Attachment 20170912093110-977.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060406-00191 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                       PUBLIC NOTICE


    * uSA *

                       445 TWELEFTH STREET, S.W.
                       WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                                                                                           DA 06—904
                       News media information 202/418—0500   Fax—On—Demand 202/418—2830   Internet: http//

                                                                                                                           Released: April 19, 2006

                                               COMMISSION SEEKS COMMENTON APPLICATION FOR
                                                 CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF CONTROL FILED BY
                                                   AT&T INC. and BELLSOUTH CORPORATION

                                                                         WC Docket No. 06—74

                                                               PLEADING CYCLE ESTABLISHED

                       Comments/Petitions Due: June 5, 2006
                       Responses/Oppositions to Petitions Due: June 20, 2006

                                 AT&T Inc. ("AT&T") and BellSouth Corporation ("BellSouth") (collectively, "the Applicants")
                       have filed a series of applications pursuant to sections 214 and 310(d) of the Communications Act of
                       1934, as amended‘ and section 2 of the Cable Landing License Act." In these applications, the Applicants
                       seek Commission approval of the transfer of control to AT&T oflicenses and authorizations held directly
                       and indirectly by BellSouth. This transfer ofcontrol will take place as a result of a proposed acquisition
                       whereby BellSouth will become a wholly owned subsidiary of AT&T. These transfer of control
                       applications pertain to domestic and international section 214 authorizations, cable landing licenses, Part
                       25 satellite earthstation authorizations, various wireless licenses and Part 5 Experimental Radio Service

                                The Applicants also seek consent to the transfer ofcontrol of Cingular Wireless LLC
                       ("Cingular") and its various subsidiaries and affiliates." The Applicants assert that the transfer of control
                       of the vast majority of Cingular‘s licenses and authorizations will be non—substantial (¢.e., proforma) in
                       nature and that the Commission‘s rules and precedents require only post—consummation notification rather
                       than advance consent for the proposed transaction." Nevertheless, the Applicants have filed applications

                        ‘ 47 U.S.C. §§ 214, 310(d).
                        > Id. § 35; see generally An Act Relating to the Landing and Operation of Submarine Cables in the United States,
                        47 U.S.C. §§ 34—39 ("Cable Landing License Act").

                        > AT&T holds a 60 percent economic interest in Cingular, and BellSouth holds 40 percent; however, each parent
                        has a 50 percent voting interest in Cingular‘s manager, Cingular Wireless Corporation. Thus, the two parties share
                        negative control of Cingular. See In re Applications ofAT&T Wireless Services, Inc. & Cingular Wireless Corp.,
                        Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Red 21522, 21534 26 (2004); In re Applications ofSBC
                        Communications & BellSouth Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 15 FCC Red 25459, 25462 « 7 (WTB/IB

                        * AT&T Inc. and BellSouth Corporation Public Interest Statement at 127—32, WC Docket No. 06—74 (filed March

seeking advance consent out of "an abundance of caution."""

          These transfer 0 control applications were filed in comnection i p oposed acjui ition
whereby AT&T will acquire BellSouth. At closing, a w.aolly owned subsid: amn of AT&T wi | be merged
with and into BellSouth, with BellS out1 being the surviving entity. Each share of ccmmois ock cf
BellSouth will be conveited into 1.225 shares of AT&:T commion stock. 3e ISouth thius w 11 jeconie a
wholly owned subsidiary o AT&T. While AT&T will become the new par ‘nt of BellSouth, BellSouth
will continue to own the stock of its sulsidiaries, snd BellSouth and its sitbs di iries will comt nue to hold
all of the ECC L:censes and autho—izations that they hold prior to the merger.‘

         In addition, by combining: the ssperate i iterests .AT &T and Bell§ ou h : urrer tly he ve in Ciagular,
that entity will becoms a wholly cwned subsidiary of AT&T. Cingular vill co itinue to hcld ill of its
current interests in its subsidiarie: and iffiliates, and Cingu. ar, its subsidiari ‘s, and its affiiat :s will
continue to hold all of the FCC licenses and autt orizatiois ha: they hold pr or :o the merg er.


          A.      Part 53 —— Domes‘ic Section 214 Authority

          The Applicants hav: file¢ an applicatior. for conser t to the transfer of (ontrcl of d o »stic section
214 authority from BellSouth to AT&T in conne ction with ‘he transaction d :sc ‘ibed abov ..

