Attachment 20170829145256-797.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060410-00229 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


Message                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:     Mikelle Morra
  Sent:     Friday, May 26, 2006 1:27 PM
  To:       ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
  Co:       George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; ‘Myla Saldivar—Trotter‘;
            ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
  Subject: FCC Section 214 Removed from Streamlined

CTC Communications Group, Inc.

CTC Communications Group, Inc.

Sierra USA Communications, Inc.

The above referenced applications were placed on Public Notice on May 19, 2006 for streamlined processing.
Since the Public Notice was released, the Commission has been requested by the Executive Branch agencies of
the United States that we remove the subject applications from streamlined processing because of foreign
ownership issues. Therefore, pursuant to Section 63.12(c)(3) of the Commission‘s Rules, we have removed
these applications from streamlined processing.

Please be advised that your company may not commence operations until the Section 214 authorization is
granted. See Section 63.12(d) of the rules, 47 C.F.R. Section 63.12(d). The Executive Branch will contact you
or the "Contact" listed on your application directly for further information. You can be assured that your
application will be processed expeditiously upon completion of Executive Branch‘s review. We will notify you
by e—mail when your application is granted.

The Public Notice Report No. TEL—010308 (released May 26, 2006), is attached. If you have any questions,
please email:,,,, and or fax to 202—418—2824.

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau/ Policy Division

*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***


Message                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:     Mikelle Morra
  Sent:     Thursday, June 29, 2006 1:59 PM
  To:       ‘Griffin, Joan M.‘; ‘‘
  Co:       George Li; David Krech; Susan OConnell; Joann Ekblad; ‘Myla Saldivar—Trotter‘; ‘‘;
            ‘‘; ‘‘; ‘‘
  Subject: FCC Section 214 Application Granted

Choice One Communications International Inc.

Connecticut Telephone & Communication Systems

US Xchange Inc.

CTC Communications Corp.

Lightship Telecom LLC

Connecticut Broadband LLC

CTC Communications Group, Inc.

CTC Communications Group, Inc.

The above listed applications have been granted by Public Notice released June 29, 2006; Report No. TEL—
01042, DA 06—1347 (attached).

Thank you,

Mikelle Morra
International Bureau/ Policy Division

*** Non—Public: For Internal Use Only ***


May 24, ~"06

By E—Fil

Ms. Mar                   e H. Dortch
Federal (                 nmunications Commission
445 12th                   SW, Room TW—B204
Washing                   1, DC 20554

Re:                       > Communications Group, Inc./Choice One Communications Inc./Conversent
          Fat if h d oo

                           DK No. 06—85, DA 06—995

Dear Ms                   ortch:

The Dep     ment of Homeland Security ("DHS")  U
                                                  with the concurrence of the Department
of Justic! ‘DOJ"), includingthe Federal Bureau ofInvestigation ("FBI"), requests that
the Fede:    Communications Commission ("Commission") defer action on the
applicati ; of CTCCommunications Group, Inc., ("CTC Group"), Choice One
Commut itions Inc. ("Choice One") and Conversent (together "Applicants") to transfer
control 0 omestic and international section 214authorizations under section 214 of the
Commut itions Act of 1934 held by the CTC Group subsidiaries and the Choice One
Subsidia ; as a result of the acquisition of Conversent by CTC Group and Choice One.
We ask t : the FCC defer these actions until such time as DOJ, FBI, and DHS (i) notify
the Commission that potential national security, law enforcement, and public safety
issues raised by the application have or have not been resolved, and (ii) on that basis,
request appropriate action by the Commission. Necessarily, DOJ, FBI, and DHS also
request that the Commission remove the application from streamlined processing.

After receiving notice of the applications, DOJ, FBI, and DHS have been in contact with
the Applicant and have received information related to national security, law
enforcement, and public safety concerns. DOJ, FBI, and DHS is reviewing the
information, but are not yet in a position to address these concerns. DOJ, FBI, and DHS
will act expeditiously and will advise the Commission promptly upon completion of our

Thank you for your consideration.


