesses, government agencies and resellers pril             olorado and Ohio

 through the Company‘s extensive fiber—optic network located i              tes. ICG Telecom

 hoids international Section 214 authority and is authorized t              jlJomestic interstate

 service by virtue of blanket Section 214 authority.

        ]3‘.    Level 3 Communications, LLC ("Level 3")

         Level 3 is a Delaware limited—liability company hea                 at 1025 Eldorado

 Boulevard, Broomfield, Colorado 80021, which engages in it                 1 of domestic and

— international communications and information services. Level 3            ect, wholly—owned

 subsidiary of Level 3 Communicationé:, Inc., a Delaware «<                   headquartered in

 Broomfield, Colorado and a global communications and inforn                 ces company that,

 through its subsidiaries, offers a wide range of communications            zer its 23,000 mile

 broadband fiber optic network, including Internet—protocol—based           ‘oadband transport,

 collocation services, and patented Softswitch—based managed mo              ice services. Level

 3. Communications, Inc. is a publicly traded company listed on NASDAQ (symbol: LVLT).

 Level 3 holds fnternational Section 214 authority and domestic blanket Section 214 authority.

 In light of Level 3‘s extensive operations, it is well qualified to acquire control of ICG and

 therefore of ICG Telecom.


        Applicants have agreed to complete a series of transactions whereby Level 3 will

 acquire direct ownership and control of ICG and therefore will become the indirect owner of

'ICG Telecom. Specifically, on         14, 2006, Level 3 and ICG‘s parent, MCCC ICG Holdings,

LLC, entered into a Stock Purc         Agreement ("Agreement") pursuant to which Level 3 will

acquire all ofthe stock of ICG.         result, ICG will become a direct wholly owned subsidiary

of Level 3 and ICG Telecom w           come an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Level 3. An

i{lustrative chart describing the      ised transactions is provided in Exhibit A.

        Although the proposed          ctions will result in a change in the ultimate ownership of

ICG Telecom, the transactio1           11 not have any immediate effect on IC(+ Telecom‘s

‘operations or adversely affect a      the customers who receive service in connection with ICG

Telecom‘s on—going operations          aediately following the consummation of the transactions,

those customers will continue t        sive service under the same rates, terms and conditions of

service and continue to recet          rvice under the ICG brand name.          As a new indirect

subsidiary of Level 3, ICG T           m will continue to operate and provide services to its

customers and will retain the a        used in the provisions of those services. As a result, the

transactions will be virtually tr;     rent to ICG Telecom‘s customers in terms ofthe services

they receive.

IV.      PUBLIC INTEREST &             EMENT
        Applicants respectfully submit that the proposed transactions serve the public interest. In

particular, Applicants submit that the transactions will ensure that ICG Telecom‘s customers can

continue to receive service on an uninterrupted basis; and, that the transactions will be seamless in

nature and therefore virtually transparent to those customers. The transaction described above will

serve the public interest by ensuring the continued viability of ICG and provide ICG access to

Level 3‘s highly qualified management team and financial, technical and managerial capabilities.

       At the same time, the proposed changes in ownership of ICG will not inconvenience,

confuse or otherwise harm ICG Telecom‘s customers.          Immediately following the proposed

transactions, ICG Telecom‘s customers will continue to receive service under the same rates,

terms and conditions of service as those which customers currently receive.


       Pursuant to Section 63.04 of the Commission‘s Rules, the Applicants submit the

following information in support of this Application:

       (a) —   Name, address andtelephone number of each Applicant:


                              Level 3 Communications, LLC (FRN # 0008085136):
                              1025 Eldorado Boulevard
                              Broomfield, Colorado 80021
                              Telephone: (720) 888—2516


                              ICG Communications, Inc. (FRN #0008338659)
                              9800 Mt. Pyramid Court, Suite 250
                              Englewood, Colorado 801122
                              Telephone: (303) 414—5000

               ICG Telecom:

                              ICG Telecom Group, Inc. (FRN # 0008175473) can be reached at
                              ICG‘s address and telephone numbers set forth above.

       (b)     Jurisdiction of Organizations:

               Level 3:

                              Level 3 Communications, LLC is a limited liability corporation
                              formed under the laws of the State ofDelaware.

                              ICG Communications, Inc. is a corporation formed under the
                              laws of the Stateof Delaware.