          B.      Part 63— Initernational! Section 214 Auchorizations

        The following applications for consent to the transfer of control of Liel South‘s int »rr ational
section 214 authorizations and Cingular‘s intar aationial sect.on 214 authoriz itic ns to AT& T 1 ave been
assigned the file numbiers listecd below.

File No.

ITC—T/C—20060331—00182                                                            IT 2— ‘14—20011( 31 00547
TTC—T/C—20060331—00183_                                                           TT 2— ‘14—20010— 12 :00193
        /C—200604 ‘3,0   {da
                                      n     RSA NC s 2B (Indian
                                                            j   River)
                                                                                  If >14—20010412 00219
                                                                                  1T ~—14—20010412 00205
                         _____|_LitaitedPartnership ________
ITC—T/C—20060406—00192             Cingular Wireless of Texas RSA #11,            1TC—214—20000712 00776
                                   Limited Partnership
ITC—T/C—20060406—00193             Cingular Wireless of Galveston, L.P.           ITC—214—19960516—00196
ITC—T/C—20060406—00194             Cingular Wireless of Texas RSA #16,
                                   Limited Partnership
 ITC—T/C—20060406—00195            CCPR of the Virgin Islands, Inc.               ITC—214—20001101—00664
 ITC—T/C—20060406—00196            CCPR Paging, Inc.                              ITC—214—19930315—00040
 ITC—T/C—20060406—00197            Cincinnati SMSA Limited Partnership            ITC—214—20010412—00199
 ITC—T/C—20060406—00198            CCPR Services, Inc.                            ITC—214—19940107—00011
 ITC—T/C—20060406—00199            Champaign CellTelCo                            ITC—214—20010412—00198

 31, 2006) (Public Interest Statement).

 j Id. at 130.
 8 Id. at 3.

File No.                                                                     Authorization Number

ITC—T/C—20060406—00200              Georgia RSA No. 3 Limited Partnership    TTC—214—20010412—00201
ITC—T/C—20060406—00201              Houma—Thibodaux Cellular Partnership     ITC—214—20000721—00430
ITC—T/C—20060406—00202              Houston Cellular Telephone Company,      ITC—214—20000713—00779 et
                                    1L:P:                                    al.
ITC—T/C—20060406—00203              Louisiana RSA No. 7 Cellular General
ITC—T/C—20060406—00204             Lubbock SMSA Limited Partnership          ITC—214—2001412—00196
ITC—T/C—20060406—00205             Madison SMSA Limited Partnership          ITC—214—20010412—00225
ITC—T/C—20060406—00206             Missouri RSA 8 Limited Partnership        TTC—214—20010412—00200
ITC—T/C—20060406—00207             McAllen—Edinburg—Mission SMSA,
                                   Limited Partnership
ITC—T/C—20060406—00208             Milwaukee SMSA Limited Partnership        TTC—214—20010412—00231
ITC—T/C—20060406—00209             Northeastern Georgia RSALimited
ITC—T/C—20060406—00210             Missouri RSA 11/12 Limited
ITC—T/C—20060406—00211             Missouri RSA 9B1 Limited Partnership      TTC—214—20010412—00191
ITC—T/C—20060406—00212             Oklahoma RSA 9 Limited Partnership        TTC—214—20010412—00215
ITC—T/C—20060406—00213             Oklahoma City SMSA Limited
ITC—T/C—20060406—00214             Oklahoma RSA 3 Limited Partnership        TTC—214—20010412—00207
ITC—T/C—20060406—00215             Texas RSA 19 Limited Partnership          ITC—214—20010412—00216
ITC—T/C—20060406—00216             Pine Bluff Cellular, Inc.                 ITC—214—20031017—00481
ITC—T/C—20060406—00217             Texas RSA 18 Limited Partnership          ITC—214—20010412—00224
ITC—T/C—20060406—00218             Texas RSA 7B1 Limited Partnership         TTC—214—20010412—00204
ITC—T/C—20060406—00219             Texas RSA 20B1 Limited Partnership        ITC—214—20010412—00228
ITC—T/C—20060406—00220             Texas RSA 6 Limited Partnership           ITC—214—20010412—00218
ITC—T/C—20060406—00221             Texas RSA 9B1 Limited Partnership         ITC—214—20010412—00190
ITC—T/C—20060406—00222             Topeka SMSA Limited Partnership           ITC—214—20010412—00226
ITC—T/C—20060406—00223             New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC            ITC—214—20010412—00211 et
ITC—T/C—20060406—00224             Louisiana No. 8 Limited Partnership       ITC—214—20010412—00232
ITC—T/C—20060406—00225             BellSouth Long Distance, Inc.             ITC—214—20021009—00500 et
ITC—T/C—20060406—00226‘            BellSouth International, LLC              ITC—214—19971017—00638