                                    /s/ STEWART A. BAKER

                                    Stewart A. Baker
                                    Assistant Secretary for Policy
                                    United States Department of Homeland Security

ce:    CTC Communications Group, Inc.
       Choice One Communications Inc.
       Best Copy and Printing
       Tracey Wilson—Parker
       Denise A. Coca
       Adam Kirschenbaum
       Renee Crittendon
       Susan O‘Connell
       James Bird
       George Li
       Lou Brenner
       Lonnie Kishiyama

                                     KELLEY DRYE & WARREN cur
                                              \LIMITED   LIABILITY PARUNERSHIP

                                             395 ) K STREE*", N.W.
  NEW YORK, NY                                      S JITE 400                                                            FACSIMILE
TYSCNS CORNER, VA                         WASHINGTOII, D.c. 20007                                                       (202) 342—8451
    °HICAGO, IL                                                                                                       www.

  s~AmMFORD, CT                                   (2c2) 142—8400           RECE'\IED'
                                                                                                                DIRECT LINE: (202) 342—8552

ERU 3SELS, BELGIUM                                                               JUL   2 7   2006

 AF ‘ILIATE OFFICES                                                              H'Iic' DiViSriOfl
  M JMBAI, INDIA                                                            l"te' flafional E'Ufeau

                                                «ul ab p2006»
                                                                                              JUL 1 3 2006
                                                                                                       insty            ission
                                                                                        Faderal Communications CommI
     Marlene Dortch, Secretary                                                           e      Office of Secretary
     Federal Communications Co mnission
     The Portals
     445 12th Street, S.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20554

                      Re:    Notification of C m:unim:tion of Trans fer of Control

                             WC Docket Nos. 0t—47 and 06—85;
                             ITC—1/C—20060% 2—0100, 00101, 00102, 00103, 00105, 00106;
                             ITC—1/C—20060« 10 —0( 22 7, 00228, 00% 29

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

               CTC Communications Croup, It c., Cloice One Communications Inc. and Conversent
     Communications, Inc., by their undersig ne 1 c ouisel and pursuant to Section 63.24(e)(4) of the
     Commission‘s Rules, hereby notify the : Soinniis: ion of the consummation of the transfer of
     control of their subsidiaries as described in the above—referenced dockets. The Commission‘s
     date of action was June 28, 2006.

            Enclosed please find five (5) copies and a duplicate copy of this letter. Please date—
    stamp the duplicate and return it in the envelope provided. Should you have any questions,
    please contact the undersigned at (202) 342—8552.

                                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                                            Melissa S. Conway

    ge:        CeCi Seppings, Competitive Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau
               Denise Coca, Competitive Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau
               David Krech, International Bureau

                                              KELLEY DRYE & WARREN Liur
                                                      A LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP

                    _               .         WASHINGTON HARBOUR, SUITE 400
       new york. wy                                  3050 K STREET, NW                               I           racsimiue
    ty s ons   COFINER,    VA                   WASHINGTON, D.-C-             20007-5108    .                  (202)   342.8451

        CcHICAGO, iL                                                                                
       §                                                  (202) 342—8400

    BRUSSELS, BELGIUVM                                                                                         _
7                                                                                                        DIRECT LINE: (202) 342—8573

                                                                                                         EMAIL: |
       MUMBA1, INDIA

                                                        Ju 23, 2006                                 DATE STaup & Aetvay

       mame /
       Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                                                                 aece 2 DUPLicAre
                                                                        ,\UN 9 3 2006
       Federal Communications Commission                                           incs commisson
       Office of the Secretary                                           Communica!o"W‘s
     . 445 12th Street, SW                                     Fedet® Apppgeof$0000°
       Washington, DC 20554

                  Re:           CTC Communications Group, Inc. and Choice One Communications Inc.
                                File Nos. ITC—T/C—20060222—00100
                                Conversent Communications, Inc.
                            File Nos. ITC—T/C—20060410—00227

       Dear Ms. Dortch:

                       Enclosed for filing are the original and ten (10) copies of the "Joint Petition to
       Adopt Conditions to Authorizations And Licenses" of CTC Communications Group, Inc. ("CTC
       Group"), Choice One Communications Inc. ("Choice One"), Conversent Communications, Inc.
       ("Conversent"), the United States Department of HomelandSecurity ("DHS"), and the United
       States Department of Justice ("DOJ"), including the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"),
       concerning the applications in the file numbers captioned above. A copy of the Joint Petition is
       also being filed at the same time in WC Docket Nos. 06—47 and 06—85 via ECFS.

                      Please date—stamp the duplicate copy of this letter and return it to the bearer. Any
       questions regarding this filing should be addressed to the undersigned counsel.