      ICG Telecom:

                        ICC     som Group, — c. is a corporation formed under the laws
                        of t    te of Color:

(c)   Correspondence c          ming this 4    »lication should be sent to:

               Edward S. {     Jr.
               Brian McDermoit
              Michael W. Fleming
              Williams Mullen
             ~8270 Greensboro Drive, Suit      ‘00
              ‘McLean, VA 22102
              :(703) 760—5200 (Tel)
              (703) 748—0244 (Fax)
              bmedermott@williammullen         M
              mwfleming@willamsmullet          xm
(d)    ICG Telecom holds international         ssold and facilities—based Section 214
      ‘authority pursuant to authority grant   by the Commissionin File No. ITC—214—
       19980508—00305. ICG Telecom al:         holds blanket domestic interstate Section
      214 authority.      Level 3 also hok     international resold and facilities—based
      Section 214 authority pursuant to a      ority granted by the Commussion in File
      No. ITC—214—19971229—00821 (prev         isly File No. ITC—98—016).
      Applicants seek authority to transfer    direct control of ICG Telecom to Level 3
      in connection with Level 3°‘s propo      l acquisition of ICG. ICG Telecom will
      continue to provide interstate tel       mmunications services to its existing
      customers and therefore does not         k approval to discontinue any type of
      service through this Application.

(£)   Not applicable.

(g)   Not applicable.

(b)   Ownership information for ICG Telecom is provided below.

      Current OwnershipInformation of ICG Telecom

      (1)     The following entity owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of
              ICG Telecom Group, Inc.:

                     Name:                           ICG Holdings, Inc.
                                                     9800 Mt. Pyramid Court, Suite 250

                                              Englewood, Colorado 801122
                Citizenship:                  U.S.
                Equity/Voting Interest:       100%
                Principal Business:           Holding Company

_ (@2)   The following entity owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of ICG
         Holdings, Inc.:

                Name:                         ICG Communications, Inc.
                                              9800 Mt. Pyramid Court, Suite 250
                                              Englewood, Colorado 801122 .
                Citizenship:                  TU.S.
                Equity/Voting Interest:       100%
                Principal Business:           Holding Company

  (3)    The following entity owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of ICG
         Communications, Inc.:

                Name:                         MCCC ICG Holdings, LLC
                                              c/lo Columbia Capital
                                              201 North Union Street
                                              Suite. 300
                                              Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                Citizenship:                  U.S.
                Equity/Voting Interest:       100%
                Principal Business:           Holding Company

  (4)    The following entities will own or control ten percent (10%) or more of
         the equity of MCCC ICGHoldings LLC:

                Name:                         M/C Venture Partners V, L.P.
                Address:                      75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                              Boston, MA 02109—1829
                Citizenship:                 U.S,
                Equity/Voting Interest:      47%
                Principal Business:          Private Equity Venture Fund

                Name:                        Columbia Capital Equity
                                                    Partners III (QP), LP.
                Address:                     201 North Union Street
                                             Suite 300
                                             Alexandria, VA 22314
                Citizenship:                 U.S.
                Equity/Voting Interest:      27%
                Principal Business:          Private Equity Venture Fund

                                     Name:                              Columbia Capital Equity
                                                                               Partners III (Cayman), LP.
                                     Address:                           201 North Union Street
                                                                        Suite 300
                                                                        Alexandria, VA 22314
                                     Citizenship:                       Cayman Islands
                                     Equity/Voting Interest:            15%
                                     Principal Business:.               Private Equity Venture Fund

                   (5)        The following entities own or control ten percent (10%) or more of M/C
                              Verture Partners V, L.P.:

                                     Name:                              California Public Employees                 x
                                                                               Retirement System‘
                                     Citizenship:                       United States
                                     Equity/Voting Interest:            12%
                                     Principal Business:                Pension Fund

                                     Name:                              California State Teachers
                                                                               Retirement System"
                                     Citizenship:                  —_   United States
                                     Equity/Voting Interest:            14%
                                     Principal Business:                Pension Fund

                                     Name:                   :          M/C VP V, L.L.C.
                                     Address:                           75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                                                        Boston, MA 02109—1829
                                     Citizenship:                       United States
                                     Equity/Voting Interest:            General Partner
                                     Principal Business:                Investment

                   (6)        The following entities own or control ten percent (10%) or more of M/C
                              YP ¥, LL.C.;

                                     Names:                             James F. Wade
                                                                        David D Croll
                                                                        Peter H. 0. Claudy
                                     Address:                           c/o M/C Venture Partners
                                                                        75 State Street, Suite 2500
                                                                        Boston, MA 02109—1829
                                     Citizenship:                       United States
                                     Equity/Voting Interest:            Managers

*        Interest holder is a retirement and health benefit pension fundwith over 1.3 million members with assets
of over $150 billion.
         Interest holder is the largest public teacher pension organization and has over 600,000 members with
assets of over $88 billion.

