Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060405-00234 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                 2000 PENNSYLVANIA AVE., NW
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M O RRIS O N            F OE RST ER              WASHINGTON, D.C.                        NEW YORK, SAN ERANCISCO,
                                                                                         LOS ANGELES, PALO ALTO,
                                                 20006—1888                              SAN DIEGO, WASHINGTON, D.C.
                                                 TELEPHONE 202887 1500                   DENVER, NORTHERN   VIRGINIA,
                                                              '     (C       C           ORANGE COUNTY, SACRAMENTO,
                                                 FACSIMILE: 202.887.0763                 waLNUT CREEK, CENTURY CITY
                                                                                         TOKYO, LONDON, BEIJING,
                                                 WWW.MOFO.COM                            SHANGHAL, HONG KONG,
                                                                                         SINGAPORE, BRUSSELS

April 11, 2006                                                                           Writer‘s Direct Contact

By Hand Delivery                                                         .
,                                                                 APR 1 1 2005
Marlene H. Dortch
Secretary                                             Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission                                 Office of Secretary
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:      Amendment to the Application to Transfer Control of Guam Cellular and Paging, Inc.
         to DoCoMo Guam Holdings, Inc.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

By this letter, DoCoMo Guam Holdings, Inc. ("DoCoMo Guam") and Guam Cellular and
Paging, Inc. ("Guam Cellular") amend and replace Attachment 1 of the above—referenced
application to transfer control of Guam Cellular to DoCoMo Guam (the "Application"). The
Application was filed electronically on April 4, 2006 via the International Bureau‘s Filing
System ("IBFS").‘ The Application has not yet been placed on public notice. Only
Attachment 1 to the Application is being amended, but we include for your convenience a
copy the FCC‘s electronic 214 Main Form application. If you have any questions regarding
this amendment, please contact the undersigned.

Very truly yours,

Chery]       A. Tritt

ce:   David LaFuria (Counsel to Guam Cellular)
      David Krech (International Bureau)
      Susan O‘Connell (International Bureau)

‘ The amended Attachment 1 is being filed on paper because IBFS does not allow amendments to be filed


                                       ATTACHMENT 1

       Joint International And Domestic Application To Transfer Control Of Guam
        Cellular and Paging, Inc. To DoCoMo Guam Holdings, Inc. Under Section
                  214 Of The Communications Act Of 1934, As Amended

        This joint application (“Application”) is one of a series of concurrently-filed applications
seeking Commission consent for NTT DoCoMo, Inc. (“DoCoMo”) to acquire indirectly all
ownership shares of Guam Cellular and Paging, Inc. (“Guam Cellular”) and certain wireless
assets of Guam Wireless Telephone Company, L.L.C. (“Guam Wireless”). As further discussed
below, control of Guam Cellular will be transferred to DoCoMo Guam Holdings, Inc.
(“DoCoMo Guam”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of DoCoMo organized under the laws of Guam,
and the assets of Guam Wireless will be assigned to Guam Cellular. The proposed transfer and
assignment will occur simultaneously upon consummation.

       Accordingly, the Application seeks consent to transfer control of Guam Cellular to
DoCoMo, through DoCoMo Guam, under Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended (the “Act”). Pursuant to Section 63.04(b) of the Commissions’ rules, the Application
encompasses certain landline interexchange services that Guam Cellular provides under blanket
Section 214 domestic operating authority, and international telecommunications services
provided under two Section 214 authorizations. A separate Section 214 application is being filed
concurrently seeking consent to assign Guam Wireless’ international Section 214 authorization
to Guam Cellular (as controlled by DoCoMo through DoCoMo Guam).