                      KELLEY DRYE & WARREN Lir
June 23, 2006
Page Two

                                       Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of



CONNECTICUT TELEPHONE AND                                                       WC Docket No. 06—47

CONNECTICUT BROADBAND LLC                                                       FileNos. ITC—T/C—20060222—00100
  ({/k/a Partner Communications LLC)                                                     ITC—T/C—20060222—00101
LIGHTSHIP TELECOM, LLC                                                                   TTC—T/C—20060222—00103
. CHOICE ONE COMMUNICATIONS                                                              ITC—T/C—20060222—00106
Application for Consent to Transfer
Control of Companies Holding
International Authorizations and/or Blanket
Domestic Authorizations Pursuant
to Section 214 of the CommunicationsAct
of 1934, as Amended


                                                     Nt Nust Ned Nert Nt Nust Nest Nt jhat Nud Ned Nat Neb
 SUBSIDIARIES OF CONVERSENT                                                                                  WC Docket No. 06—85
 IN EXHIBIT B                                                                                                File Nos. ITC—T/C—20060410—00227
 Application for Consent to Transfer
 Control of Companies Holding
 International Authorizations and/or lBlanket
 Domestic Authorizations Pursuant
 to Section 214 of the Communications Act
 _ol' 1934, as Amended

                                                                                                                                                wespr t
                          AUTHORIZATIONS AND LICENSES

         CTC Communications Group, Inc. ("CTC Group"), Chwoiée One Communications Inc.

 ("Choice One"), and Conversent Communications, Inc. ("Conversent"‘) (CTC Gmup, Choice >

 One, and Conversent, collectivelythe "Parties"), the United States D’epartment ofHomeland

 Security ("DHS""), andthe United States Department of Justice ("DOJ"), including the Federal

 Bureau of Investigation ("FBF"), respectfully submit this Joint Petition to Adopt Conditions to

 Authorizations and Licenses("Petition"), pursuant to Section 1.41 of the Commission‘s Rules.,‘

_ Through this Petition, DHS, DOJ, and FBI advise the Federal Communications Cpmmission

‘ ("FCC" or “Comm_issioh”) that they 'havg no objection to the FFC granting (1) the application for

 the transfer of control ofthe CTC Groupsubsidiaries listed in Exhibit A ("CTC Subsidiaries")

 and the Choice One subsidiaries listed in Exhibit A ("Choice One Subsidiaries") as a result ofthe:

 merger of CTC Group with and into Choice One as described in the application in WC Docket

 No. 06—47, or (2) the application for the transferofcontrol ofthe Conversent subsidiaries listed

 1       47 CFR. § 141.

  in Exhibit B ("Conversent Subsidiaries") as a result ofthe a1cqui;i1fi6n of Conversent by CTC

  Group and Choice One as described m the applicatic‘m in WC Do< No. 06—85 (grant of both

  applications herein referred to as "requested relief"), provided that the Commission conditions

  the grant of the requested reliefon compliance with the terms ofthe assurances letter executed by

— the fartim, a copy ofwhich is attached Exhibit C. |

           The Choice One Subsidiaries are common carriers that provide communications and

  information serviées: to small and medium size businesses piredor_ninantly in the Northeast and

  Midwest regions. The CTC Subsidiaries provide communicationsservices on a commoncarrier

  i)asié to medium and largesize businesses predominantly in the Northeast and Mid—Atlantic         |

  regions, in addition to residential customers in Connecticut, The Conversent Subsidiaries are

  common carriers that provide communications and information services to small and medium

  size businessusers in the Northeast and Mid—Atlantic regions, as well asto fe:sidem;ial customers

  in West Virginia. Followifig the merger of CTC Group withand into Choice One, Quantum

  Partners LDC ("Quantum"), anexisting shareholder in Choice One, will hold a 10 percent or

  greater interestin the surviving corporation. Quantum is a Cayman Islands limited duration

  cbrporafion whose principal business fs investment. Following the acquisition of Conversent and

  the other transactions described inthe applicationin WC Docket No. 06—85, Quantum could hold a

  10 percent or greatu interest in the combined corporation.