                 Principal Business:           Individuals

 (7)     The following entity owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of
         Columbia Capital Equity Partners III (Cayman), L.P.:

                 Name:                         Columbia Capital Equity
                                               Partners (Cayman) III, Ltd.
                 Address:                      201 North Union Street
                                               Suite 300
                                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                 Citizenship:                  Cayman Islands
                 Equity/Voting Interest:       General Partner
                 Principal Business:           Investments

 (8)     The following entity owns orcontrols ten percent (10%) or more ofboth
         Columbia Capital Equity Partners III (Cayman), Ltd. and Columbia
         Capital Equity Partners III (QP), L.P.:

                Name:                          Columbia Capital Equity
                                                      Partners III, L.P.
                Address:                       201 North Union Street
                                               Suite 300
                                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                Citizenship:                   United States
                Equity/Voting Interest:        Sole Shareholder of Columbia
                                               Capital Equity Partners (Cayman)
                                               TI, Ltd. and General Partner of
                                               Columbia Capital Equity Partners
                                               III (QP), LP.
                Principal Business:            Investments

(9) ._   The following entities own or control ten percent (10%) or more of |
         Columbia Capital Equity Partners III, L.P.;

                Name:                          Columbia Capital III, L.L.C.
                Address:                       201 North Union Street
                                               Suite 300
                                               Alexandria, Virginia 22314
                Citizenship:                   United States
                Equity/Voting Interest:        General Partner
                Principal Business:            Investments

(10)})   The followingg entities own or control ten p percent (10%) or more of
         Columbia Capital III, L.L.C.:

                Names:                         James B. Fleming, Jr..

                                           R. Philip Herget, III
                                           Harry F. Hopper III
             Address:                      c/o Columbia Capital
                                           201 North Union Street                      .
                                           Suite 300                                  ;
                                           Alexandria, Virginia 22314                 t
             Citizenship:            .     United States
             Equity/Voting Interest:       Managing Members                           i
             Principal Business::          Individuals                            ‘   C

Post—Closing Ownership Information

(1)    The following entity will continue toown or controlten percent (10%)
       or more of ICG Telecom Group, Inc.:.

             Name:                         ICG Holdings, Inc.
                                           9800 Mt. Pyramid Court, Suite 250
                                           Englewood, Colorado 801122
             Citizenship:                  United States
             Equity/Voting Interest:       100%
             Principal Business:           Holding Company

(2)   The following entity will continue to own or control ten percent (10%) or
      more of ICG Holdings, Inc.:

             Name:                         ICG Communications, Inc.
                                           9800 Mt. Pyramid Court, Suite 250
                                           Englewood, Colorado 801122
             Citizenship:                  United States
             Equity/Voting Interest:       100%
             Principal Rusiness:           Holding Company

(3)   The following entity will own or control ten percent (10%) or more of
      ICG Communications, Inc.:

             Name:                         Level 3 Communications, LLC
             Address:                      1025 Eldorado Boulevard
                                           Broomfield, Colorado 80021
             Citizenship:                 United States
             Equity/Voting Interest:      100%
             Principal Business:          Telecommunications

(4)   The following entity owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of
      Level 3 Communications, LLC:


                                      Name:                           Level 3 Financing, Inc.
                                      Address:                        1025 Eldorado Boulevard
                                                                      Broomfield, Colorado 80021
                                      Citizenship:                    United States
                                      Equity/Voting Interest:         100%
                                      Principal Business:             Information Technology

                  (5)       The following entity owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of                  [E
                            Level 3 Financing, Inc.:                                                            i8

                                      Name:                          Level 3 Communications, Inc.
                                      Address:                       1025 Eldorado Boulevard
                                                                     Broorafield, Colorado 80021
                                      Citizenship:                   United States
                                      Equity/Voting Interest:        100%                                       3
                                      Principal Business:            Holding Company                            ig

                 (6)        The following entity owns or controls ten percent (10%) or more of
                           TLevel 3 Communications, Inc.:

                                      Name:                          Southeastern Asset
                                  -                                          Management, Inc. ("SAM")
                                      Address:                       6410 Poplar Avenue, Suite 900
                                                                     Memphis, Tennessee 38119
                                      Citizenship:                   United States
                                      Equity/Voting Interest:        SAM holds sole or shared voting
                                                                     rights for approximately 18 percent
                                                                     of outstanding shares of Level 3
                                                                     Communications, Inc.*
                                      Principal Business:            Investment Advisory Services

                                      SAM does not hold a seat on the board of directors of Level 3
                                      Communications, Inc.

