Attachment Supplement

This document pretains to ITC-T/C-20051011-00405 for Transfer of Control on a International Telecommunications filing.


SWIDLER BERLIN«                                                                   muotigetnbor.
                                                                                  Washington, D.C. 20007—5116
                                                                                  Phone 202.424.7500
                                                                                  Fax 202.424.7647

                                         November 2, 2005

 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                ”-EASE M]‘E srm,} & Bflm
 Federal Communications Commission
 Office of the Secretary                                            QE@E?\;ES
 c/o Natek, Inc.                                                                           L
 236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.                                        Nov —2 2005
 Suite 110
 Washington, DC 20002                                            Faderal Communications
                                                                         office of Secratary
 Attn: Susan O‘Connell

 Re:    IB File No. ITC—T/C—2005—1011—00405; WC Docket No. 05—289
        In the Matter of the Application of Global Internetworking, Inc. and 20/20
        Technologies, Inc., For Grant of Authority Pursuant to Section 214 of the
        Communications Act of 1934 and Sections 63.04, 16.18 and 63.24 of the
        Commission‘s Rules to Complete a Transfer of Control of Authorized International
        and Domestic Interstate Carrier

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Global Internetworking, Inc. ("Global Internetworking") and 20/20 Technologies, Inc.
 ("20/20") (collectively, the "Applicants"), hereby respond to informal inquiries from Staff and
 confirm that following the proposed transactions described in the above application that ultimate
 ownership of Applicants is expected to be widely and publicly held.

         Applicants further confirm that they do not anticipate that following the proposed
 transactions, any entity will own or control more than ten percent (10%) directly or indirectly of
 Global Internetworking. In the unlikely event, however, that in connection with the proposed
 transactions, a third party does obtain a ten percent or greater interest, Applicants will promptly
 advise the Commission of that ownership interest.

November 2, 2005
Page 2

       Please date stamp and return the extra copy of this letter in the attached self—addressed
stamped envelope. If there are any questions regarding this filing, please contact the undersigned

                                                    Respectfully submitted,
                                                     / /
                                                    Jean L. Kiddoo
                                                    Edward S. Quill, Jr.

ce:      Jodi Cooper (IB)
         Renee Crittendon (WCB)

Document Created: 2005-11-03 10:49:42
Document Modified: 2005-11-03 10:49:42

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