           As the Commission is aware, DHS, DOJ, and FBI maintain that their ability to fulfill their

  obligations to preserve the nationai security, to enforce the laws, and to maintain the safety ofthe

  public could be significar-xtly impaired by transactions in which foreign entities will own or

  operate a part ofthe U.S. communications system, or in which foreign—located facilities will be


used to provide domestic conimunicafiohs services to U.S. customers. Among other concerns,

DHS, DOJ, and FBI seek: (1) to ensure the security and effectiveness oflawfully—authorized

electronic surveillance; (2) to prevent and detect foreign—based espionageandelectronic

surveillance ofU.S. communications, which if allowed to occur undetected would jeopardize the

Ww and privacy ofU.S. communications and underminethe prosecution of individuals

involved in suchactivities; and (3) to protect the critical infrastructure ofthe United States. Tc»

address these concerns, DHS, DOJ, and FBI have entered into agreements with or obtained

assurances letters from the appropriate parties.— The agreements and assurances letters reached in

the past have been filed by stipulation among theparties with the Commission, andthe

Commission has conditioned its grants of approvals ofthe requested authorizationsor transfers

of control on compliance with the terms of the agreements or éssurafices letters."

        On June 15, 2006, the Parties provided the assurancesletter in Exhibit C to DHS, DOJ,

and i?BI. Theassurances letter is intended to ensure that DHS, DOJ, and FBI and other entities

with responsibility for enforcing the law, protecting the national éc:curity, and preserving public

safety can proceedin a legal, secure, and confidential manner to satisfy 1thes¢ mpomsibiiities.

        Accordingly, DHS, DOJ, and FBI hereby advise the Commission that they have no

objection tothe Commission granting the pending applications, provided that the Commission

2 See, eg.. Application ofInfonet Broadband Services Corporation and Infonet Telecommunications Corporation to
Transfer Control ofFCC Licenses and Authorizations to BT Group ple, WC Docket 04—421, Public Notice, DA 05—
387 (rei. Feb. 11, 2005), International Authorizations Granted, Public Notice, DA 05—372 (rel. Feb 10, 2005) (ITC—
T/C—2004119—00460, Infonet Broadband Services Corporation); VSNL America Inc., 19 FCC Red 16,555 (2004);
Loral Satellite, Inc. and Intelsat North America, LLC, Memorandurmn Opinion, Order and Authorization, 19 FCC Red
2404, 2004 WL 253309 (2004); Bell Atlantic New Zealand Holdings, Inc. and Pacific Telecom, Inc., 18 FCC Red
23,140 (2003); Global Crossing, Ltd. and GCAcquisition Limited, Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization,
18 FCC Red 20,301, 2003 WL22309107 (2003); XO Communications, Inc., Memorandum Opinion, Order and
Authorization, 17 FCC Red 19,212, 2002 WL 31235646 (2002) (agreement adopted by the Oommxssuon, but the
transactlon was not consummated).


conditions its
           1to 5 C* ofthe atmhcauons on compliance with the termsof the attached assutanees
                                          Vice Prosicden, Sescistslh and Goneral Prenss!
                                          220 Bear Hill Road                 —
                                          Waltham, MA 02451
                                          (781) 522—8773
                                          Choice One Communications Inc.
                                         _Roger W. Byrd
                                            Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                                            Choice One Communications Inc.
                                           ©100 Chestaut Street, Suite 600
                                          © Rochester, NY 14604
                                           (585) 530—2708
                                          —Conversent Communications, Inc.
                                          David Mayer
                                          Executive Vice PresXtient and General Counsel
                                          ‘Conversent Communications, Inc.
                                          313 Boston Post Road West
                                           Marlborough, MA 01752
                                           (401) 834—3377

~ conditions its grant of the applications on compliance with the terms of the attached assurances
                                            — Respectfully submitted,
                                              CTC Communications Group, Inc.
                                              Jamcs P. Prenetta, Jr.       —
                                              Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel
                                              CTC Communications Gmup Inc.             >
                                              220 Bear Hill Road
                                              Waltham. MA 02451
                                              ‘(781) 522—8773
                                            _ Choice
                                              Rozer'W Byrd
                                              Semor Vice President and Genem] Cnumel —
                                              Choice One Communications Inc.
                                              100 Chestnut Street, Suite 600
                                              Rochester. NY 14604
                                              (585) 530—2708
                                              Conversent Communications, Inc.
                                              David Maver
                                              Executive Vice President and General Counsel
                                              Conversent Communications, Inc.
                                              313 Boston Post Road West
                                              Marlborough. MA 01752
                                              (401) 834—3377

conditions its grant ofthe applications on compliance with the terms ofthe attached assurances


                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            CTC Communications Group, Inc.