                 {(Answer_ to_Question 12) ICG Telecom currently has no interlocking
                 directorates with foreign carriers.            Level 3 has the following interlocking
                 directorates with foreign carriers:                          |

                 e      Brian Hedlund, who is an Assistant Secretary of Level 3, is also a Secretary
                        of Level 3 Communications (Austria) Limited, a Secretary of Level 3
                        Communications (Denmark) Limited, a Secretary of Level 3
                        Communications Ltd. (Ireland), and a Secretary of Level 3 Communications
                        Limited (United Kingdom);

>      None of the other owners of outstanding shares of Level 3 Communications, Inc., whose shares are voted
by SAM owns a 10— percent—or—greater direct or indirect interest in Level 3 Communications, Inc.


                  e   Andrew E. Ottinger, Jr., who is Vice President of Level 3, is also a Secretary
                      of Level 3, a Secretary of Level 3 Communications Limited (UK) and an
                      Assistant Secretary of Level 3 Communi ions Ltd. (Irelan); and

                  e   Robert M. Yates, who is a Senior Vi«              President and Assistant Genei
                      Counsel of Level 3, is also a Director oi         svel 3 Communications (Austri
                      Limited, a Director of Level 3 Commut             itions S.A. (Belgium), a Direct
                      of Level 3 Communications (Denmarl                Limited, a Director of Level
                      Coramunications S.A.S. (France), a Dt             tor of Level 3 Communicatio
                      GmbH (Germany), a Director of Level 3             »ymmunications Limited (Irelanc
                      a Director of Level 3 Communications |            LL. (Kaly), a Director of Level
                      Communications B.V. (the Netherl;                 Is),   a Director     of Level
                       communications SLU (Spain), a Direct             »f Level 3 Communications A..
                      (Sweden), and a Director of Level 3               ommunications Limited (Unit

         M        (Answer_to Question14) ICG Telecom i:                 iot currently affiliated with ar
                  foreign carriers. Level 3 is authorizedto p           ide telecommunications servic
                  in Canada and also has previously report                 affiliations with the followit
                  foreign carriers: (1) Level 3 Communicatic              (Austria) Limited (Austria); (
                  Level 3 Communications S.A. (Belgtum);                  Level 3 Communications c.r.
                 (Czech Republic); (4) Level 3 Communicati              ; (Denmark) Limited; (5) Level
                  Communications S.A.S. ((France), (6) I                el 3 Communications Gmb
                  (Germany); (7) Level 3 Communication:                 amited (Ireland); (8) Level
                  Communications S.R.L. (Italy); (9) Lev                 3 Communications BV. (ft
                 ©Netherlands); (10) the Warsaw branch office           ‘Level 3 Communications Gmb
                  (Poland); (11) Level 3 Communication                   SLU (Spain) (12) Level
                  Communications A.B. (Sweden); (13)                    svel 3 Communications A
                  (Switzerland); (14) Level 3 Communicatior             Limited (United Kingdom); (1:
                 Williams        Cormmunication          Network,3.   (Canada)      (16)    WilT
                 Communications K.K. (Japan); (17) WilTel | mmunications (Cayman) Limite
                 (Netherlands); and (18) Williams Communications UK Limited (United
                 Kingdom) (collectively, the "Level 3 Foreign Carrier Affiliates")." All of the
                 Level 3 Foreign Carrier Affiliates are non—dominant carriers that lack market
                 power in their respective destination markets. All of the Level 3 Foreign Carrier
                 Affiliates operate in destination markets located in World Trade Organization
                 ("WTO") Members countries. *

         ()      (Answer to Question 15) Applicants certify that they seek to continue to provide
                 international telecommunications services from the United States to the

4        Although WilTel Communications (Cayman) Limited is organized in the Cayman Islands, it is authorized .
to provide telecommunications services in the Netherlands.

i       See World Trade Organization, Members and Observers (2005), available at" e/org6_e.htm.


                 destination countries listed in Paragraph (i) above, in each of which an entity
                 that owns more than 25 percent of, or controls, Level 3 (and will own more than
                 25 percent or control ICG Telecom) controls a foreign carrier in that country, or
                 will do so following the consummation of th _ roposed Transaction.

