Attachment 20170905145117-133.p





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20060125-00043 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


                                                                                       i FijC — MAIL                           V
                                                                                       $s mmegrnieenmneimarnerenistsnins mege enemamenee

                                                 fu ie 2% , 2 0( 6

                                                     =bg    2g og :
Marlene H. D ortch, Se :r ta ‘y                     FII -‘ " -IVED
Federal Cont iunicatic ns C n m ssion
Office of t e ! iecretary                                  JJb i 0 2005
9300 East Ha: npton D iv :                                     I     L
Capitol He‘gt ts, MD 2 0‘ 4:                               $ ol 3y Division
                                                     fnite m: tic nal Bureau
Attn: Mr. D ivid Kre h
      Intern: tional B ir a1

Re:     Notifi:ation 0| C or st m nation
        Nerte Partne s, Ir c. ar d Nextel WIP ZTonj .
        Application For Ti an st:r of Contro| Of Se :ti            214 Authorization

Dear Ms. C or ch:

        Nexte Partner , nc. (") exte. Partners‘ ) :nc ) e: tel WIP Corp., a wholly—owned subsidiary of
Sprint Nextel Corpora ic 1 cc lle stively "Sprint Nx el ‘) ointly filed applications for the consent of the
Fecderal Communicat ors Con mission ("Conni:sim‘) to the transfer of control of Wireless
Authorization s held b <]le itel ‘‘artners, to Spi n: N & te .        On January 25, 2006, Nextel Partners and
Sprint Nextel also file d an ap ication for the Con m ss on‘s consent to the transfer of control of the
Section 214 4 uthoriza ic 15 5 irc vide global res e serv ce referenced below.

File                                    Authoriz; tion H oL er                    Authorization Number
ITC—T/C—200 10125—0( 0: 3               Nextel Paitasrs, ic                       ITC—214—2001050180277

        The Commissior c n ie ted to the abo ve—re fe er ced application for the transfer of control of
Nextel Partness‘ Sectiun 214 Ai.thorization to Sptint Nex :el on March 31, 2006." On June 16, 2006, the
Comm1ssmn consented to the transfer of control of Nextel Partners‘ Wireless Authorizations to Sprmt
Nextel.®     Nextel Partners and Sprint Nextel transaction                                     26,     206.
Accordingly, Notification of Consummation of the Section 214 transfer of control apphcatlon listed
above, is hereby provided.

1      Applications of Nextel Partners, Inc. and Nextel WIP Corp. for Consent to Transfer of Control, File Nos.
0002444650, 0002444656, and 0002456809 (filed January 24, 2006). File Nos. 0002444650 and 0002444656
were amended on February 2, 2006.

2       See, International Authorizations Granted, Public Notice, DA No. 06—810 (rel. April 6, 2006).

o       See, Memorandum Opinion and Order, File Nos. 0002444650, 0002444656 and 0002456809, ECC 06—84
(rel. June 20, 2006).

Page 2
 June 27, 2006
Notification of Consummation

        The consummation notifications for authorizations in other services transferred as pert of th s
same transaction have been submitted separately via the Commission‘s Universal Licensing System : s

         Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact me at 703—433—42; 2.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                          P th MMernore
                                             Robert H. McNamara
                                             Director, Spectrum Managemeat

Document Created: 2019-05-27 12:20:29
Document Modified: 2019-05-27 12:20:29

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