Attachment 20170905163512-960.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060130-00076 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1

     Joann Ekblad

     From:   Myla Saldivar—Trotter []
     Sent:   Thursday, February 23, 2006 4:05 PM
     To:     David Krech; George Li; Joann Ekblad; Susan OConnell
     Subject: WaveCrest Communications LLC

Hi George, Joann, David, and Susan,

      Please be advised that the DHS, with the concurrence of the DOJ and the FBI, has no objection on grounds
of national security, law enforcement, or public safety to the applicant‘s, WaveCrest Communications LLC,
request for Special Temporary Authority (ITC—STA—20060130—00077) for no longer than 180 days to continue
providing international telecommunications service while the Commission completes its review of the applicant‘s
application for transfer of control (ITC—T/C—20060130—00076).

     Please also be advised that the DHS, DOJ, and FBI request that the following application be REMOVED
from streamline:

1.    WaveCrest Communications, LLC — ITC—T/C—20060130—00076

       Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Myla Saldivar—Trotter



                                                                                                           Page 1 of 1

 Mikelle Morra

  From:      Myla Saldivar—Trotter []
  Sent:      Friday, April 21, 2006 4:21 PM
  To:        David Krech; George Li; Joann Ekblad; Mikelle Morra; Susan OConnell
  Subject: Wavecrest

Hello George, Joann, Susan , David, and Mikelle,

       Please be advised that based upon information in their FCC application and discussions with the company, the
FBI, DHS, and DOJ have no comments regarding the following application:

    71—        Wavecrest Communications LLC —ITC            60130—00076; ITC—STA—20060130—00077.

          Please let me know if you have any questions. Have a good weekend.

Myla Saldivar—Trotter


                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                           Washington, D.C. 20554

 Internationai sureau
                                                                               E                           goy
                                                                               (202) 418—1462
                                                                               (202) 418—2824 (fax)
                                                                               February 2, 2006
                                                                               Ref: 2006—10

Hillary Morgan          (703)   607—6092                      Monique Roth              (202)   353—621
Steven W. Lett          (202)   647—5835                      Regina Hart               (202)   205—04"
Eric Werner             (202)   772—0908                      Louis Brenner             (202)   692—42.
Edward T. Hand          (202)   514—2464                      Richard Lamb              (202)   647—091
Josephine Scarlett      (202)   482—5461                      Tina Gabbrelli            (202)   282—8582
Helen Domenici          (202) 456—6085                        Kenneth Schagrin          (202) 395—5663
Dominic Pastore         (202) 514—5607                        Myla S. Trotter           (202) 324—1730
Laura Parsky            (202) 616—3928
Re:      WaveCrest Communications LLC Transfer of Control
         ITC—T/C—20060130—00076 (e—file)
         ITC—STA—20060130—00077 (e—file)

Dear Sir or Madam:

         On January 30, 2006, WaveCrest Communications LLC (WaveCrest) filed an application, ITC—_
T/C—20060130—00076, for Commission approval of an unauthorized transfer of control on an
 international section 214 authorization that took place in 2002, and a request for Special Temporary
 Authority (STA), ITC—STA—20060130—00077, to continue to provide service while the Commissior
 considers the underlying transfer of control application.

         According to the Transfer Application, in two separate transactions in 2002 Marr T&T (the
known as Nalar Finance Limited) acquired a 38.98 percent ownership interest in the parent of WaveCrest
and then acquired a 63.99 percent interest and control of the parent, and thus control of WaveCrest
Currently, after a series of pro forma transactions and name changes, WaveCrest is a wholly—owne
subsidiary of WaveCrest (UK) Limited, a United Kingdom corporation, which is a wholly—owned
subsidiary of WaveCrest Group Enterprises, a corporation organized under the laws of the British Virgin
Islands. Mar T&T, a British Virgin Islands company, indirectly controls WaveCrest through its
majority interest in WaveCrest Group Enterprises Limited. The sole shareholder of Marr T&T is Marr
Group Holdings Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Mauritius. Mr. Marat Safin, a
citizen of the United Kingdom, is the sole shareholder of Marr Group Holdings Inc.

         Please advise us on or before February 23, 2006, whether you have any national security, law
enforcement, foreign policy or trade concerns with WaveCrest‘s STA request and the underlying transfer
of control application.