         (k)     All of the countries listed in subsection (i)           ustria, Belgium, Canada,      zech
                 Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Irel              1, Italy, Japan, the Neth        inds,
                 Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the           nited Kingdom)are Work           ‘rade
                 Organization ("WTO®") Members countries.

         W       On routes between the United States and               : foreign countries ident       d in
                — Paragraph (i) above, the Level 3 Foreign             rrier Affiliates each sati      : the
               — requirement of Section 63.10(a)(3) of the C           imission‘s rules.° Each 1       rel 3
                 Foreign Carrier Affiliate holds significantly         s thana 50—percent markt         ‘hare
                 in the international transport and local acces        garkets in its respective e      ntry.
                 Moreover, no Level 3 Foreign Carrier Affil            s has any ability to discr      inate
                 against unaffiliated U.S. international carriee       hrough the control of bot       aeck
                 services or facilities in its respective internat      al market. No Level 31         sign
                 Carriee     Affiliate    appears on the (             nmission‘s list of              cign
                 telecommunications carmiers _Jpresumed to             ssess market power in           eign
                 telecommunications markets.‘         According!         each Level 3 Foreign          mier
                 Affiliate is presumptively non—dominant               i therefore presumed t          lack
                 sufficient market power on the internati              i end of the route to           ffect
                 competition adversely in the U.S. market.

                 For the reasons set forth in subsection (I) a         ve and pursuant to Com:         sion
                 Rule 63.10(a)(3), 47 C.F.R. §63.10(a)(3), f            awing the transactions, L      el 3
                 and ICG Telecom will continue to be presur            ively classified as non—do       nant

        (n).     Applicants certify that they have not agr          to accept special conce ions
                 directly or indirectly from any foreign © rier with respect to an U.S.
                 international route where the foreign carrier possesses market power on the
                 foreign end of the route and will not enter into such agreements in the future.

        (0).     Applicants certify that they are not subject to denial of federal benefits pursuant
                 to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1998. See 21 U.S.C. § 853a.
                 iSee also 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.2001—1.2003.

        (P)      With respect to international authority, this Application is eligible for
                 streamlined processing pursuant to Section 63.12(a)—(b) of the Commission‘s

        See 47 C.FR. § 63.10(a)(3).
        See International Bureau Revises and Reissues the Commission‘s List ofForeign Telecommunications
Carriers that Are Presumed to Possess Market Power in Foreign Telecommunications Markets, Public Notice, 19
FCC Red. 20,358—(Int‘l Bur. 2004) ( "Presumed Market Power List").


                 Rules, 47 C.F.R. §63.12(a)—(b). In particular, Section 63.12(c)(1) is inapplicable
                 because as set forth above, Applicants qualify for a presumption of non—
                 dominance pursuant to Section 63.10(a)(3) ofthe Commission‘s Rules.
                 Furthermo       mne of the scenarios set outlined in Section 63 —   2(c)(2)—(4) of the
                 Commissi        tules, 47 C.F.R. § 63.12(c)(2) or (3), apply.


        In lieu of an attac      t, pursuant to Commission Rule 63.04(b), 47         F.R. § 63.04(b),

Applicants submit the fo         1g information in support of their request fo       omestic Section

214 authority in order to        »ss the requirements set forth in Commissior        zle 63.04(a)(6)—


        (a)(6) A descript        ‘the proposed transactionsis set forth in Secti«    III above.

        (a)(7) 1CG Telec         rovides intrastate services primarily in Color      > and Ohio, but
                 has limite      istate private line operations in Indiana and .‘    ntucky. Level 3
                 provides c      itive interexchange and local services to cust      iers nationwide.
                 Neither of      Applicants or their affiliates is dominant w          respect to any

        (a)(8)   Applicants      »ctfully submit that this Application is eligit       for streamlined
                 processing      uant to Section 63.03 of the Commission‘s           ules, 47 C.F.R.
                 §63.03. T       icular, with respect to domestic authority, 1       ; Application is
                 eligible fo:    unlined processing pursuant to Section 63.0         ))(2)(i) because,
                 immediate.      lowing the transactions, (1) Applicants a             their affiliates
                 combined        hold less than a ten percent (10%) share            [ the interstate,
                 interexchai     rarket; (2) Applicants and their affiliates |~      1 provide local
                 exchange s      : only in areas served by dorninant local exch:     :e carriers (none
                 of which are parties to the proposed transactions) and; (3) none of the
                 Applicants or their affiliates are dominant with respect to any service.