        The following application for consent to the transfer of control of BellSouth‘s submarine cable
landing licenses to AT&T has been assigned the file number listed below.

File No.                         Authorization Holder                       Authorization Number

SCL—T/C—20060331—00003 BellSouth International, Inc.                        SCL—LIC—19990303—00004 et al.

‘ ‘This application is the lead international section 214 application.


                  Port 25— Satellite Earth Stution Authorization Applications

        The following applications for consent to the transfer of sontrol of satellite earth station
authorizations from BellSouth to AT&T have been assigned the : ile numbers listed below.

File No                            Licensee                                     Lead Call Sign

SES—T/©—20050—404—00562 |BellSouth Wireless Cable, Inc. :                      1B920001 . — . :
SES—T/©—200860—404—00563__| BellSouth Eatertainmient, LLC_ __                  |£9900.20

         Parts 22, 24, 27. 90 and 10. — Wireless Radio Services Applications

         The following applications for consent to the transfer of sontrol of Bell South‘s wircless radio
service: licenses to AT&T 1ave been assigned the file numbe:‘s listed below.

File No                           Licensee                                              ‘Lead CallSign

[00025— 5739¢                ___EellSoithAdvertisin;z & Publist iny; Corporation__|WPSH611_                 _
(O0025— 6993                 ___|EellSouth Mobile ‘Data, Inc.           _               |KNLB202            _
000254 6732                     _|EellSouth Telecommnications, Inc.                     |KA2187 _           _
0002517740                      _|EellSouth Telecomm anications, Inc.                   | WPMP702           U
0002548734                      _|EiellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.                   WNZL596             8
0002548969                        BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc.                    WPFH766             8
0002545782                        BellSouth Wireless Cable, Inc __                      BO24                _
0002545755                        South Florida Television, Inc.                        WHJ893
0002545777                        Stevens Graphics, Inc.                       t        WPTFI78

        The following applications for consent to the transfer of sontrol of Cingular‘s wireless radio
services licenses to AT&T 1ave been assigned the file numbers listed below.

 File No.                        Licensee                                                  Lead Call Sign

 0002550321                      Acadiana Cellular General Partnership                     KNKN499
 0002560497                      Arkansas 11 RSA Newco, LLC                                KNKQ353
 0002550346                      Bellingham Cellular Partnership                           KNKAS72
 0002550347                      Bloomington Cellular Telephone Company                    KNKA654
 0002550364                      Blue Licenses Holding, LLC                                KNKA247
 0002550348                      Blue Texas Licenses Holding, L.P.                         KNKA372
 0002550345                      Bradenton Cellular Partnership                            KNKA647
 0002550351                      Bremerton Cellular Telephone Company                      KNKA679
 0002550350                      Cagal Cellular Communications Corporation                 KNKA697
 0002550369                      CCPR of the Virgin Islands, Inc.                          KNKNS23
 0002550352                      CCPR Paging, Inc.                                         WQBN422
 0002551244                      CCPR Services, Inc.                                       KNKA4S1
 0002550357                      Champaign CellTelco                                       KNKA478
 0002550358                      Chattanooga MSA Limited Partnership                       KNKA289

 ® This application is the lead application for the wireless radio services.