                                            By:          »
                                            James P. Prenetla, Jr.
                                            Vice President, Secretary and General Counsel
                                            CTC Communications Group,. Inc.
                                            220 Bear Hill Road
                                            Waltham, MA 02451
                                            (781) 522—8773

                                            Choice One C!dunnnnicatipns Inc.

                                            Roger W. Byrd
                                            Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                                            Choice One Communications Inc.
                                            100 Chestnut Street, Suite 600 —
                                            Rochester, NY 14604
                                            (585) 530—2708

                                            Conversent Communications, lnc.

                                           Executive Vice President and General Counsel
                                          Conversent Communications, Inc.
                                            313 Boston Post Road West
                                           Mariborough, MA 01752
                                           (401) 834—3377

DCdIGRIFE248360 3

                       Department of Homeland Security

                       By:        %L
                        Stewart A. Baker
                        Assistant Secretary for Policy
                       United States. Department ofHomeland Security
                       3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
                       Washington, D.C. 20528
                       (202) 282—8582

                        Department of Justice

                       Benton J. Campbell
                       Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General
                        Office of the Assistant Attomey General
                        Criminal Division — Room2113
                       United States Department of Justice
                        950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                        Washington, D.C. 20530
                       (202) 616—3928

                        Federal Bureau of Investigation®

                        By:     zs
                        Elaine N. Lammert
                        Deputy General Counsel
                        Federal Bureau ofInvestigation
                        935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                        Washington, D.C. 20530
                        (202) 324—6829

                        Dated JuneFo, 2006

                      — 64

                       Department ofHomeland Security

                       Stewart A. Baker
                       Assistant Secretary for Policy
                       United States Department ofHomeland Security
                       3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
                       Washington, D.C. 20528
                       (202) 282—8582

                     . Departmen «ofJusuce

                       Ben{p§7. Cén                Se
                      Actiyg Deputy Asslstwnt
                                            Amamcy General
                      Off(ce,ofthe Assistant Attorney General
                             al Division — Room 2218
                      United States Department ofJustice
                      950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                      Washington, D.C. 20530
                      (202) 514—9351

                      Federal Bureau of Investigation

                      By:                  s
                      Elaine N. Lammest
                      Deputy General Counsel
                      Federal Bureau ofInvestigation
                      935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                      Washington, D.C. 20530
                      (202) 324—6829

                      Dated June [1;2006


                         Department ofHomeland Security

                         Stewart A. Baker
                         Assistant Secretary for Policy _
                         United States Department ofHomeland Security
                         3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
                         Washington, D.C. 20528
                         (202) 282—8582

                         Department of IJnstice

                      — Piye _                        onwoand hane h un
                        BentonJ. Campbell
                        Acting Deputy As sistant Attomey Cieneral
                        Office of‘the Assiitant Attorney Genesal
                       —Crirainal Division —Room 2113
                      . United States Department ofJustice
                        950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.
                        Washingon, D.C. 20530
                        (202) 6106—3928

                        Fedicral Bureau of Investigation

                        By: QMM
                        ElaineN. Lammert          |
                       Deputy General Counsel
                        Federal Bureau ofInvestigation
                      ~ 935 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                       Washington, D.C. 20530
                       (202) 324—6829

                       Dated June 13_..4006


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onenc en sen nnJ

                                           June15, 2006 .

  Mr. Beriton J. Campbell
  Acting Dejputy Assistant Aitorney General
  Crimingl Division
  United States Departmen it c¢fJustice
  950 Penngylvania Avent e, N.W.
  Washinxton, D.C. 2053)

  Mr. Stewvait A. Baker
  Assistant Secretary for P olicy
  United iStates Departme: it c f lIomelan d Security
  3801 Ncbraska Avenue, N. W.
  Washington, D.C. 20523

  Ms. Elaine N. Lammert
  Deputy General Counsel
  Federal Bure:u of Investigaticn
  935 Pennsylvania Aveni.e, N. W.
  Washirgton, D.C. 20530

           Re:        Pending Merger of Choic: One Communications Inc. and CTC
                 ‘_   Communications Group, lnc. and Simultaneons Acquisition of Conversent
                      Communicatio ns, Inc.

 ‘Dear Mr. Campbell, Mr. Baker, and Ms. Lammert:
          This letter outlines the commitments being made by Choice One Communications
_ Inc. ("Choice One"), CTC Communications Group, Inc. ("CTC Group"), and Conversent
  Communications, Inc. ("Conversent") to the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ"),
 .including the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), and to the U.S. Department of
  Homeland Security ("DHS"), in order to address national security, law enforcement, and
  public safety concems raised with regard to the two separate applications made to the
  Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") for transfer of control of authority
  pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.