                                                 George L1, Deputy Chief
                                                 Policy Division

                                                                                                                    SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY L.L.P.
                                                                                                                    1201 Pennsylvania Avenus, NW.
                                                                                      .    ®                        P.O. Box 407
    S D\U IP\E           mos}                                         R ECE‘ \I ‘ _-_D                              Washington, iJ.C. 20044—040"
 S                      CcOoUNSEL                                             |                                     Office: +1.20:1.626.6600
  A \]DEP\S             WORLDWIDE                                         MA 1 4. 2308                              Fax: +1.202.626.6780

                                                                               icy   D vis on
                                                                        }mz: lotion1 ure 2L                                    Direct: 202.626.6231

                                                                    March 2, 2006

    Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                                                      MAR —} 2006
    Federal Communications Commission.
    Office ofthe Secretary                                                                      ‘ederal Communiica lons Commission
                                                                                                         Office of S cretary
    c/o Natek, Inc.
    236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
    Suite 110
    Washington, DC 20001

               Re:       Applicaiion for Consent to Transfer o1 Control of WaveCrest Communications, L_C
                         File No.:«IRC=T/@:20060130:00076
    Dear Ms. Dortch:

           Transmitted herewith, on behalf of WaveCres: Comm ini :ations, LLC, are an original anc: 4 copies
    of an amendment to its above—referenced application equestit g Commission consent to a transfe: of
    control of WaveCrest Communications, LLC.

               An extra copy of the amendment is enclosed to be star ipe d by you as received for return to this

               Please contact the undersigned if there are any‘ questio 1s.


                                                                             SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY LL.P.

                                                                             Francis E. Fletcher

    ce: Roy Schiele

CINCINNATET * CitytLand + CortaiBus + Housron + Los Anoties + Miamtt + NFw York + Pato Atto + PHorn + San Fraxasco * Tau abBasstP * Tanmipa + Tysons CORNER
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         Praouk + Warsaw 1 Benino + Hoxno Koxno + SHanaonat + Toxyo 1 Assoctateb Orkicts: Bucharest + Burnos AlkEs + Dusiuin + Kyiv + SaxTIAGo


                   FILE NO. ITC—T/C—20060130—00076

       Stammorth Limited and Marr T&T Limited ("‘Marr T&T") the proposed Transferor
and Transferee, respectively, in the pending application (ITC—T/C—20060130—00076)
requesting Commission consent to the transfer of control of WaveCrest Communications
LLC ("WaveCrest"), the holder of International 214 Authorization ITC—214—20020214—
00056, hereby amend that application as follows:

        Equity Ownership of WaveCrest Group Enterprises Limited. As stated in the
application, WaveCrest is a limited liability company organized under the laws of
Delaware. It is the wholly—owned U.S. subsidiary of WaveCrest (UK) Limited, a UK
corporation, which in turn is wholly—owned by WaveCrest Group Enterprises Limited, a
corporation organized under the laws of the British Virgin Islands. The current
ownership of WaveCrest Group Enterprises Limited is shown in the following table:

Marr T&T Limited                                      77.35%
Akara Building
24 De Castro Street
Wickhams Cay 1
Road Town, Tortola
British Virgin Islands
Registration: British Virgin Islands

Golden Mist Limited                                    2.80%
2nd Floor, Barkly Wharf, Le Chaudan
Waterfront, Port Louis, Mauritius
Registration: Mauritius

Mr. Marat Safin                                        0.87%
46 Clapham Common North Side
London SW4 OAA
Citizenship: UK

Phillip Anderson                                      14.74%
5528 Pimlico Drive, Tallahassee, Florida
32309, USA
Citizenship: USA

Stammorth Limited                                      4.24%
82 St. John Street
London ECIM 4JN
United Kingdom
Registration: United Kingdom

                                                    FILE NO. ITC—T/C—20060130—00076

       Equity Ownership of Marr Group Holdings Limited. As stated in the application,
the sole shareholder of Marr T&T, the proposed Transferee, is Marr Group Holdings
Limited. Mr. Marat Safin, a director of Marr T&T whose address and citizenship
information are provided in the application, controls Marr T&T through his control of its
sole shareholder, Marr Group Holdings Limited. Mr. Marat Safin holds 100% of the
equity of Marr Group Holdings Limited.

       STARNORTH LIMITED *            —             MARR T&T LIMITED
       (Transferor) , /// L                         (Transferee)

        Roger I. Gal                                 Andrew D. Brown
        Director                                     General Counsel

       Dated: _< 3 /22 /b                           Dated:

                                                                  AMENDMENT TO
                                                    FILE NO. ITC—T/C—20060130—00076

        Equity Ownership of Marr Group Holdings Limited. As stated in the application,
the sole shareholder of Marr T&T, the proposed Transferee, is Marr Group Holdings
Limited. Mr. Marat Safin, a director of Marr T&T whose address and citizenship
information are provided in the application, controls Marr T&T through his control of its
sole shareholder, Marr Group Holdings Limited. Mr. Marat Safin holds 100% of the
equity of Marr Group Holdings Limited.

       STARNORTH LIMITED                            MARR T&T LIMITED
       (Transferor)                                 (Transferge)
                                                           C       | t—\

        Roger I. Gale                                Andrew D. Brown
        Director                                     General Counsel

       Dated:                                       Dated: 9—5‘: ‘ 9\[ Qé

Document Created: 2019-09-09 14:10:45
Document Modified: 2019-09-09 14:10:45

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