   No.       Licensee                                            LeadCallSign
0002550372   Cincinnati SMSA Limited Partnership                 KNKA222
0002556120   Cingular Wireless of Galveston, L.P.                KNKA676
             Cingular Wireless of Texas RSA #11 Limited
0002550361   Partnership                                         KNKNS38
             Cingular Wireless of Texas RSA #16 Limited
0002550359   Partnership                                         KNKN608
0002552209   Cingular Wireless, LLC                              WQCC4II
0002550363   Decatur RSA Limited Partnership                     KNKN9903
0002550379   Florida RSA No. 2B (Indian River) Limited Partnership |KNKN990
0002550356   Georgia RSA No. 3 Limited Partnership               KNKNT765
0002550362   Hood River Cellular Telephone Company, Inc.         KNKN461
0002550368   Houma—Thibodaux Cellular Partnership                KNKA686
0002550371   Houston Cellular Telephone Company, L.P.            KNKA229
0002550385   Jacksonville MSA Limited Partnership                KNKA287
0002550360   Lafayette MSA Limited Partnership                   KNKA492
0002550366   Louisiana RSA No. 7 Cellular General Partnership    KNKN614
0002550375   Louisiana RSA No. 8 Limited Partnership             KNKQ454
0002550376   Lubbock SMSA Limited Partnership                  KNKA421
0002550389   Madison SMSA Limited Partnership                  KNKA414
0002550365   McAllen—Edinburg—Mission SMSA Limited Partnership |KNKA430
0002550380   Medford Cellular Telephone Co., Inc.                KNKA722
0002550384   Melbourne Cellular Telephone Company                KNKA617
0002550382   Milwaukee SMSA Limited Partnership                  KNKA214
0002550392   Missouri RSA 11/12 Limited Partnership              KNKN726
0002550373   Missouri RSA 8 Limited Partnership                  KNKNS75
0002550386   Missouri RSA 9B1 Limited Partnership                KNKN907
0002550394   New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC                      KNKA218
0002550427   New Cingular Wireless Services of Nevada, LLC       KNKA657
0002550378   Northeastern Georgia RSA Limited Partnership       KNKN875
0002550388   Ocala Cellular Telephone Company, Inc.             KNKAT753
0002550399   Oklahoma City SMSA Limited Partnership              KNKA296
0002550428   Oklahoma RSA 3 Limited Partnership                  KNEKN821
0002550400   Oklahoma RSA 9 Limited Partnership                 KNKNO981
0002550387   Olympia Cellular Telephone Company, Inc.           KNKA5S589
0002550391   Orange Licenses Holding, LLC                       KNKA208
0002550410   Orange Texas Licenses Holding, LP                  KNKA279
0002550429   Orlando SMSA Limited Partnership                    KNKA253
0002550405   Pine Bluff Cellular, Inc.                           KNKA746
0002550390   Provo Cellular Telephone Company                    KNKA7O4
0002550396   Reno Cellular Telephone Company                     KNKAS16
0002550412   Salem Cellular Telephone Company                    KNKAT7T54
0002550402   San Juan Cellular Telephone Company                 KNKA785
0002550411   Santa Barbara Cellular Systems, Ltd.                KNKA493
0002550397   Sarasota Cellular Telephone Company                 KNKA494
0002550398   St. Cloud Cellular Telephone Company, Inc.          KNKA8O08
0002550415   TeleCorp Communications, LLC                        WPOU286
0002550408   Texas RSA 18 Limited Partnership                    KNKN696

FileNo.                       Licensee                                                   J.eadCallSign
0002550414           ______|Texas RSA. 19 Limitec|Purtmership                         _|IINKNS76
0002550401           _        Texas RSA. 20B1 Lim:ted Partnership                        KNKN945
0002550403           C        Texas RSA 6 Limited Partnership                            KNKN369
0002550416           *        Texas RSA 7B1 Limited Partnership                          KNKN730
0002550413           C        Texas RSA 9B1 Limited Partnership                          KNKN905
0002550417           C       Topeka SMSA Limited Partnership                      KNKAA442
0002550407           P       Triton LicenseNewco, LLC     ______ _ _ _____ _ _ __|WPOIZO4__________|
0002550406           c       Visalia Celular Telephone Company _______________ _||KNKA781 ________|

         Parts 22 ar d 4 — Wireless Raidio Services Applications — Non—controllingz Interests

        The follow ng applications for conisent to the transfier of control of nen—controlling interests held
by Cingular to AT& :T have been assign:d the file numbers listed below.

