Attachment 20170829145148-467.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060410-00229 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                           Federal Communications Commission
                                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau

                                                                                     (202) 418—1462
                                                                                     (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                                     May 9, 2006
                                                                                     Ref: 2006—31
Hillary Morgan                     (703) 607—6092               Monique Roth                    (202) 353—6200
Steven W. Lett                     (202) 647—5835               Regina Hart                     (202) 205—0497
Eric Werner                        (202) 772—0908               Louis Brenner                   (202) 692—4235
Edward T. Hand                     (202) 514—2464               Richard Lamb                    (202) 647—0965
Josephine Scarlett                 (202) 482—5461               Tina Gabbrelli                  (202) 282—8582
Helen Domenici                     (202) 456—6085               Kenneth Schagrin                (202) 395—5663
Dorninic Pastore                   (202) 514—5607               Myla S. Trotter                 (202) 324—1730
Laura Parsky                       (202) 616—3928

           Re:        CTC Group/Choice One/Conversent
                      WC Docket No. 06—85, DA 06—995, Public Notice Released May 8, 2006
                      ITC—T/C—20060410—00227, 00228 &‘iw                         —file)

                      Comments Due:                             May 22, 2006
                      Reply Comments Due:                       May 29, 2006

Dear Sir or Madam:

         On April 10, 2006, CTC Cormmunications Group, Inc. ("CTC Group"), Choice One
Communications Inc. ("Choice One"), and Conversent Communications, Inc. ("Conversent")
(collectively the "Applicants"), filed applications ‘ requesting authority to transfer control of the
Conversent subsidiaries, which hold domestic and international section 214 authorizations, as a
result of the acquisition of Conversent by CTC Group and Choice One.

       Quantum Partner LDC (Quantum), a Cayman Islands Limited duration corporation, will
hold 10—12% interest in the Combined Corporation. Quantum is wholly—owned by Quantum
Energing Growth Partners C.V., a Netherlands Antilles limited partnership. Camulos Master
Fund LP, a Cayman Islands exempted limited partnership, will hold 10—12% interest in the
Combined Corporation.

        A copy of the Public Notice DA 06—995 (rel. May 8, 2006) is attached. Should you have
any national security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns with this proposed
transaction, please file your comments by May 22, 2006 and reply comments by May 29, 2006.
Please see the General Information section of the Public Notice for WC Docket No. 06—85, DA
06—995 (rel. May 8, 2006).

            1 The Applicants state that these applications assume the grant of the CTC/Choice One Merger application, which is
currently pending. See Domestic Section 214 Application filed for the Transfer of Control of the CTC Communications Group, Inc.
and the Choice One Communications, Inc. Subsidiaries to Surviving Corporation, WC Docket No. 06—47, Public Notice, DA 06—667
(rel. March 27, 2006); see also Notice of Removal of Domestic Section 214 Application from Streamlined Treatment, Public Notice,
DA 06—873 (rel. April 18, 2006).

       For further information on the domestic wireline application, please contact, Tracey
Wilson—Parker at (202) 418—1394, or Denise Coca at (202) 418—0574.


                                                       sek.* ;C/m»»-
                                                        George Li, Deputy Chief
                                                        Policy Division

Document Created: 2019-05-29 12:41:03
Document Modified: 2019-05-29 12:41:03

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