Attachment Letter





This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20051011-00405 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


SWIDLER BERLIN                                                                             TheWotingenHodow
                                                                                            Washington, D.C. 20007—5116
                                                                                           .Phone 202.424.7500
                                                                                            Fax 202.424.7647

 VIA                                                                                        DATE STAMP AND RETURN
 February 22, 2006
 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
 Federal Communications Commission                                  FEB 2 2 2006
 O/ffi;etoit};e Secretary                                    Federal Communications   Commission
 c/o   Natek, Inc.                                                   Office of Secratary
 236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
 Suite 110
 Washington, DC 20002

         Re:         IB File No. ITC—T/C—2005—1011—00405; WC Docket No. 05—289
                     Global Internetworking, Inc.

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Global Internetworking, Inc. ("Global Internetworking"), through undersigned counsel,
 hereby advises the Commission that it will not consummate the financing transactions described in —
 the application dated October 11, 2005 and therefore will not consummate the transfer of control
 transaction described therein. Global Internetworking will continue to operate and customers will
 continue to receive service under the same rates, terms and conditions of service. Global
 Internetworking thanks the Commussion for its review and consideration of the proposed transaction.

        An original and four (4) copies of this letter are enclosed. Please date—stamp and return the
 enclosed extra copy of this filing in the self—addressed, stamped envelope provided. Should you have
 any questions concerning this filing, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (202) 424—

                                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                                              Qanulle A
                                                            Jean L. Kiddoo
                                                            Danielle C. Burt

 co:     Susan O ‘Connell (IB)
         Jodi Cooper (IB)
         Joann Ekblaud (IB)
         Renee Crittendon (WCB)
         Tracey Wilson (WCB)
         Michael Romano (Global Internetworking)

                                       WASHINGTON, D.C. = NEW YORK, N.Y.

Document Created: 2006-02-24 17:58:51
Document Modified: 2006-02-24 17:58:51

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