~ 1.       Description of the Transaction
         CTC Group will merge with and into Choice One, with Choice One being the
  surviving corporation of such merger. As a result ofthat transaction, each existing
  subsidiary of CTC Group will become a wholly—owned subsidiary of Choice One.


Concutrent with the CTC Group/Choice Onemerger, a wholly—owned subsidiary of
Choice One will merge with and into Conversent, with Conversent being the survivor of
that merger. As a result of that transaction, Conversent and each wholly—owned
subsidiary of Conversentwill, by operation of law, become asubsidiary of Choice One.
CTC Group, Choice One and Conversentare herein collectively referred to as the

IL     IDescription of the Company‘s Commitments

         The Company agrees that, for all customerbilling records, subscriber information,
and anyotherrelated information used, proc.wsed or maintained in the ordinary course
ofbusiness relating to communications services offeredto U.S. persons ("U.S. Records"),
the Companywill store such U.S. Records exclusively in the United States. For these
purposes, U.S. Records shall include information subject to disclosure to a U.S. Federal
or state govemmental entity under the procedures specified in Sections 2703(c) and (d)
and Section 2709 of Title 18 ofthe United States Code. The Company agrees to ensure
that U.S. Records are not made subject to mandatory destruction under any foreign laws.
The Company agrees to take all practicable measures to prevent unauthorized access to,
or disclosure ofthe contentof, communications or U.S. Records, in violation of any U.S.
Federal,state, or local lawsor of the commitments set forth in this letter.

         TheCompany agrees that it will not, directlyor indirectly, disclose or permit
disclosure of, or access to, U.S. Records or to anyinformation (including the content of
communications) pertaining to a wiretap order, pen/trap order, subpoena, or other lawful
 demandby a U.S. law enforcement agencyfor U.S. Records, to any person if the purpose
 of such _dis;c_los_urc or access is to respond to the legal process or request on behalf of a
non—U.S. government without first satisfying all pertinent requirements of U.S. law and
 obtaining the express written consent of the DOJ and DHSor the authorization of a court
‘of competent jurisdiction in the United States, The term "non—U.S. government" means
—any government including an identified representative, agent, component or subdivision
thereof, that is not a local, state or Federal government in the United States. Any such
requests or—legal process submitted by a non—U.S. govemment to the Company shall be
referred to the DOJ and DHSas soonas possible, and in no event later than five (5)
business days after such request or legal process is received by, or becomes known to, the
Company, unless the disclosure ofthe request or legal process would be in violation of
U.S. law or an order of a court in the United States.

       The Company has established procedures to ensure that requests from law
enforcement agencies ("LEAs") to conduct electronicsurveillance, either interception of
communications or access to call—identifying information, are reviewed and approved to
ensure that the subpoena or warrant meets applicable state or federal law and to assist
LEAs in implementing the electronic surveillance at or through access to their respective
facilities consistent with the search warrant or other legal authorization. The procedures
and policies in place at the Company are genera!ly consistent with the procedures and
policies of other competitive local exchange carriers, Following the closing of the

DCOL/GRIFJ/248478.2         C                                                                2

 merger transactions describe d above, James F. Preneti a, Jr., the cur en General Counsel
 of CTC Group, and the Exec utive Vice Presiclent and General Cout sel for the Company
  following closing, shall over —see all CALEA cornpliannce matters. 1/4r. Prenett;) is
  familiar with the requiremen ts of CALEA. and will be standardizing; the practices among
  CTC Group, Choice One and C onve sent following cl osiing. 1Mr. Prenctta is a United
  States citizen, will bis an officer of the Company at closing and is, and will continue to be,
   located in the United! States. In th: event that Mr. Prenetta—is no loriges responisible ‘for
   CALEA matters in the futurc, i2 addition tofiling an :mendmentw ith the FCCpursuant
   to 47 C.F.R. 64.2105(a), the Cc mpany will notify the FBI, DOJ, an J DHSin writing of"
   the new point or points of cc ntrct for CALEAmatter:, and thereaft r shall promptly
. notify the FBI, DOJ, and ‘DF S of any further chiingie(;:) in sucl1 designation. The
 . Company agrees that any fuiur: contact person tor C/ALEA matters shall be a resident
 U.S. citizen. The Company shall cooperate with any request by a U.S. government
 authority that a background check orsecurity clearmce process be completed for any —
 person(s) designatedas the ; ofat of contactfor CALEA matters.      *