File No.                      Licensee                                               LeadCall Sign

0002552323           B        ABC Wireless, LLC            $                        WPOK608
0002552332           _        Arnage Wireless, L.L.C.                               KNLG714
0002553087           4o       Cordova Wireless                                      WPOL372
0002552557           6        Cascade Wireless, LLC                                 KNLG842
0002552311           E        Edge Mobile, LLC                                      WQDU923
0002552326           _        Indiana Acquisition, L.L.C.                           WPQY739
0002552336           n        Lone Star Wireless, LLC                               WPOJ700
0002552120                    Muskegon Cellular Partnership                         KNKA5S52
0002552333                    Panther Wireless, LLC                                 KNLG251
0002552329                    Royal Wireless, L.L.C.         e                   __ |KNLF4SG
0002452556                     Sabre Wireless, LLC                5|             __ |KNLG243
0002550753                     Salmon PCS ‘Licensee LLC           5              y |[WPITUD19
0002552312                     Southwest W—reless, L.L.C.         BC             __ |KNLF761
0002552124                     St. Joseph CellTelco                                  KNKA772
0002552316                    THC of Houston, Inc.                                   KNLH625
0002552315                    THC of Melbourne, Inc.                                 KNLH627
0002552314                    THC of Orlando, Inc.                                   KNLH630
0002552321                    THC of San Diego, Inc.                                 KNLG655
0002552313                    THC of Tampa, Inc.                                     KNLH631
0002552328                    Wireless Acquisition, L.L.C.                           KNLF587
0002552330                    Zuma/Lubbock, Inc.                                     WPOJ840
0002552331                    Zuma/Odessa, Inc.                                      WPOJ842

         Part 24 — Wireless Radio Services Applications — De Facto Transfer Spectrum Leases

         The following applications for consent to the transfer of control of defacto transfer spectrum
leases held by New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC to AT&T have been assigned the file numbers listed

File No.                      Licensee                                               Lead Call Sign

0002555817                    Cook Inlet/VS GSM IV PCS, LLC                          KNLFS10

File No.                          Licensee                                            Lead Call Sign

0002555823                        Omnipoint NY MTA License, LLC                       WPSL621
0002555835                        T—Mobile License LLC                                KNLG657

        Part 5 — Experimental Radio Service Applications

        The following applications for consent to the transfer of control of Cingular‘s Experimental
Radio Services authorizations to AT&Thave been assigned the file numbers listed below.

File No.    _                     Licensee                                             CallSigns

0009—EX—TU—2006                   New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC                       WAZ2XIG
0010—EX—TU—2006                   New Cingular Wireless Services, Inc.                 KA2ZXAC


        Pursuant to section 1.1200(a) of the Commission‘s rules," the Commission may adopt modified or
more stringent ex parte procedures in particular proceedings if the public interest so requires. We
announce that this proceeding will be governed by permit—but—disclose ex parte procedures that are
applicable to non—restricted proceedings under section 1.1206 of the Commission‘s rules."

       Parties making oral ex parte presentations are directed to the Commission‘s statement re—
emphasizing the public‘s responsibility in permit—but—disclose proceedings and are rerninded that
memoranda summarlzing the presentation must contain the presentation‘s substance and not merely list the
subjects discussed."‘ More than a one— or two—sentence description of the views and arguments presented is
generally requued Other rules pertainingto oral and written presentations are setforth in section
1.1206(b) as well."" We urge parties to use the Electronic Comment Filing System ("ECFS") to file ex parte

        Ex Parte Meeting Schedule. Staff will be available for meetings on May 30 and 31 and June 13,
2006, in case interested parties wish to discuss any issues that they intend to raise in comments or reply
comments, as applicable, in support of, or in opposition to, the application. The purpose of these meetings
is to give interested parties an opportunity to inform staff of such issues prior to filing their written
comments or reply comments. Parties who wish to schedule meetings with the Bureau should call Myrva
Charles, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau at (202) 418—1506.

° 47 C.F.R. § 1.1200(a).

" Id. §1.1206.
_ See Commission Emphasizes the Public‘s Responsibilities in Permit—But—Disclose Proceedings, Public Notice, 15
FCC Red 19945 (2000).