Answers to Question 10

Transferor Contact Information

                                                     With a copy to:

Mark Chamberlin                                      David LaFuria
Guam Cellular & Paging, Inc.                         Lukas, Nace, Gutierrez & Sacks, Chartered
219 S. Marine Drive                                  1650 Tysons Blvd.
Suite 206                                            Suite 1500
Tamuning, Guam 96911                                 McLean, VA 22102
(671) 649-7243                                       (703) 584-8661


Transferee Contact Information
                                                     With a copy to:

David Jeppsen                                        Cheryl A. Tritt
Vice President                                       Jennifer L. Kostyu
NTT DoCoMo USA, Inc.                                 Morrison & Foerster LLP
1399 New York Ave., NW                               2000 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Suite 450                                            Suite 5500
Washington, D.C. 20005                               Washington, D.C. 20006
(202) 639-9374                                       (202) 887-1500

Prior International Section 214 Authorizations

        Guam Cellular holds global facilities-based authority pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(1) of
the Commission’s rules. File No. ITC-214-19961120-00583. Guam Cellular also holds global
resale authority pursuant to Section 63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules. File No. ITC-214-
20040517-00201. As noted herein, an application also has been filed seeking consent to assign
the international Section 214 authorization of Guam Wireless to Guam Cellular. Accordingly,
upon consummation of the proposed transaction, Guam Cellular also will hold international
Section 214 authorization ITC-214-20000507-00304 to provide global international
telecommunications service on a facilities and resale basis pursuant to Sections 63.18(e)(1) and
63.18(e)(2) of the Commission’s rules.

       Neither DoCoMo nor DoCoMo Guam holds an international Section 214 authorization.

Answers to Question 11

        Pursuant to Section 63.18(h) of the Commission’s rules, following is the relevant
ownership information listing the entities directly or indirectly holding a ten percent or greater
interest in Transferee DoCoMo Guam.

Direct Ownership

       Name:                   NTT DoCoMo, Inc.
       Address:                2-11-1 Nagata-cho
                               Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6150
       Citizenship:            Japan
       Principal Business:     Mobile telecommunications and information services
       Percentage Held:        100 percent direct voting and equity interest in DoCoMo Guam,
                               thus 100 percent indirect interest in Guam Cellular


Indirect Ownership

          Name:                 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (“NTT”)
          Address:              3-1, Otemachi 2-Chome
                                Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8116
          Citizenship:          Japan
          Principal Business:   Telecommunications and information services
          Percentage Held:      61.96 percent direct voting and equity interest in DoCoMo, thus
                                61.96 percent indirect interest in DoCoMo Guam and 61.96
                                percent indirect interest in Guam Cellular1

          Name:                 Japan Ministry of Finance
          Address:              3-1-1 Kasumigaseki
                                Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8940
          Citizenship:          Japan
          Principal Business:   Japanese government
          Percentage Held:      38.37 percent direct voting and equity interest in NTT, thus 23.77
                                percent indirect interest in DoCoMo Guam and 23.77 percent
                                indirect interest in Guam Cellular2

DoCoMo and NTT are publicly-traded corporations. Other than the entities disclosed above, no
single entity directly or indirectly holds a ten percent or greater ownership interest in DoCoMo
Guam. Neither DoCoMo Guam nor DoCoMo has interlocking directorates with a foreign

Answer to Question 13

Description of Transaction

       On March 20, 2006, DoCoMo entered into: (1) a Share Purchase Agreement with the
shareholders of Guam Cellular; and (2) an Asset Purchase Agreement with Guam Wireless.
Guam Cellular and Guam Wireless provide commercial mobile radio service (“CMRS”) in
Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands (“CNMI”), both of which are classified as rural service

  Pursuant to Section 63.18(h) of the Commission’s rules, attribution of indirect ownership
interests held indirectly by through one or more intervening entities will be determined by
successive multiplication of the ownership percentages for each link in the vertical ownership
chain and application of the relevant attribution benchmark to the resulting product, except that
wherever the ownership percentage for any link in the chain equals or exceeds 50 percent or
represents actual control, it shall be treated as if it were a 100 percent interest.
    See id.