                                                                                                       xa! s3
         The Company also agrees thit it will promptly notify the FE I, DOJ, and DHS, in
 writing, of any material changes in any of thefacts as represented in\ this letter or in the:
 event that the Company acquircs ownership of another tclecommunications service
 provider. The Company agrees to send any such writien notxce to the FBI, DOJ, or DFIS
 to the named addressees of this leiter,

          Finally, the Company agrees thit, in the event th: commitm »n‘s set forth in this
 letter are breached, in addition to any other remidyavailable at law o1 equity, the DOJ,
 FBI; or DHS may requestthat the FCC modify, condition, revoke, cancel, or rencler null
 and void any relevant license, per mil, or o —her author zation grantec by the FCC to the
 Company or any successor—in—interest to the Co npany.

         Nothing in this letter is intended to excuse the Company or its subsidiaries from
 any obligation it may have to comply with U.S. legal requiremenits for the retention,
 preservation, or production ofinformation, records or data, or from any applicable
 requirements of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act, 47 U.S.C.
 1001, et. seq., nor shall it constitutea waiver of: (a) any obligation imposed by any U.S.
 Federal, state or local laws on the Companyorits subsidiaries, (b) any enforcement
 authority available under any. U.S. or statelaws, (c) the sovereign immunity ofthe United
 States, or (d).any authority the U.S. government may possess(including without
 limitation authority pursuant to International Emergency Economic Powers Act) over the
 activities ofthe Company or its subsidiaries located within or outside the United States.
 Nothing in this letter is intended to or is to be interpreted to require the parties to violate
 any applicable U.S. law. Likewise, nothing in this letter limits the right of the United
 States Government to pursue criminal sanctions or charges against the Company or its
 subsidiaries, and nothing in this letter provides the Company or its subsidiaries with any
 relief from civil liability.

                                             sn h weade m o *

 DCO/GRIFI/248478.2                                                                         _      8

         We understand that, upon execution of this letter by anauthorized representative
or attorney for Choice One, CTC Group and Conversent, the DOJ, FBI, and DHS shall
notify the FCC that the DOJ, FBI, and DHS have no objection to the FCC‘s grant ofthe
application filed by Choice One and CTC Group with respect to their merger or to the
FCC‘s grant of the application filed by Choice One, CTC Group and Convcrsem w1th
respect to the acquisition of Conversent.

      The commitments set forth in this letter shall not be binding on Choice One, CTC
Group or Conversent should the transactions contemplated hereby not close.

DCON/GRIFJ/248478.2                                                                     4

                        CHOICE ONE COMMUNICATIONS

                        By:    Roger Byrd
                        Name: General Counsel

                        CONVERSENT COMMUNICATIONS,

                        By:   Dave Mayer
                        Name: General Counsel

 DATED: June 15, 2006


 Jon Pifer, FBI
 Lou Brenner, DHS _
 Joe Springsteen, DOJ

. DCOVGRIFJ/248478.2


                         CTC COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC.

                         By:    James P. Prenetta
                         Name: General Counsel

                                  ONE COMMUNICATIONS NC.

                         By:       oger Byrd
                         Name: — General Counsel

                         CONVERSENT COMMUNICATIONS,

                         By:    Dave Mayer
                         Name: General Counsel

DATED: June 15, 2006 °


Jon Pifer, FBI
Lou Brenner, DHS
Joe Springsteen, DOJ


                                     Sihccrcl) %

                                     CTC COMMUNICATIONS GROUP,

                                  By:    James P. Prenetia
                                  Name: General Counsel

                                 CHOICE ONE COMMUNICATIONS
                                 INC.          ~

                                 By:          Roger Byrd —
                                ~ Name: General Counsel

                                 CONVERSENT COMMUN!ICAT]Q’NS.
                                 INC:~—       C T20   c       _w "
                                t*          _se" i        /    yA¥             .
                                     ks               *      a"C"Z4
                                 By:          Dave Mayer
                                 Name: General Counsel

DATED: June 15, 2006


Jon Pifer, FBI
Lou Brenner, DHS       _
Joe Springsteen, DOJ


Document Created: 2019-05-24 07:37:56
Document Modified: 2019-05-24 07:37:56

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