2 See 47 C.F.R. § 1.1206(b)(2).
° Id. §1.1206(b).
* See discussion infra.


        ‘The ‘ranster of control appl caions efere accd 1e ein have been foinc, upon initial 12sv ew, to b :
acceptatle for filing The Commissior reseives the : iglit to return any appl catioa if, upoi fi rtl er
examination, it is 1e ermined to be clef:ct ve ard tot in co iformance with t ie Comtaissioa‘s ru es or
policiss. Final actio 1 on these appli sations ‘vil not ie iak :n earlier th an thrty—one (31) day: fcllowing
the date of this ?u l c Notice."

         nter :sted pirties must file orimn‘ s cr petitioas :o deny no ater t iat. June 5, 2006. P »rsons aid
entities that file cc 1r ments or petiticns to de y »ecor ie pa: ties to the proceeding. Tliey may »ai ticipate
fully in the p oceedi 1g, including se ek ng ac zsess to ; ny cc nfi dential iiform ition that may be fil>d unde: a
protective order, s ze <ing reconsider ition f lecision ;, ind fil ng appeals of a finsl dscisicn t ) tie court: .
Respons»s o1 oppos: tions to such pl :aciny;s nust be iled 10 later thar. June 2C, 200(. All filings
concerning niatter s 1 eferenced in this Fublic Notice shoule refer to D.\ 06— 04 and VC L oc se No. 06—
74, as w ll as the ip ‘cific file numb »rs of th: it drvric ua applications or oth r inatters to v hic h i he filing s

        ‘IJnder the C ommission‘s current ore ce Jues fo: th e s abmission of : ilings and other «oc 1ments, *
submiss: ons in thi‘s 1 1atter may be filec elsctoniciill (ie. thrugh ECFS) 0 : by hani deliver ; to the
Commission‘s Mz ss aichusetts Avem ie ocati n.

o        1f filed by I CFS,"" comme its shall be seait is im :lestronic fle via       th: Inte net to
         littp://ww . ‘—file/ecfs. htral. In ccmoletin ; the transniittal :   creen, commenters should
         include thet full name, Pos al Se vizce nailiig idere:s, and the sipp        licaiblis d ocket nu nt er.
         Parties in:iy also submit an clectroni; coar munt by In:ernet e—nail.        Tc get fling inst uc tions foi
         e—ma;l cont ients, comment »rs shou d send in e—n ail to ecfs@fce.5          ov, and should it clhide the
         {ollowing w »rds in the body 0| the miessajre, "get ‘orn <your e—ma          laidres:>." A s im »le form
         «ind directiois will be sent ti repl ;.

o        1f filed by‘ paper, the origir al and four copies of ¢ach filing rust b: f lecd b:; hand 0 1 essenge
         deliviery, 1»y commercial ovi rnight c wier, cr by 1irsi—class or oven iig it 1J.S. Postal Se: vice ma 1
         (although we continue to ex »eienice delays in rzceiving U.S. Posta Serv.ce mail). ~he
         (Commuissi on‘s contractor, Naitek, : nc ., vvill re ceive ha 1d—delivired ¢r nuessenger—deli ;er >d papel
         :ilings for the Commission‘s Seersta y it 230 Mas sachusetts \vent s, N.E., Suite 110,
         ‘Nashingt on, D.C. 20002. 71 he filing hours at this location are 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. A1l hand
         deliveries must be held together wit] . rubber bands or fasteners. Any envelopes must be disposed
         of before entering the building. Commercial overnight mail (other than U.S. Postal Service
         Express Mail and Priority Mail) must be sent to 9300 East Hampton Drive, Capitol Heights, MD
         20743. U.S. Postal Service first—class mail, Express Mail, and Priority Mail should be addressed

5 See 47 U.S.C. § 309(b).
§ See Implementation ofInterim Electronic Filing Procedures for Certain Commission Filings, Order, 16 FCC Red
21483 (2001); see also FCC Announces a New Filing Location for Paper Documents and a New Fax Numberfor
General Correspondence, Public Notice, 16 FCC Red 22165 (2001); Reminder: Filing Locations for Paper
Documents and Instructions for Mailing Electronic Media, Public Notice, 18 FCC Red 16705 (2003).

 See Electronic Filing ofDocuments in Rulemaking Proceedings, GC Docket No. 97—113, Report and Order, 13
FCC Red 11322 (1998).

       to 445 12thStreet, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20554. All filings must be addressed to the
       Commission‘s Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission.