areas and which collectively have a population of less than 225,000 people. Guam Cellular also
provides landline domestic interexchange and international telecommunications services. The
parties intend to close the Share Purchase Agreement and the Asset Purchase Agreement

       To effectuate the Share Purchase Agreement, DoCoMo has formed DoCoMo Guam, a
wholly-owned subsidiary organized under the laws of Guam. Under the Share Purchase
Agreement, DoCoMo, through DoCoMo Guam, will acquire 100 percent of the common shares
of Guam Cellular for cash consideration. Following DoCoMo Guam’s acquisition of the shares,
Guam Cellular will continue in existence and become an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of

        Under the Asset Purchase Agreement, DoCoMo will acquire for cash consideration
certain assets, properties, goodwill and rights of Guam Wireless used to provide wireless voice
and data communications products and services in Guam and the CNMI. To effectuate the
acquisition, Guam Wireless will assign its FCC authorizations and certain other assets,
properties, goodwill and rights to Guam Cellular. Upon closing, Guam Cellular will hold Guam
Wireless’ wireless-related assets and will continue to operate the business of Guam Wireless.
Guam Cellular also will become the licensee of Guam Wireless’ international Section 214

        Currently, DoCoMo expects to retain most of the managerial officers and employees of
both Guam Cellular and Guam Wireless and to continue operating, for the time being, two
separate networks in Guam and the CNMI. DoCoMo’s plans include enhancing the quality of
Guam Wireless’ GSM network by adding General Packet Radio Service (“GPRS”) capability
and in the future deploying a W-CDMA network for third generation (“3G”) services over Guam
Cellular’s cellular licenses.

        The parties are filing a series of applications to effectuate the proposed transaction. In
addition to this Application, the parties are filing an application seeking Commission consent to
assign Guam Wireless’ international Section 214 authorization to Guam Cellular (as controlled
by DoCoMo Guam). Two FCC Form 603 applications also are being submitted, one which
seeks Commission consent to assign Guam Wireless’ PCS license to Guam Cellular (as
controlled by DoCoMo Guam) and one which seeks Commission consent to transfer control of
Guam Cellular to DoCoMo Guam. In addition, the parties are seeking a declaratory ruling that
upon consummation of the transaction, the public interest would not be served by denying
approval of DoCoMo’s indirect foreign ownership of Guam Cellular pursuant to Section
310(b)(4) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended.

        A more detailed description of this transaction, request for declaratory ruling, and public
interest demonstration is attached hereto.


Answer to Question 14

        DoCoMo Guam is and Guam Cellular will become upon consummation of the proposed
transaction affiliated with certain foreign service providers by virtue of DoCoMo’s direct and
indirect interests in DoCoMo Guam and Guam Cellular, respectively. Specifically, DoCoMo
Guam is and Guam Cellular will become affiliated with foreign carriers in the following
countries: Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Hong
Kong, China, Korea, Australia, Singapore, Brazil, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka.

Answer to Question 15

        DoCoMo Guam is and Guam Cellular will become upon consummation of the proposed
transaction affiliated with the foreign carriers identified below because they are or will be
wholly-owned indirect subsidiaries of DoCoMo and partially-owned indirect subsidiaries of
NTT. DoCoMo and/or NTT directly or indirectly control each of the following foreign carriers.
The country or countries in which each company is licensed to provide service also is noted

            NTT DoCoMo Hokkaido, Inc. (Japan)
            NTT DoCoMo Tohoku, Inc. (Japan)
            NTT DoCoMo Tokai, Inc. (Japan)
            NTT DoCoMo Hokuriku, Inc. (Japan)
            NTT DoCoMo Kansai, Inc. (Japan)
            NTT DoCoMo Chugoku, Inc. (Japan)
            NTT DoCoMo Shikoku, Inc. (Japan)
            NTT DoCoMo Kyushu, Inc. (Japan)
            NTT East Corporation (Japan)
            NTT West Corporation (Japan)
            NTT Communications Corporation (Japan)
            NTT-ME CORPORATION (Japan)
            NTT Europe Ltd. (the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium, and the
            NTT Com Asia Limited (China and Hong Kong)
            NTT Korea Co., Ltd. (Korea)
            NTT Australia Pty Ltd. (Australia)
            NTT Singapore Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)


