Attachment 20170907102129-863.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060222-00105 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                Federal Communications Commission
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554

International Bureau


                                                                    (202    1462
                                                                    (202    2824 (fax)
                                                                    Marc    2006
                                                                    Ref:    22

Hillary Morgan         (703) 607—6092           Monique Roth                02) 353—6200
Steven W. Lett         (202) 647—5835           Regina Hart                 02) 205—0497
Eric Werner            (202) 772—0908           Louis Brenner               02) 692—4235
Edward T. Hand         (202) 514—2464           Richard Lamb                02) 647—0965
Josephine Scarlett     (202) 482—5461           Tina Gabbrelli              02) 282—8582
Helen Domenici         (202) 456—6085           Kenneth Schagrin             02) 395—5663
Dominic Pastore        (202) 514—5607           Myla S. Trotter            \_02) 324—1730
Laura Parsky           (202) 616—3928

Re:     CTC Communications Group, Inc./Choice One Communications Inc.
        WC DK—No.06—47, DA 06—667, Public Notice Released March 27, 2006
        ITC—T/C—20060222—00100 (e—file)
        ITC—T/C—20060222—00101 (e—file)
        ITC—T/C—20060222—00102 (e—file)
        ITC—T/C—20060222—00103 (e—file)
        ITC—T/C—20060222—00106 (e—file)

         Comments Due:                  April 10, 2006
         Reply Comments Due:            April 17, 2006

Dear Sir or Madam:

On February 22, 2006, CTC Communications Group, Inc., ("CTC Group") and Choice One
Communications Inc. ("Choice One") (together "Applicants") filed applications seeking authority
to transfer control of domestic and international section 214 authorizations held by the CTC
Group subsidiaries ("CTC Subsidiaries") and the Choice One Subsidiaries ("Choice One
Subsidiaries") as a result of the merger of CTC Group with and into Choice One.

Quantum Partner LDC (Quantum), a Cayman Islands Corporation, will hold 12.375%
ownership in the Transferee/Surviving Corporation. Quantum is wholly—owned by Quantum
Emerging Growth Partners C.V., a Netherland Antilles limited partnership.

A copy of Public Notice DA 06—667 (rel. March 27, 2006) is attached. Should you have any
national security, law enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns with this proposed
transaction, please file your comments by April 10, 2006 and April 17, 2006. Please see the
General Information section of the Public Notice for WC DK No. 06—47, DA 06—667 (rel. March
27, 2006).

For further information on the domestic wireline application, please contact Tracey Wilson—
Parker at (202) 418—1394, or Denise Coca at (202) 418—0574.


                                                        George Li, Deputy Chief
                                                        Policy Division

April 10, 2006

By E—File

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Cormmission.
445 12th St. SW, Room TW—B204
Washington, DC 20554

 te:   CTC Communications Group, Inc./Choice One Communications Inc.
        WC DK No.06—47, DA 06—667

Dear Ms. Dortch:

The Department of Homeland Security ("DHS") with the concurrence of the Department
of Justice ("DOJ"), including the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"), requests that
the Federal Communications Commission ("Commission") defer action on the
applications of CTC Communications Group, Inc., ("CTC Group") and Choice One
Coramunications Inc. ("Choice One") (together "Applicants") to transfer control of
domestic and international section 214 authorizations under section 214 of the
Communications Act of 1934 held by the CTC Group subsidiaries and the Choice One
Subsidiaries as a result of the merger of CTC Group with and into Choice One. We ask
that the FCC defer these actions until such time as DOJ, FBI, and DHS (i) notify the
Commission that potential national security, law enforcement, and public safety issues
raised by the application have or have not been resolved, and (ii) on that basis, request
appropriate action by the Commission. Necessarily, DOJ, FBI, and DHS also request
that the Commission remove theapplication from streamlined processing.

After receiving notice of the applications, DOJ, FBI, and DHS have been in contact with
the Applicant to request additional information related to national security, law
enforcement, and public safety concerns. DOJ, FBI, and DHS have not received that

information as of the date of this letter and thus are not in a position to address these
concerns. DOJ, FBI, and DHS will act expeditiously upon receipt of this information
and will advise the Commission promptly upon completion of our review.

Thank you for your consideration.


                               /s/ STEWART A. BAKER

                               Stewart A. Baker
                               Assistant Secretary for Policy
                               United States Department of Homeland Security

€C"    CTC Communications Group, Inc.
       Choice One Communications Inc.
       Best Copy and Printing
       Tracey Wilson—Parker
       Denise A. Coca
       Adam Kirschenbaum
       Renee Crittendon
       Susan O‘Connell
       James Bird
       George Li
       Lonnie Kishiyama

Document Created: 2019-05-26 20:47:47
Document Modified: 2019-05-26 20:47:47

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