       In addition, one copy of each pleading must be sent to each of the following:

   The Commuission‘s duplicating contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc., Portals II, 445 12th Street,
   SW, Room CY—B402, Washington, DC 20554, telephone 1—800—378—3160, or via e—mail;

   Gary Remondino, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W.,
   Room 5—C143, Washington, D.C. 20554; e—mail:;

   Nick Alexander, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W.,
   Room 5—C235, Washington, D.C. 20554; e—mail:;

   Bill Dever, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room
   5—C266, Washington, D.C. 20554; e—mail:;

   Renée R. Crittendon, Competition Policy Division, Wireline Competition Bureau, 445 12th Street,
   S.W., Room 5—C122, Washington, D.C. 20554; e—mail:;

   Donald Stockdale, Wireline Competition Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 5—C450, Washington,
   D.C. 20554; e—mail:;

   Mary Shultz, Broadband Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, 1270 Fairfield Road,
   Gettysburg, PA 17325, e—mail:;

   John Branscome, Spectrum and Competition Policy Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau,
   445 12th Street, S.W., Room 6415, Washington, D.C. 20554; e—mail:;

   Erin McGrath, Mobility Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W.,
   Room 6338, Washington, D.C. 20554; e—mail:;

10. Jeff Tobias, Public Safety and Critical Infrastructure Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau,
   445 12th Street, S.W., Room 3—A432, Washington, D.C. 20554; email:;

11. David Krech, Policy Division, International Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 7—A664,
    Washington, D.C. 20554; e—mail:;

12. JoAnn Lucanik, Satellite Division, International Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 6—A660,
    Washington, D.C. 20554; e—mail:;

13. Sarah Whitesell, Media Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 3—C458, Washington, D.C. 20554; e—

14. Tracy Waldon, Media Bureau, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 3—C488, Washington, D.C. 20554; e—

15. Jim Bird, Office of General Counsel, 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 8—C824, Washington, D.C. 20554;
    e—mail:; and

16. Leslie Marx, Office of Strategic Planning and Policy Analysis, 445 12th Strzet S.W., I ocm 7—C357,
    Washington, D.C. 20554; e—mail:

Copies of the applications and any subsequently—filed documents in this matter ina bs obt; ind Tom
Best Copy and Printing, Inc., Portals II, 445 12th Street, SW, Room CY—B402, Wa shingtor , DC 2055—4,
telephone 1—800—378—3160, or via e—mail The applications anc.               any ass ocated
documents are also available for public inspection and copying during normal refe:          en ze row m ho urs at th:
following Commission office: FCC Reference Information Center, Portals II, 445              12 h Strcet SW ,
Room CY—A257, Washington, D.C. 20554. The domestic section 214 application                  is ) is a rai able
electronically through the Commission‘s ECFS, which may be accessed on the Co:              aniissio i‘s In ernet
website at The international section 214 applications also re           av:iilabl : eec ronicall;;
through the Commission‘s IBFS, which may be accessed on the Commission‘s ‘nt rnst we »si:e.
 Applications filed under Parts 22, 24, 27, 90, and 101 of the Commission‘s rules al        so are a aiable
 electronically through ULS, which also may be accessed on the Commission‘s Inte            mmct wel site.
 Applications filed under Part 5 of the Commission‘s rules also are available electrc       nically t hroug h the
 OET Experimental Licensing System (ELS), which also may be accessed on the C               »mmissi ns Intern@t
 website. Additional information regarding the transaction will be available on the         CC‘s O ffice of
"General Counsel‘s website,, which will contain a fully inde         xed, unoff cisl : stiag
 and electronic copies of all materials in this docket. To request materials in access      bl: forr iats for people
 with disabilities (braille, large print, electronic files, audio format), send an e—mail   :0 :cc50 l@ife«.gov or
 call the Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau at 202—418—0530 (voice), 202—              18—043% (ty)

         For further information, contact Nick Alexander, Competition Policy Divi: io 1, Wi eline
 Competition Bureau, at (202) 418—2339 or Bill Dever, Competition Policy Division , \Vireli 1e
 Competition Bureau, at (202) 418—1578.



Document Created: 2019-06-03 05:11:59
Document Modified: 2019-06-03 05:11:59

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