            inter-touch Spectrum Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) (not yet providing telecommunications
            NTT do Brasil Telecomunicações Ltda. (Brazil)
            NTT Taiwan Ltd. (Taiwan)
            NTT MSC Bdn. Shd. (Malaysia)
            Sri Lanka Telecom Ltd. (Sri Lanka)

Answer to Questions 16 and 18

        Pursuant to Section 63.10 of the Commission’s rules, DoCoMo Guam requests that Guam
Cellular be granted “non-dominant” status upon consummation of the proposed transaction on all
routes between the United States and the countries listed in response to Question 15 above,
except Japan (the “Non-Dominant Routes”). Each of those countries is a member of the World
Trade Organization (“WTO”). Further, none of the foreign carrier affiliates that operate at the
foreign end of each Non-Dominant Route is a monopoly provider of communications services,
and each lacks 50 percent market share in the international transport and local access markets on
the foreign end of its respective U.S.-international route. Accordingly, under Section 63.10(a)
and 63.18(k)(2), Guam Cellular is presumptively classified as non-dominant on all of the Non-
Dominant Routes.


       In support of the applicants’ request for consent to transfer control of Guam Cellular
under to its domestic blanket Section 214 authority to DoCoMo Guam, the following information
is submitted pursuant to Section 63.04 of the Commission’s rules. Specifically, Section 63.04(b)
provides that applicants submitting a joint domestic/international Section 214 application should
submit as an attachment to the international Section 214 application responses to the information
requested in paragraphs (a)(6) through (a)(12) of Section 63.04:

(a)(6) Description of the transaction:

       A description of the transaction is set forth in Section I above.

(a)(7) Description of the geographic areas in which the transferor and transferee offer
       domestic telecommunications services, and what services are provided in each area:

       Guam Cellular provides domestic landline interexchange services (direct dial and calling
       card services) between Guam, the CNMI and all fifty U.S. states, the District of
       Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, America Samoa, and Puerto Rico. Upon
       consummation, Guam Cellular will continue to provide these services under the control
       of DoCoMo (through DoCoMo Guam). Neither DoCoMo nor DoCoMo Guam provides
       domestic telecommunications services in the United States.


(a)(8) Statement as to how the Application qualifies for streamlined treatment:

       The Application relating to Guam Cellular’s blanket domestic 214 authority qualifies for
       streamlined treatment because under the proposed transaction DoCoMo (through
       DoCoMo Guam) and Guam Cellular: (1) will hold a market share in the U.S. interstate,
       interexchange market of less than ten percent, and (2) will provide no local exchange
       services in the U.S.; and (3) are non-dominant with respect to the provision of any
       telecommunications service in the U.S. The applicants, however, will not oppose non-
       streamlined treatment of the Application because it will be reviewed as part of a larger
       transaction that is not subject to streamlined treatment.

(a)(9) Identification of all other Commission applications related to this transaction:

       A description of all Commission applications being filed to effectuate this transaction is
       set forth in Section I above.

(a)(10) Statement of whether the applicants request special consideration because either
        party is facing imminent business failure:

       The applicants do not request special consideration because neither party to this
       transaction is facing imminent business failure.

(a)(11) Identification of any separately filed waiver requests being sought in conjunction
        with this transaction:

       No separately filed waiver requests are sought in conjunction with this transaction.

(a)(12) Statement showing how grant of the Application will serve the public interest,
        convenience and necessity:

       A detailed demonstration of how the grant of the proposed transaction serves the public
       interest is attached hereto.


Document Created: 2006-04-12 10:28:28
Document Modified: 2006-04-12 10:28:28

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