        (2)(@)   Through this Application, Applicants seek authority with respect to both
                 international and domestic Section 214 authorizations (this Application is being
                 separately and concurrently filed with respect to both types of authorities in
                 compliance with Commission Rule 63.04(b), 47 C.F.R. § 63.04(b)). No other
                 applications are being filed with the Commussion with respect to the proposed
                 transactions.                                   '

        (a)(10) Prompt. completion of the proposed transactions is critical to ensuring that
                Applicants can obtain the benefits described in the foregoing application.
                Accordingly, Applicants respectfully request that the Commission approve this


       Application expeditiously in order to allow Applicants to consummate the
       proposed transactions as soon as possible.

(a)(11) Not applicable.

(a)(12) A statement showing how grant of the application will serve the public interest, .
        convenience and necessity is provided in Section IV above.

                  [Remainder of Page Left Intentionally Blank]



        For the reasons stated above, Applicants respectfully submit that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by a grant of this Application. Indeed, failure to

grant it would directly harm the public interest.     Applicants therefore respectfully request

expedited treatment to permit Applicants to consummate the proposed transactions as soon as


                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  Edward S. Quill, Jr.
                                                  Brian McDermott
                                                  Michael W. Fleming
                                                  Williams Mullen
                                                  8270 Greensboro Drive
                                                  Suite 700
                                                  McLean, Virginia 22102
                                                  (703) 760—5200 (Tel)
                                                  {703) 748—0244 (Fax)

Dated: April 17, 2006

                                             — 16 —

    Exhibit A
TIllustrative Cha



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                           CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

       On behalf ofLevel 3 Communications, LLC, I hereby certify upon penalty ofperjfury that
I am Senior Vice President, Regulatory and Public Policy of Level 3 Communications, LLC and
that the statements in the foregoing Federal Communications Commission Section 214
Application are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge andsuch statements are
made in good faith.

                            Name:          John M. Ryan

                            Title:         Senior Vice President, Regulatory   and Public Polic

                            Date:                     4{' 4 /0 &


                                     CERTIFICATION OF APPLICANT

          On behalf of ICG Telecom Group, Inc., I hereby certify upon penalty of perjury that I am
     Scott E. Beer of ICG Telecom Group, Inc. and that the statements in the foregoing Federal
_ Communications Commission Section 214 Application are true, complete, and correct to the best
  of my knowledge and such statements are made in good faith.                :

                             A                        B      wl
                                     Name: —        Scott E. Beer
                                 .                  VP. and General Counsel

                                     Date:          j/,/3//0 C


                                                   l                                   COPY
                                     WILLIAM S           MU LLE N
                                                                                     RECENED & INSPECTED

                                                                                          JUN       g 2006
                                               June 1, 2006                            FCC — MAILROOM


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                                               RECE||VED
Federal Communications Commission
9300 East Hampton Drive                                                                    —      JUN % 0 2005
Capitol Heights, MD 20743                                                                               6
                                                                                                  Policy Division
RE:     NOTICE OF CONSUMMATION                                                                  International Bureau
       Level 3 Communications, LLC and ICG Communications, Inc.
       Docket No. WC—06—91

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Level 3 Communications, LLC ("Level 3") and ICG Communications, Inc.
("ICG")(together with Level 3, the "Parties"), through undersigned counsel, hereby advise the
Commission 2006,completedthetransactionapprovedthe
Commission in the above captioned Docket and File.

       An original and nine (9) copies of this letter are enclosed. Please date—stamp and return
the enclosed extra copy of the filing in the attached stamped envelope. Questions regarding this
Notice of Consummation may be addressed to the undersigned.

                                                   2e G%,
                                                 Respectfully submitted,


                                                 Edward S. Quill, Jr.
                                                 Michael W. Fleming

                                         A Professional Corporation
                            VIRGINIA e WASHINGTON, D.C.               e LONDON
   8270 Greensboro Drive, Suite 700 McLean, VA 22102 Tel: 703.760.5200 Fax: 804.783.6507 or 703.748.0244

Document Created: 2019-05-22 11:50:37
Document Modified: 2019-05-22 11:50:37

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